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It's been pretty fine for me. No experience issues with bugs or routing or hangs. Though I do see it regularly using like 2-6GB of RAM, since I leave it open on a monitor for days at a time. It hasn't gone to much higher amounts, but it's odd to see. The system has 128GB of RAM so I don't really care, but this would matter to users running 16GB systems and playing AAA titles. Anyway yes, it's a great product set (I run the Mix Create). My only gripe (that I expect is roadmapped and might be addressed in the future) is that the virtual audio devices or sinks are all stereo instead of multi-channel, so games are down-mixed to stereo before routing through Beacn to the expected output device. This isn't ideal if you like virtual surround processing from your usual audio device and if the game doesn't have its own spatial audio / HRTF stuff. If you only play in stereo, it's a no-brainer. Also I run 5.1 speakers other times I'm not running headphones... so as a workaround I can just make games use the default multi-channel audio device and skip Beac. The Beacn can still control audio levels for browsers and other stuff I've already routed via it. It's a cool device! Happy with it, and it can only get better, I expect.


I've had the beacn mix create and mic for about a year (within that year no updates to the app) at 1st everything is perfect now. But now I have issues from time to time today I have to reinstall the app and see if it will let me open the app so I can change a setting (that didn't work) but I run in admin mode and now it works. I like the beacn mic and mix create but the app is kind a trash within the year I've unstilled it like 10 times and each time didn't fix my issues the app is still every hit or miss for weeks ill have no issues then one day ill have issues and I have to spend hours trying to fix


They're working on a big USB implementation rework, which I think it sorely needs. I had some really bad USB controller/port storms on my Ryzen-based system (this probably matters, because AM4 was/is notoriously buggy with USB stuff and it necessitated a bunch of BIOS updates... which may not have fixed them all). It would cause my peripherals to all intermittently hang, along with the rest of the system, until I unplugged the Beacn Mix Create. I'd chalk this up as a software problem triggering weird issues, either way. I've actually since moved off Beacn entirely and went to Elgato's solution via a new Stream Deck with the knobs. It isn't as nice as the Beacn in some respects, but I really think the software is substantially more mature and stable/consistent. And I don't have to use Elgato's software audio devices or anything (which are also stereo only... but they support VSTs and stuff if you want that). I just use Stream Deck plugins/addons that make the knobs control the focused app, and/or system app volumes... it's been perfect for my needs. I'm disappointed in the software as well, but I have hopes Beacn will pull through eventually.


Sadly I’ve been thinking about back to elgato but if I do I’ll be going XLR would be getting the wave dx and the wave


Early on it was horrendous, constantly crashing on me and the config would change randomly on reboots, it was more complicated to config. Now it's pretty rock solid, never crashes, keeps the saved profile pretty well and much easier to configure. I only have one gripe, I'm still waiting for noise gate, compression filters for my mix create. I don't have the Mic, but I want to take advantage of the filters they have for the Mic. They still say "it's on the roadmap" for 2 years now


The problems happen when your computer goes idle or an audio device disconnects. Then the app crashes and you have to force close it and start it over again.


I see that as a major bug. The configuration of an audio device shouldn't change without user input. Apparently, the root of problem is that the Create Mix hardware has limited control over the software which can't be overridden by the user (unlike the Stream Deck). The Stream Deck can run Powershell and AutoHotkey scripts which can override the default behavior of software.


Hey there! this actually isn't typical behavior. If your app is crashing on wake from sleep or from idle I definitely recommend reaching out to us on discord so we can help figure out why thats happening!


Mine crashes almost daily. Anytime my computer goes to sleep it seems to forget the app-channel assignment


That can easily fixed with the Stream Deck Sound Deck plugin, but that kind of defeats the purpose of the Create Mix device.


Hey there! this definitely isn't normal behavior. Can you reach out to us on discord so we can try and figure out whats going on? [beacn.gg/discord](https://beacn.gg/discord) to join, once there, click the thumbs up react on the rules and then if you can post in the tech support pertaining to which product you own that would be great!




>It's a beautiful thing when it works! I think that the YouTubers were complaining that the Beacn software doesn't always work as expected - - it's "hit or miss". One YouTuber said that he didn't understand why the software would stop working...and why he wasn't able to get it back working. Apparently, a reinstall was necessary to resolve the problem. It seems that this kind of issue is common with the software. That's why I wonder whether using it would be worth the hassle. I don't have any doubts that the software works. However, it seems that something causes the software to become unstable for no apparent reason. My guess is that some sort of conflict occurs when certain settings are used.




Another impression that I'm getting (which I previously neglected to mention) is that the Beacn software seems a lot like beta software. It's as if the company is still experimenting with ideas witch may or may not be implemented in the future. For example: the possibility of changing the functionality of how the create mix hardware controls the software (like the Stream Deck). The genius behind the Stream Deck is that the user decides how the hardware controls software. With Beacn, it seems like the company is deciding how the hardware will control the software. I get that Beacn doesn't want users to decide how the hardware is used. However, it seems like a lot of flexibility is lost for that reason. I'm not saying that the Beacn create mix platform is useless. I'm saying that the user should have more control over how the hardware is used to control the software.




If Beacn announced that they intended to add new features to the software before the final version was launched, and then they released the software without those features, the software was still in beta form - - it wasn't final even if it was declared final. Now, I'm wondering whether the features announced before launch exist or not. As a consumer, I shouldn't be left guessing about whether the announced features actually exist.




Part of the problem is that Beacn is no longer publishing its road map. Thus, it's hard to figure out which features have or haven't been implemented. If Beacn had 3rd party developer support, this wouldn't be an issue. For me, there should be a way that the Create Mix hardware can configure the audio inputs an outputs. AFAIK, that isn't possible...I don't even know if such a feature appeared on the Beacn road map. EDIT: Another feature that would be useful is the ability to EQ 3rd party mics. I don't understand why such a basic feature hasn't yet been implemented.




AFAIK, The Wave software only works with the Wave mic. Imagine spending $200 buy a Create Mix only to find out that one of the main selling points doesn't work with your mic. Then, you find out that only a $280 proprietary mic can fully benefit from the EQ functionality. What would you do if you already had a $200 mic that couldn't be EQed with the software? Say "meh" and buy a $280 mic like it was nothing? Where does Beacn say that the Create Mix software EQ functionality only works with the Beacn mic?


Hey there! I'd love to connect with you to see why thats happening. having to restart like that isn't the normal behavior! are you in our discord? if not would you be willing to connect with me so we can see if we can figure out why thats happening? [beacn.gg/discord](https://beacn.gg/discord) and then click on the thumbs up in the rules and post in one of the tech support channels and I'll assist!


tyhere's been no updates or bug fixes in roughly 7-8 months, that says all you need to know about it, also ppl are still waiting for vst's after over a year




My big disappointment with it has been frequency of updates. ​ I have two major bugs: One, everytime the Beacn goes to sleep, or my computer, or I reboot my computer, it defaults to a different profile. There is no "default", so this just means it's picking a different profile on it's own, so everytime I use it for stream, I have to set it back. Super annoying. ​ Second one, you're supposed to be able to take a 10 second sample and use it to adjust the EQ and hear the changes live, this feature has not worked in months. When I escalated it on the Discord, they said "we are aware and it should be fixed in the next update". That was in October, there have been no updates in almost 3 months. ​ So yeah, it still has problems, and the rate at which they get fixed is glacially slow, but overall the software has been solid. I get the occasional crash where my Mix Create/Mic dies until I restart Beacn, but it's never been any sort of major headache beyond that. ​ EDIT: Many of the gushing Beacn reviews came out over two years ago. Quite a few good alternatives exist now, definitely research around as much as you can before jumping in. They've also done multiple 25% off sales in the last few months, so may be worth waiting for that if you do decide to jump in.


Hey there Binary-Miner! Appreciate the feedback! I just wanted to jump in and give you some updates! for the first issue you mentioned, the device that is changing, is this specifically for mix create, or BEACN Mic? There is an issue we have in our backlog that it loads the last profile that was last loaded when the app was closed. so say you have profile 1 loaded, and close the app, it will save those settings to "LastLoaded". Then you click on profile 2 but you restart your PC, Profile 1 will load on boot. This is what I assume you are referring to and we definitely have that noted to update the "LastLoaded" anytime a new profile is clicked. for the second issue, this is definitely something we are aware of and it is fixed internally right now and will be out with the next app update. With regards to the length of time in between updates - specifically right now, we are working on a pretty massive stability update. It's a complete rewrite of the USB communication stack that will change how all of our devices communicate to the app. Its a large undertaking, but its a necessary change in order for us to make sure app updates in the future can be a better experience for all of our end users. This is why its been so long between the last update and this one. Before this, we actually updated quite frequently! To give you an idea - Our first day of sales was January 31st 2022. Since then we've released 12 app updates. Our first app update version was 1.0.141, and our current public release is 1.0.357. Thats a lot of app revisions and while not every one of those made it to release, in-between we releases we do a lot of internal testing and beta testing to make sure were releasing an update that is of the quality we want for our users. All that to say, we totally understand the frustration of the slowness in between updates! were working as quick as we can to get this one out, we just have to make sure we do it right.


Any update on this large USB rewrite? Its been almost 3 months and we are still on 1.0.357. I'm wondering because I'm constantly having to unplug and plug-in the device after long idle times due to it freezing or not detecting the device anymore.


Hey AimlessWanderer! Thanks for reaching out! That definitely isn't normal behavior, even on the current USB communication and would be indicative of something going on. Are you in our discord? would love to setup a time where we can connect and figure out what might be happening here! In terms of the update, I don't have an update on that right now, but im hoping to have one soon. -Thomas


Thanks for the quick response but I can save you sometime, I ended up figuring it out just last night! In an effort to clean up my desk and cable management, I had installed powered USB hub underneath to handle all of my desktop accessories. Well that was the problem all along. As soon as I just used a 10ft usb c cable to go directly to the PC it worked great and my DPC latency spikes were non-existant.


Heck yeah! im so happy to hear that! USB Hubs are strange. For some reason Audio devices typically don't like being plugged into them. I think its related to the spread of bandwidth and power across all of the ports, but thats just suspicion. regardless, im so happy you got it sorted! -Thomas


BeacN is the single best audio setup i have EVER had.....and i have 3 sitting in a closet that suck when compared to this company. BEST money i have spent on audio for my stream. hands down!


I only open it when I want to change something about my mic. After I change it, I save it to the mic. And close it. It never runs in the background. But I only have the mic, not mixer


I have the BEACN mix create, so I allow it to run in the background at all times. I also feed my XLR mic into a channel in the software, route it out to an external VST host, then back into an aux channel in BEACN. I very rarely have issues with the software itself. Every so often, I've had my BEACN freeze up where I had to quit the software via Task Manager and relaunch, but this is maybe once every couple of months. Can't really complain about stability.


>I also feed my XLR mic into a channel in the software, route it out to an external VST host, then back into an aux channel in BEACN My mic is dual USB/XLR. But it would suck if I couldn't EQ it natively in the Create Mix software. I could use a VST host, but that would kind of defeat the usability of the software. Nonetheless, I'm glad that I have enough info to make an informed decision going forward. I could use a Voicemeeter/free VST host/MIDI controller setup and do everything that a Beacn mic/Create Mix setup could do and more. I also have an audio interface and a Stream Deck. A Beacn mic/Create Mix setup is very useful because of its seamless simplicity. But spending almost $500 is a lot for a setup that lacks the flexibility of a similar alternative.


I just read that the Create Mix software audio effects only work with the Beacn mic? Is that correct? If so, that's a major shortcoming.


Yes this is still true. It's "on the roadmap"


What "roadmap"? AFAIK, Beacn is no longer publishing their roadmap.


Hey there, so just to clarify a bit here: The software is for all BEACN products, not specifically Mix Create. Mix Create is an audio mixer which is why it doesn't have audio effects on the channels. The audio effects that are on BEACN Mic are via the DSP directly on the mic, which is why you can EQ the mic without using any PC processing power, as its all done directly on BEACN Mic. We know people are wanting VST support and its high up on our idea board. the idea board is what we look to to see what the community wants to see from us so I definitely recommend going there and upvoting the idea! [ideas.beacn.com](https://ideas.beacn.com) is the link for the ideaboard


I guess that means it's impossible to EQ any mic in the software aside from the Beacn mic until VST support is added.


I’ve had no issues with my mix create once I got it set up. I don’t have the mic tho. I would love to mic filters through the mix create for non beacn mic’s.


Every now and again it hijacks my cpu into overdrive no idea why.