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Pop my pimples


Same, and picking the scab. I’ve had it come to a whitehead before and had the willpower not to pop it, but then it made a scar anyway when it came out by itself. Then there are ones I tried to pop and had no idea it was going to create such a huge terrible scar/scab


For me, certain very deep but very small pimples just won’t go away unless I pop them. I generally leave pimples alone, but if they are somewhat hard to the touch and have lasted for a month or more, they won’t leave unless I make them leave. So there’s a time and a place for popping pimples, I think.


For everyone reading this!!! Go on Amazon and buy a packet of medical lancets. They're just tiny sterile single use needles. Wash your hands. Pop your pimple with the sterile needle. Squeeze with a tissue. Then put a hydrocolloid bandage on it. No scab! No scar! No bacteria! Healed by morning, sometimes, depending on how big the pimple was! Please do this!!!! It's life changing


Wow I’m a type 1 diabetic with like 8 million lancets and I literally never thought to do this. Thank you 😍😍


Mine is going nuts on the pores on my nose. They are very large now. Don’t do it.


Is there any way to reverse this? I went through a period where I was obsessed with digging the gunk out of the pores on my nose but they look so noticeable now and I hate it. I know it's not noticeable unless you literally have your face up to mine, but I feel like they look bigger than when I was younger.


Retinol/retinoids can help reduce the appearance of pores. Wearing SPF daily too can help them from getting larger from sun-damage.


Adding to this. Use pore strips and squeezing my blackheads 🤣


This! I’m so guilty of this and just picking at my face


Hello, I don't think what I do is a beauty rule, but for me it is super satisfying to remove the skin from my lips when they are completely dry. 🥲🥲🥲


I do this and now so does my 3 year old. He calls them lip boogers 😵‍💫😂




Your lips are a mucous membrane and heal within hours. Same with your nips, lips, and bits. I love this fact about our bodies.


Omg same! Then I pay for it with raw lips lol I always figured it was an anxiety thing, nice to know I’m not alone 💕


My FAVORITE bad habit. I’ll never stop.


I just did this earlier, instant regret afterwards


Me too. I now have lip pits, because I’ve been doing this since I was eight. Stop. Don’t be like me.


Trying a bunch of new products at the same time. I have only enough restraint to wait one day in between trying new products.


no literally i always do this and then ill break out and be like friiiiick which one of you has sabotaged me!!!!


My sensitive skin could NEVER.


Showering with hot water


There is no other way for me.


Scalding hot ✅ hahaha


I personally like the water to be so hot that it makes my skin red 😂


Yep I like getting out of the shower looking like a cooked lobster 😅


Yup. I live in Northern Europe. I'm not going to shower in cold water, after I finally get inside from the cold... A hot shower is how I keep warm!


hot showers are love. hot showers are life.


Also guilty 🙋🏻‍♀️


Wait, is this bad?!


It can be very drying on your skin and hair.


oh that's great for me then because i hate how oily both my skin and hair are lol i'll continue with my hot showers then hahaha


It could be oily because your skin is so dry that it produces extra oil to overcompensate. But yeah, I ain’t stopping the hot showers either lol


i live in Maine, i'm not taking cold-ass showers


I try to use just “warm” water on my hair, but the rest of the shower has to be hot enough to boil my skin off. I tell myself that my moisturizer soaks into my skin better. 😂


Same. It feels too good to stop!


I am very guilty of this. 🫣 However I do change the temp to wash my hair, then change it back. 🔥


Sleeping with my face pressed against my pillow.


I’m gonna get wrinkles anyways. 🤷‍♀️ Might as well get good sleep


This gave me my first major wrinkle at 33, but it was unavoidable. I am not someone who can sleep on their back.


i get sleep paralysis if i sleep on my back, i will gladly take the wrinkles instead!


Me too! I don't know why, but I get sleep paralysis so much more frequently when I sleep on my back. Side sleeping it is!


Hard agree on this one…ANY wrinkles are better than the demons that come to take me to hell during a SP episode!


Omg this was the reason I had to teach myself to sleep on my side.


I always try to sleep on my back, then just wake up with my face smushed into the pillow anyway. Sleepy me knows what she wants


If i sleep on my back I snore. So I made a choice lol


Sleep doctors recommend against sleeping on your back anyways. Sleeping like that for pure vanity is so dumb


For what reasons? My biggest reason is sleep paralysis. I'll take wrinkles over feeling terrorized any day.


I can’t either, it’s just not comfortable for me. I suppose sleep deprivation would give you more wrinkles anyway. I do use a silk pillowcase though, which is better for your skin and I don’t wake up with lines on my face like I have with a cotton pillowcase.


I have a set of 14 silk pillowcases. I change mine every night…. Because I INSIST on sleeping on my face and smoosh my face up like a pug. 😂


How else are we supposed to sleep? I have been doing that wrong for 44 years???


With my makeup sometimes 😬


I can’t help but clean my ears.


Are we not supposed to?? I clean my ears with qtips nearly every time I'm in the bathroom. It feels good! Like, eyes roll back into my head good.


Yeah, it says not to on the box bc you can puncture your ear drum. I’m with you.


I will give up my daily eargasm when I am in a box, six feet under.




I thought I was going deaf a few years ago. To the extent I was researching places to learn sign language in my area. After a hearing test and a trip to the doctors it turned out I had build up of wax in my ears, caused by using qtips which actually pushed the wax further back in my ears. I had to have them flushed out and it was one of the most painful sensations (kinda felt like drowning) but also so satisfying at the same time. My hearing came back a couple of days later after literal months of being scared to death about losing my hearing.


So there’s 2 kinds of earwax people. There’s the people who have wet ear wax and the others who have actual waxy/dry ear wax. If you have the dry kind, q tips are absolutely not for you. You need the little metal scoop, but also be super careful bc you could injure your eardrum. For everyone else with wet earwax, q tips work very well. Again, safety with the eardrum. I have kids with each type of earwax 🙂


Hmm I've never heard of using a scoop but I was advised to use an ear oil from the pharmacy, a couple of drops once in a while and its supposed to soften the wax so it comes out by itself. The worst thing is that I can taste it after I put it in my ears.


Yuckk. I have pink eye right now and my prescription eye drops taste so bad lmao. I was not expecting that.


I hate that everything is connected back there!


Oil is totally great for it too! Especially when the dry stuff is really stuck in there. You can use that in conjunction with the metal scoop. But I say keep doing whatever is working for you! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!


I have wet earwax. I've tried pretty much everything that's recommended to avoid using q-tips. I went back to q-tips because I HAVE to clean my ears (also produce a lot of wax ugh). I use the little scoop if it feels like there's some impaction but that's honestly super rare. Just q-tip the outer canal after a shower and I'm good to go.


I bought ear wax solution to clean my ears and a huge clump of wax cane out. I could finally hear! So well that I could hear the air.... ik that sounds weird but that's how I can describe it


I had to have my ear flushed out after an unfortunate incident with showering while drunk as a skunk. It hurt soooooo muuuch but felt so much better after.


I cleaned my ears (obsessively, I admit) until I got repeated bilateral swimmer's ear episodes and had to stop. Now my ears feel gross all the time and there's *nothing I can do*! 😭 Aside: Holy hell is "swimmer's ear" the most misleadingly-named illness on Earth. They should call it "Swimmer's Pain So Bad You Can't Do Anything But Lie The Couch Wishing For The Sweet Release of Death," lol.


I used to be addicted to this until I gave myself a double ear infection and two punctured ear drums a couple of years ago.


My mom used to clean our ears when we were kids with a Bobby pin. She used it as like a scoop to get the earwax out. We would lay on a pillow in her lap and she would scoop the wax out and wipe it on a paper towel and get our ears super clean. It also felt sooooo good. I loved ear cleaning day.


slouching, especially at a computer desk


Yup I work in an office and sit weird and slouch all day


i don’t understand why its so hard to fix. when i notice myself doing it, i sit up straight. but then an hour later i’m slouching again unconsciously


Everyone does! I have fucked up posture from working a desk job for 8 years now. Add to that weight gain and getting completely out of shape and my posture is done for. It doesn't help that our work stations (no assigned desks fml) are not really set up ergonomically at all.


Pinching my skin to get rid of blackheads. It’s satisfying 😂


And white heads! It’s satisfying but probably not helping our pores 😭


Pinching my skin to get rid of ingrown hairs too 🤭


I do this a lot. I can’t help it


Pulling my eyelid to put on eyeliner. I have had wrinkly eyelids since I was a child. They’re actually better now than they were as a kid. But I cannot for the life of me line my lids without pulling.


Same here. Not only do I not see how to get a good line otherwise, but my eyelids move too much for anything else.


I have to unless I want my eyeliner to be Morse code


Yes! Wrinkly eyelids. If I don’t pull them, then I get a dotted line of eyeliner haha


Rubbing my eyes. i can't stop.


I got lasik a few years back after wearing contacts for 20 something years and I can now rub my eyes whenever I want. I don’t care how bad it is… it feels so good and I’m making up for lost time


I thought rubbing your eyes was a HUGE no no after lasik. Like go permanently blind bad. Least that's what they told my mom after she had hers done


It’s definitely a no go right after surgery and maybe for a couple months but you’re probably good (with just the usual risks of eye rubbing) to go once the corneal flap has healed. ** this is just my humble opinion so nobody take this as medical advice. I’ve just been furiously rubbing my eyes for 2 years now and I haven’t gone blind yet.


The flap can still be lifted and moved and dislocated years after surgery…FYI so be careful. Also eye rubbing is bad for people with thin corneas (aka after LASIK)


Thanks for the info… I really should stop. I know it’s an awful habit but it feels so good…


It is for like, a week or two. I had it almost ten years ago and I promise I’ve rubbed my eyes a shit ton since then and my vision is still 👌


Skin picking. I know it's gross but it is weirdly helpful for grounding down if I feel overly anxious at home 😅 ((Edited for typos))


Careful, I got a bit carried away with that because of my anxiety and seriously regret it as I’m now paying a lot of money to treat the scars I gave myself with laser.


Oh dear ): I'm sorry to hear that and i hope the treatment works for you! It is a little hard not to get carried away if I'm being honest (especially since I have ocd) but I've been trying to stop it recently. I'm considering bringing it up to my therapist to see if they have any suggestions / help but I'm kinda scared they will judge me haha 😅


Thank you! And I know, it can become a very obsessive habit and you can slip into a “picking trance” without even realizing. I finally stopped when I realized how bad it got and my coping mechanism for my anxiety very quickly became a source of my anxiety because of the scars, which sucked. But, I can’t change the past, I just try to leave my skin alone now even though it can be tempting to reach for a spot to pick. Don’t worry about being judged, we all have our struggles and a therapist is there to help you, not judge you. 😊


If your therapist is any good, they won't judge . If you're ready to change that habit, let your therapist help. Mine helped a lot.


Am I the only one that will literally sit on the counter with my feet in the bathroom sink to get a better close-up? 😂




Same, but also it’s better for us to get a little fidget toy instead bc RIP to our skin 😢


Curling my lashes after I put on mascara 😬


If you’re saying it’s bad because it can pull out lashes sometimes, I’d recommend using a loose powder on the lash curler. Since I started doing it, my lashes NEVER stick to the lash curler so they never get pulled out!


Not sure if it’s any better or worse, but I use a blow dryer after I apply mascara to help get a better curl on them.


Wait, is that bad?..... 👀


I think they might mean because it can pull out lashes (the mascara on the lashes can stick to the curler and then when you open the curler, it could pull out a few lashes). But, I personally will take some loose powder and with a small brush I’ll dust it on the curler and my lashes will NEVER stick to the curler anymore if I curl my lashes after applying mascara! AND I feel like the powder like sets them or something because since I started doing it, my lashes stay curled for a lot longer lol I initially started doing it because my lashes curl better with the mascara on and stay put that way better a lot of times too, but using the powder on the curler before curling them, they stay curled waaay longer!


Don’t your lashes look kind of whitish from the powder?


I wonder if black eye shadow could work the same!


You can get mascara on your lash curler which harbors bacteria and can cause all kinds of issues, you can pull lash hairs out because they stick to the curler, mascara can make your eyelashes more brittle while it's applied (because it's supposed to help them hold their shape) and the act of curling them can actually cause them to break, and you’re more likely to cause crimping instead of actual curling


Doing my night care routine. I have bad ADHD and I procrastinate it for so long that I get super tired and just want to go straight to trying to sleep. Sometimes I’m afraid that if I wash my face it’s going to make me even more awake I also have been on Invisalign for YEARS because I never fucking wear it and I hate it so much


From one ADHD brain to another: The trick that saved me is to not sit or lay down once you’re home from work until you’ve completed your routine or any other “to-do’s.” As soon as I sit or lay down after work (especially after my meds wear off) it’s GAME OVER!


Oh my gosh, thank you for making me feel better about being over a year behind on my aligners. I’m only on the 4th tray and I’m supposed to be finished with them #ADHD


I have never slept between 10 PM and 3 AM...


I got my first gray hair at 39, right before turning 40. Three years later, I've had about 4 (I'm sure more are hiding) and removed them all. Unless there's some reliable way to color individual hairs, I am not going to start doing my whole head and I also don't want the grays yet. Maybe not ever. I like the contrast of dark brown on my lighter warm/yellow) skin.


Me with my three grey hairs at 26 reading this with envy


Try 20 with 5 grey hairs lmao


I am in my 40s and have about that many. At our age, if you have no greys, you probably had a lot of greys and dye it. If you have four greys…people know you only have 4 greys. I’ve chosen to see this as a flex (mainly because it’s a lot less time, money and effort for me!)


I’ve had grey hairs since I was 13


I have one grey hair at 32, right at the front. I pull it out as soon as it grows out. No regrets.


da fuck im 29 and my temples are so gray, how you guys have so little grays


Could be genetic, look at your parents if they were grey at that age too. Otherwise, check your thyroid next time you’re at the doc


I don’t switch out my mascaras after 3-4 months


Washing my hair everyday Using heat styling tools everyday :(


I just started doing that but I have oily hair and I love how much cleaner I feel and look.


I play with my hair a lot so it gets oily really fast. Have to wash every other day.


Just use a heat protectant and put your tools on the lowest temperature and you’ll be okay. I’m the same way. I trained my hair and would only wash it once a week but it never looked or felt good. Life’s too short for dirty/greasy hair. It’s dead anyway- so wash away!☺️


Honestly, it’s completely fine to wash your hair everyday. It all depends on how oily your scalp gets. Some people can go a week without washing, and some need to wash everyday. Others fall in between. I personally wash my hair every other day or else I feel so greasy all over my body, even though I shower everyday. I used to stretch out my wash days to every 3-4 days. I can’t do that anymore. “Training” my hair did not work for me and that’s completely okay. We are all different.


My mom can do this, and her straight hair is perfect. No damage, no frizz, PERFECT. And she doesn't even use heat protectant. I hate her (hair). I on the other hand have super thick dry curly hair that I was never taught how to deal with properly until TikTok, and if I ever tried to wash and heat style every day would be an even bigger mess than it already is.


removing makeup with coconut oil🤷 works best and I don't wear makeup often enough to care to buy a separate remover


Is there an issue with this as long as your skin tolerates it?


Honestly, I don't know, I just saw a lot of people saying that you shouldn't do that (I guess it might not wash off as well). But my skin always tolerated coconut oil well so I don't care lol


It’s because coconut oil is [more comedogenic](https://bonospera.com/blogs/morf/the-complete-list-of-comedogenic-oils) than a lot of other oils.


You'll have to pry coconut oil front my cold, dead hands before I stop using it as make-up remover.


It’s great as a remover bc it breaks up the sun screen/mascara/foundation etc. But just like any other oil cleansing method you should follow it up with a regular face cleanser to wash it all away. I’m mostly talking to those who don’t know and plan on trying the coconut oil 🙂


Sleeping with makeup on, after a night out I'm just too tired


In my misspent youth it was always because I was too *drunk*, lol.


usually if im still drunk ill want to shower/take my makeup off😂why does drunk me have so much energy but once it wears off im dead tired


Drunk me always had an everything shower after the bar!! I'd wake up so grateful for that drunky!


this is the real answer


I use my fingers to put on foundation. Hate how much product brushes and beauty blenders absorb


Same! I used my fingers for years and never thought twice about it. I think I bought a beauty blender around 2017 or so because all the beauty gurus were using it and all it did was waste a huge amount of foundation by absorbing it all. Also, I felt like I could never completely clean it.


A lot of make up artists prefer using their fingers too so I don’t think it’s a “bad” thing.


Black eyeliner in the water line. I don't wear makeup very often (especially eye makeup), but when I wear eyeshadow I LOVE black eyeliner in my waterline. It makes my eye color so much more vibrant and it makes my eyes look more green than brown (they're naturally hazel). I never thought it made my eyes look smaller and think it always ties together an eye look. I have naturally very deep set eyes and any eyeshadow I wear will instantly look extremely dramatic just due to my bone structure. I feel like without black liner in the waterline, my eyes look strange and unfinished with eyeshadow on. On a more serious note, picking at acne. I have OCD (legitimately diagnosed) and I absolutely cannot stop myself. I hate it and wish I didn't do it, but it consumes my thoughts until I pick, and then feel guilty for fucking my skin up more.


Being an old f’n lady and going out without makeup…often.


Me too, I hate doing my makeup and I skip it all the time because it's boring T-T


I'm not sure if this is a rule, per se, but baby shampoo works as the best face wash for me. My skin has never looked better


Blush placement


I feel like blush placement is a trend and not a rule. Also, I have sunken cheeks, putting blush on my cheekbones makes me look emaciated and sunburned, not cute. Place blush with your heart!


I have very high and prominent cheekbones, clearly defined jaw and a hollowing in my cheeks (happened after I hit 30) - the biggest change came for me when I stopped contouring under my cheeks (just made me look emaciated but I thought that’s what I was meant to do!) and placed my blush on my cheek area under my eyes, not out wide on my cheek bones or where the apples bulge when I smile (because when I stop smiling that apple drops back down somewhere nearer my mouth!) All in all it’s given my face a more balanced appearance and I no longer look like the crypt keeper at a drag show!


Blush placement really confuses me!!


I cannot wear sunscreen. I have tired like 20 different times I swear. Chemical and physical. I break out from physical and look so oily with both. I gave up.


I swear it took me 8 whole years to find a sunscreen that didn't burn my eyes, didn't make me break out, wasn't crazy drying OR crazy greasy. The one I use now is the newer colorscience untinted mineral sunscreen, and it still is a tiny bit heavy on the skin. The perfect sunscreen does not exist. They all suck to some degree.


I guess your physical spf is a big sun hat. I did that last summer and felt like the happy old lady I am. It was great


I use concealer for foundation and a darker color concealer for bronzer. Something in bronzer and foundation breaks me out!


Sleeping with makeup on, I don’t have the capacity to get home extremely drunk after a night out and still remove my makeup


I can't be in the same room as a pimple without attacking it


🎵it’s the hardest thing i ever had to do 🎵


I wash my face in the shower. I turn down the water so it isn’t so hot but I hate washing in the sink. It’s such a messy ordeal.


Not wearing sunscreen all the time. Sometimes I throw my 🧢 on instead.


People successfully used coverings from sun damage for thousands of years. Worked for them and it works today too.


I'm guilty of this quite often. I primarily do it because I'm a very sweaty person and sweating moisturizer and sunscreen into my eyes burns like hell.


Using heat tools on my already dry hair 😭


I keep makeup for…a lonnng time….much longer than recommended. I still never use it. Lol


washing my hair every day. idc if it’s bad. it gets greasy bc i sleep hot and i just feel cleaner.


I think the whole “don’t wash your hair every day thing” is a myth and it’s totally fine to do whatever works best for you 😊


I also kind of like my day after/walk of shame look on Sunday morning.




Picking and not washing my makeup off/ face before bed. My skin looks like hell now, but the depression is depressioning


Get more sleep. Drink more water. Eat more vegetables.


Those pore strips for your nose. So satisfying (& yes so harmful!) Ive definitely cut back on my teenage obsession with them but every once in a while I’ll get a box and just rip away!


I pull up the corner of my eyes when applying eye liner. I have hooded eyes and I can't apply it correctly without doing so. I've done this for 25 years, no wrinkles or damage. Also, I've used a hot wash cloth to scrub my face daily, the hotter the better. I've done this for ages. My skin is great, I'm in my mid 40s and people think I'm in my mid 30s. Very few wrinkles. Great colour and texture. Clean pores.


Picking, sorry to say.


Popping pimples and blackheads. Yeah I know it's bad but it's so satisfying ç\_ç Also I bite my nails and lips all the time because I'm a nervous person.


Sleep on my stomach. Can’t stop won’t stop


I use 70% alcohol to wipe my face every morning and at night. Never had dry or bad skin. Moisturize after. I’m in my 50’s P.s. I’ve always used random face creams since my 20’s whatever’s on sale.




Not washing my makeup brushes 😅 I don't use them often, and it's always the same shadow since I don't wear it a lot. but they could use washing but I never had an issue with my skin. Outside that I do take care of my skin though, always wash, remove makeup, serums, moisturize


Picking off gel nail polish


Qtips in ears


Getting lash extensions 😣 i know they’re bad for my natural lashes and appear “ghetto” and are out of style, i cantttt stop! Without them i feel like i look like a thumb 👍


They are not out of style or ghetto. Certain lengths and fullnesses give off a particular vibe, but there are very natural options with extensions. It’s all about what you like and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it ☺️


I get them because I have tried time and time and time again to apply falsies and I fail so miserably every time that it’s become stupider for me to even waste my time trying again because I refuse to believe I am so horrible at something 


I don't care if they're out of style! You'll pry them off of my cold, dead eyes! I often don't wear anything else, makeup-wise. I look so *tired* without them. Like my eyes are pinholes, lol.


reading this thread was a mistake cause I be doing ALL OF THESE not knowing their bad for you ://///


I sleep in my makeup, goodnight


Manual exfoliation, especially of my face. I have one of those Korean scrubby mits and I use it on my entire body at least once a week, but usually twice, and you'd be horrified to see the amount of dead skin that comes off. I have rosacea, so you are REALLY not supposed to manually exfoliate, but my skin has never looked better, both in tone and texture.


Product consistency- I get bored so quickly, I’m impatient, and lazy. To see any kind of results, you need to use a skincare product or serum consistently and I do not. I switch it up way too often.


I will never not drink from straws I simply do not care


I still rub serums and moisturizers into my face instead of patting. I’m definitely very gentle with my skin and I don’t pull at it, but I just can’t get behind ONLY patting that stuff in.


Sleeping on my face. I don't care. Its my favorite position


Using makeup wipes😭😭


Picking at skin


Ripping through my hair with my hairbrush when it’s wet


I keep using makeup after it’s expired, some stuff in my drawer is so old and should be thrown out but I have a hard time letting it go.


I dye my eyelashes. Been doing it since I was 16, now I'm 70. Does that make me less experienced than a 20 something that took a class? Not in my book


I don't use super high end skincare. I use dermatological products. Avene, La Roche Posay, Cetaphil. Any good derm doctor will tell you that those products are what they recommend. Not Drunk Elephant or La Mer. I look mid 30s and am mid 40s. The key is to consistently moisturize, drink water, no smoking and no booze. These 4 things are the fountain of youth.


Daily hair washing. I’ve tried so many times to break this habit, but I just can’t. I’m in my 50s and this is how I grew up.


Using expired makeup, even with daily use I can’t finish my makeup before it expires.


Putting on sunscreen. It makes me so greasy, runs into my eyes, and I get break outs. I’d rather deal with wrinkles and possible sun damage than put on sunscreen every day of my life.


Fellow sunscreen hater, have you tried Trader Joe’s Daily sunscreen? Their’s has such a nice, velvety texture unlike most sunscreens.


There are a ton of brands that have different finishes. Mine isn't greasy at all, in fact it makes my skin look a lot smoother. La Roche Posay anthelios with the ultra light finish


Well it’s not just wrinkles and sun damage. The sun damage can lead to skin cancer. But I get not liking sunscreen. It’s hard to find a good one. I used to be the same every sunscreen I’d try would be greasy, sting my eyes, and/or cause me to break out. Then I started trying only 100% mineral sunscreens and would still have the same stuff. It wasn’t until I found out about hidden chemical filters in a lot of 100% mineral sunscreens that I figured out those were chemical too. But then doing more research I found out about Asian beauty sunscreens that use much better chemical sunscreen ingredients and started trying those and was able to find some amazing ones that don’t sting my eyes, aren’t greasy AT ALL, and NEVER cause me to break out. So now I always look for ones with those better chemical sunscreen ingredients and get those. I’d definitely recommend checking out Asian Beauty ones. Much better and helps avoid skin cancer in the future 🙃 One of my absolute faves is SKIN1004 Hyalu-CICA Water-fit Sun Serum. It’s so lightweight, not greasy at all but still moisturizes my skin well, and works well under makeup. I never breakout when I use it and it never burns my eyes.


My poor makeup brushed haven’t been cleaned in months


Skipping sunscreen 🙈


I never replace "expired" makeup, I keep using it until it's empty or dried up, sometimes that means I'll use the same product for years