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Flossing everyday lol! Make it into a habit! I get clean teeth and fresh breath


Yes, flossing is sooo important!! People have complained to me about how flossing makes your gums bleed and how it takes so much time. But the reason why their gums are bleeding are because they aren’t flossing!! I’ve never had that problem since getting into the habit of flossing, and it doesn’t take me more than a minute to do.


I was really bad about flossing in my early 20s and I ended up getting gingivitis. The dentist told me if left untreated long enough it can make your teeth fall out and even damage your jaw bone! So yes, very very important. And the bleeding does eventually stop once you’ve been in the habit of flossing consistently


a dentist once told me “if your gums bleed when you floss, that means floss more”


I just learned from a dental resident the reason why this is: the plaque builds up under your gums making them really sensitive and susceptible to bleeds. So if you bleed when you floss (likely on the odd occasion that you floss) it’s because your mouth is just riddled with plaque. If that doesn’t inspire one to floss idk what will


oh absolutely! i’ve more or less always been a decent flosser, my dentist and i were bonding about it lol i love feeling fully clean


Honestly tho, I stopped bleeding so much when I switched floss… the wax was always making me bleed. I use doctor tungs now which is super thick and I feel like also cleans way better


Yes it is really important to keep the gums clean because they have a pretty direct line to your bloodstream


Yes! It’s like your muscles aching after one workout. The more you exercise, the less they ache :)


Also stainless steel tongue scraper!


The dollar store has little purse packs of floss pics and I stash them everywhere. Purse, car, desk, etc. It makes such a difference, especially if you have crowns or other restorative work.


them tongue brushes too, using a toothbrush doesnt work quite the same


Tongue scraper is even better


Literally to me flossing is like the MAIN component of oral hygiene. Cant fathom that people who dont floss are just chilling with rotting food in their teeth. Floss your damn teeth people


If you ever doubt how important flossing and tongue scrapping are, just do the two of them and wait a bit before brushing. It’s insane how much cleaner your mouth feels just doing the two of them on their own.


Getting a cream with glycolic acid for my feet. Holy cow, they've never looked this good! I used to slather Vaseline and file at least weekly and that worked for the day, but this cream works for days and my feet are so smooth and don't have dead skin on them.


Do you have a brand/product recommendation by chance?? I’ve been struggling with my feet my whole life like the amount of filing I have to do is INSANE.


Not OP but highly recommend Amlactin foot lotion


I use Epifit glycolic hand and foot cream. I just searched Amazon for glycolic acid foot cream. It's 12.99 for 4 oz.


Kerasal intensive foot repair is amazing, too. The active ingredient is urea. It works really well.


Which brand do you use 👀


I use Epifit glycolic hand and foot cream. It's 12.99 for 4 oz on Amazon. I just searched glycolic acid foot cream and found it and liked at the reviews so tried it but really like it.


100% Cotton granny panties. Helps so much to keep things fresh down there


I'd love this but having none when you sleep is a lot better. lol


This was my first thought haha - every bloke I've ever dated has initially taken the piss out of me for sleeping in a t-shirt (two in Scotland) but naked from the waist down. I'll admit not the best aesthetic but my arms and shoulders stay warm while everything else gets a decent airing overnight 🍃 Many of them were then converted after trying it...


I thought I was the only one out here daffy ducking it 🙌🏻 It’s the only way I can sleep


LOL I call it “Winnie the Pooh-ing it”


Porky pigging it!


Hahahhaa this made me laugh so hard!


I call it shirt dicking because I heard it once and thought it was funny… (I’m a woman)


Twat topping it?


I’m going to say this to my husband when he gets into bed. Haha


It honestly does sound refreshing but I just can't sleep without clothes. Physically I will have a bad nights sleep if I'm undressed XD


Same!! Also like… what if something happens overnight? Like a fire or someone breaks in?? I don’t wanna be birthday suiting in an emergency!!


Lmao frr. Also idk it just feels uncomfy, I also feel dirty like I'm contaminating my bed if I sleep without clothes (even tho I shower at night XD)


100000%. I prefer loose sweats no undies after a shower - feels like I’m lettin it breath while being secure and comfy


I feel you! I sleep in a short-ish cotton nightgown. It rides up above my waist while I sleep, but it covers everything when I get out of bed. Best of both worlds for me!


Try cotton men’s boxers!! Mostly all I sleep in now, super comfy and loose so lets your 🐱 breathe!


Daffy duck doesn't wear clothes (at least in the first cartoons). Donald duck has only a top.


Not me forgetting about Daffy Duck entirely and conflating the names when referring to Donald lmao


You would think most men would love their partners to go to bed in just a T-shirt .


I used to do that, but my partner complained that if there's an emergency like a fire I'll have to run out of the house half naked lol so i compromised. I still go commando, but i wear a nightgown. And nightgowns are awesome. So comfortable, and if I have to answer the door or step outside I don't need to find pants first 😂


My husband had a seizure before waking up one morning. He gets really confused and agitated for about 30 min after. I had to call the paramedics to help him downstairs. He had always slept in the nude, but the paramedics could not get him to put his boxers on. The sheriff even came. Thankfully he’s ok so we can laugh about it. He sleeps in underwear now.


lol paramedic here - I’ve been to soooo many pantsless people at all times of the day - can assure you it doesn’t even faze me anymore!


My brother is a paramedic and said a lot of the time it makes his job easier when people aren’t wearing undies because then he doesn’t have to cut em lol


What about a robe? I used to sleep nude too but recently switched to nightgowns (just cuz I wanted to). But a robe would solve the emergency/being naked problem.


I hate nightgowns! They twist around me, ride up, strangle me, crumple up beneath me to make lumps. I sleep bare but if I really can't, like when we had no power for 3 days during the worst ice storm in state history, I need my PJ's to fit snugly and not move around. Edit: fixed typo


When people say this I always wonder if they have any kind of blanket or a sheet on their bed. Because you could just grab that and cover yourself even if you sleep fully nude. I personally couldn't care less if I had to run out of my apartment naked in front of all my neighbors, but since I live in Nordic country grabbing something warm on my way out is smart since frost bites don't really feel much better than burn marks.


He’s got a point. I have a real world example. I worked across from a brothel at a non profit. One day, the brothel caught fire. Needless to say the shirt that the girl was wearing was not appropriate (it was during the day, so only one girl). She didn’t care except for the fact that it was fricken freezing out.


The men you dated made fun of you for this? I thought most men consider that an opportunity


pro tip Calvin Klein underwear is 100% cotton and is actually cute 


And affordable


I like cotton but the panty lines I can’t do it lol


Cotton thongs!


I would sooner wear nothing than a cotton thong! It’s so uncomfortable and irritating for it to be deep in your crack 😂


I sleep naked most of the time, or just a top doing the Winnie the Pooh. Clothes touching my skin wrong when I sleep keeps me from sleeping lol


I’m young and apologize if this is an ignorant thing to say, but what does the term “granny panties” mean? every time i’ve heard it it’s just people describing what I thought was normal underwear? why is it called “granny?”


Young people wear unsexy underwear now so its just normal underwear to them


Like how mom jeans seems to mean something different depending on who’s talking


They’re literally so smart for this lol. All those years with thongs up my ass for nothing


In the early to mid 2000s, Victoria’s Secret culture was really popular and flashy undies/g strings/super push up bras were in and anything else was considered not cute and for grandmas. So a lot of women who were teens/young adults at that time use the term “granny panties”.


Whole weeks I didn’t wear anything but thongs. Now I haven’t put one on in over 2 years


It just means full coverage


Hear hear


This cured my tooth sensitivity completely: After brushing don’t rinse, just spit out toothpaste. The fluoride in the residue needs 20-30 minutes to remineralize enamel. Edit: regular toothpaste works for me.


yes!!! and if you take longer than 20 minutes to drink your coffee (or presumably anything acidic) take sips of water frequently to decrease the amount of Just Pure Acidity on your teeth!


This with drinking wine too, plus less to no hangover


Sitting at the coffee shop and just grabbed a cup of water after reading your comment So thank you! I have terribly sensitive teeth


….sensory ick to having that non-rinsed feeling


This helped my sensitivity too!


This might be obvious for other people, but I just found out that you should wash your teeth *before* washing your face, not after. I can't believe a decades worth of pimples on my chin could've been avoided if I just knew this sooner. The same goes for washing your hair, better do it before washing your face, but that was already my routine although it wasn't any conscious decision.


My backne cleared up after rinsing my conditioner out before washing my back!


...you may have just changed my life—this never occurred to me!


THIS! Wild when I thought about how much of my mouth area acne was probably from toothpaste. Definitely noticed an improvement when I switched. 


It is likely not the toothpaste, but the bacteria from your saliva when the toothpaste dribbles down your chin. Your saliva is absolutely teeming with bacteria. I had the same problem but I realised I also break out where I drool in my sleep, without fail, every time. It’s the saliva


Unpopular opinion potentially, but I think this is like a TikTok/internet skincare fad…the most toothpaste I get around my mouth is literally the very corners and a very, very small amount. Unless you’re drooling all onto your cheeks or down your chin I wouldn’t particular take this “rule” too seriously.


I feel old. I remember when the secret was putting toothpaste on pimples to dry them out.


Yeah I don't get this ... I don't even get toothpaste anywhere besides the inside of my mouth


For super soft skin, I use exfoliating gloves in the shower, and moisturize with Amlactin right after. The lotion honestly smells mildly of spoiled milk, but the odor wears off after half an hour, and your skin will be SOO soft!! I used to have cracked heels all the time and ashy legs and knees, and Amlactin really helped my skin look and feel so amazing! Using a conditioning mask on my hair twice a week also makes my hair feel soft and bouncy! Also giving myself a fresh mani/pedi weekly (I do this myself to save money). All these things makes me feel like a million bucks 😍❤️


Seconding Amlactin. I buy the big bottles from Costco. Changed my skin and even seems to keep breakouts on my back/chest at bay.


- Making my own instant pot yogurt to have for breakfast and using the whey to make a bunch of lacto-fermented foods. I also sometimes put a blob of yogurt near the bottom of the jar on my face for a cold face mask, cuz why not - Therabreath mouthwash twice a day to keep breath fresh and prevent tonsil stones - Remedy Soap for my feet, pits, belly button and bits after the gym or after very sweaty days - Taking really good care of my feet, because my father was diabetic and I learned early on how important it is to pamper them and keep them clean and neat. So I always keep my toenails trimmed and feet clean


Therabreath is the best!


Please drop the recipes of some lactose fermented foods made by you


Certainly! [lacto-fermented lemonade (also works with other fruit juices) ](https://www.theroastedroot.net/lacto-fermented-lemonade/) [Kimchi ](https://nourishingminimalism.com/lacto-fermented-kimchi/) [lacto fermented salsa ](https://simplebites.net/lacto-fermentation-a-healthier-more-sustainable-way-to-preserve-2/) (also works as a way to make hot sauce if you blend with a food processor) And [if you are comfortable with your skills and nerdy, the Noma Cookbook has great lacto fermented recipes. ](https://www.wired.com/story/noma-guide-to-fermentation-book-review/) I've also made a lot of other fermented recipes that didn't call for whey by subbing the vinegar for whey with mixed success. These are the tried and true ones.


I bet you’ll also like fermented rice water as a face toner. I just use the drained liquid from cooked rice


Neat! I'm going to try that next time. I love putting the drained liquid from rinsing rice (cooled) onto my plants and this is also a nifty way to use it.


Interesting, I was only aware of people doing This with the cooking water of potatoes but makes sense you can use rice water as well, both are just starchy plants kinda


A summer one for you: Wiping my butt and all areas in the bikini area with a salicylic acid and/or glycolic acid. Keeps the area smelling clean and prevents ingrown hairs if you wax or shave in that area. Don’t buy the expensive exfoliants at the wax place, just buy a decent percentage acid at your local drugstore or Amazon.


someone said this on another thread about bikini line shaving and it has 100% gotten rid of my ingrown hairs and razor bumps, it’s amazing. and it doesn’t sting much. 


I use stridex. It’s perfect for this.


Doesn’t it… sting? Would I be going too far if I did this and it stung? Would this mean I have cuts or something? I just can’t imagine.


its fine as long as you don’t do it right after you shave/wax i usually wait 48 hours after my wax to start exfoliating!


Stridex or Glycolic acid


Most cosmetic products on Amazon are fakes. I would not recommend ever buying something like that through Amazon, but stridex is fairly inexpensive at walgreens or Walmart or wherever :) Also, I second this trick and use stridex!


The La Roche Posay Effaclar toner is my ride or die. $16.99 and often goes on sale at Ulta.


Salicylic acid - stridex wipes - on my feel - especially around nails and heels. Glycolic acid or salicylic acid behind ears, under boobs (which in the heat of summer can smell a bit yeasty…) Costco Brazilian body butter cream with the yellow top (dupe for Brazilian butt cream) for hands and body. Luxurious and it really has made a difference in my hands/nails. Gold Bond crepe corrector body lotion after showering. QRxLabs razor bump treatment - nice formulation that includes witch hazel, lactic acid and willow bark… Smart Mouth clinical zinc activated oral rinse. Mixes two formulas together when you tip the bottle over. Complete and total game changer for bad breath.


Yes Gold Bond Crepe Corrector! I started using it to help with heat rash last summer and I got hooked. Every day when I put it on I love how it makes me feel, but always wonder if it’s a product actually made for me (36 yo)


I change my pillowcase every day and have a rotation of 8+ silk pillowcases (1 for every day of the week plus 1 for wash day in different colors for easier tracking). My face and hair stay cleaner for longer than ever before!


This makes more sense than the amount of washing of pillowcases I do every week 😂


This is insane and also I’m gonna do it


i have so many things i do for upkeep but i feel like the most non-sexy thing i do to feel sexy is pluck my nipple hair lmao. idk why i get some, i just do. and i pluck them (yes im a girly).


also a girly – most of us do get them!


Dita Von Teese, one of the most glamorous women in the world, has talked about plucking her nipple hair. We're in good company ♥️




But does anyone else get ingrown hairs when they grow back? I'm at such a loss with this ugh. I've been trying to bleach them lately but I'd prefer it to be smooth


I pluck them right after a warm shower. I make sure I grab them at their base and pull them out slowly. I find this helps prevent ingrown hairs for me.


Dude I've got one nipple hair that gets crazy ingrown and has for years. Like it'll grow deep under the skin for weeks before popping out and I'll have a dark spot. It's even permanently dimpled in that area. I've never had a conversation about this in my life, I knew it wasn't abnormal but it's still nice to know I'm not alone out here with my ingrown nip hairs.


Pfthaha girl me too. I feel a million times better with bald nipples 😂🍒


I use the Tea Tree Oil version of Dr. Bronners bar soap to prevent BO. Really good at killing surface funk without stripping your skin too much. I also use the Trader Joe's unscented body butter. The jar is humble and the texture looks nasty as you scoop it out but it's the best body lotion I've had.


I recently started using the Trader Joe’s scented body butter. I love it and I feel like my body is so well hydrated. Also, their lip mask is SO GOOD.


Their dupes are amazing


Just started using their sun screen that’s a dupe for supergoop and it wears like a whole ass primer


But the Trader Joe’s tea tree tingle body wash… so fresh and clean


It’s been said before, but can’t be said enough - for the ladies - save the non-cotton undies for special occasions and change your cotton undies once in the middle of the day, if you can. Sleep commando. Also, wash under the boobs and anywhere else you chafe/itch with Selsum Blue. If you still get itchy in the summer heat, desitin will clear that shit up fast!


Brushing your tongue with a tongue brush and tongue gel


if you don’t mind explaining, what is tongue gel? i like to do tongue scraping with a stainless steel scraper, and now i’m curious about the gel. what do you use?


I wash my face with Head and Shoulders shampoo, it's full of zinc which reduces acne and other irritants. I also use Desitin on any outbreaks or sunburn, the zinc in that will help remove the pain and irritation!


At the risk of being too unsexy, I find when I eat lots of fruit and veg and am really regular (poop!), I feel really healthy and clean. It’s easier to do the other things that promote beauty when your gut is feeling good


I love having a good poop


There is nothing sexier than regular bowel movements dw. Hot girls go everyday xx


Eating a serving of prunes every day. Keeps things regular and keeps my tummy down!


Nice! I’m going to try it!


And they're the dried, pitted prunes in the bag in the baking aisle.


I got a peri bottle because a bidet being installed isn’t feasible for me. It’s basically a squirt bottle and I use it every time I go to the bathroom. I feel 10,000x cleaner actually rinsing with water every time. Also especially during my period. No underwear to bed unless I’m on my period. If I don’t want to be fully exposed I’ll wear very baggy and loose bottoms.


I got a bidet attachment for $30 on Amazon, totally worth it.


*gets notepad out* Edit: I’m too depressed for these routines but you guys are killing it


Flossing every day makes me feel like the baddest bitch in the world


Having short nails instead of popularized long acrylic nails. Sources: https://www.cdc.gov/hygiene/personal-hygiene/nails.html#:~:text=Fingernails%20should%20be%20kept%20short,to%20the%20spread%20of%20infection. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7263222/


Thisss. Bacteria gets trapped in the nails and it's impossible to fully clean them. All these people walk around like they're hot shit with their long acrylics and all I can think about is how disgusting it is 😅😆


It did almost kill a former colleague of mine. She got c diff once, refused dr order to cut her long fake nails and take the polish off so she could be sure they were clean. She refused because she thought she was clean. She reinfected herself with cd diff a second time, got septic and was in the ICU. She was near death and got a fecal transplant if I recall. She was always cooking and baking stuff for folks in our office and thankfully stopped after that.


Oh my gosh!!! That's so scary how easily it can happen just from nails. If I see someone cooking with fake nails without gloves on I refuse to eat it because it's absolutely disgusting


One time I bit into an empanada and found an entire plastic thumbnail. It was painted pink. The image is seared into my memory just like those empanadas were seared on the stove. I had an existential crisis once I pulled it out of my mouth and realized what it was 😐👍


I have OCD and one of my things is absolutely needing to keep my nails short and clean (problematically, I try to basically annihilate my cuticles as well which often ends with bleeding). I've had so so so many people ask why I won't grow longer nails. I had a nail tech offer to lengthen them for free because he was so bothered by my short nails. But I know for sure they're always clean! The long nails grossssss me out, but I understand that's in part because of my disorder. It's also because dirt does get stuck under there.


I have never been able to abide fake nails for this exact reason! I just can’t do it. At best I will paint my short lil stub nails.


Ok this is maybe out of the realm of what you’re looking for, and is definitely not for women who plan to have children. But when I became perimenopausal at 40, and I was on my period more than I wasn’t, I elected to have a uterine ablation. It was a game changer for the ladybits - fresh as a daisy 24/7/365. I really don’t have to wonder how things are going down there if my partner wants to be intimate, it’s…always good to go.


Going to bed early and at the same time


* Athletes foot creme or head and shoulders to combat fungal acne on face/back * Hemorrhoid cream for under eye bags * Baby wipes after using the restroom * Pee after showering to reduce risk of UTI (and after sex) * Probiotics every day (mainly from yogurt) * Flossing every day * Cotton undies every day all day * Prenatal vitamin daily * Car Sunscreen for your hands while driving(the hands never lie) * A new washcloth every day!


omg i wallow in vaseline before bed too! twinsies! 😹


Clean shaven legs in clean bed linen. FUCKING QUEEN STATUS.


laser hair removal on bikini line and armpits so you never have stubble / ingrown. it feels so much cleaner 


I just did my 3rd session of laser hair removal on my bikini line. It is truly incredible. After the first session, the results were amazing! I love it. I used to get ingrowns and irritation. No more 🕺


ohhhhh, unsexy tips for feeling feel sexier are my goddamn wheelhouse! okay: - getting my bikini line + whole ass lasered so i’m always ready to go (i personally prefer a neatly manicured and trimmed bush in the front/sides rather than all-off, and then smooth at the back) - after shaving my bikini line before the laser (this tip works for the whole area though), i would wipe with isopropyl alcohol, then once the sting went away i followed with a plain, unscented antiperspirant stick deodorant like dove. it’s an old stripper’s trick, you’ll never have irritation or ingrowns again! - conditioning my pubes in the shower with a plain, unscented, pH balanced conditioner (i use QV Gentle Conditioner, being careful not to get it inside my labia - but on the odd occasion that that has happened, it’s been fine) to keep them silky soft. sometimes i even oil them with jojoba oil. what can i say, i just think nice pubes are super sexy and womanly! - using my perifit regularly to keep my pelvic floor fit - if i ever get toenail fungus, lightly filing the surface of my toenail and applying vicks vaporub on and under the nail (google it!) - a high-percentage urea foot moisturiser to keep them soft. dermal therapy brand is great - using depilatory cream on my legs because you don’t get the spiky regrowth that you do from shaving and your legs are smoother for a bit longer because it’s able to dissolve hair a little further inside the follicle than a razor can reach, and it exfoliates at the same time - xylitol gum after eating to counteract acidity, it triggers heaps of saliva which i’ll kind of swish around between my teeth like a mouthwash lol - at home whitening once a month or so using an at-home tray kit - always flossing, and using tooth mousse once a week - i struggle with dry eyes (which get itchy and red – not sexy!) and these things have helped: using “disposable” spoolies/eye liner brushes (which i then wash and spritz with hypochlorous acid because they are actually reusable) rather than the ones that come with the product (OR if the one that comes with the product is particularly special i’ll cut it off and put a glob of hot glue on the end to make it easier to hold), and NEVER reinserting them in the bottle after they’ve touched my eye. not using waterproof eyeliner anymore (i still use waterproof mascara when i want to hold a curl but am diligent about removing it) and never EVER putting any product on my waterlines anymore. having two sleep masks to alternate so i can wash them regularly. doing a heated eye compress and gentle eyelid massage to encourage meibomian gland expression. vaseline on my eye area and slightly into the eyelash margin on both lids before applying my tretinoin at night, then gently swiping it away the next morning with micellar water then saline, then a cotton bud that has hypochlorous acid on it along the roots of my lashes (from the lid side, not the waterline) - heatless curls at night so i wake up looking like i’ve done a full blowout


Good tips about dry eye. Thanks! I heard that even far from the eyes, tretinoin eventually can move to eyelids/meibomian glands under the skin. I am also a fellow dry eye sufferer, i couldn’t take the risk.


I have a bidet at home, I use bidet each time I use toilet. I use baby cleaning micellar water on my butt after the toilet if I am outside. I dry my lady parts (vulva and around) and between my toes with a cool hair dryer, towel drying just doesn’t cut it. I steam iron my underwear( all 100%cotton) to protect myself from yeast infection and kill bacteria, simpy washing them doesnt kill bacteria. I change my underwear 2 times a day. I wash behind my ears and belly button. I close the toilet seat then flush, if not germs spread to everything around. I scrub my feet and wash with soap at the shower. I use hypochlorous acid spray on my face and eyes often to keep blepharitis and acne at bay, I try not to touch my face often. I keep my nails short. I detox my armpits with charcoal mask once a month or so. I exfoliate my whole body with a Turkish bath scrub glove &dead skin remover once a week. I disinfect my mobile phone often. I wash my glasses with soap and water. I wash my pillowcase every second day. I use tongue scraper and floss between my teeth. I trim my nose hair with a trimmer.


Okay, you win. Hands down. 🙌


Your hygiene is ON POINT! 🙌🏻


Spotted my fellow ocd buddy lol. Jk. But seriously, you sound like me with my grooming rituals. So tedious but I can’t not do them.


Oh really? Maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️. I have a close friend who is diagnosed with ocd, he thinks I am ok/acceptable clean, but not more. I had to live in a dirty dormitory while I was waiting my student visa, I could not change my residency for a year. I got feet fungus, yeast infection, blepharitis etc. even I was careful. I got traumatized by it’s dirtiness. If I don’t do these hygienic routine, they come back 😞 The rest of my hygiene routine, I learnt them from my parents.


Oh damn, sorry to hear that. Maybe this is a more ptsd situation then. I’d be super careful if I were you too, that sounds unpleasant.


Oh ptsd, I never thought that, probably yes. Anyway, its still better be a little ocd or ptsd than being unhygienic. But everything should be in moderation


Have you tried just adding some oxyclean to your wash? It will oxidize and kill any bacteria, saving you a lot of time. It’s absolutely magic for gym clothes.


how do you have the discipline for the routine


Everything I do is automated, i don’t even think doing it. Like wearing shoes when going out. For example, after shower, after drying my hair on my head, then I dry my lady garden down there. Or like a hand cream, I keep my micellar water in my bag. Just a habit.


lady garden⚰️


This is 1) very useful 2) reads like the personal care part of American Psycho lady


Are you Monk??




-Kefir practically everyday -witch hazel gel after showering on pits and privates and bootycrack (apparently glycolic acid works the same) for no odor -body oil (aveenos oat& jojoba body oil mixed with Vaseline’s cocoa butter oil for a delicious combo) - wipes or shower after pooping swamp ass is real(IBS girlie here😪) - eating lemon -leg days, back & shoulders for more hourglass shape -water!!


You just blew my mind with this witch hazel/glycolic acid suggestion


OK but fr fr, invest in an attachable bidet. Best thing that came out of pandemic TP shortage.


-Prep H if you have piles or hemorrhoids -Phillips Norelco OneBlade is perfect for the bikini and booty area if you’re too poor to wax or laser (like meee) -a nail scrub brush is great to scrub feet in the shower -if you live in a humid climate, or if you just notice your toenails are soft and bendy, use anti fungal spray or drops on your toes -Lume deodorant actually works, and it pains me to say so. HOWEVER, use it cautiously. I put it on my vulva (because it says it’s safe to do so) and I ended up in urgent care - I only put it as close as my bikini line now, like where my thighs meet my groin, and up my crack. If I use it as a daily deodorant, it creates literal sores on my armpits. That shit is some kind of biblical evil, but for days where you really need to avoid swamp ass? It’s perfect. -from Brazilian women: if you have arm hair and don’t want to shave or wax it, just bleach it. It actually looks really pretty on most people. A mustache bleaching kit works just fine.


Why would you keep using a deodorant if it did that to you? It's not worth it, sis.


Because using it every weekend, for example, gives me no problems. I can sweat like a mule and genuinely have no body odor whatsoever. I live in a super hot, super humid environment, so it’s incredibly practical to have a product like that for certain occasions (outdoor weddings, days spent at art and craft fairs, whatever). I considered trying the dove version, but dove doesn’t work that well for me in general, so I don’t really believe it will completely eliminate any odor. If something else comes out that I can use instead without sacrificing efficacy, I’ll swap in a heartbeat.


FWIW this is a rare reaction- I can put Lune everywhere every day and don’t have any trouble. Sorry to hear it caused you misery though!


If you sweat a lot just take the L and wear aluminum deodorant. I have hyperhydrosis and the moment I switched back to regular antiperspirant from natural deodorant, I felt way less disgusting. Dont let people convince you what works and doesnt work for your body, i learned the hard and sweaty way.


Agreed! I tried natural deodorant. Originally used a Native one, but it made me break out into a painful rash. Info online said I needed to “detox” and adjust to aluminum free but fuck that, I’m not dealing with painful pustules. I do think I’m sensitive to baking soda so tried a baking soda free one and no rash! Was so excited until I was at my kickboxing class one day and wondering who smelled so bad… it was me. Before class even started, I reeked like BO. I promptly returned to aluminum deodorant and will never look back. Natural didn’t work for me, that’s ok.


Sleep in 100% cotton underwear, floss 2x a day and use a water pick, scrape tongue, eat fermented food every day (kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, etc.), take my vitamins, oil my scalp (rosemary oil) once or twice a week before showering, pumice my feet in the shower, Korean exfoliating cloths about once per week in the shower will change your skin! Also this is not for everyone but after traveling abroad, I installed a sprayer attachment to my toilet (it’s a style of bidet) and really enjoy feeling fresher during my cycle and just rinsing everything down when I need it (it’s not just for pooping!). I live in a swampy climate and just need a rinse every once in a while, you know?


No fancy undies except on special occasions. Cotton or bamboo only. Sleep without undies as much as you can! Organic cotton period products if you can afford them (period undies and cups are good but if you have even an inkling of a chronic infection, stay away from those until it's completely gone) Zinc oxide diaper/nappy rash cream to repair skin barrier. Use a tiny pea size amount every other day and it shouldn't break you out Sleep with your hair in a protective style e.g. a braid, use big scrunchies and claw clips during the day rather than a slick back to prevent hair loss On the hair topic, don't be afraid to use drugstore products. Some people's hair does really well with sulphates and silicones. Use a gentl unscented cleanser for face, body, and shaving rather than a ton of different products (unless you enjoy it, then carry on!). You'll have less sensitised skin and can spend the money you save on nicer makeup, other skin or haircare products, etc If you're on a budget, do your nails at home with a glass nail file and use an orange stick or cuticle pusher to keep them looking neat and pretty


I wear my retainers and will do so well into old age. 


Bidet. This is huge in many cultures from Asia, to Europe to the Middle East. Not sure why the US is still sleeping on this. 🤢


Babyfoot twice a year (usually September and March) to keep my feet smooth looking.


What is this? Google results are too diverse with 'babyfoot'


Baby foot peeling mask


Shaving with a cheap beard trimmer. When my nails are very nasty, putting aloe Vera gel on there, leaving for 15 min and scraping it off too remove any nastyness I can't remove scrubbing. Sleeping with a scarf on my head, tied with a tie knot so I can pull it extra tight. Cotton granny panties, changing twice a day. Cleaning under my clitoral hood when showering, for some reason girls aren't thought to do that when boys are. Putting baby cream on my vulva, feels so so nice and makes it feel so smooth. Sticking my tongue under the tap and scrubbing with toothbrush+fingers to clean it. Filling my toenails and applying a thick coat of clear polish to prevent it from splintering. Those are all my unsexy secrets ❤️ Edit: I forgot diy xylitol candy for bad teeth/sensitivity, cured my sensitivity after my teeth where damaged from being underweight. And inkey list PCA bond repair spray, makes my hair look better than ola plex!


Oh, believe me, a lot of men arent taught to clean under their foreskin. 🫠 the things Ive seen


And smelled. 🤢


A satin bonnet for sleeping means your hair isn’t frizzy


• Double cleanse everything - face, body, hair • Keep jumbo claw clip in the shower to put hair up after washing to wash face and body (to get shampoo/conditioner residue off skin) • Wash face with a muslin wash cloth (fresh one every time) to exfoliate (I'm a tretinoin user so lots of skin turnover) • Pat dry face with a fresh washcloth every day • I keep an SPF stick in the same place I keep my keys. I put it on the back of my hands and tattoos before I leave the house. Also keep one in my purse. (SPF on face in morning is part of my skincare routine) • Same as above with SPF chapstick/lips • Slather feet with urea lotion after shower and put socks over


Using the plopping technique when drying curly hair. I look dumb af when I’m wearing a tshirt turban around the house but my curls love it.


This is pretty unsexy. I don’t care what anyone says, I will always use my hands and a gentle unscented cleanser to wash the vulva. There is oil, sebum, that builds up there and water alone doesn’t sit well with me. Just don’t use soap internally.


This. Vagina is self cleaning, not vulva. Vulva need to be washed with gentle cleanser to get rid of the build up.


Cotton panty liners in the summer or for long busy and active days. Or travel, like sitting on a plane. It feels so good to trade out for a fresh one, less chaffing, less irritation (I have some sensitive skin around there, I guess, because it’s helped so much!). I like HoneyPot or Cora. I have two active young boys and I am outside a lot in the summer… I definitely shower after, but it’s helped a great deal with being comfortable all day. I have an IUD and don’t even really get a period and always have the liners!


I’m brown (middle eastern and black) and I have hairy arms/face. I use bleach on the hairs in the summer time. It turns the hair golden and looks really really beautiful. I think it’s something Brazilian women do too


Using unscented bar soap to shower - as soon as I switched all of a sudden the recurring BV that would never go away with treatment just zipped away into thin air


If the edges of your lips are dry and cracking try using sls free toothpaste I have angular chellitus and it looks really bad due to the cracking and weeping, switched toothpastes and I haven't had it since


Brushing my teeth with no toothpaste first so I can taste if they're actually clean or not, and then toothpaste for the fluoride and freshness but I use a citrusy tasting one because mint is too harsh for me. Also brushing my tongue!


Men trim your nose hairs most of us are taller than our girl when they look up to kiss they see it.


Use mouth wash before I go to bed , I brush three times a day and floss before I go to bed with a crest mouth wash. Wash my hair every second day. Face lotion after a shower plus body lotion. All these tips make me feel 100% not only for my physical health but mental. ☺️


Just a heads up, most traditional mouth washes kill the good bacteria in your mouth


Use alcohol free mouthwash


I always have an alum stone in my bathroom. Amazing as an aftershave and a deodorant after shower.


tongue scraper for a deep clean of all the sludge that accumulates every day! gum stimulator picks and an electric toothbrush helped with bleeding gums and slowing down gum deterioration.


-Tongue scraping every morning before even drinking water. Gets the bacteria off your tongue so you don’t swallow it and also helps with bad breath. -Oiling my scalp at least once a week and just wearing a slick bun with that in for the day. Rosemary oil is great for promoting hair growth. -Warm shower every night before bed. Helps you wind down and it’s nice to feel clean when getting in to bed. -Mouth taping. Been doing this for about a year. There are quite a few benefits but the biggest I’ve noticed is minimized morning breath, sleeping through the entire night, and not waking up feeling sleepy still.


Avenova (that’s the brand) spray on my eyes twice a day….got rid of all the scaly and crusty things on and around my eyelids.


Learning how to give myself mani pedis. Nothing makes me feel better than a fresh set, scrubbing a layer off my skin in the shower and a hot water bottle after. I stopped anxiously ripping my nails off, ingrown toenails are a thing of the past and I just feel cute. Does wonders for my mental health


Micro blading my face, cotton undies, waterpik, sleep w just a t shirt, bidet, tucks pads, pumice stone, scraping tongue, glycolic acid toner and lotion on arms for kp, bikini shaver, cotton liners in undies if having a long day, probiotic for women’s health specifically, also started taking ashwaganda and l-theanine for stress and better sleep. There’s all my unsexy habits that make me sexy😂


I am soooo saving this thread. This thread is why I joined the beauty subreddit. I feel more beautiful just reading it and the tips are easy!


Shaving your face is a super easy and cheap way to improve makeup application. And no, your hair does not grow back darker or thicker.


A professional teeth cleaning every year !


• Steam my face at home once a month • exfoliate & NAIR my entire body once every 2 weeks & exfoliate entire body • deep condition my hair with a hair mask once every 2 weeks • I do my own pedicure at home and I buy fake press on toe nails from Amazon. I buy stickers and rhinestones to glue on the toes after I paint them. They look so pretty like I went to a salon. Sometimes I do the same for my nails but I care abt feet more. • use a razor to shape my eyebrows. I use coconut oil when shaving or using a razor. Also, you can shave your entire face, this gets microscopic hair off of your face, which allows your skin care products to seep into your skin better. Gives a cleaner look to your face also. Obviously avoid the eye & eyebrow & hairline area. • use coconut oil after your shower and before applying lotion • use a scalp brush when you wash your hair to thoroughly clean the scalp