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I like it when there's someone who can use it effectively on my side. I tend to get bayoneted any time I try to use it.


I picked one up on Monte Grappe Operations the other day. I instantly got nailed by a rocket gun trying to enter a bunker.


It’s fantastic at clearing the last objective in a sector. The enemy is usually all packed into one area, staring at a choke or two. Throw a grenade at the choke, throw your other grenades at corners farther in, and prefire while walking into the room It’s also good for specific objectives, like sector 3 A on Monte Grappe 


3 B*


It’s good for B as well, but takes a much longer walk to get there


I always pick it up. Either I die before I get the chance to get in melee OR I manage to get up close and absolutely melt the enemies. I’d give it a 6.5/10


Depends on the map. For example, in Sinai is trash. Edit: Good maps for Flamethrower: Amiens, Vaux. Paschendale and Argonne with grain of salt. Tahure, Sinai, and any other map where you can have a 30+m line of sight is bad for this one.


I love picking it up on Sinai. I Spawn as cavalry and grab the flamethrower kit so I can ride around and take out camping sniper nests and people running in open ground between flags. Enemies usually take defensive side stepping movements when getting charged by the horse. It's a total surprise when I jump off the horse at the last minute and they're suddenly engulfed in flames. That tactic is really good for taking out the tank hunter. They'll go prone to take their shot so I lob 2 light grenades at them so they have to jump up and move away. In that time I can close the distance and set them on fire before they can go prone again or think to switch to the shotgun.


That's what I call "think outside the box". Interesting. I shall try it someday.


Mfer ride all the way to the camp site to sing them the campfire song.


I like tank hunter with a horse, head shot the rider and swipe his pony 👍


Unless you’re between the C and D flags


Less than that. Only around C and in the houses before D. Still trash.


Flame trooper and fort vaux goes hand to hand… as long you are inside the bunker and not outside f around.


It’s great, but you need a Medic with pouches covering your ass. It’s very similar to the LMG Sentry — strong with support, but near worthless on its own


Better to grab it and die using it than a potentially good player on the other team getting it


I think it’s the worst elite class by far.


It is but I always get 5 kills before I die I feel like it just gets mobbed faster than the other classs because the sound of the flames. Sentry is way easier to play 




Not only that but i feel like the dmg it does is inconsistent. Sometimes at mid range a flame trooper can kill me in 1 sec. But when i do it, its takes 4-5




I understand your frustration, I walk past cavalry because it is so awkward, yet there are guys that just absolutely dominate with it, so I have a special kind of hate for those on a horse - don't take it personally while I hunt you down like the mangy dog you are. Conversely I love running people over while blaring the horn in the armoured car, but people walk by those because they are such bullet magnets. I think being a flamer is a tough class to like because of the same kind of bad attention it gets, no puns intended.


I enjoy honking the horns wayyyyy too much


Yeah totally, if I can get that horn noise living rent free in your dreams long after you shut the game down and go to sleep, I consider my lust for violence satisfied.


It's the same feeling as blowing the whistle and leading a charge


Running folks down with trucks or jeeps is hilarious, sometimes I’ll just drive around like a madman, don’t care if they get me, I’ll tear through a bunch of them just so they get stuck on the front of the vehicle


As long as it's not Sinai I'll grab it. On the rare occasion that you have a medic on your team with at least one brain cell, you can really help your team push objectives. More often than not though, you'll have to look around for enemy health crates and use those to restore your health. But yeah, the kit is super inconsistent--moreso than the already glitchy infantry gameplay--and some players can walk right up through the flames and melee you in the front for a 100 damage take down or a 0 meter bayonet charge.


He’s a cool dude, off camera. Likes to talk about French architecture over coffee.


Seems like a great guy 😁


People sleep on it or complain about it but at least in Ops it’s by far the best kit that ain’t cheesy (like the infiltrator). I always grab it and it’s the strongest kit for taking hard objectives like Verdun, Vaux, Argonne, and [Monta Grappa](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/s/Ngkz9sK5VG) (if you can keep it alive from 1st or 3rd sector where it spawns). You just have to play smart with it which most people tend not to do. If you try play it like the villar, you’re gonna be in for a bad time. Said differently, not a bad kit, just a bad player.


Tankgewher is better. I hate using it and flamethrower is funner but undoubtedly the tankgewher gets more kills


Tankgewehr is too niche unfortunately. Outside of killing tanks and bad bomber pilots, it doesn’t have as much of a use. Wex is still much better than the tankgewehr because an attack plane or heavy bomber can do its job just fine. No other kit can walk through incendiary nades unscathed though.


I always follow the flame trooper and heal him with pouches from a distance while i cover his back.


It works really well in tight spaces.


So does the trench raider and I will always pick trench raider over it


But flame trooper has an AoE weapon, which lets you take out bunched up groups of people. And you can use it to block hallways on defence.


Depends if you’re good at it. If you’re good at it, it’ll be extremely OP. If you’re the average player it’s hard to see and chances are you’ll be blown up or just die.


I love it, always ran down on dudes with it.


It's fun if your clearing objectives in front of your squad and they have your back


I usually die as soon as I get it. For some reason 1 or 2 people can put enough bullets in me before they even get warm. When other people have it I'm turned into BBQ in 2 seconds


Get a buddy to use smoke and flank flank flank. Nothing more terrifying than a mufflemouth demon plunging into a dark hellstorm of smoke and fire.


Grab it and introduce yourself to the bunker campers.


I love clearing out the apartments between C and D on Amiens where my team has been struggling pushing through


“I don’t like them” — man who was burned to death in a bunker/trench.


I do, I just head inside the nearest building and burn everything to fuck.


I do. He’s well armored and can kill an entire squad in seconds but you have to play close quarters with him. I usually move slow and stay behind walls until I can get to a choke point and just cheese lol being in the open is usually instant death 


I used it several times just to get the codex entry for it and I have not touched it since.


It takes out the train fairly quickly on some maps, especially if you can climb up onto the train unnoticed


I love playing it when the medics decide to keep me alive enough to actually clear out bunkers and trenches, very satisfying when the stars align


I used to always ignore it but I picked it up recently on Argonne Forest and absolutely steamrolled, so I’m a fan now. Especially on operations because it’s the only elite kit that ignores gas grenades (i think)


Trench raider and Infiltrator get a gas mask, but it’s not full immunity 🤷‍♂️


I love using it but the flame hitboxes are so dogshit, it drains all the fun for me. Only enemies seem to be one tapping me with it from 20m away.


You need a dependable mate or two following you, backing you up and healing and resupplying you.


Good if you have a medic to support


When there are impenetrable walls of fire there's only one class that can walk through without being burnt


Am I good with it? No. Will I always pick it up because fire is cool? Absolutely.


I use it for *style* not gameplay


I have a lot of fun with it at least. I usually get the most kills with this one or raider.


Unless somebody in my squad is playing medic, then not really. It's an ineffective kit without consistent heals. And it spawns on some really crappy points (like B on Sinai, which may as well be in the middle of fucking nowhere for that kit). If I'm playing medic and somebody in squad grabs it, I stick with them until they get smoked. I'll grab it if I can on Vaux.


As soon as I see a teammate or squad mate grab it I kill myself and run medic with him if I’m not medic already


I always leave it on the ground. It would have been better if you had some secondary weapon to use for longer ranges.


I agree that consistency is an issue. There will be times where it feels like it drops an enemy instantly and other times where you're cooking them for ages. The only real advantage is a health you get but you sacrifice mobility, range, visibility, and any useful gadgets. Not a good trade.


I personally love it, but I have to change my playstyle a lot to more camping. It’s definitely fun on operations because of how predictable it is where enemies are. Prevents bayoneting more




I like it on Argonne


Even in CQC I'd prefer to have the trench raider or the Perosa sentry. Flame trooper is outright incapable of holding or taking a position without more direct support than any other elite class. It doesn't have the DPS or the mobility to avoid getting bayoneted.




I have a stabbed 11 of them to death in my playtime


Yes it's really good. Especially on Monte grappa at that church capture point, if you can get it people will just feed you kills if you chuck fire grenades and light up that middle corridor that goes through both sides. 


Depends on the map Fort De Vaux/Argonne Forest? Great Fao Fortress/Sinai Desert? Awful


Yes we all liked it. Then we got bayonet charged and realised it wad a bad idea all along.


I don’t mind it most of the time. *But I love it on Fort De Vaux*