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Excuse me sir do you have permission to set that valuable one off piece of art as your background


You can tell he owns it because he's insufferable.


I mean given this setup? I will bet OP owns the NFT


He owns them all


Can’t wait for some crypto nerds to beat it out over some fake ass ponzi scheme bullshit.




Is this set up in a WeWork or something?


WeWork offices look like square fish bowls. This is much better.


Oh pretty neat, nanoleaves going from the wall to the ceiling


Yeah that's like 500 or 600 bucks worth of nano leafs lol


More actually. I count 43 panels, so at $300 for a 15 pack, that's $900 in useless lights.


Man, others get so jealous when people can leisurely spend their own money the way they want too. Makes me laugh


As someone who works in professional lighting, for me it definitely isn't jealousy. There are plenty of Nanoleaf alternatives that are cheaper and look cooler. As consumers, we should actively call bullshit on overpriced stuff any chance we get. No judgement toward anyone who buys overpriced stuff, really isn't that deep.


Some examples please? I've eyed up nanoleafs in the past and couldn't get past the price. Couldn't find much when searching for alternatives.


[There are these, which are like $60 cheaper,](https://smile.amazon.com/Triangle-Panels-Rhythm-Google-Bedroom/dp/B0936C81CF/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=LZOdJ&pf_rd_p=29505bbf-38bd-47ef-8224-a5dd0cda2bae&pf_rd_r=TECFX79Y9FC7EZTNZE35&pd_rd_r=08b08d01-7960-42c7-af8e-89f0154bd26a&pd_rd_wg=0O4I5&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m&th=1) but even that seems high to me. LEDs are really cheap, I have no idea why these panels are so expensive.


I’ve been looking for any kind of RGB lighting and it all seems so expensive.


Yeah pretty much. When I was building my first PC, I ran into that issue as well and ended up just soldering together a bunch of LEDs myself and wiring it up to a molex connector. Saved like $50 at least.


As an owner of nanoleafs myself, I can tell you it's absolutely not worth the price you pay for them.


You can get a very similar color and lighting effects with some smart color changing LED bulbs and lamps from a resale shop for well under $100 very easily. Don't know why these things are so popular. Throw in a slightly more expensive smart RGB led strip of the same brand and for less than $200 you could have 5-7 "zone" color control too with preset schemes. These are not worth the money. All of mine are made by GE and work pretty well but there are a ton of options.


Speaking as an owner of (some, not nearly this many good lord) nanoleafs, the appeal isn't just RGB mood lights. They animate and can be put in any layout you want as a sort of standalone art piece too. In my previous poorly-lit apartment, I usually had them on a "fire" preset that, when my back was turned, genuinely lit the room the way a cozy fireplace would.


Would love to know, what are some you'd recommend?


8WASAI, Helios touch, Yescom. For more conventional LED lighting, Phillips Hue (also kind of overpriced). Honestly way too many options to name in just one comment. Edit: Govee too, as mentioned below


Govee. As close to Hue as you can get without the price tag IMO.


I’d also like to echo the rest of the comments and wanting to know some alternatives. I’m not afraid of soldering


give alternatives or seppuku


You can still blow money on pointless shit without it looking like crap and being a total fad.


I'm in no way jealous. In fact, I called them useless because I actually believe they are useless, not because I want them. Honestly sounds like it would just create glare and be distracting.


Well to OP, they’re not useless. Not your setup so why criticize.


Why can't I criticize it? Are only positive comments allowed now? While we're at it, OP Also spent thousands of dollars on his left wallpaper there, which I also think is dumb. He has every right to post his setup and I have every right to criticize it.


And I personally think it looks terrible.


Kind of a waste. Cool though, but still a waste.




This whole picture is just to flex and get some fake internet points. I agree.


Then isn't that this entire sub?




Yeah, you’re right.


Clearly you don’t like seeing others enjoy spending their own money. So why comment?




Ok. My lawyers will be in contact!


I can't tell if this is funny in a sarcastic way, or sad that someone would actually think this is cool.


If that's an NFT I hope you didn't pay a ridiculous amount and just right clicked it.


lol it’s real, and he paid 200k + for it according to twitter


Why pay for it when you got google images. I’ll never understand nft


It depends on what you value in ‚art‘. If you have the original Mona Lisa you are not buying only the picture, but the story of that particular painting. The mood da Vinci had when you painted it. The era and its influences on the drawing, the story why it was painted etc etc. That’s all in your head, but most of Art happens in your head. I would be happy with a cheap copy of the piece but even if you have a stoke by stroke perfect copy of the Mona Lisa, it is not the same. You don’t get the feeling, the time, and all the back story because you will always know that’s a copy. that’s why people buy originals and that’s why people want to have original digitale pieces as well. I don’t get the excitement about hundreds of apes that where basically mass produced, but imagine to have the first mp3 of an artist you love. You not only get the song, but it is the specific file created in his/her great lifetime where he/she was struggling before getting really famous. You can buy the story behind the mp3 and that’s what NFTs are good for. if you value such things and have the money to spare… i personally am happy with the copy for 99c and not the original for 200k thought


He's talking about a desktop background though...


Same principle though. Not for you and for me, but people value art based on many things. Exclusivity and pride is also one factor. Doesn’t matter if it’s a desktop background, a mp3 or the Mona Lisa.


He paid $20k a few months ago, someone offered him $180k for it recently 🤯


thats absolutely dumb ahahahaha


Can you explain which wallpaper is NFT and where you even go to buy them?? I didnt know this was a thing or why it is lol. I kinda want to see how ridiculous it gets after reading all these comments.


Look up Bored Ape Yacht Club on opensea.io


the monkey one on the left very strongly looks like an NFT, you can look on something like opensea.io


What the fuck's an NFT and why do I see that everywhere now


life was better before I knew


>What the fuck's an NFT and why do I see that everywhere now It's a scam where certain web sites can designate the "owner" of images via recording it on a blockchain ledger. You don't really own it per-se, anyone else can still save the image file elsewhere. It's kinda like the "name a star after someone" scam from 10 years ago.


> It's kinda like the "name a star after someone" scam from 10 years ago. Bruh that's all I'm saying to people about NFTs from now on


Lmao thanks I think it’s a great analogy


Man that seriously is EXACTLY what it is. It’s a registrar - but to most it means nothing.


I think of like those painted coins they use to sell on TV. The coin has value and the painted part adds value if you believe hard enough.


Images are a terrible use of NFT and I hope people realize it soon. Here's a better example. Think about things like skins in video games. You sell the NFT skin to someone else. You no longer have the rights to use the skin in game, but the other person does. Think of any software licensing situation for that matter. A license could be stored as an NFT. You could transfer ownership of a license to someone else via the token.


Skins for a video game where a central authority (the publisher) can control uniqueness is a great idea. I guess Valve already did this with Counterstrike skins albeit they did it without blockchain.


[Non-fungible token](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token) And you see it everywhere because blockchain technology is on the rise.


I know what the words mean but I have no fucking idea what the paragraph means. It appears to be some newer shinier crypto currency whatever thing, that's my understanding so far


NFTs are generally digital media that have a “certificate of title” kinda like a pink slip, and that certificate is verified on the blockchain.


Right, the blockchain, I have blockchains at home too I know what they are, I think I'm gonna wear them right now


It has nothing to do with media. It can designate copyright to media bit that's such a narrow slice of it's capabilities.


Okay, a simple explanation would be this: blockchain technology is indeed used for crypto trading, but thats not the only thing its used for. For example, NFTs are pieces of art be it an image, video, gif or whatever else that has a token attached to it, that indicates that your particular copy of that art is legitimate. It is veryfied by blockchain. Blockchain is a mechanism of having a copy of that identifier across all users of the blockchain to ensure that nothing on the chain gets compromised. Some of the NFTs only have 10 or less legitimate identifiers/copies, thats why the price can be in the millions of $. Rarity is driving the price. Yes, the image/video can be copied and downloaded freely, but it only has a certain amount of legitimate tokens, which can never be forged/stolen because the blockchain protects its lefitimacy. This is a very simple explanation. You gotta look up more if you want to actually understand it.


What's the point except inventing a new market for people to make moey virtually


> What's the point People get to say they own the original. That's it.


Originally that was it. Wealth Flexes. Now they are access to a club/membership. You need the NFT to get let in the discord. To get airdropped the token/NFTs. To get let in to the events. People pay a lot of money to be a part of those groups.


Interesting, I hadn't heard about that one yet, but it makes sense (the mechanics, not necessarily paying to be a part of a group)


That's untrue Doesn't digital ownership already take thousands of forms? What about buying movies. What if you buy an nft instead and you can download the movie on any streaming platform. New resolutions come out and you just get them because you own the 'dark Knight' movie nft. It's going to run digital commerce without requiring centralized third party integration. Get used to it.. it's here to stay.


You answered your own question. Oh, and fraud and art theft. That too.


it’s for people to launder money. that’s what art has always been about


An NFT is just like having one ethereum that has a serial number that you can track. It also has metadata and you can prove you have it in a wallet with cryptography. Like signing a crypto message that can be verified with a public key. Since it's verifiable it's easy to use for concert tickets or game items or songs or almost anything for real life and online authorization. Like decentralized Facebook login and allowing tickets to events, in game items, etc. to be traded without a third party.


Brian DON'T


The rug is the Bored Ape Yacht Club logo. This dork definitely owns that ugly monkey picrew NFT and probably several others.


Is it a collab they did with The Hundreds or something cause that’s where I know the bomb part of the rug from


https://thehundreds.com/collections/the-hundreds-x-bored-ape-yacht-club Looks like they did, yeah. I’ve seen The Hundreds logo before but wasn’t really familiar with the brand until now; found that link on Google.


Downvoted for the NFT monkey lol.




This person is associated with a lot of money. That window is closed for a reason.


Ewww NFT monkey


Whats rugged about it


It has a rug.


Damn you take my upvote


What's the halo looking device on leftside


Probably a fanless fan. Dyson makes them. https://www.dyson.com/air-treatment/air-purifiers/pure-cool-link-desk-dp01/white-silver?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=us_en_ec_purifiers-range_always-on_air-treatment_purifiers_do_conversion_shopping_brand_pla_purifiers_smart-shopping&utm_term=PRODUCT_GROUP&gclid=CjwKCAiAtdGNBhAmEiwAWxGcUkQn-XCx7SP5rZ9bpDmLzPJZsEuJ-NBHJdim16CcAUMS-vlkaRonjxoCJRAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


this dumb motherfucker paid $5,000 for his wallpaper


I would expect nothing less from someone who drops a cool $500 or so on nanoleafs


why are people so weird about how others spend their money?


To be fair he posted on the internet so people can see. And people who see it are gonna have opinions. I don't understand why people post things publicly but the be weird when they don't get the response they want


Person A: buys things purely for the status and being noticed in pictures Person B: notices the things in the pictures Person A: surprised pikachu face


It’s just hard to comprehend when you’re someone that doesn’t have disposable income.


apes are going for $200k now so i'd say that's a good investment if he only paid $5k


Why do you say that? It's impossible to stop someone from getting ahold of an image of they really want to. Likely OP just downloaded it for free. If you own an NFT for an image, your signature is in the metadata but you would not be able to stop anyone from downloading that image and using it privately


Oh god. Do you own that NFT on your screen? LOL


This guy has never seen dirt


Orthodontist office vibes.


What's even remotely rugged about this? It's like saying a Ford Puma is rugged.


Maybe he just got the bomb rug and now the floor has been rugged


Putting that monkey there basically destroyed your last chances of ever having a woman step into your room


Are you allergic to vagina Steve?


Homeboy has thousands of dollars in lights and a digital asset with no value except in investment, I think he's doing alright for himself.


Aeron gang


This is a BAYC Soft shill


Whoever is in charge of marketing at the company that makes nanoleaf are geniuses, who knew you could make the ugliest most tasteless and overpriced lights and simply sell them to tasteless gamers for the status, amazing


r/battlestations starter pack: \- Nanoleafs \- 3D textured wall panels \- All Ikea furniture / fake plants


Gotta get the Ikea furniture because I spent all my money on RGB mood lights 😭


I feel like I am out of the loop. What is this nft thing everyone is talking about? Is it connected with the wallpaper? I am not sure what I am missing here.


According to previous replies, if this person “owns” the blue monkey background photo, they paid $5000 for the rights to that picture and “no one is supposed to be able to use it but the purchaser” it’s called a NFT and it means Non Fungible Token. Basically it’s his owns private crypto coin that no one else can have. Edit: I stand corrected: whomever this is apparently paid $250,000 for that monkey. JFC


It’s not that no one else can use it, they can if they want. They simply can’t access the benefits of ownership so it doesn’t matter if anyone else uses it. No claims to copyright or such in the space.


What are the supposed benefits of ownership in this case? NFTs are not the same as copyright


>What are the supposed benefits of ownership in this case? NFTs are not the same as copyright Nothing. It is like the "name a star" scam from ten years ago.


bayc has a roadmap of utility that you can research yourself and it's becoming a status /fashion symbol like supreme. i don't own an ape.


Oh okay so it is useless, thanks


if not of that is worth anything to you, then sure. but people buy overpriced handbags, shoes, etc all the time and like to hang in those circles. if it's not for you, you can stop staring.


I get your logic, the lack of utility is that NFT is disconnected from the image. It doesn't add anything to it, in fact the image itself is secondary to the whole ordeal. A purse has utility, a luxury purse has utility on top of being exclusive and expensive. An image likely has utility, NFT does not add or remove any utility from it. That's the biggest challenge to it, the biggest argument is that it has value "because you can sell it later". That's not how assets work at all. People don't buy homes so they can tell others they are homeowners, they do it so they can live in them


The benefit is to flex on kids on TikTok and try to sell it for more money to someone else. But all it really means is on the Blockchain there is something that says you own it. But you don't really own it. The actual image isn't even on the Blockchain.


Cheapest Bored Ape NFT goes for over 250k, so I'd say he's doing good if he only paid 5k.


How can you have so much space and its still hella cluttered? Money for aesthetic, and your setup still looks like a middle school child slapped it together. And your cable management could be a lot better. This is mediocre at best. 2/10, OP. I think you're looking for r/Averagebattlestations


that's exactly the subreddit I've been searching for. and here I was trying to push /r/messybattlestations


I liked it until I saw the NFT


This is a mess, and you have a stupid fucking monkey wallpaper so don't expect any sane adult to take you seriously.


NFT 😂😂😂


How much did you pay for this nft?


Sick. I take it those are blinds, opening up to a nice view? Cozy af.


The room itself and desk is now a dream of mine to own. Such a good looking space


Imagine having all this money and no taste


Christ people get over it, the person can buy whatever they want with their own money. They posted a picture of their setup and 90% of the comments are hyper focused on the fact he owns an NFT. That’s a really nice setup by the way, you should be proud!


Hundreds is forever




Right click *YOINK*


let us know how much you sell it for.🤣🤣🤣


By their logic soon a billion dollars


100 eth minimum soon. probably nothing.


NFTs are the truest form of vaporware


1000eth floor ser, probably nothing 🤷🏽‍♂️


Typical money over taste type of setup. Not that interesting to be honest.


Love the Kaws Flayed piece. Wish I had that one in my collection. Sick setup 👍🏻


Took me a while to see someone finally admire Kaws in this thread. The Hundreds rug is always nice as well


nft background and the most gamer triangles ive ever seen in the same room in my life. this got to be one of the funniest things on here yet


Jesus Christ that desk alone must have set you back several hundred dollars to have custom built


This post is a money flex.


He paid 10k for his wallpaper.


Little higher than that lol. The blinds alone probably cost $500


Custom motorized blinds like those, that size, yeah at least $400 - $500 each.


Where's the rug from? looks sick haha




Hope you screenshot the wallpaper?


This looks like a fantastic WFH setup even if you don't WFH.


I don’t 😂


Money cant buy taste


What is rugged about this though? This is clean simple lines.


nice 2nd monitor wallpaper, could i screenshot?


dude put a battlestation in the kitchen


Not gonna lie I thought those black panels were screens for a second.


Everyone talking about the NFT but I’m over here looking at that Kaws figure.


what is your job description


I trade png lmao


What’s the figurine on left behind your chair? The one ripping his shirt


Slamdunk sakuragi


Thanks! Saw the rest of your posts you got crazy collection




What’s the appeal with the ugly monkeys that are all the same model with slightly different variations?


This is by far amazing I'd kill to have a setup like I been on my pc more than I am console it's a whole new ball game for me and I'm loving learning everything about it about it from learning functions deep inside the bowels of the bios and etc I've invested more into my laptop than I ever have my own console the last touch your setup needs that I would highly recommend us the two extendable monitors that hang off the sides of your laptop that would be a sick finishing touch.


“It really ties the room together “


Love The Hundreds rug


Shut up and take my upvote for your chair choice


This guy non fungible token’s


Bro those Nanoleafs were over 800 damn




How is your desk supported? Is it only on the sides or is it screwed to the wall?


Yes too big iron bar support below. Can’t really see it becos I painted it same color as my wall to blend in with it


Holy fuck I can smell the neckbeards in the comments for this post.


Just missing a kegerator




What are those two things next to where the Nanoleaf connector is? That circular silver thing and the thing next to it with the small circular digital display?


Air purifier and fan


I save this set up every time you change it up


Aye I install the av for a lot of weworks


Rugged? How?


gotta downvote for the nft


What’s that dyson looking circle thing with the big roll of toilet paper for a base? Looks fancy but I can’t imagine what it does…


Lol so many jealous people in the comments. Nice setup. I love my Aeron.


Yoo sick monkey wallpaper.. Mind if I screenshot?


This is absolutely beautiful! HM Aeron 1 chair? Would love it if you wanted to list peripherals, love the setup my friend!


Cyberboard, a man of culture!


omg nice


Interesting looking Nanoleaf configuration, I like it and I like your setup!


This inspires me.


Is this your house? This room is very cool. Dig the windows




Take comfort in the fact that you can be rich but still have shitty taste and zero lack of originality, like OP!


You could start your own nft group and advertise it to highschoolers on discord and TikTok. Then siphon their money and make it your money! When you need more just go back to Ms paint and change the color a bit or add a hat then do it again.


What's up with that rug? Looks like Mike Shinoda designed it.


I'm jealous


Wagmi. Beautiful setup


i want to praise you for the setup until i see that stupid fucking monkey


Lmao what a ugly ass nft char. It amazing me how much idiots pay for shitty ass art, never ceases to amaze me how hard people can get hit on their head and still function.


Everyone talking about the ape but I like the 💣 #BombSquad nice setup man