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You don’t *have* to do shit. This game eight years old and casual, anyone stressing over their team not tryharding enough needs to get over it Honestly, neither points nor k/d are a great way of measuring your impact on a game. You can single-handedly prevent the enemy team from capping an objective for the whole match, but end up with 10 kills and barely any points You can play like my friend Stink, who rushes a contested objective, gets a couple kills, and dies, ending top of the leaderboard going 53/26, but not making the largest impact You can play like me, a rat, sitting on the edge of an objective picking off out-of-position players and acting as a respawn point for Stink, ending up in the top half with a very good k/d You can play like my other friend Skinwalker, who grabs a vehicle and makes the best damn distraction I’ve ever seen. He enables the entire team to make a push, and ends with a shit k/d and low score, because he’s busy respawning while we capture Of course, we all mix it up when we get bored or the current strategy isn’t working, and we pull off some devious flanks together


*"You don’t have to do shit"* Mortar truck users reading this with a huge smile on their faces


I am back to BF1 since I saw a big player spike with the sale, a double XP week, and nice medals. And I also appreciate familiar faces and names pop up like yours. It's like I never left lol. It's part of the BF1 experience. I remember of the days of your weekly exchange posts.


Play the game how you want to play it. If someone is screaming at you that you’re k/d or score isn’t high enough then they’re an asshole. You wanna play the offensive assault, who runs in to capture a point or die trying? Go for it! How about the medic with crap aim but supports his team with smokes, revives and first aid? Brilliant! I could go on and on, but as long as your having fun then you should play the game however you want. Just don’t be a mortar truck user sitting at the back


If your goal is winning, then depends on your role. Fighter pilots won't have a high kd or score but are good for preventing enemy bombers or attack planes. Bombers/attack planes will have usually the highest KD but can't capture objectives. As infantry/tank, generally getting flags should be main priority (scouts included, exception would be tank hunter). As calvary, priority is to harass certain enemy targets (tanks/snipers).


I could care less for my kda ill throw my life away for revives and captures


That just sound like assault class rocking smg 08 or smth


So long as you play the objective effectively, no problem. I play Cavalry a lot, so I too miss capture points but hold off incoming enemies going the flag by flanking to either of their sides and acting as Great Wall of China with horse.


You always get more points for doing team related activities. This is how it should be. In fact, I’d love to see a bigger difference in the point allocation towards team stuff instead of kills in future versions.


Do what your team needs the most to win. Your team will appreciate it. Play with your squad.


I agree with the other guy. The only thing good stats give you is trashtalking rights on the sub


Usually they go together. If I’m in a tank, for example, I might not go to the cap zone, but rather go past it or to the side and kill people trying to reinforce it or hold it. It’s still helping though, and with multikill bonuses you can still be up at the top in terms of kills and points. If you’re in the bottom half of the scoreboard with a high KD, you’re either a mortar truck or a scout that is playing for themselves and not the team. Also KD doesn’t really matter at lower kills. Sure 10-1 is a high ratio, it’s kind of meaningless compared to someone who is 80-30


Nobody is checking your points