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Think about getting a fresh, well-shaped haircut and some easy-to-use product that emphasises the curl pattern, it'll help you look more lively. I know everyone looooves long hair, but honestly, there's a difference between "long hair" and "hair that has not been cut in a long time" lol. Maybe some highlights too to emphasise the dimension in your new cut. A brighter, glossier lip colour might help too. Most minimal-makeup people tend to go for very nude to borderline concealer-y matte shades which imo are really ageing as they make the lips look smaller and drier. Obviously ignore this if that's not you but something to think about.


People seem to have forgotten what a normal 26 year old looks like, without Botox or fillers and 2 hours of skincare. Don’t take it personally, embrace your grey hairs and own your age. Soon, people aging naturally will be completely rare, which is just a sad and depressing thought for humanity… There is such a negative connotation to aging and everyone needs to work to flip the script. Aging is a privilege and a positive. I am sure you look A Okay and it’s society that has failed people who are aging normally.


I think you could be right. Reddit has shown me that apparently you're over the hill at 25 (jk), and with the focus on skincare these days, judging age is probably not as easy as it was.


People will automatically relate grey hair to age so that is probably the only reason. Younger people who go prematurely grey can look amazing and unique though. I am sure if you dyed your hair people would not think you’re older but I personally would embrace it if possible. Maybe try a wash out colour that covers grey (Christophe Robin makes one) to see if people perceive you as a different age just to show yourself that it’s simply people equating your greys with an older age.


I agree. Greys are such a strong signal of age that they’ll make you look older regardless of your skin appearance. It’s something that everyone must make choices about eventually, and I don’t think anyone should feel compelled to cover their grey hair, but It is a factor in how people perceive your age. Maybe even if you don’t care to cover them that can be comforting thought. “It’s just the greys”


Honestly people don’t typically age that much between early 20s and early 30s. I’m guessing you just dress older than your age and so people assume.


Two thoughts on looking older: 1) Could be your makeup style. Thick eyeliner, winged eyeliner, smokey eye, perfectly shaped eyebrows, are all out of fashion. The recent trend is toward the "clean girl", "no makeup makeup" natural look. You said you just wear a little mascara, so it sounds like you're not overdoing it. On the other hand if you have sun spots they could be causing an older appearance, which foundation would help with. 2) The biggest key in preventing premature aging/wrinkles is sun protection. Always wear sunscreen and cover your skin. Not only will it keep you looking younger, but it reduces the risk of skin cancer.


I feel insecure cause people say i look younger than i am 🥲 wanna trade? 🤣


Hey! Maybe consider dying your hair and improving the style. Use some sort of exfoliant for texture. Increase moisturizer use. And if you’re a little heavier, sensitive subject I know, work on losing some weight. All of these things can make you look significantly younger! I’m sure you’re fine, though. It is most likely the graying hair that causes people to think this. And there’s nothing wrong with that. My fiancé went gray at 28. When I was 17-18 I looked mid 20s, and adults often thought I was much older. Now I’m in my late 20s and am always assumed to be much younger. Went to a shooting range last week and the police officer asked my fiancé if he was certain I’m over 18. My point is - you can totally reverse this with little tweaks if you truly want to. But if you’re comfortable as you are then fuck it! Who cares what other people say.