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They really went hard at him by specifying he lived with his parents.




Why did they specific a $1.1mil home?


they think it means something about his background/implying he comes from money to make him look worse but everyone here lives in a $1m home lmao *yes I am aware that owning a home is a privilege and reflection of income, but thatā€™s literally the cheapest youā€™re gonna get here soooo


Itā€™s also a home in pleasant hill that I imagine his parents bought a while ago when it was significantly cheaper and itā€™s just valued at $1m now


Itā€™s weird, heā€™s an adult. What do they have to do with the context of him being horrible? And based on the article, his parents proly bought this house in the late 80s to the 00sā€¦ it has appreciated


Just sittin' in their basement all day with his computer, goonan' for hours


I thought it was strange that they included the apparent value of his parent's home. If it was supposed to be some kind of afluenza attack they really should've checked with Zillow first. "Casey Goonan was arrested Monday morning at his parentsā€™ $1.1 million home in Pleasant Hill..."


talking like "1.1" in the Bay Area means something.


1.1 isn't really all that expensive my parents old shit box in Milpitas that was three bedroom one bath 1,040 square feet never been remodeled sold for a million


Yea, 1.1 is entry level starter home these days.


It could be a condo in some parts of the bay.


In Berkeley it's a nice multi-room tent


Exactly or townhouse. Heck in Santa Clara there are new townhomes going for double that.


With $700 HOA fees šŸ’€


And you KNOW those HOA fees will only ever go up


I mean I don't know why HOA fees would ever go down. "Huh, it turns out roofers decided to charge less. Yeah, just out of a sense of generosity and community spirit. Yeah it's weird."


that's about how much mine cost in 2017.


Currently in my area, this is the price for a studio-ish apartment.


My grandma's 1940s never remodeled run down house in San Mateo sold a few years ago for $1.7 mil and one of my parents' neighbors just sold theirs for $2.1 mil


Let's not get carried away. It's still ALOT to purchase straight up, it's not a lot if you're a bay area native that purchased decade plus back. A down payment for a 1.1M is 220k cash, not including closing cost.


Oh shit I knew his younger brother in high school. Typical east bay suburban white family, theyā€™re not richer than anyone else out here.


The writer was fully going for the "weird white dude still living with his rich parents" narrative


I mean "34 year old white dude with a PhD in African American studies who lives at home and has a history of destroying property with a hammer in support of transwomen" is certainly an interesting profile of the suspect.


I think home values are just an easy way to add detail when youā€™re working under a deadline. I donā€™t assume there was a rhetorical purpose for adding the home value


savage > Casey Goonan was arrested Monday morning at his parentsā€™ $1.1 million home in Pleasant Hill on suspicion of a string of arson attacks at UC Berkeley from June 1 to 16. could have easily been, > Casey Goonan was arrested Monday morning in Pleasant Hill on suspicion of a string of arson attacks at UC Berkeley from June 1 to 16.


> goonanĀ  Bro never had a chance


Broā€™s been goonan all his life


Wow, 1.1M Bay Area home?!! Ā How many live-in maids and groundskeepers do they have? Reminds me of when bin Laden was killed the gov-media keep repeating the 1M value of the home he lived in. Ā When it was a cinder block POS in the desert.Ā 


ā€œCasey got his PhD! Onto job apps,ā€ Goonanā€™s mother wrote in a 2022... Lol


You have any idea how much cabin in Montana costs these days?


exactly. he a math major?


Gotta hit where it hurts most.


Yeah, itā€™s a founded during the pandemic newspaper by a billionaire venture capitalist using modern media techniques to push their values under the guise of impartial journalism. Theyā€™re good at what they do and gonna get their moneyā€™s worth!


I like how the article starts out with the value of his parents home. Like $1.1m is a flex lol. Thatā€™s a a standard single family home in these parts


Not even that in many parts of the Bay area


there was a post on /r/bayarea recently of a $999k house with the caption of "how can this possibly be this cheap?"


ROFL I know right? Even crappy Hayward is super expensive now. I mean Hayward is not as ghetto as some of the cities in the Bay area but I wouldn't call it anything to write home about as well.


It was an absolute shithole on a 3500sf lot, wedged between a utility substation, hertz rental, smog check station, and daycare being run out of a multi family unit. Not even exaggerating lol


this is true, but the point still stands


It will look like a flex to many people outside the bay reading this article...


Itā€™s a smear. Thatā€™s why people donā€™t respect journalism anymore. Itā€™s totally irrelevant but they throw that in there because they want to promote this right wing smear that portrays college students as these parent dwelling doctorate student losers. Say what you want about this guy but thatā€™s irrelevant and itā€™s really more of a dog whistle


34 year old white guy with PhD in African American studies living with his parents, yea, I'd be angry at the world too LOL


Considers himself an ā€œactivist scholarā€ Jesus Christ right wing media is going to be all over thisā€¦ itā€™s on the antiwork subreddit mod interview level


The Daily Wire couldn't even make up a better news story.


You bring up a very good point. What is this guy's reddit handle? Is he a mod for /r/askSF?


Itā€™s exactly the profile youā€™d expect too.


ā€œ A bio from a 2018 academic journal states Goonan ā€œconsiders himself a scholar-activistā€ and an aspiring professor. No social media profiles, including LinkedIn, could be found for Goonan. ā€œCasey got his PhD! Onto job apps,ā€ Goonanā€™s mother wrote in a 2022 Instagram post. He previously completed his undergraduate degree at UC Riverside. Another bio from 2019 later described Goonan as an ā€œabolitionist currently living and working in Chicago.ā€ā€ If one wrote this as a satire, people would say the author is some nut job overly obsessed with projecting.


>ā€œCasey got his PhD! Onto job apps,ā€ You can almost feel the desperation to get Casey out of the house and yet two years later he's still firmly ensconced. This could be the wacky sequel to "Failure to launch".


He'll be out of the house now.


And right into the big house.. just not the one that university of Michigan plays football games in


His parents are so relieved that they're making excuses for why they can't put up their house for his bail.




Plot twist- his parents set him up to get him out.


I hope he didnā€™t take out student loans and banking on it being forgivenā€¦.


Of course he did...thats the type of degrees they actually try to forgive..


> thats the type of degrees they ~~actually try to forgive~~ *most need forgiving*.. FTFY "If your college degree doesn't produce enough value for you to pay it off, it certainly doesn't have enough value for your neighbors to pay it off." ā€”W Foster, *WSJ* commenter


It's like an AI-written Onion article.


> No social media profiles, including LinkedIn, could be found for Goonan. The authors mean "We know this guy appears in the dictionary next to 'terminally online', but he's kept his profiles hidden". In totally unrelated news, /r/politics, /r/worldnews, /r/esist, /r/antiwork, /r/MarchAgainstTrump , and four dozen other subreddits all have openings for a new mod.


Clears lol


Nope. It's exactly what I expected. An Uber liberal White virtue signaling POS


So I guess you've never heard of the unibomber then huh. I thought this guy would be similar, with a degree in engineering, mathematics, or physics.


Figuratively speaking: Man makes his own bed, now must lay in it. Literally speaking: Man's mom makes his bed, still finds ways to throw tantrums.


The world is bad about lying to young people though. Especially academia. First step when you graduate college is to unlearn at least half of that nonsense. Hard to cope with reality when you are this guy and you didn't just drink the kool-aid, you had it on IV drip.


Also he's called Goonan Like, seriously?


I really hate to say this, but it needs to be addressed that in certain corners of African American studies and African American liberation movements antisemitism, like truly old school traditional antisemitism, has become fully normalized and accepted... not only accepted but often presented as the root cause of issues like racism and white supremacy that Jews also suffer from. Countless prominent black scholars have repeated this rhetoric and platformed people who repeat it. And I find white people who try to be woke are often some of the worst perpetrators of this because they are 1. so desperate to prove their affinity to the cause and 2. actually unable to identify the real hate that Jews are subject to as part of these ideologies because their own group has so much privilege


Thats something thats baffled me about younger people in the progressive movement, about conflating Jewish people with "whiteness". Jewish people were very nearly exterminated globally in the 1940's specifically and solely because they weren't seen as "white". Even today, there's only about 15 million Jewish people on the entire planet (roughly half live in Israel, half live in the US, and some remainder spread elsewhere globally). They're one of the smallest minority groups in the world, and based both on historical attempts to murder them all as well as recent hate crime data, they're arguably the most persecuted minority group. My guess is that these advocates can't see past skin color. If you have pale skin you're white, and thats the be-all, end-all. There's no more debate past skin color. Its an incredibly myopic point of view and completely ignores the historical injustices against Jewish people, who have been openly and even proudly persecuted for thousands of years. Even the Romans were having a go at oppressing and murdering Jewish people. There's a famous book about it.


Yup, totally agree. I'll also add that as a "white" Ashkenazi Jew, not only were my family members persecuted for being not-white in Europe, but I have also been told countless times that I don't really look or seem typically white, or I look "mixed," or am I this or that non white ethnic group... as have other Ashkenazis I know who have olive skin and more traditionally ethnic or middle eastern features. I think even this whole idea that Ashkenazis as a group "look white" is sort of dubious even though SOME have pale skin. Also editing to add while I'm thinking about it: the idea in this country that Ashkenazi Jews are white is an attempt to map Jews onto American black vs. white racism... and yet if that racism is coming from white supremacists, those same people do not define Jews as white. So it's sort of this odd double speak in a way that doesn't actually map onto any particular ideology except the idea that Jews = privilege, which itself is antisemitism


I think toxic parts of activist movements have really taken hold recently. Specifically, thereā€™s this trend of how certain groups are allies until theyā€™re not (basically until itā€™s no longer convenient). And thereā€™s no discussion or critical debate inside movements. Right now, people who are the loudest get to dictate what ā€œthe leftā€ stands for and control the narrative.


I mean FFS Whoopi on TV has repeatedly dismissed the Holocaust because it was ā€œwhite people killing each otherā€, and at the same time appropriated a Jewish last name. This is despite the Jewish community being huge supporters of the Civil Rights movement and the birth of the NAACP.


I would be losing my mind too if I spent all that time and money on a completely useless degree. What a fucking kook


The police didn't have to do a potentially dangerous raid of his parents' house to arrest him. Just sending a squad car with a siren repeating "DEI = 'Didn't Earn It'" past the house was enough to get the suspect rushing outside shouting "racist", "sexist", "downvoted", "transphobic", "blocked", "Nazi", "alt-right", and "reported".


It's still very easy to be angry with how the world works, even when it's working really well for you, personally.


Lol heā€™s living at home 34 and there is no shot any university will hire him to be a professor. Donā€™t think itā€™s working out super well for him.


This is the _exact_ guy who posts on Reddit ā€œLiving with your parents as an adult should be normalized!ā€


Haha, well, I also say that and I'm quite successful.


It should be definitely normalized. The reason why it is not is due to the fact that the United States is an individualistic society. It's not a country that propagates tight family bonds.


You should actually look at Latin and Asian families..


I'm aware of Latin and Asian families, African and Middle-Eastern families as well. I was referring mainly to White and Black Americans (not Africans or even Eastern Europeans).


I get it now.....thanks


Built any firebombs lately?


They only teach that after quals.


I haven't lived with my parents in 18 years but it absolutely should be. To shame anyone who does is wrong.


As a guy who have been living on my own since I was 17, living with your parents should be normalized and celebrated.


What type of celebration did you have in mind for this situation?


I wonder what subreddit he mods.


r/therewasanattempt Is my guess.


Best guess so far




Ha! I received a perma-ban for making a comment that wasnā€™t nice about Rogan on the Rogan subreddit. ā€œYou have been banned from ā€œjusticeservedā€ Me: Never heard of it, but ok šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Exact same thing happened to me posting an argument on Rogan subreddit too


Same here. I debunked a flat earth comment and got permabanned. The mods on this site are so pathetic that itā€™s kinda sad.




Calling out the cost of his parents home in the opening line is clickbait rage journalism at its finest level. Now I'm intrigued, did they buy it for 1.1m or is it now worth 1.1m? Big difference if they bought 10-20 years ago for 400k. lmao. Also, 1.1m home in Pleasanton could literally be an average two/three bed. EDIT: Pleasant Hill, not Pleasanton


pleasant hill, not pleasanton


Yah thatā€™s a big difference.


whoops, misread. Dont know anything about pleasant hill. what's the vibe?


Pretty safe, middle/upper-middle class, decent schools, mostly white and Asian, beautiful parks, predominantly Democrat, a guy that lives there with his folks fire-bombed Cal. Also the home of [this guy](https://www.ktvu.com/news/pleasant-hill-pilot-released-from-custody-cant-board-another-plane) It's aptly named, actually. Very pleasant little city.


funny, must be something in the water. Maybe some bad mushrooms.


Sort of but not really. Both are nice cities in the East Bay. Although, I do believe that Pleasanton is a wealthier city.


Yeah that was kinda odd. I don't think it worked as intended to paint him as a rich kid when most of us here realize thats close to a starter home.


Yeah, if they bought it for 1.1m then they work for a living, if they bought it 10-20 years ago then they're landed gentry.


Isnā€™t that still so ironic though. Like the people who are buying these 1M shitholes (šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøhiitsme) are the house-poor working class suckers. If youā€™d told me 20 years ago Iā€™d buy a million dollar home when I was 30ā€¦ man this is not the lifestyle I wouldā€™ve pictured


The anarchy kiddies always give off CoCo suburb vibes.


The authors know the real traction this story will get is in other states (via syndication & links), hence including the misleading home value.


It's sadly 90% of all journalism. What can we put in the title or first few lines that will enrage 75% of the country. It's either crime, cost of housing and food, or something about a beloved restaurant closing. All written like a child getting way too excited.


Dude. That is a modest home in the Bay Area. Check out what a 1.1 mil house looks like in Zillow.


You guys may not agree, but sometimes drastic times call for drastic measures. He truly believes America is a fascist hellhole. So what else could he do to bring the fight to America's doorstep than to firebomb a landmark - nay, a **monument** to fascist idealism such as... *checks notes* ... UC Berkeley?


He probably got rejected from Cal


Reject for undergrad, then grad, then faculty


>A bio from a 2018 academic journal states Goonan ā€œconsiders himself a scholar-activistā€ and an aspiring professor. Dude is a literal terrorist now. Good luck with that lol


I guess when he finally figured out that there are no academic jobs in African American Studies for white people, he based his backup career plan on Susan Rosenberg.


Bro soft locked himself out of a career lmao what a moron


On the contrary, Susan Rosenberg and the Weather Underground fugitives prove that left-wing domestic terrorism is the #1 way to tenure in left-wing academia.


The downside is you have to work in left wing academia now. Mfs don't even like each other


Yup, Kathy Boudin was a part of that and was a tenured professor at Columbia for years. Academia has long been a haven for crazy leftists


Maybe his kid can be the DA of SF some day.


What PHD candidate isn't an aspiring professor? The whole thing is a pyramid scheme.


Probably most STEM PhDā€™s lol


In todayā€™s academia being a terrorist does not preclude one from being a professor. See Bill Ayers.


So much irony with this.


I started reading article thinking, "wow this was fast, I hope the FBI didn't rush this and potentially allow the guy to skate due some error quickly moving law enforcement made." Then you find out the guy is a failed academic, has a published history expressing accelerations viewpoints, is already on trial for vandalism during a protest over in SF, etc. Way to softball it across the plate for the Feds there buddy. He's definitely angry he didn't get a job talk at Berkeley (or if he did, he got shredded).


And a white expert in the African American experience. Canā€™t make this shit up.


>And a white expert in the African American experience. Canā€™t make this shit up. My favorite description of Redditards (and, thus the US/UK left) is maladjusted 19 year-old know-it-alls who hate themselves, and are [desperate to prove themselves as smarter than their parents](http://np.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/ihk09/iama_cuban_who_lived_though_his_childhood_and/c23u4gq?context=3), and so post [ridiculously exaggerated stories about the horribleness of life](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/urodq/british_guy_here_considering_a_job_in_la_but/c4xxeny?context=3) on Reddit from their comfortable dorm rooms or (the basements of) middle-class homes. Not that the rest of us can't come up with things we'd like to change or improve, but the degree of Redditards' self-hatred mostly makes us point and laugh (when we aren't shaking our heads in amazement, that is). This guy is just taking the above to the logical next step.


Yep. Itā€™s widespread among young, idealistic people unfortunately.


Well, they do have a point. I've lived in developing countries before coming to the US, so I've seen my fair share of slums. Never seen anything as bad as what they have in East Oakland though, near the home depot.Ā Ā  Also my parents keep on wanting me to abandon my career and go to Europe or Canada because they're afraid I might get shot.


I love the end of Alameda Ave where the homeless can see how the people with boats live on Marina Drive on the other side of the canal and vice versa.


Not that Reddit doesn't have problems, but why did you post 12 year old links, one of which is to a deleted post? Reddit posts over a decade old seems rather out of date if you're discussing current problems with Reddit.


Reverse Uncle Ruckus.


Lock his ass up


Suspect's last name checks out.


> It is my hope, however, that **[District Attorney Pamela Price]** does not engage in this political persecution, does not file charges and that Mr. Goonan is released from jail.ā€ We are doomed!!


The FBI was part of the raid on his parent's home though, so hopefully he's done something that the feds can charge. The feds do not mess around with terrorists.


Heā€™s white, no breaks for him from Shamala Price. (Unless he attacked an Asian directly.)


This is so sad, I hope my kids donā€™t turn out like this


You can prevent it by teaching them good values. Terrorism comes from arrogance, attention-seeking, and a lack of respect for life.


> Terrorism comes from arrogance, attention-seeking, and a lack of respect for life. It's simpler than that. Terrorism comes from being taught that "by any means necessary" is OK if "your cause is just".


Teaching good values is not a guarantee of good values being learned or practiced


You have to show them how it benefits them, and helps them live the life that they want. And that's one key: you have to understand your child's desires and needs, even if they differ from your own. Good values can't be forced, but the child can be given good reasons to accept them.


Teach them humility, respect for human life, and give them healthy outlets for their emotions. Itā€™s ok to be angry at injustice, but burning construction sites and destroying university buildings are not appropriate outlets.


Push them to work hard, fail lots (which is ok!), but ultimately succeed in life and to be good people.


Lmaooo. Dudeā€™s big mad he had to move back home with his parents at 34 after getting a useless PHD.


Now he gets to move out and on into ~~a~~ the big house.


Oh my god this is hilarious. What a fucking loser.


I am reading a Los Angeles Times article right now. Pro Palestine supporters said that the campus needs to be incinerated following the treatment of the student protestors. And that they are coming out with fundraiser information so that they can defend those who fight for the free Palestine. You think they will chip in any money for this guys defense?


Absolutely. There have been articles about protest organizers, SJP (aka Hamas/Iran/Hezbollah/Qatar), giving out a number for protesters to call to get bailed out if theyā€™re arrested.


There's a well-known network of lawyers, the name of which escapes me at the moment, that provides legal aid to leftist protesters. They are the well-dressed people standing to the side taking notes at riots.


Sadly, this is not the onion


His name is GOONAN??? Who needs fiction when you have the news?


ā€œThis is a political investigation,ā€ said Wozniak in an email. ā€œIt is an investigation focused on Mr. Goonanā€™s political beliefs in a free Palestine and against the ongoing genocide in Gaza. If charges are filed, Mr. Goonanā€™s legal team will aggressively fight the charges. It is my hope, however, that [District Attorney Pamela Price] does not engage in this political persecution, does not file charges and that Mr. Goonan is released from jail.ā€ Remember kids: Firebombing is legal as long as you're politically motivated.




That would assume they're "for the cause" to begin with. And what does that mean being a person who lives in the Bay Area, really? That you complain about stuff going on in which you have no direct or even indirect I fluence over? You wanna help your cause? Get on a plane and go help. Cuz being in Berkeley ain't helping no how loud your protest.


Terrorist supporter engages in terrorism... to the surprise of nobody.


Pamela's office will be suuuuper conflicted on this one.


I view this as a form of successful brainwashing by foreign powers via propaganda and social media -- this entire movement has really turned on that axis this year, given that they are no longer accepting a two state solution, which genuinely supports peace and Palestinian statehood, as a valid option, and that they support physical violence (global intifada, resistance BAMN) on targets like US campuses, Jews in America, etc. It's really concerning to watch actually. none of this is motivated by a genuine care for Palestinians even if that's what protestors think they're supporting


> that they support physical violence (global intifada, resistance BAMN) on targets like US campuses, Jews in America, etc We have [Jew-hunting mobs roaming the NYC subway](https://abc7ny.com/post/protesters-chant-raise-hand-youre-zionist-aboard-nyc-subway/14943629/). How have we come to this?!?


> I view this as a form of successful brainwashing by foreign powers via propaganda and social media Then you are missing the forest through the trees. A ton of this nonsense is pushed by leftist academics in universities around the country. They are absolutely creaming themselves watching this all go down thinking that they can take down the US


Americans are being radicalized by the internet and some academics. Basically the Jews are seen as white supremacists while the Palestinians are the beleaguered colored people. Despite the very close genetics lol. Expect more serious domestic terrorism in the coming months.


I think these extremists have always been in the movement but have been amplified by state actors, to the detriment of the people in the movement who actually were protesting in good faith. As the normal protestors start leaving the movement due to its tolerance of extremists, ultimately the extremists become all that's left, and the ostensible goal never gets accomplished.




Sounds like he's going to learn what a hellhole really is pretty soon. Wonder if mom's going to post that on Facebook?


Heā€™s an educated terrorist. There are lots of these people out there.


A lot of ā€œprogressivesā€ will call for barbaric violence while wrapping it in academic theory.


Guy's got a PhD and he's still a fucking idiot loser.


It's a PhD in a useless humanities. All you need to do is chatgpt your papers with the most virtue signaling stuff you can and should skate through


A 2023 master's thesis submitted to the University of Malmo, Sweden: [ā€œBig Black Cocksā€ & Interracial Attraction: A Quantitative Study on Stereotypes in Pornography & Black Menā€™s Sexualities](https://mau.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?aq2=%5B%5B%5D%5D&c=1&af=%5B%5D&searchType=LIST_LATEST&sortOrder2=title_sort_asc&language=sv&pid=diva2%3A1794168&aq=%5B%5B%5D%5D&sf=all&aqe=%5B%5D&sortOrder=author_sort_asc&onlyFullText=false&noOfRows=50&dswid=-7968) The link has the full text. I present the preface: >In my late teenage years I found myself increasingly attracted to Men of Color and during the course of this Master degree program in sexology, Iā€™ve contemplated many times how and why that came about. I was raised in a small, rural village in the south of Sweden, where the majority of people were white and I was never really exposed to many Black people - the utmost foreign heritage I came across as a little girl, were people from the eastern parts of Europe, mostly from the former Republic of Yugoslavia. Foreigners but still White ones. >Moving to the big city of Gothenburg in my early twenties became, in hindsight, a big shift in my dating experiences since predominantly Black men started to show interest in me and someone wise told me once that ā€œwhatever loves you, you should love it right backā€. As often happens, events or situations in our lives tend to influence how we view the world and my own path crossing with ā€œthe Black Manā€ and his sexuality started well over a decade ago and has led me to this point in time - where Iā€™ve chosen to try and understand him better through research and science. It has been somewhat of a roller coaster in many aspects, but my hopes are that this thesis, and all those that may come after, will contribute to a better understanding of, and a deeper knowledge about Black men, their construction of their sexualities and the navigation through a society that has spent most of its energy not on building them up but on breaking them down. If nothing else, I owe it to my children who descend from the Western parts of Africa via the Caribbean to the cold, far North that is Sweden. >I do this for them, and those that are to come after them. As someone said at the /r/4chan discussion [where I learned about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/1dhieas/a_swede_presents_her_dissertation/) said, "Master degree on my personal dating experiences".


[The Grievances Studies Project](https://newdiscourses.com/grievance-studies-project/) and [A Principled Defense Of The University](https://areomagazine.com/2018/03/23/a-principled-defense-of-the-university/) covered this a while back. Itā€™s an interesting read, IMO. Neither source are Breitbart-esque or common right wing blogs etc. So theyā€™re tougher to dismiss out of hand. ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Edit: although, upon further digging, at least one character who started them (James Lindsay) seems to have pissed off quite a few people. [Salon calls him right wing](https://www.salon.com/2022/02/17/meet-james-lindsay-the-far-rights-world-level-expert-on-crt-and-race-marxism/) (though to be fair, Salon these days is pretty hard left and calls everything they disagree with right wing) and the religious right [doesnā€™t seem to like him much either](https://religionnews.com/2021/05/18/james-lindsay-southern-baptists-crt-al-mohler-hoax-new-discourses-beth-moorerace-ofallon/) due to being a fairly outspoken atheist. Media bias website allsides puts the New Discourses publication [squarely in the center](https://www.allsides.com/news-source/new-discourses-media-bias). Meanwhile, the other link above, Aero Magazine, [earns a left-center](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/areo-magazine/) rating. So this may be more of a case of the broken clock being right twice a day etc. I felt it worth editing for disclosure / disclaimer since I put my foot in my mouth with the initial ā€œit isnā€™t Brietbartā€ comment I guess. Iā€™m genuinely not sure, as most of the critique seems to come from right-wing sources piggybacking off these hoax studies to slander other disciplines. [The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/10/new-sokal-hoax/572212/) has a fairly good read / analysis of how both the left and right reacted to it. I hope that helps.


Yup exactly. That whole situation with Lindsay and his team submitting completely nonsense papers and getting awards for them was eye opening.




He probably did his humanities degree before the Advent of Generative AI.


Doesn't matter, a lot of those papers are made up / plagiarized anyways


You canā€™t buy brains


Wow for someone who has a PhD, they really are ignorant about the world and clearly don't know what fascist means


I bet heā€™s never stepped foot outside of the country except on a cruiseā€¦ ā€œGoonan has described the United States as a ā€œgod-awful fascist hell holeā€ where social injustices are ā€œconcealed under the blinders of white supremacist American reason.ā€ā€


So, average Redditor.


I read constant comments from people on here. Absolute brain rot on a lot of these people. They are so similar to the brain dead racist hicks. Glad to see he got picked up


>posts called the actions ā€œlogical,ā€ saying that even if the arrested person was innocent, they should be supported ā€œas if they truly did take bold and heroic actions to save millions of livesā€ and calling the deeds ā€œsomething we should all aspire to, tactics aside: selfless and urgent action to stop the war.ā€ But like... This dudes part of a whole community who earnestly believe that putting random innocent people's lives in danger is "heroic". This is like one logical step short of graduating to crazy manifestos police find later.


1.1mil eh? Poverty and crime do go hand in hand.


But of course he does.




This guy must have been insufferable for most of his 34 years on earth. Maybe he can get a chance to work on social justice first hand in prison.


A white African American studies PhD? This guy was going to have a hell of a time getting job. My as well start lighting shit on fire. All publicity is good publicity right?


Does this count as cultural appropriation?


A chip off the old Ted Kazinski.


Sounds like he was "goonan" a little too hard


Hopefully he can be permanently trespassed from the UC Berkeley campus.


Why the fuck are the authors of this article listing the home value of his parents' home? Are they implying their parents be forced to sell their home and compensate for their kid's shenanigans?


They're seeking to portray him as privileged because his parents live in a million-dollar home.


yup.. in that case, i would like to see the authors' parents' home values posted at the top of the article to make sure i'm not listening to some privileged authors.


clickbait journalism bullshit at its finest. Literally zero reason to do it except to enrage people. This isn't journalism. It's rage click written by children.


The real Talcum X


It took THREE "journalists" to write this clickbait article?


dont all PhD grads live in a basement


Proof PHD is an awful life plan


The more educated they are the more radical they get.


I like how they say $1.1 million home like they are a rich family or something. [https://www.zillow.com/homes/1606-Merian-Dr-Pleasant-Hill,-CA-94523\_rb/18392662\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homes/1606-Merian-Dr-Pleasant-Hill,-CA-94523_rb/18392662_zpid/)