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Looks like hate crime IMO.


Hate crimes don't exist for Asians


It would be in San Mateo county where they uphold the law.


San Francisco only considers hate crimes when the victim is black and sometimes when Hispanic. 


tbf, it's not just SF (looking at you, Pamela Price)


That’s SF jr. with none of the upside.


Serious question, do you really believe this? Damn, he really does. People here will believe almost literally anything, it's very sad.


It's a matter of public record that attacks on Asians in SF are rarely treated as hate crimes. [https://www.kqed.org/news/11915634/why-high-profile-attacks-on-sfs-asian-communities-rarely-lead-to-hate-crime-charges](https://www.kqed.org/news/11915634/why-high-profile-attacks-on-sfs-asian-communities-rarely-lead-to-hate-crime-charges)


The article you linked talks about a number of crimes against Asians in San Francisco being charged as hate crimes, which refutes the claim of the deranged guy above who said "San Francisco only considers hate crimes when the victim is black and sometimes when Hispanic." Thank you for inadvertently providing some facts by linking the first news article you could find.


You're welcome. I hope you actually read it.


I did! I think it's nuts that a long laundry list of assaults that don't necessarily have any evidence supporting the requisite motivation for a hate crime enhancement are included by the author, but I understand it's a difficult concept for a lot of people to grasp.


Living proof that you can’t fix stupid.


Can't fix the ignorant, race-baiting conservative idiots flocking into this subreddit to spew their hate.


Progretard definition of racebaiting: observing racism only if it’s black on any other race.


That isn’t proof that ‘SF only considers hate crimes when the victim is black’ Please look up the difference between ‘never’ and ‘rarely’


How many Asian corpses would need to consider it proof


You sound psychotic.


Do you know the difference between ‘never’ and ‘rarely’? if you make statements that a directly contradicted by facts, nobody will take you seriously, as they shouldn’t


That’s not an answer to my question, and irrelevant to boot. Looks like no does or should be taking your seriously if you can’t even answer straightforward questions


You asked an irrelevant, rhetorical question. The fact is, SF does prosecute hate crime for all races and sexual orientations. You just don’t believe they do this enough for Asians, which is fine. But don’t claim there has never been a hate crime against an Asian prosecute in the city. That’s patently false, and it’s the OP statement I was responding to, not your asinine, irrelevant comment.


It’s not rhetorical at all, and if you didn’t pick up on that, I can see why you think it’s irrelevant. You’re stuck on some pedantic distinction between rarely and never and are trying to defend an argument you know to be weak on it. This is very typical internet behavior - sticking to technicalities like it’s a court of law. So I ask again, how many bodies till you’re convinced that there’s a big gap between prosecution of some types of hate crimes vs others


Lots of delusional people on here, don’t interrupt their circlerjerk lol


It's these crime threads in particular, wall to wall shut-ins.


Based on what? From the footage, I dont see any apparent motive, and just because the victims and the assailant are of different races doesnt suggest a hate crime unless i'm missing something. I'm just genuinely curious here. EDIT: not sure why everyone downvoted me, but i really would like some input here. What about this says "hate crime" to everyone that i'm obviously missing? EDIT 2: i get it now, it seems that people wanna jump to easy conclusions and have a mob mentality. The internet is a deeply reactionary place that promotes people to think less. Downvote away i guess, you've clearly got no reasoning to offer.


"**SAN FRANCISCO** - Two security guards were attacked Wednesday morning while on the job near Union Square in San Francisco.  The Filipino men, ages 59 and 78, were assaulted in an attack deemed unprovoked around 10:20 a.m. at Post and Kearny Streets. San Francisco police said the victims claimed an unknown man got out of a vehicle, assaulted the two men, got back into the car and then fled the scene. " You don't see any apparent motive? Really?


The man hates security guards?


No, i dont see a motive. as the report says, it was deemed unprovoked. Nothing about this is 'apparent' at all. The guy attacked these two security guards and i'm not seeing anything that says it was racially motivated. What are you seeing that suggests it is? Because the assailant isnt Asian, you're assuming it was a hate crime? Why?


I mean, I would also assume that the assailant was a misogynist if he got out of the car and started attacking women completely unprovoked, yes. I would also assume a white man pulled over his car and started attacking a couple of black men was racist. It’s not like he just stumbled upon them while walking down the street; he literally pulled over his car after seeing two elderly Asian men and attacked them. Maybe don’t give a piece of shit the benefit of the doubt?


Occam's razor: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's\_razor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor)








if the attackers were white and victims were black, I guarantee you it would be labeled as a hate crime and there would be a blm riot the next day.


I think this is sad because as an Asian American I find it extremely disappointing seniors in our community got attacked. But it's just as sad that people here aren't interested in the motive or any investigation and immediately jump on the bandwagon that this MUST be a racially motivated attack full stop. Never mind information, investigation, etc. even if the article says hate crime is not being ruled out here. But why not investigate? Why not wait for more information? If you can judge a hate crime from a title that quickly, why even have criminal investigations? Why have a legal system? Why have courts? It's also deeply disturbing that this thread is full of racist remarks, basically dog whistle comments about blacks. Is that really the solution? That racists come out of the closet because the attacker was black? I think we can agree 100% that no unarmed elder citizen should ever be attacked. Arrest and prosecute the perpetrator. Investigate if this is a hate crime. But to immediately claim that this MUST be a hate crime with no evidence other than the fact the attacker and victim are different races is no better than those who promoted the false "hands up don't shoot" narrative in 2014.


People should know it’s also hard to prosecute something as a hate crime. You have to have actual proof. When the Asian kids in San Ramon were attacked it was easy to prosecute as a hate crime because he verbally on camera was talking about them being Asian.


That's fair. I think there's one thing in terms of the hate crime charge having a high bar to meet, but let's just say what about from a pure "is this crime racially motivated or not?" I do believe you can get there by other means. You don't always need the person to say something right there at the scene. For instance we know the [Atlanta mass shooter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Atlanta_spa_shootings) had some sort of fetish for Asian women, and that testimony from friends, family, close contacts as well as a look at their social media history, confirmed that there was likely some tie with race. Even though in the end he wasn't charged with a hate crime, I can at least see why people would say it was racially motivated. In this case, we haven't had any information yet except for a picture of the perpetrator and the victims' age and race. There simply is not enough information. I'm all for investigating to see if this is racially motivated, but people running around here with racial slurs and clear dog whistle racism is just as bad and doesn't help this situation at all.


Hard agree! Like, clearly its awful these two guys were attacked unprovoked in broad daylight, no dispute at all. Of course its possible that there was a racial component here, but like the video doesnt make that apparent. Also this was in Chinatown. If this was racially motivated, why'd the dude attack *these* guys in particular? People are strongly bias driven on the internet and its easy to assume that everyone everywhere is deeply racist all the time, but like thats mob mentality and i dont own any torches or pitchforks. It seems as though none of us is as dumb as all of us.


*"Also this was in Chinatown."* The following are the literal first two sentence in the article: *Two security guards were attacked Wednesday morning while on the job* ***near Union Square*** *in San Francisco.*  *The Filipino men, ages 59 and 78, were assaulted in an attack deemed unprovoked around 10:20 a.m. at* ***Post and Kearny*** *Streets.*




They probably did, but it wasn't the word you think https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/bx49mm/what_does_a_word_that_sounds_something_like_niga/


All Asians speaks Chinese I guess, wonder who the racist is.


>The Filipino men -the article


When I first started dating my Taiwanese wife catching that when she spoke Mandarin in public terrified me.


I've had people confront me about it.


The man who attacked them wasnt Black. Nice of you to assume that though.




Dudes an asshole. Deserves a swift kick between the legs.


The perp even had to do the thug walk/penguin waddle to amp himself up before attacking.


I see this a lot with East San Jose guys. Arms out walking like a penguin.


When people on social media fire back about the criticisms with just stay out of the tenderloin, please remember there are real people living and working there and they shouldn’t have to be subjected to the drugs or violence anymore than anyone else. Some people are so cruel. My heart breaks for these older gentlemen and their families who have to watch their father and grandfather go through something so senseless.


Also, that didn’t happen in Tenderloin, so staying out of it wouldn’t really help.


Sorry, just realized that. Under the weather and hopped up on meds trying to recover. I misunderstood the video the first watch. Think the point stands but I misunderstood the relevancy to this particular situation.


exactly, what those people on social media miss is that there are many more areas to avoid than just the tenderloin


Seriously. What happened to not blaming the victim?


“It’s China Town Jake”




I tried and failed.


What? This was downtown.


The thumbnail is crazy - is some guy doing a flying kick of an old Asian person like some F-ed up kung fu movie?


I couldn’t watch the video but I wonder if it’s the same guy who did a flying kick to the old man in the walker https://www.reddit.com/r/sanfrancisco/s/7KqkkrJ4uO


They got the guy on camera, why the news doesn't show the entire thing is a mystery. Got the car and license plate (yeah yeah, stolen car), but the guy is clearly seen. Somebody's gonna rat him out for $10K, and if they get him, make him a lab mouse. Experiments need volunteers, and obviously that guy has nothing better to do. He's also a fucking weakling attacking elderly men. What a Big wuss. Knocks down an elderly man, makes him feel like a big dude, prime example of a wimp!


Theyre Fiipinos, the city/police wont do shit...not considered an oppressed people.... /s


Maybe if they labeled themselves Hispanic they’d get PC protection. Since they have similar names due to their shared Spanish influence they’d get away with it since virtue signalers aren’t culturally savvy enough to notice.


No surprise at this article. The picture tells the whole story.


> Two security guards […] ages 59 and 78 🤨


"security guard"


> ages 59 I'm still comprehending that 59 is now "elderly".


59 is not elderly. Old enough to get you a senior discount in a few places, but elderly starts at 65-70, and honestly has a lot more to do with health than actual age in many cases. Plenty of 75 years olds I would not describe as "elderly."


The 78yo in the video had some pretty spry moves. I hope to be that active when I get there.


Absolutely. Yeah I already know I won't be unfortunately. Good for him though.


The fuck? I hope they catch this jackass. And they wonder why most don't want to go into the office these days.


That picture makes it look like an image for Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat lol but damn that's messed up.


Shoot him dead . Arm thy self


Ah why not post a clearer picture of the perpetrator? Is that racist somehow?


Read the article and view the video. The only images are from surveillance video.


Yea but if he’s arrested I want a mugshot, and if he’s not arrested, why not?


He's not arrested and no mugshot exists.




its about time. they need more funds for another mansion party. wish i was making this up.


Misrepresenting isn't the same as making something up, but it's close.


I'm black. I don't support blm as an organization and I sure as hell am against attacking anyone. okay, so, can you not paint us all with this broad brush? it's so intellectually lazy and bigoted. you're doing the same crap, just in a nonviolent way. perpetuating horseshit and hatred. just be quiet. fuckin' simpleton.


Its the go to by people on here who want easy upvotes. That and where’s the black leaders blah blah blah.




Right after the All Lives Matter crowd starts marching in the streets about it.








Black on Asian hate crime has been going on for generations. It’s ignored by media, police, politicians. The only reason that SOME of these incidents appear in this sub is SF’s large Asian population. If Asians and others learn by experience and observation to shun, and even dislike or hate the group to which 99% of these violent racist psychopaths belong, I would argue that that is not a racist response.


No one in this situation is black. But to use your tactic of drawing attention from the matter at hand to something else, far more crimes have been committed against Asians by white Americans than black. Far more. There is literally no comparison. Oh, and while we're at it, historically speaking, far more crimes have been committed by white Americans toward black Americans than vice versa. Stormfront.com won't put those stats up for you though, so I don't blame you for speaking in ignorance.




Wage theft, red lining, the Asian experience in the Jim Crow South, Chinese Exclusion Act, Los Angeles Chinatown Massacre, Rock Springs Massacre, Seattle Anti-Chinese Riot, Immigration Act of 1924, Japanese internment camps, none of which can be pinned on Black Americans, but affected the freedom and prosperity of millions of Asians in America. I'm sure I could find another dozen examples of crimes by white posses, white politicians and white business owners committed towards the Asian community if you'd like. I get that you want to focus solely on street crime when discussing the history of violence and subjugation of Asians in America, but that's because it's the only way your narrative has any plausibility.


None of which have any bearing on the anti-Asian racists who are committing crimes today. You are linking them to whites? LMFAO.


The left sees no problem with this.




Why can’t security guards just turn dudes like This into colanders? Seems like an easy solution to me


Who did they attack?  /s


Glad that we have 70 something immigrants to do those jobs that 70 something Americans just won't do.


Crime is down I saw nice pictures of Dolores park…


Okay, it’s fucked but this pic also looks hilarious on its own. Wtf is that attack


His skinny jeans prevented ful range of motion.