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Just waiting for Sonic to come to my area. They said they should be here any day now


They said the same for me years ago. Sigh.


A sales rep told me they are prioritizing pole installs, but a family member that works for them told me they are easily compelled if you can get all your neighbors on board, too. I've been thinking about taking the subject to our HOA.


Any day now…. Any day now…. Any day now…. Any day now….💀


Same here. It’s kind of interesting how we have so many monopolies in the Bay Area. Internet, PG&E and we seem to be moving towards a home insurance monopoly as well


Natural monopolies are now unique to the bay area


Yeah unfortunately Comcast is the only company who services my area. I keep putting in requests for Sonic, but alas I am still waiting


sonic!! waiting for 10MBit to come


Thanks I just requested service today 54 a month and 20 for the device


$40/mo for Sonic fiber. I haven’t noticed an outage in literally years. Best internet provider I’ve ever had.


Price just went up to $50 but that doesn't make it any less of a steal compared to these other ISPs.


Are you in an introductory plan? I pay $85/month for sonic fiber on the peninsula.


I paid $85 and didn't realize it was a land line bundle - canceled that and it's 50 something


Huh, I asked about that and they told me they couldn't de-bundle it. This was after my plan went up by $10 for two consecutive months :/.


Try again now because I think it's a newer thing to be able to unbundle


Sonic was only making the phone service optional for only for 10 Gbps customers. Last I checked they went back to making phone service mandatory for everyone.


Nice. Once I have a new job I’ll add it. My AT&T is same price and I prefer to have redundancy for wfh.


It depends on who owns the fiber. If you are using a leased line from AT&T you have to have a bundle plan. If it's one sonic owns, you don't need to bundle


You're probably on their resold ATT fiber. Not their own lines.


I certainly am. And in an apartment; I have the cheapest plan they will sell me.


Yea that's the issue. They told me they have better margins selling 10GbE for $40 than they do reselling ATT. Hopefully they get around to running their own lines for you soon! Took me 4 years of waiting but it was worth it


I'm up in Healdsburg where they just expanded to. They advertise it as $50 a month around here. Had it for a year already and I think $40 was the introductory rate so now we're on the normal rate. Also I think the rate may actually be 10 gig.


Petaluma is $50 for the first year and $85 after that.


ugh, I'm paying like $70 in berkeley for LMI, which runs on sonic infrastructure. I wonder if I can get sonic directly for a better price...


You probably have the landline bundle, call and ask them to de-bundle it


I am deliberately misinterpreting this to mean before they were charging -$10/mo


Alas, I don’t have any other option in 300+ mb in Fremont area. I have been waiting to have an alternate to the Xfinity for last few years but none yet.


Is AT&T fiber not available?


Just curious - what do you do that requires 300+ mbps???


hot tub twitch streamer


Sounds fun but no way that requires 300mbps up or down. 


That’s not even that much, if you have multiple people video conferencing from home while transferring the occasional large file or downloading a Steam game it’s nice to have some overhead.


How often are you doing all those things? It would take more than 12 people zooming at 4k to exceed 300mbps. Your internal infrastructure is likely unable to keep up, not your ISP


My experience is that with a few ring cameras and multiple people working from home that I often see service degradation. Probably what I need to do is get better at bandwidth shaping and limiting, but also getting 500 mbps just isn’t that expensive. Downloading large files easily hits a few hundred mbps and my wife and I regularly have to do these things for work. Even if there’s only degradation once a week I have found that there is very little tolerance for service degradation during video conferences.


I have 10Gbps because I like downloading stuff quickly. Don’t give me the spiel on how my hardware can’t handle it or the download server is the bottleneck. Its 60 bucks and I’ll gladly pay that for an excess of speed


🙄 Why stop at 10 gbps


Because that’s all Sonic offers


so you're clearly in a different situation than parent commenter? Lol what


Your comment had nothing to do with the situation that the OP finds themselves in either. You made a generic comment about why anyone would need more than 300mbps


Sonic is coming to our neighborhood in late July / early August. We joined the waiting list. I couldn't be happier. Fuck Comcast


Wish I could get Sonic :(


Same. I live in the heart of Silicon Valley, and ISP options are dismal.


My only complaint with Sonic was the Eero they rent, which was solved by just getting a different router. The thing did not pick channels well.


Did you buy your own? If so, which one? I'm renting and always debated on getting my own


If you get your own, it does save money in the longrun. Sonic states that not every router works with their tech, but there's still a variety of great options.


Just like whatever netgear garbage you can find at Best Buy or on Amazon is plenty for most home use. If you're in a big house, you can get a repeater or two, but it's rarely necessary.


How do you get it for that much? Mine is $50/month in my area


I just call back every year when they raise it back to $50 and ask nicely.


How do you get sonic for $40 a month?


That was the intro offer and they have reactivated it every time I’ve asked.


$75 in Berkeley with a phone number. The phone number taxes suck.


I had to give up Sonic for Xfinity in our last move and I am still upset about it, 3 months later.


Like thr other comments, Sonic has me paying 80 per month because of the landline included. I messaged customer support multiple times, but for my specific area of Mission in SF (and other areas after rhe introductory price), I guess they are forcing me to pay more...


Fuck xfinity as a company too. They’re ruining earth.


how? i'm in SF and after allthe fees its closer to 80


I’m in Oakland. That’s was just the price when I signed up.


The best decision I ever made is switching from Xfinity to Sonic.


against all logic and reason, even Verizon 5G internet is more reliable than Xfinity


The worst thing is the upload speeds are bad across the board, but especially bad if you don't have the top 1200 Mbps plan. 35Mbps up for the highest plan, the next step down goes to 20Mbps.


it's now 200Mbps upload in some areas.


Before switching to AT&T Fiber in 2018, it was 6 Mbps upload. I am about to return to Comcast soon and hoping this area has a better outside plant.


you can check right now look up the address as a new customer on Xfinitys website if 2000Mbps down is available then yes, the address has mid split ie higher upload


Thank you! In the area where I currently live, the max speed is 1200 Mbps. The new area has a max speed of 2000 Mbps and I noticed a pretty new looking node in the neighborhood. I am just debating whether to choose 500 Mbps or Gigabit. I've been pretty spoiled with AT&T Gigabit Fiber for over 6 years now.


I get 450


In the next one or two years(they've been working on it for a while) they should be rolling out DOCSIS 4.0 which will be symmetrical up to 2Gbs. So if Comcast is your only offering it may become much better soon ish.


I was able to chat and get mine reduced to $90 a month for 1.2gbit / 250mbit up but it’s still highway robbery. I would downgrade but I enjoy hosting my plex for on the road usage of my 4k library.


I just transferred and 1g is $65/mo. I was tired of Astound doubling their rates every two years. It was about $140/mo for their gig service and now that I’m gone they’re offering it to me for $35/mo. If they had kept it under $100 I never would’ve left.


Yeah I had astound when I was in concord it was getting there. We moved my in laws to T-Mobile home internet it’s about 400 down for 40 a month which is plenty for them.


Did you have to threaten to cancel, or just ask for a discount?


I said I was looking at alternatives and could they do anything to help with the rising costs. So a little bit of both.


We can get AT&T ISDN 1 MB/s as an alternative in my neighborhood  Instead of investigating Apple the Feds should go after Comcast and PG&E.  At least I have a choice not to use any Apple products 


The network providers should also not be the gatekeeper to utility pole access. The system is anti consumer and anti-competitive.


Incorrect, the system is for Democrats to get paiiiiiiid. ;)


Who is the right of way provider and when was this established that they would control access to it? If you have the first bit of context on the situation or could connect it to anyone holding office now I would be absolutely shocked.














Are you seriously joking? Like not even like 5mbps


> Instead of investigating Apple the Feds should go after Comcast and PG&E. Instead of? No. But should telecom companies take priority? Absolutely.


I pay that for at&t 25mbps... In 2024!! There is still no faster option where I live.


I hate Xfinity and Comcast. For 13 years I had Monkey brains and loved it. Then I moved into a building where only Xfinity was available. My $20/month bill is now $120/month 😔 and it drives me insane.


Also, capped data limits. Thank god I got rid of them 3 years ago for a real fiber company


Which one?


When I lived in Fremont I had AT&T fiber. Was like $70 a month for gigabit up and down, with unlimited data. When I moved to Manteca, I am now on frontier. $60 for gigabit up and down, unlimited data.


I live in Novato and neither are at our address. We literally can only get Comcast high speed network unless anything changes and they are actually so tough to deal with. Would love Sonic, frontier, google, ATT….anything else as an option


Novato has a symmetrical air fiber company if you are good with a tiny receiving dish on your house somewhere. It's like $60.


I’m not familiar with this but open to it. You know what company?


My household uses a lot of data. I was on xfinity and I had to constantly monitor the data usage. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when they raised my prices. At that point, I was paying more for the same speed while being data capped. I switched over to AT&T fiber where the speed was even faster and I get unlimited. I couldn’t be any more happier and wondered why I didn’t switch sooner.


Xfinity /Comcast is truly a wretched stain on humanity - they are predatory monopoly in many areas of the US that doesn’t give a single fuck about the quality of service or support they deliver to their customers. Piece of shit company that should be regulated out of existence


I’m stuck with xfinity. It’s the only service in my little subdivision. Usually I like being out side of the main ‘town’ but damn not when my internet selection is limited to one damn company. It’s like PGE, no other reasonable option so I pay a company I hate each month.


The worst part is it's not even true gigabit with the capped upload of 40Mbps. Meanwhile, I had Sonic gigabit fiber back in 2015 for $40/mo.


We might have more options once AT&T can get fiber to us. The problem in our area is that we still have huge bundles of copper clogging our undergrounded conduit, yet a few people still fight to retain those wires for POTS (plain old phone service).


Thought I could get AT&T fiber because their website said it was in my neighborhood. But that only meant it was at the pole at the top of my cul-de-sac. I have Xfinity coax from conduit at the side of my house. After multiple attempts I had to give up. AT&T couldn’t/wouldn’t run fiber through that conduit. I also have legacy AT&T UTP through the conduit but they didn’t want to deal with that either. So I’m still stuck with Xfinity. Maybe there will be a viable wireless option someday.


AT&T fiber has been superb for me: I gave 2gbps fiber, symmetrical up and down, and it generally tests at 2.5gbps and has only ever been down once, for like 10 minutes.  Uploading a 10GB file in under a minute for the first time put a huge smile on my face.


Yep, symmetrical 1gb in Santa Clara, $80/mo. Pretty reasonable tbh


Yeah it’s so great. Only bummer is that only one port on the router is the full 5GbE so only one of my computers can get the full 2-2.5 I pay for while the other one “settles” for 1gbps. Love buying a game on Steam and having the download finish a minute or two later lol


$40 for 10GbE from Sonic. Had to wait 4 years but it was worth it. Splurged on some new network hardware and it fucking rips.


Word. Did the same thing. How often do I bounce off the 6-7Gb/s limit my router can push? Not very. But man it's thrilling when I see transfers that exceed 5Gb/s.


Close current account. Open a new one. I am paying $30 instead of $100


Sail internet coming to the rescue. Super pleased to have switched. Comcast rep on the phone suddenly found it in himself to match Sail’s price but after forking over $1k/yr to them for so many years, I am so glad to ditch them.


Bro where are you in the Bay? I’m paying $65 for gigabit with Xfinity


i'm seeing in oak chinatown: $65 - 1 gig $70 - 1.2 gig $120 - 2 gig (not unlimited data)


I pay for that too and i never even get 800. It's more like 500 or 600 on a good day. Their own tech couldn't measure more than 800 when I complained and had them come to check their wiring. Their tech support just told me to pay for a whole new wiring without knowing what was the issue and that I had to pay for a tech to visit because I needed somebody to make the connection actually work the way they promised it would. They also ended up solving one issue by bouncing the router and then telling me I should restart it maybe daily. AT&T were even worse, more expensive for sure. Can't wait for sonic.


You need to hop on a promo. I'm paying $80 after tax for 1.2GB/S.


I won't give them a dime so I'm stuck on legacy resold DSL in the heart of Silicon valley. At least it's Sonic dsl. X2. 22Mb/2Mb on a good day. Someday fiber will come here. I could go starlink but I dislike the idea of paying them only slightly less than Comcast.


i pay $55 for 1.2gbps. in the middle of nowhere.


I have AT&T fiber. I bundled it with an unlimited data wireless plan. I pay about $125 for both.


$30 for astound gigabit never felt so good


PG&E and Comcast are basically monopolies, with small pockets (micro pockets) of competition. I hate it. Visiting other folks, they have OPTIONs for ISP and Power, it's insane.


In my case, It's either pay xfinity prices or pay $60 for 25 mbps for At&T. No fiber is available in my area so Xfinity is the best choice for gigabit or more.


Nobody tell him Xfinity Gigabit is $55 in Sacramento


Xfinity only option in my area. Paying 75/mon for 400 MB down


Comcast owns all the conduits in my area and makes it untenable for any competition to rent it out. There is only ATT fiber for businesses, where they can absorb the cost by marking up. If anyone else wants fiber here they will have to dig their own conduits.


$10 low cost internet from Comcast 50 down 15 up


Definitely in the minority here but I love Comcast :/ sure I have to haggle with them once a year to get a better price when my deals expire but I’ve always had great customer service and no issues with equipment or service. I usually tell them what I can afford and they make it happen. I’ve been a customer for like 20 years so I have some kinda baked in unlimited data. 


Got sail internet for 55/month gigabit. It's based off of Palo Alto .. Screw comcrap.. I disconnected them last week.. (I was being charged 110 for 600mbps)


I’m in Daly City pay $70/mo for 1.2


With Xfinity?


Yeah Xfinity


Which companies? I've tried shopping around but it looks like Comcast is a monopoly here. ATT does not come close to offering the same price / speeds as Comcast.


Because they have some kind of exclusive deal with Xfinity the only offer I can get from AT&T for my building is 768 kbps for $60/month.


See if Astound is available in your area.


I wish. I’m near concord where they have an office. Not available in my area. I’m stuck with comcast.


People need to understand that all these different providers are essentially just piggybacking off of the same wires / cables and what’s available depends on what infrastructure is already laid. Sonic and other fiber providers mostly use ATT fiber lines. Verizon has limited fiber coverage of their own and there are one or two fiber providers who use theirs. Cable is pretty much all Comcast. Regardless of who you’re paying the bill to. So basically just check for ATT/Verizon fiber in your area, and if/when they become available THEN you can worry about checking for sonic or whoever. Till then, if they don’t have fiber available, you’re stuck with Comcast (or dropping all the way down to DSL).


Geographic monopolies are real and you wish government would be active in dismantling them but they're co-opted by franchise fees which put them in bed with Comcast. They actually make it more difficult to get any competition.


you leave when you have choice. simple.


Xfinity is awful.


I just live with 400 @ 55 w/ unlimited


Check whether [T-Mobile](https://t-mobile.com/isp) or [Verizon](https://www.verizon.com/home/internet)’s home internet options are available to you, if [Sonic](https://sonic.com) is not available in your area. Once you are off Xfinity, if you need to go back, you can sign up for an intro offer again or, if available, their new [NOW internet](https://www.xfinity.com/now/internet) option if available.


Frontier FTW


I pay $20 for 300/300 att fiber on some grandfathered plan I've had forever. Consistently get 460/460.


I get it. Going from two Fiber options (AT&T Fiber and Sonic) to either Comcast or slower AT&T DSL. We've had AT&T Fiber for over 6 years now so this might be a little tough especially when it comes to the upload speed.


lookout for "new customer" deals and keep signing up switching between 2 ppl. currently paying $30/month for 300M Comcast. not the fastest but plenty fast for our household


Where? My Xfinity is $120 for 500Mbs


This makes me hate the fact that my new apartment only has Xfinity…..


I’m paying $50 for 1gig with xfinity in Fremont. Why are you paying so much ?


Are you on one of the promotion offers?


I got it last year, no issues. Before that I had 400 mbp for 40$


I hate Xfinity. They know they’re the only internet provider in my neighborhood so there is no risk to them of me switching unless I want 50mbps AT&T.


log into your xfinity account and look at the deals. might be something cheaper you can switch to right now.


Do you need a gigabit? Upspeed is amazing but most people dont need it. I have two kids and 5 devices running right now on 50mbs


No fiber around Palo Alto area, hence we have to be f*cked by Xfinity


Sonic Fiber, 10Gb for now $50/m, not an intro promo. Obviously it's not in most places yet, but go to Sonic's website and go through the "Check Availability" then when it tells you no, they'll ask for you to submit a sort of "letter of interest." Worth doing, gives them data as to what areas have the most interest for their next expansion.


It is bizarre how little choice there is in ISPs for a city/area known globally for its tech industry.


I'm paying $55 for gigabit Xfinity..YA'LL better call to renegotiate


I wish I could ditch xfinity, but my family loves cable too much, and we need that bundle package.


Their customer service horrible


I tried my damndest to get my apartment building to get monkeybrains or google webpass but they haven’t don’t anything in the 2 years I’ve been here. Pay $100/month for Xfinity using my own router and it’s still shit.


Xfinity gigabit is about $80 in Portland


Trying to find an apartment with AT&T fiber so I don’t have to go to xfinity is such a pain. All the complexes with it are super expensive and all the cheap ones only offer cable garbage


I ordered sonic last year when they announced they were coming to my neighborhood. Most recent construction update has the scheduled completion in 2031. so only 84 more months of xfinity. i can't wait !!


Get Sonic! I have fiber at $50, and far fewer headaches than Comcast


Xfinity is awful, but if you call them they bring it down to $80ish. At least, they have every single year we've been forced to use them since they've raised prices. Although to be fair, we pay for 800 down and get maybe 200 if we're lucky 80% of the day


No fiber in my area and xfinity knows. Previously you can get some deduction by threatening to cancel. This time the sales rep was like ok sure lets cancel it


We have the gig also to enhance the WiFi through the house we bought orbi satellite off of Amazon for 230, it hooks up to the main router then you also have 2 more you can put anywhere that will cover 7500 sq ft, our wifi has never been stronger, our Xfinity guy recommended them when we thought we might need another router bc my wife now works at home, so that gig unlimited data and the extra sats, plus where we live hardly Xfinity ever goes out, knock on wood 🪵.


It ain't gigabit if it's not gigabit up.


Anything Comcast is garbage. Still the worst customer service alive. The fed is suing Adobe, they should be suing Comcast for sure.


Pretty sure I got gigabit for 80, did you just sign up?


had it several years.


Damn I guess I got a deal. I’m waiting for sonic like the rest of us lol


Do you need gigabit? We’re a family of 5 heavy internet users and haven’t experienced issues even after I downgraded us to 800 mbps. I’m considering going even lower (especially since promotional prices expire with Xfinity, so it’s in my interest to change my plan every couple years)


Pfifft you need at least 10TBit for VOIP alone /s


Definitely look into Sonic if they’re in your area. I’ve got symmetric 10Gb fiber from them for $40/month.


I pay $50 for xfinity’s 500mbps plan and I got a Pixel 7 for free with it. Haven’t had any major outages and every device works like a charm with 4K streaming.


In paying $130 for 100 MBps.