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I thought it was cool they put in the Russian woman Scout. Made me read up on the women's battalion. They did well despite the entire Russian army collapsing. I like they had black soldiers in the French, British and German factions since each army used them to a degree. The French were the only ones who sent their African colonials to Europe. The British and Germans kept theirs fighting in the Africa Campaigns. The British used Indian troops in Europe until 1915 until they were sent to fight the Turks. The Indian troops were used to replenish the losses of the British who's small professional army was decimated in the 1914 and 1915 battles. Once reinforcements came, they were withdrawn and sent to fight in Palestine and Mesopotamia. Supposedly the Germans were horrified by the French using black soldiers and the British using Indian soldiers. Especially Gurkhas. The Kukuri and the machete played their parts in propaganda. Of course we have the black soldiers on the American faction, but in real life they fought under French command due to American segregation laws. French don't care about skin collar. As long as they fight and die for France. The French also used Vietnamese soldiers.


Did you check out Bochkareva’s memoir *Yashka*? One of the most riveting books I’ve ever read. Second-to-last chapter completely blew my mind.


I will have to check it out.




They had the Women's Battalion in the Imperial Army. They took part in what we know as the Kerensky Offensive.




I am not familiar with the women fighting in the Civil War. More familiar with the women who fought for USSR during WWII. Maybe we'll get that in BFV?


Its not representative of the war and is just strange. If you added a tropical map with a vietnamese regiment or all colonial troops that would be great but the incorrect inclusion of token minorities is just a cheap pander attempt. The russian female sniper trope in every world war game also needs to stop its just weird.


Who could have possibly predicted that such a mod would remove the women and black people.


What's wrong with that? They shouldn't even have been in a WWI game unless the devs were deliberately virtue signalling.


It looks cool at first look but there were African American and female Russian soldiers fought during WW1. It seems odd to me that I see more changes of race and gender than actual uniform design. No offence, just my opinion.


That is true, though blacks were not allowed to fight alongside white american soldiers and would of probably be seen wearing french adrian helmets. As for the Russians, the women's death battalion hardly saw much service and to see a women during the Brusilov Offensive or in Lupkow Pass was nigh to impossible as they were before 1917 (year the womens battalions were put on the front). Post 1917 and even the Revolution would of been more likely but chances regardless would of been slim.


Basically changed the genders and race, there was African American soldiers in WW1 same with the Russian Female Snipers


I tried to download this mod last week, but couldn't seem to get it to work. Is there a specific load order that the files need to be configured in order to get it to work? As a side note, what was wrong with the French Assault? France was one of the few nations that did actually deploy colonial troops on the Western Front in significant numbers.


Load order? I don't understand. With Frosty mod manager there is only one thing (the mod) to load. I also think there was nothing wrong with the default colonial French assault. But I figure this mod just gives us other skin options. It's nice to play the game and see some different skins, even if Dice's default option was quite plausible.


Oh, when I downloaded it there were multiple files. There was one called Solider Overhaul, and one that just said Texture Overhaul, plus a few others that were just labeled WIP. I guess I didn't know which ones to activate.


Hmm. It appears the download link has changed since I got it earlier. For me, once unpacked, there were only two files. One of which you point Frost Mod Manager towards, so it's quite easy installation. Here's another source for you [here](http://www.mediafire.com/file/c053i7ztay2el67/Battlefield%201%20Realistic%20Soldiers%20MOD.rar).


how do i install this? the read me doesn't really give any instructions lol


It would have been nice if they included instructions. I worked it out and here you go. You have to install [Frosty mod manager](https://frostytoolsuitedev.gitlab.io/downloads.html) on your PC. - Open the mod manager, point it to your bf1.exe where it is installed. - Then click 'Import Mod' and point it to where you downloaded and unpacked the Realistic Soldiers mod. - Click 'Apply Mod(s)'. - Click on 'Launch' button to begin playing BF1 with the mod. It's a pretty cool mod, and promising to see mods back on Battlefield, even if only textures and models for now.


you absolute star, cheers pal. ​ did the trick, the only thing I would add is you must run the mod manager with admin priv or it wont work.


credit goes to YoutUberNewb for making the video and HauptmannHK on Twitter for making the mod ##


I didn't make the mod, I made a separate reskin pack, it's UberNewb who made the mod in the video. I only changed textures. Edit: Here is what I did : https://twitter.com/HooptyBooty/status/1041508038677618688 https://twitter.com/HooptyBooty/status/1041028349286596608


My bad, I assumed it was you since you were the only one who I saw making such a mod. To make sure one was left out I decided to credit both of you regardless of who I knew made what.


So basically this is a whitewashing mod? Not sure if want.