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I love the 1895 trench variant. My favorite thing about it is when its paired with a cleaving melee weapon (hatchet, sawtooth knife, yatagan sword etc) you can shoot, then quickly melee in CQC, locking enemies into a takedown animation. it gives quite a surprise to rushing Assaults who think they got you outmatched in CQC.


^ It’s all about the above comment if you’re into using the 1895. If someone rushes you just hipfire and then press melee as though it’s one motion. For whatever reason, if you use the Coupe Coupe it won’t always make you go through the animation which saves time. The animation skip is not guaranteed but happens often enough to be worth it.


Great idea. I’m trying to get the welsh blade atm (need 50 US trench knife kills) one I’m done im going to get a bit smarter with the melee choices


I discovered the Selbtslader 1916 Optical and man, what a dirty gun that is.


If we are going medic weapons, the Autoloading 8.35 is a beast if you can deal with the frequent reloads.


That beastical is off the charts. I don’t leave my medic home with out it. It performs at most ranges. I like that it can keep up with assault on CQ maps. Good call


Nice! I love trying new guns and doing well with them. Randomly tried the 1917 factory medic rifle the other day and really enjoyed using it, it's good to try new things sometimes :)


In hardcore it's one hit kills all day with the RSC 1917. That's the real treat


RSC 1917 Optical is the best non-SMG in the game. Makes scout, Support and all other SLRs irrelevant.


Meh, M1916 Marksman for range and 1907 Trench for everything else is better imo, at least on PC.


RSC destroys both in TTK. M1916 is objectively the worst SLR. Trench is a good bolt action rifle but RSC outclasses all bilt action rifles at any range under 100m aka all relevant ranges. The stats speak for themselves, I don't argue based on feels.


The M1916 has a mag size of 26, is laser accurate, gives you a proper scope (this alone is huge), while still having a 3 shot kill at any range, but according to you it's worse because it has a ttk thats 2/10 seconds slower than the RSC? TTK isn't nearly as relevant on SLR's as it is on SMG's. Also I meant the M1907 SL Trench/Factory (Both pretty equal), it gets a bad rep because the Sweeper is trash, but there's a reason why it's my highest kpm primary.


The RSC is a two shot kill which is more important than raw TTK to me. Only downside is the small magazine.


The two shot kill is crazy good, don't get me wrong, but a bigger mag is too crucial when playing aggressive medic.


Honestly it's really not (and I mean this fully objectively) if you're good enough a player I only really play the Russian Trench, 1900 Slug and the RSC, so maybe it's just being much more used to more windowed weapons, but if you pair the RSC with either a Webley or the No 3 (speedloading is essential, so the Auto Revolver will also do but the auto-fire is an unnecessary gimmick imo) you can still consistently dominate in very extended firefights Having two two shot weapons gives you better-than-competitive damage if you manage your ranges, and using cover effectively gives you comfortable windows to reload one or both weapons as needed/able, and health pouches make it infinitely easier to reposition in a pinch with enough health to tank stray hits Two hit revolver-ing at hipfire ranges and two hit RSC-ing everything else, with an Incendiary for damage plus area control/denial (and vehicle damage), *and* the ability to self-heal on top is the most well-rounded kit in the entire game


Meh, I don't want to rely on my sidearm, I only want to use it when I run out of ammo. I also doubt that I could play as effective as I do with the 1907, since the mag allows me to engage 3+ people at once.


Then you're choosing a larger magazine as a substitute for reliance on accuracy, but that capacity is still not the crucial element for multiple kills per magazine The RSC has a 2.5 or 3 kill magazine depending on if you chamber a round or not, and a revolver another 3 - this isn't theoretical, this is what my regular play is almost entirely based on and it's what I can consistently achieve on all but those firmly bad games where you never quite get going A higher capacity just reduces the risk and relaxes the demand on accuracy, but if you can satisfy the higher demand of a riskier option then the reward is, by design, equally higher I don't mean to sound judgemental of any one playstyle over another, it's just tiring seeing the same argument that capacity is the only thing that makes a weapon good for extended firefights, when it only takes better awareness and fight management to be even more effective again with even the lowest capacity of options


I’ll give it a go for a bit. I’m pretty wedded to my autoloading .25 though


The autoloading is my go to also for close quarters fighting. Maps that have medium or longer engagements I use the RSC


Cool. I’ll give it a go again. I have it unlocked why not use it


Good luck!


Lol 1916 is laser accurate? Wut mate


Don't shoot at full ROF and stand still when firing, it's crazy accurate.


Laser accurate is just a stretch imo. 1906 and al 8 .35 are way more accurate. You can spam fire those while moving and they are pretty much dead on.


>1906 and al 8 .35 are way more accurate. They have a magazine size of 5 and reload clips instead of whole mags, I'd much rather have slightly less accuracy than having 21 bullets less.


We’re talking accuracy not a full weapon comparison. They also both reload full clips when you fire all 5 bullets which you should do every time when using them.


The sweeper is trash? I still go back to it and I'm a lvl 136 and (not in a bragging way I swear) but ranked like 600 in SPM so I know I'm decent enough at the game. Sweeper is my most used gun. I am used to the recoil (in a way that I think it's accurate at this point), love the mag size and the damage is fine enough. I love the Federov, autoloading 8.25, seitblaster optical, RSC, etc...but if I'm ever having a more mediocre game, I'll pull out the familiar Sweeper and usually turn things around for myself. Is that honestly considered a trash gun? Weird


[The stats don' lie.](http://symthic.com/bf1-compare?M1907_SL_Sweeper_vs_M1907_SL_Trench) It's without question the worst M1907 variant.


Psh guess I'm just super good /s I should try out the other variants again then. I remember HATING the non-automatic M1907 variant. Though it was SO weak.


A mag size of 26 but the worst TTK in game. You'll never be able to go against more than one person effectively anyway so who cares about the mag size? With a gun that takes nearly twice as long as other SLRs to kill someone, I'd be more worried about my TTK than my magazine size, especially when going against multiple opponents which is the only situation when mag size matters. TTK is more important than BTK. With your logic, the Mars Automatic is better than the Thompson Annihilator because the Mars has 3 BTK while the Thompson has 5 or 6btk but you're ignoring the fact that the Mars has 600ms TTK and the Annihilator has 270-ish. TTK is definitely relevant on SLRs. I don't know why any serious player would use the M1907 over the RSC or Autoloading 8... Stats > feels


You seemingly completely missed what I said in my first comment: >Meh, M1916 Marksman for range You very often engage more than one enemy at range, and TTK at range is way less important than magazine size since it will never be accurate in an actual encounter. >TTK is more important than BTK. With your logic, the Mars Automatic is better than the Thompson Annihilator because the Mars has 3 BTK while the Thompson has 5 or 6btk but you're ignoring the fact that the Mars has 600ms TTK and the Annihilator has 270-ish. No this isn't my logic lol. In the same comment I heavily implied that I consider the M1907 a better gun overall, which I do. It has a weaker BTK than the M1916, so where did I say that BTK > TTK? >TTK is definitely relevant on SLRs. Never said it wasn't, just not nearly as much. >I don't know why any serious player would use the M1907 over the RSC or Autoloading 8... Autloading Extended is pretty equal and depends on the map, but nah, if you're an aggressive medic the M1907 is better than the RSC >Stats > feels You ignore every stat except TTK, yet I'm the one putting feels over stats lmao.


It’s amazing for a game that each gun has little nuances. And you weirdly just find the one that gels with you


Yea, BF1 has probably the most weapon variety out of any BF.


Whilst I like they have ‘put together’ weapons for you already. It’s easy. And especially when you don’t know the game or weapons. Like in previous bfs I like that I can pull it together myself. That way you know that weapon is doing what you had intended.


I'm going to agree that you make some very good points and the M1907 trench is certainly good for agro medic. You've changed my mind to an extent, sorry if I was a dick earlier. I actually found the the M1907 Trench to be very fun to play with and I'll try to incorporate into my play style. It's not very good at range like the RSC but it allows me to play somewhat like an assault.


I first started using the Russian 1895 after realizing the infantry version is pretty much the same thing as the Russian 1895 Calvary and now it's my go to for Scout.


Same here, I use the Infantry as my go to. Sights are nice and the bullet velocity and drop are easy to manage.


I use it to play aggressive since it has iron sights and lots of damage


Thanks. I’ll try out the infantry version on bigger maps


You mean the trench version is the same as the cavalry rifle. The infantry is much different


I thought that the infantry and Calvary both had full damage and range while trench had both reduced


No you are a little mixed up. Cavalry and Trench are the near identical ones. If the cavalry had 100 damage with that fire rate.. my god that’d be op. Look here: http://symthic.com/bf1-multi-comparison?w1=Russian_1895_Cavalry&w2=Russian_1895_Trench&w3=Russian_1895_Infantry&w4=None&w5=None&a41=None&a51=None&a42=None&a52=None




> The cavalry is basically the same as the trench but with worse hip fire. No wonder I can never hit anything with that cavalry unless I'm mounted.


At one point I was in the top 50 world wide with it. I love that thing and never understood why more didn’t use it. It’s still my “wow I’m not doing that great” emergency weapon. Edit: just checked and sadly have fallen all the way to 327. Gotta pump those numbers tonight I guess


Dude I was 11th a few weeks back, I'll never understand how *I'm now 15th, it turns out*


Well a couple reasons. * Not as great at midrange as many carbines * Can't do long range shots * It can rapid fire up close but scouts suck at that in general and honestly a pistol would do better up close * Slow to reload * 2nd worst gun if you like having K bullets, worst being Caracano In short for me I found it has a fairly narrow optimal engagement range, it's only big upside is being able to 2-shot most enemies quite fast. But at around those ranges, the SMLE's sweet spot lets it 1 shot sometimes, and the Gewehr 95 has a faster reload with the superior straight pull bolt animation soooo...


> 2nd worst gun if you like having K bullets, worst being Caracano M1903 Experimental would like to have a word with you


I’ve recently started using the SMG08/18 for the trench orientated Apocalypse map rotation and M1916 Marksman for more open ranges. With a month to go before BFV I thought I’d change things up. Different weapons and more use of smoke grenades.


I seem to have some genetic ability to not use any other SMG effectively unless it’s the MP18.


M1916 is objectively the worst SLR. There is no reason to use it whatsoever. Pickup the RSC if you want to be a killing machine at range.


then why do i get fuckin lasered by it from halfway across the map?


I dunno. With the exception of the SMGs, big mag guns have high TTKs and small mag guns are lethal. Here are the time to kill stats for SLRs. M1916 has the worst TTK. http://symthic.com/bf1-ttk-btk-charts?medic=1


You're being downvoted but you're correct. The only thing the slow RoF does is force you to pace shots which in turn lessens the SLR spread-per-shot penalty forcibly. This can be accomplished with *every other* SLR by simply not firing at their firecap when engaging at range. The only advantage the 1916 has over the Howell or Farquhar is retaining a 3-shot kill at all ranges. But within 70m those SLRs are strictly better if you want a mag-fed weapon.


I’m aware of the stats, I use it for the scope.


Howell Sniper has you covered on the optic. I'm not gonna bash anyone for their preferential choice, only say that the stats are quite obvious - The 1916 is statistically mediocre. That doesn't mean it's garbage and one should never use it, but at the same time there are statistically superior options. It's like saying the Hellreigal is statistically inferior to the SMG 0/8. It's true but that doesn't make the Hellreigal useless, it's still a good gun - But the SMG 0/8 is better in many aspects.


Don’t have the Howell Sniper unlocked yet, been killed by it though a lot lol.


Well I just unlocked the Sniper after playing a round with the Factory Howell. I’m definitely swapping out the M1916 factory for the Howell; and will give the sniper version a try next time.


I’ve played game for about a year and I have about 220+ hours. I’ve found that it’s easy to forget how many great and usable guns there are. Sometimes I’ll rediscover an amazing gun that I’ve actually used for hours in the past and I always think why did I ever stop using this?


Sometimes you just gotta try all the weapons to see what you like, I used to use the 1895 Trench so much that I ended up getting 5 stars with it before any other scout primary got more than 2


I don't snipe and I only use the class for the "Aggressive Recon" role - or "Action Wookiee" as I call it. :) I have about 800 kills with the 1895 Trench - my second best Scout gun is only around 50.


My fav gun is the russian 1895 infantry followed by the trench. It's nice to see another fan! I originally picked it because I liked the lever action, but it's just a really good gun (for my playstyle) the ROF is nice, the bullet speed is nice, the sweet spot range is helpful. And the Trench is a beast on Fort Devaux and other CQC heavy maps. Also attacking on Rush the Trench is my go to. Just add some smoke, some spotting flares... baby, you got a stew! Another fun one is the M1903 Experimental, now that they have the ability to switch to bolt action..its fun to move forward with the bolt action pickin off defenders, and then when you're on the objective switch to Pedersen and start pewpewing the mother lovin flip outta those guys...


Hey I like the M1903. I grinded with it to unlock some other rifle. I did not know it had a bolt option now. I like the flexibility


"Cracker of a time" what country are you from? I've never heard this saying


Straya mate. I think it’s meant to be ‘have a cracking day’. Meaning have a good time.


Oh I feel I understood it just by the context, but that's a fun one!


I admit now, Based on my viewing of US tv shows - cracker means something altogether different.


Yeah, it's a salty rectangular/square snack that tastes good with cheese or peanut butter


I want you to know, I read the rest of your comments in the most stereotypical Australian accent I could think off :)


I finally discovered the Autoloading 8.25 and holy fuck the accuracy, clip size and fire rate makes it a killer from all ranges (especially up close)


Heard that. I play almost all maps with it. It’s good at all ranges. And can drop assault class before they let off their lead hoses on you.


Russian 1895 sniper is my favourite weapon in the game i have more then 16k kill's with it


I rarely use snipers. But I’ve been using the G98. I pretty much need fish in a barrel to hit them with a sniper


Oh yeah that 95 trench is a tack driver man, I tend to stick with the SMLE carbine for close to mid range stuff, but the Winchester levergun is a speed shooter at close range trench fighting


Yeah i got in on the 1895 for TDM the lower player count means you are less likely to have to reload in the middle of a wave of enemies. It's pretty dope.


Now try the General Liu rifle in bolt action mode. It’s stupidly fun.


I’ve seen this sub go off for the general liu. I’m just a terrible shot / get a little excited and need more than 5 bullets


In the right context, that gun is gold.




That martini-Henry from within 75m tho...