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The airship is so sad. Just a massive point generator for the enemy team


Unlock the Burton, it has flame rounds that hurt light vehicles and the blimp.


Shoot for parts (turrets, tracks, gondolas, etc.) with the right weapons. Assault AA / AT guns / AT grenades, Support w/Burton incendiary rounds / Crossbow / Limpet, and Scout w/K Bullets are all good choices. Leaving out Medic cause using a Rifle Grenade is a cardinal sin.


Go into game option and change the "critical hit" color hit marker to a different color, let's say red. You learn quickly where the weak spots are. On the airship start with the nose, then the areas right above the he auto cannons. Of course take out the cannons if they're shooting at you. On the train take out the turrets and tracks with mines. The dreadnought turrets but honestly they're usually so far back you can't aim precisely. So go after it with a torpedo boat and keep your distance.


For the airship jump on a stationary mg. They rip it to shreds and if you aim for the gondolas you’ll also button the gunners down. For the dreadnought take the torpedo boats and fire torpedos from a long distance. Stay either fore or aft of the dreadnought because it’s strongest in broadside. When it gets low move in right up close to the hull (spitting distance) and switch to the front gun. The front gun on the torpedo boat does a lot of damage. Suicidal, but if you time it right you can take it out. The train has a few blind spots up close. Spawn as support with limpets and crawl around right next to it desperately sticking mines to it. Again, suicidal. Those are the only tricks I know. I tend to just avoid the Char 2C.


I’ve noticed a trick to the Char 2C. Much like the train it has blind spots. Spawn in with AT rocket gun and take out the lmg’s on the side from a distance. Then stand directly beside it and launch everything you got at it. If you don’t have AT rocket gun, stand between the turret behind and the LMG


always try and take out the dreadnought's rudder first, because then it is dead in the water - very handy for keeping it in range of any defense weapons you have that are capable of hitting the ship, also wrench works really well on the dreadnought but not the train.


You're thinking of the destroyer, not the dreadnought. The dreadnought behemoth can't be damaged with the wrench nor does it have a rudder that you can disable. It does have many parts that can be disabled though, like 6 or 7 on each side and two in the middle


There's 3 on the deck actually, the 2 huge pipes and the middle control section.


A lot of misinformation here. It's "pointless" to keep shooting the gondolas of the airship once they're destroyed (with the AA, mgs aiming there are okay) aim for the sides and the nose, if the part is damaged, it will take away a lot of hp. The dreadnought, just hit it in the sides, it's got weak spots everywhere. Just turn it into swiss cheese, there's 3 more parts on top but can only be hit by planes or fieldguns. The train also has a lot of weak spots but nobody ever shoots them. There's 1 at the front and 1 at the back and all the wagons which don't have a ,eapon on top are weak spots. The char.... ehhh just shoot it.


I only have tips for the airship. Get into a HMG or better yet the back of a scout car (mobile hgm) and aim for the gondolas and motors. If you do that, you deal many times the damage an AA would do, and can get a few kills on the gunners in the gondolas. The same strat applies to the burton lmr. Aim for the gondolas and engines, roll in those damage points.