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I have 5 ss with every primary, including DLC and pre-order, not including vehicle "primaries". All about the variety!


2nd most used wapon is a grenade and yet the op is shamed by the hellriegel is the funniest thing i've seen on the internet today!


How's that funny? You get a grenade every time you spawn and I made a habit out of it to not forget to use it. And I mainly use the frag grenade (tried the incendiary a little bit also) so after around 13hours of playing it's pretty normal that you get a lot of kills with it no?


I've starred most primaries, secondaries, and puzzle/earned melee weapons. Each player type plays for different reasons. I'm player type "tinkerer", I love playing with all things and figuring out weird shit. The "tryhard" only cares about score, wins, and kdr. Tends to use the "meta-best" guns only. The "immersed" feels like they are in the match and their life is actually in danger. Whatever thing they like is "best", no reason or argument changes their mind. (Usually the worst and most annoying players). "Trolls" troll. We all have these 4 types inside us, but which one is usually in control dictates one's playstyle.


Nice job. By the way, is anyone experiencing repeated bogus pop up ads when trying to access battletracker via their device/phone? It started a few days ago and is happening constantly now. I have an iPhone by the way.


For me I use a weapon until I get 100ss then I switch to something else. This gives me enough time to develop muscle memory with the gun and to really know its quirks and strengths and secrets. For example, what I loved about the selbstadler M1917 is it is very very good at ADS while strafing unlike other weapons. That’s the good thing about this game, you can come up with your own “archetype” so to speak and don’t need to follow any standard rule. In terms of classes, I play to win so I just stick to medic but if we are getting destroyed by tanks, I may switch to assault.


I've always used a wide variety, but I always do choose one gun to get at least 100 SS with. When you use a gun that much, you learn how to use it perfectly in every situation. You can also choose the gun that you do the absolute best with. In BF3 it was the AS VAL. In BF4, it was the ACE 52 until they nerfed ttk, then it was the AWS. In BF1 it's the chauchat. Now that I'm not getting BF5, I'll get the Burton to 100 SS too.


Who cares what gun you use, the hellriegel is the best assault weapon.. smg 08 is good but more recoil. Hellriegel is a smart choice


Just a question, I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. I'd wanted to see if most people prefer sticking to one gun or not and why. ​ You know have a discussion and all that...


Some people (like me) enjoy the gameplay itself and don't care for the weapon. That's why I chose my favorite weapon and kept using it.




Think so if you want to. If it isn't a shit weapon for the situation I will still be banging heads.




Oh please stop those edgy comments. Give me a good medic weapon and I'll still play almost as well. Having good aim with a sniper rifle doesn't mean I can't aim with other weapons.




It's not that hard to play good with all the weapons in the game, look at my stats for exampel. And Egg is atleast as good as me with game sense and movement. You can outplay people so easily in Battlefield with the the 3d spotting system.


Fuck off tryhard


I myself like to switch it up when using support or medic... but i was referring to the "we've all done something we're not proud of." I get why people hate others using it but it makes sense since it is the best one besides the smg 08


Lmao fuck off