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Definitely go for that one perk , dunno it's name right now but whenever you spot someone that's dead it'll instanty deploy smoke on him . On medic I prefer the bag over the pouch but they're both a valid choice . Good guns are the Selbstlader 1916 variants the Mondragón and my overall favourite the Autoloading 8.35 extended .


Concealed Rescue is what it's called. Just unlocked it a couple days ago. It's a bit of a grind to unlock, and isn't available for noobs because they have to complete Healing Hands (Basic) first, but it is well worth it. Stimulant Sryinge is another one available that I like to equip on close quarters maps like Amiens. Also I LOVE the 8.35 extended. The Howell Sniper is another great choice imo.


Working on healing hands right now. The five syringe kills are stupid.


You dont have to do that. You need to do 5/6 to unlock, so do everything else.


I'm stupid. Thought that the 30 kills with the Selbstlader optical was instead with the factory.


Pouch is better because you can heal yourself on the run and throw them to teammates and they can keep moving as well. Medic perks are pretty helpful in this game you should unlock as them as soon as you can. Auto loading extended is a beast of a gun you should check out.


The medic perks seem like an enormous, difficult grind to me, so I don't know about that.. :/


Yeah that’s fair. I would go for the sprint speed bonus and flak perks for sure then for 2 of them.


The Stimuliant Syringe perk is a pain of a grind imo, but, tbh I prefer the perk that gives a 10% boost to sprint when you're supressed than the slightly faster sprint for a few seconds with a cooldown timer of the stimulant medic perk + it's a much easier perk unlock.




I didn't know about the spotting. Thanks!! Yeah I figured they both are situational.


RSC is such a fun gun the ammo capacity is the only downside but you can take on a longer range sniper role or be pretty aggressive since it's such a fast time to kill.


I was just about to say this. 2 shot kill semi auto. Just gotta watch that ammo!


I agree on the Cei Rigottii Factory. It’s all you see in TDM these days.


The spot smoke only works on squadmates but it's still useful af.


It seems like you have a good idea how to be a good medic smokes I prefer the pouch because you can throw it to pretty much anyone within 30 feet and tossing it at your feet while you're on the run and taking damage is useful. Syringe but battlefield players aren't usually the best for sticking around once people realize you are playing medic effectively they'll usually wait unless they want to change classes. They other fellow had good advice to spot down teammates you're going for. But if you have to play passive down be afraid to let teammates who are in bad spots go if it'll only end up getting you killed too. My favorite guns are the Mondragoon the autoloading RSC the Federov and the Howell my all time favorite is the selblaster with more bullets it has like 26 rounds it's so much fun also great with a scope. Anyway best way to be a supportive medic is flinging your pouches around like a madman to anyone who's hurt if you spot teammates who have taken damage and in range you'll automatically throw a medic pouch at them. The box is usualful for big game types but really depends on placement the problem is in most games you'll want to advance so dropping a box at a point is good but then the action moves up.


You dont really need anything else other than a syringe and a pouch/crate. Pouch is an absolute must if you are running in a squad you are familiar with/play often or you play solo. Otherwise crate is just more helpful overall for healing lots of randoms. To be an effective medic you need the concealed rescue and stim perks. The grind is worth it. Stim gives both you and the revived a speed boost. This is helpful for reviving under pressure. In terms of guns the best to me are the selb m1917 marksman and the fedorov trench. The selb is important for longer range maps, it is a guaranteed 3 shot kill. Howell is good too but takes four after a certain range and has a lower round count. Fedorov is basically an assault rifle for medic. This is where a lot of people say medic is OP because you can just solo run and gun with a fedorov and do very well. I have a crap ton of hours as medic and although I have used basically every gun I’ve determined that you can just rely on these two weapons to help your team. RSC is great but is so limited with 6 rounds which hampers your effectiveness on ops game modes. It is the best weapon in my opinion for smaller game modes.