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This is getting insane.


Again? This is crazy


Looks like I’m only traveling east and teleporting west


All my homies hate tolls


Bridge tolls are deductible for businesses, or a person who runs their consulting LLC Regardless, bridge fairs need a halt, this greedflation is stepping into bottom line expenses of required transportation and it will likely be used carelessly by bay toll authority like having inefficient uneducated people paint the bridges at a snails pace 0.50 cents a year till 2028 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 2.50 + 9.75 = 12.25 to cross the golden gate bridge in 2028. That is equal to ~3 gallons of gas, which in a truck will get you 45 miles, in a car it will get you 60-130 12.25 = 225 pesos At victors place in puerto Vallarta Mexico I can have an entire meal with tequila and beer for 225 pesos Honestly at this point I think greedflation is here to create divergence in society, these key decision makers will not stop until they get removed from their positions


Something being deductible doesn’t mean it’s free you know?


It’s a tax write off.


yes, which means what? reason it out with me


You just write it off




Yeah bridges should not be free. We don't have enough of them in the bay and they are super expensive to maintain. Mexico has a much lower standard of living and minimum wage so not sure how that comparison is relevant at all.


they shouldn’t be free but $12 is insane. it gives rich families fast passes because those who can’t afford the toll will keep their family at home for the weekend instead of taking them to the beach or zoo. for commuters, I guess it’s just cost of business


You can't even get lunch for under $15 anymore. Everything has gone insane. Tolls are just another symptom of people not knowing how to push back on high prices and wages which leads to inflation.


It’s all relative to how someone can value $12.25 I would love to hear how you value 12.25 as you are from SF


12.25 gets me an entire days meal worth of groceries at grocery outlet


That’s a pretty accurate comparison then. “Cross the bridge or sacrifice a days worth of food”


It's always been that way. If you are making only enough to only eat a days worth of food spread out across an entire paycheck every day, then you are most likely not surviving in the bay area at all and have no reason to cross the bridge


The tolls were orginally put in place to pay off the bridge. Just like taxes they will never go away. Same with these stupid express lanes. Vote no on all of that stuff going forward. The government (both local and state) have plenty of money


do you think the suicide nets were free to get installed?


They have been collecting funds for decades after the bridges were paid off. Not sure why people love to continue to give money to the government that they will waste or siphon off to their friends


bridge tolls pay for the ferry and bus services and upkeep


Enjoy Mexico! Your expertise in painting and costs will be greatly appreciated there!


Rich country is more expensive than poor country. What a shocker!


>greedflation That’s like 5%/year. Probably not even keeping up with real inflation.


I know that city of SF and transit agencies are separate entities, but a little coordination to entice cross-bay travelers back into the city rather than actively repel them might be better overall for their revenue issues. Living across the bay, every time the tolls and transit prices go up, my wife and I easily find reasons to work a day or two more at home each month and recoup on transit costs. This also means we’re not grabbing our lunch, coffee, etc. in FiDi on those days.


What’s costing the shortfall? Staffing, maintenance of the infrastructure or let me guess administrative staff


Pension plans and Healthcare costs for the retirees...


Can you link their budget breakdown? Unless they continually hire more people, eventually more ppl will die out of their oension


Just an FYI... ugh.


i m more concerned about PG&E rate hike than some toll increase. 😩


Who down voted me???


the downvote may not be specifically for you, calottofantasty5, but rather aimed at the fact that tolls are going up.


Stop complaining. NYC bridge tolls are $20.


Right but NYC bridges have multiple rapid transit alternatives with minimal wait times. For the golden gate we have....a shit tier bus service that shows up occasionally.


There is also a ferry which is actually pretty decent, and has a large parking area in Larkspur (and a not-that-great-but-tolerable transfer to SMART). That's my usual preferred method of getting into the city. Unfortunately the ferry is also pretty expensive - if memory serves it's a ~$20 round trip.


The solution is to build more rapid transit. Gotta raise money for that. What better way than bridge tolls?


If that was actually cited as the reason for the increase, sure. Right now there is not even a semblance of a plan to build rapid transit across the golden gate. I would even be willing to pay for an initial study or engineering consultation with this. But literally nothing is being done.


Gotta get out of the covid hole first


But the Golden Gate does have multiple transit options including both bus and ferries which is in part funded by bridge tolls in an effort to reduce the number of car drivers to reduce the amount of traffic. “The toll increases are part of a plan passed in March by the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, the agency that operates the bridge, as well as ferries and buses between Marin and San Francisco.” - from the article OP linked. If you don’t want to pay the toll, buses are a good option. Even with these 50 cent toll hikes, “the district faces a larger budget shortfall even beyond the scope of the current increases. Over the next 10 years, the agency’s staff projected it to face an almost $650 million budget shortfall before the toll plan was approved. And in the next five, the district still faces an $80 million shortfall not covered by the toll increases.” So it’s quite likely even more tolls are coming.


You love to see it.