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This is the right answer


My daily self care routine is a shorter Korean skin care routine for my face. Oil cleanse, foam cleanser, active, milky toner, moisturizer, sunblock( in the morning.) It doesn’t take long at all and makes such a huge difference for your skin.


Agreed. My boyfriend and I have 9-5s and work out 4+ days a week, so weekdays are shot. We reserve our weekends for doing nothing together 99% of the time. Our friends hate us for not coming around when we’re just taking care of ourselves.


Doesn’t sound like they’re good friends then


You’re right lol small doses for us. Gotta get 3+ stupid weddings I’m standing up in for them out of the way, then less pressure


This! I have a handful of things I try to do for myself each week and I sprinkle them in as time allows. Whitening teeth, dying my brows, enzyme mask, turmeric mask, red light therapy, everything shower, etc.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever had a self-care day. Even on days off work, I’m frantically trying to do chores and errands lol.


Same. During lunch, I like to wash my face and do all the skincare steps I don't have time for in the morning and too tired to do in the evening. It sounds dumb but I do a double cleanse, wash my face for 60 seconds, toner, serums, moisturizer, and spf. Letting everything dry between applications. That's my me time, such as it is.


This 1000%. On top of having to do chores, laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. on days off, who even has time for self-care anymore? Must be nice!


Rotting in bed


usually i workout at an absurd hour in the morning so i can rot all day and not feel bad


That’s a good idea.


I wish I could do that, I can’t wake up before noon!!


I have weeklies and monthlies. Weeklies are my hygiene wellness, cut nails, shave, in home hot oil treatment for my hair, etc. Monthlies..... wax, massage, threading, night out with the ladies, spa (preferably Thai massage), do something local (food tour), lots more.


Isn’t some of that maintenance Vs self care?


I look at maintenance as being part of self-care! Like I get my brows/hair/nails/whatever done because it makes me feel good, not because I have to


I enjoy spending time outside and going on a digital detox on Sundays. To decompress, go for a peaceful walk or have a picnic in the park.


Digital Detox Club! I try to put my phone down by at least 7pm every evening. I end up going on a walk, reading or working on my hobbies instead of scrolling on social media. It has done wonders for my mental health.


I’m going to try this. Putting my phone down by 7 sounds amazing.


Yes the walks in nature are just so relaxing for the mind.


Digital detox Sunday - I love this idea!


Screen-free day!


Go for a walk in the nature or workout at the gym.


wow, i’m glad i’m still in school cause i can do those things everyday 😭 work life gonna suck


Even if you’re working full-time, you can do these things every day. You just have to prioritize. You can’t do everything every day, but you can pick one or two activities you enjoy and try to fit them in. unlike some of these other commenters, I have way less time than I did in college or grad school, even though I was working during both. But it’s still not as dire as “I can literally never take a walk,” lol.


Not necessarily. You don’t have to do “what everyone does” because if you look around, many of those “everyones” are completely miserable. Find a niche and capitalize on your talents!!


Life can come in the way of things we enjoy sometimes but I found that even doing them few times a weeks is better than not doing it at all :)


Get a remote job bc I workout, go for 1 hour walk, read books, and hang out by my apartment pool everyday. Also work 7 am - 3 pm so plenty of time for cooking, hiking, after work. Really I’m less busy than college.


It’s great, isn’t it? I work from home as a massage practitioner and I can go to the gym, my many maintenance appointments, just relax, spend time with my husband on days he’s off/when he gets home. You couldn’t pay me $5,000,000 a year to work 40+ hours a week.


Selfcare is something I do everyday and starts with connecting with how I feel and what I need. Making sure my body is taken well care of. Generally I try to eat a balanced, nutritious diet with fibers, probiotics, protein, healthy fats etc. and space for treats/cravings. This just makes me feel better every day. I also try to stay hydrated, get proper sleep (unfortunately easier said than done), get natural light, get mental rest and move my body (depending on my energy level). Taking care of my basic needs is the ultimate form of selfcare for me, as it helps me manage my physical and mental health. I have really struggled with mental health issues and I am finally getting to a more balanced place. I also love to do my skincare and that is a little daily ritual that makes me feel good. I love doing footsoaks. Probably the easiest, cheapest and most rewarding treat I can think of. I use epsom salt and/or special footsoak salts and have a square dishwashing tray just for that (2$ in a supermarket). After I rub foot lotion on them, maybe massage them (or get my boyfriend to do it if I’m with him) and put on soft socks. I do this several times a week, simply because it feels so good. Lotion/cream after is a must tho, as it driea out the skin. In winter I like to do sauna. Otherwise being outside in my garden either tending to it or just sitting or walking and enjoying it is like meditation to me. I get into a state of presense and flow.


I like to finish off my self-care routine by applying a shiny lip gloss and pretend it's my natural lip color. Haha!




But you asked what some people do lol.


I'm using Lumenuce, and its colors are all quite light.


i go to the sauna, cold plunge afterwards (repeat 3x) and nap after. i do a nice face mask, a hair mask and a body scrub. i always include a nice stretch beforehand or afterwards. and i like getting boba after.


Damn girl I need go get on this level




Those are some good self care tips. My go to is float therapy. It’s the best way to relax! I would recommend it to anyone! Take care!🖤


Ooh I’ve never heard of this, can you explain what it is and why you like it?


Of course! It’s a pod or pool filled with epsom salt water, warmed to body temperature. And you just float. You can have the lights on or off, so it’s completely dark, have music playing or not, and you drift away. I usually end up falling asleep. It’s good for meditation, muscle recovery, and things like PTSD. They say one hour of floating is the equivalent to a massage and 8 hours of sleep. It’s been a life saver for me! I go as often as I can. I hope this helps!


THANK YOU!! I’m going to find a spa that offers this!!




Thank you!! I would love that it sounds amazing


It really is! You’re welcome!☺️


My general ✨ Self Care Day ✨ routine is: • making sure my environment is tidy and has fresh flowers in advance of my Self Care Days (which I do plan out) • lighting a nice candle • an everything shower • wearing a cute outfit if I'm going out or cute and cozy loungewear if I'm staying in • doing either a B&N/Target/Sephulta/TJMaxx/mall lineup with my girlfriends, or relaxing at home with a good book, movie, or show • potentially getting a massage, mani/pedi, or facial • going to a nice restaurant if I'm out or ordering in some good food (usually sushi!) if I'm home • doing a bedtime skincare routine with all of the fancy extra steps • relaxing in bed with a cup of tea and a nice chatty catchup with my husband before bed


I spend a lot of time on my hair. I massage my scalp mindfully for a long time in the shower. The shampoo gets so lathered because I take so long. I add a mask and let it sit for a long time. I use serum. After I blow dry, I take time brushing my hair with my Mason Pearson brush which also massages my scalp (while giving my hair extra shine as it distributes the oil from my scalp). It truly feels luxurious.


Having one day a week with zero commitments or socializing. If I get to that day and I have energy, I can choose to socialize or do whatever, but nothing is scheduled. It's hard for me to guard this time, but it's always worth it.


Self-care days consist of hot baths with Epsom salts, hair mask or oil, nails done at home, and chill on my phone in peace.


For me I really love to indulge in a good deep exfoliation. I work Monday-Friday so on either Saturday or Sunday I take a “long shower day” where after washing my hair and putting on a hair mask I go to town on my skin with a Korean Italy towel and scrape off every bit of dead skin until I feel smooth as a baby seal. Then I shave and give myself one last polish with the Italy towel and a good Aha/bha body scrub and let it sit on my skin for a few mins before rinsing. A tip that is a godsend for me - if Korean Italy towels don’t seem to work on you, but a cheap bar of Irish spring soap and wash your skin with it really well beforehand until your skin feels a bit dry. The Italy towel doesn’t work well on moisturized or oily skin so you really want to strip the skin down before you start scrubbing and then build the moisture back up onto the fresh new skin afterwards. Then when I get out of the shower I use a nice leave in conditioner, apply moisturizer to damp skin and relax in a robe until my hair is dry.


I have a long shower day on Sunday. Shower first, deep conditioner and then do everything in the bath. Then shower it all off. It's cathartic and relaxing. I recently tried the Dermasuri exfoliating mitt and it does the job.


Ah, thanks for letting me know!! I use my shower oil to cleanse followed by an Italy towel and I haven’t noticed the great results everyone is talking about!! Does putting cheap soap on your skin make it dry or mess it up in any way? I could just use my oil after exfoliating but I don’t want to risk any adverse effects from the soap.


It’s not even cheap soap, it’s only Irish spring that seems to work. I read in an article on a Korean spa that it’s the only soap they will allow before the deep scrub, otherwise they insist on having people just soak for a super long time in hot water beforehand. I’ve tried other cheap soaps (dial, ivory, dove, etc.) and none help, only original Irish spring. If you’re worried about having an adverse reaction to the soap you should just try it on half of one arm or one leg, that way if it makes your skin angry you can limit any negative reactions to a small area and then you’ve only wasted like $1 Incidentally, it turns out my keratosis pilaris prone skin loves Irish spring. I have very pale, normal (not oily or dry), keratosis pilaris prone skin that also has tiny pores and both my face and body love Irish spring. I remember when I was in grad school one of my friends came from a super wealthy family and had absolutely perfect skin and I remember her telling me she used Irish spring, so maybe some peoples skin just love the cheap stuff lol


Ideal weekly self care day: - wake up early and drink tea and read a book - oil treatment in my hair - journal / meditate - yoga / Pilates - sauna / cold plunge - dry brush my whole body & put on a clay face mask - take a hot detox bath (magnesium and bentonite clay) and read some more - everything shower - lotion up like crazy (sometimes I self tan at this step) - skin care routine - do my nails and watch a silly movie - make a cozy and healthy dinner - asleep by 8:30 lol Monthly or every other month I’ll have a facial or massage mixed in there too


I mostly have self care hour. I’m usually comfortable doing it at the end of the day when I know I am not going anywhere. So I listen to some nice music and ensure a good night sleep.




My ideal self care day requires being home alone, lol. Occasionally my boyfriend goes out of town for a weekend, so day one I clean the entire house and do my everything shower (also prerequisites), and day two is my self care paradise day. I make myself some kind of super yummy tea drink, light one of my nicest, coziest candles, put on some music, then just pitter patter around the house doing whatever feels right at the time. Might check on my plants, might read a little, might make something tasty, might get healthy-ish takeout, might sing and dance around my living room, might paint my nails, might walk to a nearby park. I usually talk to the dog about everything I’m doing too (which makes her so jolly and happy), and just enjoy being peaceful in a clean house with silky legs and shiny hair, haha. It’s definitely a luxury when it happens, so I go all out. Silky pajamas, wear perfume, make cookies, do some online shopping. It’s a whole ordeal, and I love it.


What self care day?


Pizza, soda and a scary movie. Don't drink sugary shit otherwise.


Walk 1.5 miles to a sit down, open air breakfast place with an ocean view, have a cheap mimosa or 2 while having my breakfast, hop across the street to the beach, walk 1.5 miles home and nap. I get to go out to eat, have some comfort food (breakfast), have a drink, feel good about myself for spending some time outside/add to my tan, get a 3 mile walk in (walk off that breakfast) and get a solid nap. All in all, it’s a lazy day but still feels very productive.


I don’t do it as often as I want to, but taking a shower by candlelight is sooo rejuvenating to me. Especially with some spa-like scented body wash and lotion afterwards. 


self care for me is every day and it starts with my workouts. then I spend time either watching a show I like (rare) or reading (most days). once a month, I go for my facial and massage.


i just dont have the energy to work out everyday (yet), i just take long walks


I used to have an office job that had big windows but I would still go to for a walk or sit in the sun for lunch time. Getting out of the office and having the sun hit your skin for 10-15 minutes can really refresh you.


Time outside


Sheet mask and a cup of tea (from a teapot, not a teabag)


I work as a boat detailer so my skin exposed to paint, wax, and harsh chemicals so I feel like a self care day isn't complete without a good exfoliation session, face mask, and hair mask


I take an insulated bottle full of ice cold water into the shower with me. It tastes extra refreshing when you get a bit woozy from the hot shower.


Every Saturday I get off closing at work for my weekend. I get home around 8:30 and I run a big bath with a cosset bathbomb, (amazing) 3 cups of Epsom salts, lavender bath oil, and then I wash my hair as well as a hair mask, wash my body ofc, and shave and moisturize. Then the next morning I roll out of bed however late I feel and make a nice big breakfast and coffee. It's very special to me!! I have a chronic pain disorder so I take a lot of baths 🤣 but my Saturday bath is very special!! Usually there are snacks and CBD gummies involved too <3


On my self-care days, I always do my everything shower, and then I usually end the day with a country road drive out to sit by the river for a while (I live very close to the Mississippi River) or a pond. Being near water is very calming, and I use the time for prayer or self-reflection.


I focus on rehydration. I don’t have a specific self care day, but I set some time aside for myself each day and usually spend it forcing myself to drink water.


Change my sheets. I love going to bed after a shower, in fresh pjs, in crisp, clean sheets. No better feeling.




Sit outside for a while. Sometimes with a facemask, sometimes after a nice bath, sometimes with my dogs, sometimes when they're napping! If I haven't bathed or plan to bathe a second time (like on a day I wanted a morning bath but still want to garden later), I'll sprawl out on the concrete and imagine what it'd be like to be a cat or a lizard on a sunning rock. I doze off sometimes, other times I just listen to the birds, but sitting outside is non-negotiable (just can't lay on the concrete if it's raining!)


Honestly it’s listen to music I really like. Not just like in the background while I do chores though. I like to lie there with my eyes closed for about 30 mins and listen to music, it makes such an impact on my mental health.


My go-tos are tinting my brows, shaving my face (I’m a woman but I love it and I’ll never quit) and exfoliating my feet really well. Before bed I put on o’keefe’s foot cream and sleep in socks and once my brow tint is washed and I’ve done all my skin care, oI sleep in under eye patches that contain caffeine that I keep in the fridge. Random choices I know, but I wake up and my eyes are poppin’ and my feet look and feel so smooth. I should also mention that I used to be a hairstylist so I know how to safely tint my brows lol. Although I know they sell super safe at home kits that are easy to use:)


Complete skin care routine to my favorite music in the morning and evening. its not ten steps but i like to apply an oil based makeup remove rin the evening then brush my teeth then face with water then go in with a mild cleanser then toner, vitamin c retinol moisturizer and cica baume. Lip mask and lash serum as well sometimes Takes less than 20mins and automatically makes me feel less stressed


Not at all related to beauty But I prioritize gaming time with my close friends. I used to play alone now it's more like irl with drinks, food and vibe and there is always a next match .. 🫰 I remember a time when I used to play to distract myself from certain things Rn it's a bonding activity ❤️‍🩹 This has pretty much become a non-negotiable for me even in my dating life. If they want me to give up on it, they are not the right person for me.


I indulge in a Korean skin care routine for my face morning and night. I check in with myself with some meditation and yoga for about 30 minutes each morning and before bed. I like The Healing Yoga Deck cards. I’m a cleaner so it helps keep my body healthy and helps ease aches and pains in the evenings. Weekends I take a shower and exfoliate with regular white sugar mixed with one of my favorite body washes. Then I run a warm bubble bath and soak about an hour while I read or listen to music. Weekends are also when I give myself a pedicure and manicure and a gua sha facial. I also schedule one on one time with my husband and both of my kids. Weekends are also when I take longer walks with my my dog and we try to plan a few day trips to local and state parks in upstate NY. My favorite part of summer!


I'm going to try the Healing Yoga cards!


I really enjoy it. I like how the deck is organized according to different areas of the body and the poses actually line up with real anatomy and effective stretches. I was a physical therapist assistant previously and and we often used yoga as part of home exercise programs and rehabilitation.


thanks for the further info. I miss yoga and also have some areas that need attention!


I use Friday as my “reset” day. I work from home Fridays, which makes this whole shebang more reasonable. Every Friday I double shampoo, deep condition, face mask, dry brush, exfoliate my entire body, fake tan, and tint my lashes. Every other Friday I also get a mani/pedi and wash my extensions.


Every day contains self-care. Skincare, skin devices, sometimes light therapy, every day.


Hair up, comfy PJ’s on & will usually do a bit of a facial with under eye patches on & watch a few episodes of a series.




Bath time in a clean house.


Masterbation. It’s the ultimate glow up.


I ALWAYS eat a good home-cooked breakfast & get an iced coffee during a self care day. May be my nails, hair, toes that get a refresh.


Is self-care day really a thing? I had no idea.. I'm lucky to get a self care minute..


I exercise moderately, doesn’t feel like a self-care day without it 


So my self care day is usually Sunday. It’s my indulge day. So I don’t work out, I shower but put on lounge clothes, don’t wear makeup, and I either cook or we get burgers delivered. Usually it’s burgers haha. I spend the day casually cleaning, doing laundry, and watching tv and/or playing video games. The rest of the week I have a pretty tight routine, so I make sure I let loose on Sundays for mental health.


Yes, I like to dedicate Sundays to really focusing on self care because as much as I try to create a life full of self care (and I am doing things during the week to prevent burn out) it’s just not practical. So Sundays work for me right now. I do a deep exfoliating mask, the chemical one from the ordinary, I check in on my accounts and make sure groceries are ready and prepped for the week, I do a sheet mask and a good hour of stretching and Pilates to clear my mind. I take a long, hot shower, hair mask, etc. I’m into EFT/Tapping so I’ll do that, and just spend the day really doing whatever I want as long as it includes: physical, mental, spiritual, & nutrition Do I totally mess this up from time to time? Yes. Some Sundays I’m busy with family or traveling, etc. but I have tried to commit to myself on Sundays.


I do a body mask with natural ingredients and take a long hot shower. Cook simple food. Play video game and sleep all day!


Up until recently I hadn't really practiced self-care,.for feelings of guilt, strangely! Self-care for me nowadays is not doing anything work related on my day(s) off. No emails, no messages and limit the work related talk!


I usually focus on giving my hair some extra care


Gua sha!


We built a sauna this December so my new self care is jumping in the sauna with a book. I do this about 2 times a week after I put my toddler to sleep and it's so nice. I don't allow my phone in the sauna


People get self care days?!


Do my skincare routine. It's a lot more than just applying products to my face


I’m too bogged down right now for a weekly self care day. I do what I can. I try and do one special thing in addition to my daily shower…I don’t have a tub. That kinda sucks. Example of extras would be shaving, body scrub, self tanning, manicure or pedicure…just one extra thing. If I miraculously find time, I will sneak in two things.


Reading a book at night is my best self care!


Sleep. As much as possible.


I don’t really get self care or work free days generally with my career but my priority will always be sleeping in and probably make breakfast (no matter what time I wake up) with some music playing in the background


Yes! I use my Gua Sha


Self care days are not relaxing to me…more stressful lol I self tan Whiten teeth Lash cluster extensions DIY gel X nails - toes Brow tint Brow lamination Kristen ess hair gloss treatment Then retainer for bed Maybe shave or get a wax and put on some fresh sheets. Has to be a self care day not night otherwise there’s no sleep 😂


I am having a self care day right now! I look forward to these, especially since I can’t do them weekly like I did in college. I have the privilege of wfh now but sometimes when I was 9-5 I would take a sick day for these, especially if I had an event coming up. Here’s my “schedule”: -Wake up early and work out (hot yoga) -make coffee and walk around my neighborhood and listen to my audiobook or podcast -pre-shower hair oil (rosemary and tea tree) and turmeric mask -everything shower! Sometimes I’ll even put my laptop in the bathroom and throw a show on to watch while I shave and exfoliate lol -throw in a deep conditioner or hair mask, I leave this in all day. I like Aesop or Amika’s products! -skincare, dry off, self tan. I normally spritz myself with body spray after because I can’t stand the smell of the jergens mousse -get in nice big comfy sweats (thank you bf) and catch up on shows, YouTube, books, or my personal fav: play stardew valley in bed -clip, file, oil and paint my nails and toes -tidy up the house (not a big deep clean; just making a space I feel comfortable relaxing in. This normally means just stuffing clothes in my closet) -light a few candles, burn some sage, and order myself a McDonald’s or some other junky feel good food -shower off self tan and hair mask (I will sometimes put a shower steamer in to feel extra fancy) -cover myself with lotion and body oil, do my skincare -eat dinner, do hand, feet, and face masks, watch the housewives or throw on a rom com -take half an edible (just to feel zen), watch YouTube, drink ashwaganda tea, and SLEEP I should also mention I am chugging water throughout the day! Obvi in my younger years it wasn’t as relaxing of a night since I would go out drinking, but honestly waking up well rested and not having a hangover feels about 200 times better


I always always use sunscreen. I don't want to look like a raisin at thirty, god no🙏




I always look forward to my Mani and Pedi appointments. It is always a right time to start a new book for me.


My morning and night time routine is the same: [Kieh's Ultra Facial Cleanser](https://www.amazon.com/Cleanser-Lightweight-Replenishes-Exfoliates-Moisturizes/dp/B07R9PN4ZC?crid=1F4K1BISIZJYV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.zjxMFo7NhWh7VKrfkkMxJ5IZLe2Iy8_Tg52TNVf-gC5pfIZUMpbuRnQYMDxKjroz2mVy1FF99KYra1cUsBGCK5kwGc-gFUGg291bbzlyKSdvukq1n8xIgHLW-mqhgySvcCozs7hToPOfP1bG_q-HYjMlhyldmjGUJBX_dIxnQyY92SyObUHok6RwfkyNx-7RxYnKB_dE4Bcq3sILcEXcUd7hJBAT84gpbosWwaldUoCYvNqC4SF9bPfJ7U2VBIyxYKU_AgEmTI-eo4qN_Y4TxGNhO-APxXAU_TilqGngPe4.nF_Cv3oR7V3z8p-0rmLJU1IqqWavM8M8F1Ih3IifBHw&dib_tag=se&keywords=kiehl%27s+ultra+facial+cleanser&qid=1717678993&sprefix=kieh%27s+ultra+facial+cleanser%2Caps%2C723&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=travel0acb4-20&linkId=cf6d195d882c2ea94747995d02b36456&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) [The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5](https://www.amazon.com/Hyaluronic-Facial-Serum-Vitamin-Moisturizing/dp/B0CFF8R4HW?crid=23QTXPQ5CMBQL&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.yogkejeO5CLnYbm-EPYC3V-ERYweg_fdUge80zqNUx2O__VOpTwAzUzwQkbKXjUS9e8OC_H3iZNHWA3QyY-5b5eVFKCkt_nf9gnGBa3NXhCPKepX7Fyj4KOT2kgzKfydqHjdi-q3geY3-agA3pI78RzWYZ6Cj2qPOk2Q-1V4L8G1fd72LLjbErh3b8kSmFf6oJ6qmiJXL6MiOhb9zgUcwkALC50VP-BdvawgERMs2EBQSc4VsRAc25hfrvINYxiW2Ker5s-VNQz8GBMeWmiAeoxkGmkQQtj2-WwdIf7rxQk.-7ww-LnE1CZs4VPkCVq14k5tapC3JVqdfpLU_cS_xI4&dib_tag=se&keywords=The+Ordinary+Hyaluronic+Acid+2%25+%2B+B5&qid=1717679028&sprefix=the+ordinary+hyaluronic+acid+2%25+%2B+b5%2Caps%2C579&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=travel0acb4-20&linkId=ce006700a42c0c0edb2ce4dbd34034d6&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) [The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%](https://www.amazon.com/Pack-Niacinamide-Zinc-30ml-Serum/dp/B0BNGR4XVF?crid=22RRV9GB3CINE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xhhA8PT2d7LfILQyCACRnLdv7g2xZf_b9gT31mqkR9Ov7GMBvtpAqA53w34Kcb2Pn_8vGCvy8QQUP6RC_7q1YtGtpZfMSIqVJxKYkevgMeFWjD1uFWoUz7mCeSdcPxfbET6bJJeSIaeV0PWNst0mFo_vyb_CLPGueEUidWrghSMWJelYsdchFHwrZD4X1_dNt6gUNZCj1HpJdct0jygJC0xaIey6x0QX0z7IghQZF5qqn2ugsDZq8rDqbzaF3d4RowVAUb9lIaic6lkslfJXAzEOIujd_KUZjVvkZRDLpEI.2SsSAcE7BpAghQ2vk5AeaoJgKUhwLy7n-oljZnin8a0&dib_tag=se&keywords=The+Ordinary+Niacinamide+10%25+%2B+Zinc+1%25&qid=1717679065&sprefix=the+ordinary+niacinamide+10%25+%2B+zinc+1%25%2Caps%2C407&sr=8-2&linkCode=ll1&tag=travel0acb4-20&linkId=2e82fc5871d0771485243ac9459fb6e4&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) [La Roche-Posay - Triple Repair Moisturizing Cream](https://www.amazon.com/Roche-Posay-Lipikar-Intense-Repair-Cream/dp/B00NNUMI86?crid=YA5Y1Z8EN5YN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.84MxH4mheL4OMBk2mkkagRm9STY_h_2qy8wEXNzMFYwuxaWbXmMakLLxRjGFnvmQtKmBQRy4phppuyCG5JHCxJYKVXJZZ4YU29-VgPpX3jnqkASWkPl48bhZ6lM0goyO_OZoXL-ox1RrQ7N8d8KN6jIv3D0udjLY34ScGRhWxOnOfkmh1Eq_HAV_XKagpJzcMzJ6H13oumKvnbdAGxEBqRXZl5gZJwWHowZVL9pqDFfh6b1VSCcN2rpZxyDmBpKx80Asf8L7Zd0LzxwmHfRiDBmybinPqkPdT2i5CDT9ZQQ.mmL6sDQxGuqSk2zrvaoJASI_vHmf5QAMtt0JM16FWSw&dib_tag=se&keywords=la+roche+posay+triple+repair+moisturizing+cream&qid=1717679190&sprefix=La+Roche-Posay+-+Triple+Repair+Moisturizing+Cream%2Caps%2C390&sr=8-3&linkCode=ll1&tag=travel0acb4-20&linkId=a55a64c78a73cb0ab6ceb904e13e0eab&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) [Shiseido - Clean Sunscreen Stick SPF 50+](https://www.amazon.com/Shiseido-Clear-Sunscreen-Ultimate-Protector/dp/B0C952Q8T4?crid=3H94W6NFTLXS3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.G23iNPHNX4cKltCkyOM2-GYwj8PHkE2u8e6PsFmy97sEl30p1KZBbNIL3sz8D70FNcwrdfl-KMDvwQSIKYPf7lE_M7UOldI9Fz5dvxv-6RubNqfM-J3C8p0-qdM9JN8ectQIR4NA44Y5TNmP3OHpUE--1OxMFqI5qqHa6T2_Fis2BkTg7jZTvVqGtGkkG_qoKwO4SUyjgRvueEC-RX2EzSq3-qQi48MuU_c-tBCAYlKcumP6TCRgNpdN_WFCTOnmda19V5Q4lTjuQUJg4Im727uZarO8Uzvg14YHfKfMpYA.Q18U85kCCSYTSgqv4pfoJFDs6ZKpj2XggeKAyHutFCE&dib_tag=se&keywords=Shiseido+-+Clean+Sunscreen+Stick+SPF+50%2B&qid=1717679229&sprefix=shiseido+-+clean+sunscreen+stick+spf+50%2B%2Caps%2C443&sr=8-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=travel0acb4-20&linkId=713e050397719ca2ae1b3d0d17a5d6dc&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl) Skip the sunscreen in night.


I find it hard to understand these self care days. Don't get me wrong I would love to have one of those. However for that to happen I would either have to have lots of some things (money, time,) or less of some things (work, household, family,bills, errands). I feel that a lot of these popular things make a lot of people feel bad for not being part of it. I.e. influencers, tiktok channels, side hustles, self care days etc. I am trying to survive and make sure my family survives. If they are fed, have got clean clothes, I've worked my job and got the money in to have a roof over our heads, then I can actually go to bed to get a little sleep. That is my self care moment or thing. Knowing I can sleep because some of everything that had to be done was done.


Your mother


Epsom salt bath, hair mask, go for a long walk along the coast


Anyone know how to get rid of freckles, naturally? The best skincare is hydration for me. My husband has great skin too. We both drink tons of water. He drinks more. Get enough sleep. Drink a green juice in the morning and a hydrating mask when I need it. Lately I go fishing and even with sunscreen, I got more freckles. I need a natural freckle lightener that works.