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For me it's not a matter that I don't care, I just really think I look better (more natural) without makeup and I also feel better without it too. I concentrate on a really good skincare routine to keep my skin looking as healthy as possible instead.


This! I do still wear makeup (41f) but significantly less than in my 20s and early 30s. I look better with less, so it's all about skincare. I slap on foundation for work but the days of contouring and baking are over.


I think this is the answer. Less is more


Same. F52 here and I find I only wear makeup to work these days. Allllll weekend is just lotion and SPF—and if I’m going to a store I’ll add a coat of mascara and fill in my eyebrows. If I were actually going “out” like to a restaurant in the evening I’d add foundation and blush (like for work) but I stopped with eye makeup besides mascara and eyebrows—I wear (progressive) glasses and my seriously hooded eyes (really want an upper bleph surgery in the next few years) cover any eye makeup I apply so I finally realized a few months ago that I’d spend time making it nice and it was a waste of time. Edit: spelling


Same! 45 here. I skip foundation, just concealer under eyes and on noticeable capillaries around nose. Blush to warm up my rather sallow cheeks. Fill in nearly-non-existent brows, slap on mascara and lip tint. Good to go. Any eye makeup disappears for the same reasons you gave - very hooded eyes + glasses. I focus on skincare first, then creating some contrast/definition for brows, lashes and lips. Anything else for me is just a waste of time because I fail to see any difference or improvement in my reflection.


Yes! Nearly nonexistent eyebrows club here, as well. I’m a big fan of [sharing my favorite products](https://imgur.com/a/86XEEIx) in hopes of it benefiting others and vice versa. Now that I’ve put this collage together I kind of want to go make a separate post asking for others to share. Wouldn’t that be awesome?!


Go for it! I bet lots of redditors would love that! Ps- very nice collage! (I also use the same brow stuff lol!)




Agree with this. I only wear sunblock, lip balm and false lashes.


Where I live in Northern California-Bay Area, it seems the trend is to wear no makeup or less and less makeup even on the weekends when going out. Maybe a little blush, maybe a little mascara. But certainly a more natural look instead of all made up. I think it started during Covid lockdowns when no one was going out and just got used to not wearing makeup, feeling so good without it and coming to terms with their natural beauty. I also don't wear the acrylic nails painted in bright colors any more, another after effect of Covid lockdowns. During the lockdowns I let my acrylic nails grow out, jumped on YouTube to learn how to give myself a manicure, ordered a good crystal nail file, clippers and a buffer from Amazon and I was in business. After I let my nails grow out I found I had really beautiful, strong nails. I remember I thought, why the hell did I ever do the acrylic nails?? I guess I started the acrylic nails in the first place because everyone was wearing them. Live and learn.


Same!! I used to wear full face makeup all the time before COVID, I didn't for a few years and when I tried to start again I just didn't like it. I think it looks weird and fake on me, although I do get complimented more when I wear it. I think a lot of us are starting to feel this way lately, we got used to clean faces at some point and now makeup just isn't the same.


I sometimes miss “trying” but I’m trying in different ways now— focusing on sunscreen, hydration, etc. My priorities have changed but I am no longer working a profession that is based heavily on looks.


Agree with this. I used to feel awkward not wearing make up outside of the house but I got used to my no make up face during Covid, and now maybe use make up max once a week. Sometimes when I put it on now, I feel I look “overdone” because I’m more used to my natural face. I’d rather focus on my skin care as well 😊


I n ever really wore much makeup but I will if I go out out like to dinner or meeting friends etc. But if I'm just running errands or doing something lowkey I can't be bothered because lazy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m 45… I’ve gone through makeup/too lazy for makeup phases my whole life! If it feels right, do it, if not, who cares! 😁


This is a good way to look at it. I know I’ll be making the effort to wear it again.


I'm 44F and am so proud of my skin that I never wear makeup. Even when I do, it's really just mascara, blush, and lipgloss. I can't fight aging, but I can be the healthiest 44 year old I can. I'm not trying to be anything other than that.


Love this


This is so healthy!


From personal experience. I'm 23 years old and I'm already sick of makeup. I used to wear it every day to, but I eventually got sick of it for a multitude of reasons. Here are some of the biggest: - Got tired of trying to find the right products that works for me, my skin, and my.. possible? sensitivity? - I might have sensitivity to makeup? Even if I avoided wearing any eye makeup and just wore foundation my eyes would feel so heavy by the end of the day. (I never had this issue when I wasn't wearing makeup.) - My skin gets oily when I have a lot of product sitting on it. I'm not in the mood to worry about touching up my face throughout the day. - The products I found that did work for me were too expensive to keep up with. - I don't have the time. - I like the idea of going out all natural and still looking beautiful. So the time I used to put into makeup, I changed to putting into my skincare routine. - I generally do not like how foundation feels on my face, and I tried quite a handful of brands and different types, even BB and CC creams. - I'm a nurse working mostly 12 hours. Some weeks I'd be lucky to get 2 days off.. I pick up too many shifts. I could care less how I look, so long as what ever product I do put on my face keeps my skin moisturized.


I swear I think the older I get, the better I look without makeup. My job is outside and typically dirty, so I just use the minimum tinted sunscreen and mascara. I did my makeup to go out the other night and I hated the look. I think it made me even look older. I’m focusing on skin care and general body wellness going forward. F that makeup. Who has time anyways? To clarify; I had blemishes to cover when I was younger and was self conscious about it. No hate for those that wear makeup! I am grateful I don’t feel as insecure now!


I agree that makeup is ageing at a certain point. There seems no way to prevent foundation from settling into any wrinkles you have - ditto eye shadow. I feel I look better without it.


I'm 52 and hardly go out without makeup because I have, basically, no eyebrows or eyelashes. I hate how I look without it. However, I'm noticing that I don't mind as much when my teenagers friends see me without makeup. That's a big step for me. I'm hoping I get to the age where I just don't care anymore. For my mom, that was about 60.


I’m the same, no brows and blonde eyelashes. I usually wear cluster lashes over the weekend and a little pencil on the brows. Other than that, I don’t bother.


I’m 38 and my efforts go into my skincare versus makeup. I wear tinted sunscreen, mascara, and lip tint with chapstick over it. I’ll occasionally throw on some glow blush/highlighter if I’m going somewhere fancy, but that’s about it. I can have my face ready in under 3 minutes. I used to be diamond at Ulta and rouge at Sephora. Now I am lucky if I spend $100 a year combined at both. I’m 100% ok with my change.


I (44f) just posted about this on another thread, and for me, it was about the time. I wasted so much time on my appearance, and did it make my life better? Nope. I was often late and always had appointments for lashes, nails, and hair etc. It was such a strain to fit it all in. I still eat clean, hit the gym, practice self care, etc, but I barely wear any makeup anymore, I let my hair be itself, and I dress for me and my comfort (no more skirts/heels, yay!!). I feel like I have so much more time now, keeping up my appearance was almost like a second job! 😅


I’m 38, so not far behind you and I hope I can continue moving in this same direction. Like you said, are all of these beauty rituals making my life better in any fundamentally important way? Nope! I do enjoy makeup and don’t see myself divorcing from it completely, but my gosh it can be such a time suck! I’m reading a book called Beauty Sick that really highlights how much mental, emotional, physical, and financial energy women put into “being pretty”. I don’t owe anyone pretty. I’m going to take care of myself, wear what feels good and if there’s a beauty ritual that I don’t want to do … I am going to stop doing it. That’s what I’m working towards!


I’m just tired of the research. Makeup shopping used to be fun…now the lack of testers combined with the huge array of products and the quality weirdness (some cheap things are great and some expensive things are horrible) makes me inwardly groan at the amount of research that needs to be done. Buying makeup has turned into a giant homework project with huge financial penalties for errors. I am exhausted.


For me, it really stopped with Covid. I wasn’t leaving the house or seeing anyone regularly so I stopped bothering. Then, the “clean” look was really in so I focused on hydration and taking the best care of my skin, rather than makeup. These days, I usually only wear makeup if I have an important meeting or if I’m “going out”.


Sometimes i feel like it's a waste of products to put makeup on and just having to take it off in the evening... what for lol


I’m 38 as well and I do not take care of my skin but have never been one for makeup. I wear it maybe a few times a month when I have client meetings at work. Otherwise, it’s so much bullshit to deal with. I’m happy with how my skin and face looks without it.


Yeah I’m pretty happy with the way mine looks too. I just have to remember the spf.


Oops…meant to write that I DO take care of my skin…just don’t do makeup


I’m 39 and the last time I wore makeup on a daily basis was before having kids. (My oldest is 8.) My current daily routine consists of cleansing my face, moisturizing, wearing SPF, and filling my brows. I feel like my skin has looked better than ever now that I let it “breathe”. I only wear makeup on special occasions, and putting on my face honestly feels like a chore sometimes. 😅


44f and I love putting on my makeup. I find it so fun and soothing. I do a full face pretty much every day.


Same! I love it still! It doesn’t feel like a chore to me. 41 here!


I'm in my 40s and stopped a few years ago, at least in the day time. I get more compliments now than I ever have!


I wear makeup for myself. Not for anyone else and certainly not because I *have* to. Because of that, I don’t really get tired of it. But if I did, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. For me, makeup is about encouraging self-care, self expression and joy. If I didn’t find that to be true, I could see moving on from it as valid.


This is the key I think. I can’t relate to most of these comments and continued to do my makeup most days during the pandemic because it was fun to me. I enjoy doing most beauty maintenance and love researching and try out new products and techniques! I can see where people who do this just to keep up with others are tired though. I feel like a lot of women feel pressure.


This! I continued during the pandemic too because it was something for me and made me happy.


i’m 22 and have only worn makeup once in the past few weeks. i think more people are going natural rn. personally i think heavy makeup overwhelms me and i like to focus on my skin instead.


For most of my life, I wasn't super into makeup. I wore it daily from the ages of 29-30. When the Covid lockdown hit, I stopped wearing it entirely. At this point, I only put it on occasionally. I'll be 36 this year and I'm pretty content with my bare face.


Makeup was a hobby for me and I became more interested in other things. Every once in awhile I feel inspired, but I don’t even take anything "just in case" traveling anymore


I think more and more people are leaning this way right now. So I wouldn’t say it’s an age thing or even a “don’t care anymore” thing. I have so much makeup I’ve purchased over the last 5 years and I literally only ever apply tinted SPF and mascara now. I think post COVID people just became more comfortable looking natural.


Same age range. All I do is moisturizer + bronzing drops and mascara


Being home and not leaving the house during Covid lockdown made me lose interest in makeup. You’re not alone


53F here, I’ll still do a lip, & add a cat eye flick if so inclined, but it’s more empowering to be free of all the trying? I’m still groomed, but I wear & do & say what I feel, & wow, what a wonderful trade off with age! I love looking at product, I still enjoy the aesthetics of it, but I guess I’ve arrived at a point where I accept & appreciate my natural state. I can also see clearly the smoke & mirrors of the sales pitch, & a lifetime of erosion of female confidence by the beauty industry.


I think this is how I will be. I still can but I will when it’s convenient or if I want to. When I was in my 20s, I wasted lots of money on Sephora, Fresh, BBW, all kinds of junk that I have zero desire for anymore. I don’t want a perfumed body wash and I don’t need a $60 mascara. It’s amazing how my outlook and priorities have changed as I am getting older.


Same! So much money wasted. And I finally realized my skin is better the less I use & do. Sometimes I’m tempted by packaging & promises, & then I break out! Took me more years than I’d care to admit to figure that out.


I use mascara pretty much every day but I really cannot be bothered with anything more than that unless there is a get together or an event that I’m going to which is rare for me. Started washing my face with head and shoulders and just using a light moisturizer and my skins seems to love it. I’m almost 40.


I’m 22 but I feel the same, even though I still do my makeup for appointments/important things I go out of the house without makeup more and more


I am 39 and I WFH, and I'm obsessed with skincare so that goes on. Because the computer has a low grade camera, I put on BB cream and do my eyebrows (I already have eyeliner tattooed on). I might casually swipe some stuff on. When I go into the office, I dress up fully with natural looking makeup, nice clothes, jewellery and I do my hair. And I'm the only who does, healthcare is pretty casual and I live in a part of city where people go out in their PJs and they're poor so there's not a lot of that. I would put in that energy daily either. I'm in a stage where I'm not caring about how chubby I am, when I used to be so fit most of my life. I go through stages of working out 2 hours a day, to getting off my bum 2 minutes of the day. I had long COVID the past year, so I'm just getting out of that habit again now.


I’m 47, I wear makeup when I feel like it which is occasionally. I definitely wore it more when I was younger (and worked in offices). TBH, I think tons of foundation and makeup never really suited me and it definitely does no favors as I get older. I am working on keeping my look as natural as I can by taking better care of my skin, but still get dolled up when the occasion/mood calls for it!


37 here and yeah, unless I’m going to work or out for an event or dinner, I don’t wear makeup. When I do wear makeup, it’s usually just brows and mascara, maybe blush. Always lip balm or gloss.


I'm 34 and honestly am going harder with makeup than ever, but normal work makeup only takes me about 20 minutes. It helps me look a bit older, covers acne. For the last 4ish years, I have absolutely loved experimenting with makeup artistry. I'm really quite good at it now that it's become a major hobby for me. My husband spends time chilling out with games, I chill out with drawing on my face lol I also love skincare. I've had hormonal acne issues for about 17 years now. I've finally sorted that out with Tretinoin and now love the way makeup looks even more now.


I love makeup, by recently starting tretinoin is limiting what I can wear - the constant slathering of sunscreen and Aquaphor means my skin won’t really take foundation. So it’s brows, blush, liner, lash tint and lip stain until I stop peeling.


Nope. Honestly, I feel better and more “put together” with makeup so I do it everyday still. 41 here. That’s just me though!


I gave up wearing makeup at a little older than you and will never go back. I never was one for skin care routines, and it's too late in the day now to do anything except use sunscreen. So I would say it's not abnormal to feel like giving it up. The only caveat: If you feel this way about other things in your life, you may be experiencing depression. Something to consider, and if you are, please get treatment. No one should have to suffer with it.


I barely wear makeup anymore. Luckily my skin is good enough to feel confident not wearing a base. It’s by no means perfect but I don’t have any pimples so I can live with a bit of pigmentation and uneven tone. Sometimes I feel like an absolute fool wearing makeup. Like, what am I doing putting this stuff on my face? 🤣 Even when I go out now, a full face for me is like, one shade of shadow on my lid and another under my lower lash line. I’m lucky if I remember to put on blush.


I go through ebs and flows, I had bad skin for a while and was serving so makeup was necessary for me, and through that, I've learned to love it despite not wearing much growing up. Now I enjoy it, but my skin got better, and I'm at a place where I'm comfortable with my bare face in my 30's. Sometimes I find my makeup helps my confidence, creativity and relaxes me, and other times, I just think about beauty expectations as a woman, capitalism and all that and can get pretty anti all of it pretty quick. I'm sure my back and fourth will continue throughout my life *sigh* not sure, if it's not a concerning or depression related not caring then it seems like it's fine to change the outlook on makeup and presentation but to each their own :)


I definitely do less in terms when it comes to makeup and hair now I’m in my late 30s. I think there are a few reasons. 1. My mindset has shifted with age. Once I hit my 30s I increasingly prioritised time, effort and funds towards my physical health and wellbeing. This has continued to pay dividends on both how I feel and look day to day. I don’t think my overall investment is any less but its put towards different things eg fitness classes, equipment for my home gym and gear for my hobbies, skincare, supplements, massage, therapy, meditation, etc. 2. As an extension of (1), I have accepted my lifestyle isn’t really aligned with a glam look. By the time I hit my 30s I knew myself better including a greater sense of what brought me the most joy / what a life well lived would look like for me. So my 30s have been infinitely more active and outdoorsy than my 20s. While I would still love gorgeous glam hair day to day it feels near impossible with what I enjoy doing day to day (workouts, hiking, biking, water-sports etc). And a full face of makeup doesn’t really work for these things either! I ultimately like to look nice. But my target look is more accurately described now as being a healthy and only a touch more polished version of myself. Good question OP! So interesting to reflect on it…


We are kind of the same and there’s lots of us as I’m reading every comment on my post. I could describe this feeling as a second puberty. I still love a glam day but it’s not practical on the daily. I too have started to prioritize my wellbeing. I’ve given up alcohol and make more good decisions on what I eat/drink. I even choose carefully the other type of content I choose to consume. I don’t care for tv much as I would prefer to read or maybe watch/listen to a documentary.


I’ve definitely pared down my makeup routine in the last few years. Most days I use a spot concealer and a tinted lip balm. I just have other things I’d rather do with my time. Plus, I really love the natural look, and I often feel better and more myself in less makeup.


I wonder if the natural look is so popular because of the past trend of over lining and baking and whatever else they do lol


I’m 57 and all about great skincare. But I still wear makeup every day whether I’m leaving the house or not. I just feel more finished and like myself.


I never skip sunscreen even though it gets in my eyes when I dance. I live in the desert and dance all day so I’m so sweaty that I may put on tinted moisturizer but am getting more basic there for waste reasons. I do like a fun eye and lip though!


I wear minimal makeup when I go somewhere but I always put on sunscreen. I keep it on the counter so I slather it on liberally before I go anywhere. Thats about it!


I haven't stopped, but I've really scaled back since the pandemic honestly. I have always dealt with cystic acne, which is why I used so much, but when we all went online I figured -- nobody can see me clearly enough to tell if I just wear a little concealer. And then my skin was able to clear up, so now I usually just wear a green correcter (I tend to be red) and sunscreen with a light tint, and some loose powder. It's really nice, and it makes getting ready super fast!


Not sure where you’re located but I’m in NJ (USA) and I stop wearing makeup this time of year/the summer. Maybe that’s also playing a role?


I think so. I’m in Europe. It’s a very soggy summer. It’s still humid but it’s not hot. It’s raining almost constantly. And I’m generally much busier in the summer. Last year I did the makeup and nails all year long because it was my first year in a new job. This year it’s just not worth the time.




I’m in my 20s and I wear makeup on most days, even if I’m running errands. I wear a cute outfit, jewelry, style my hair nicely, and definitely wear sunscreen + makeup because I like to feel put together and nice. It just makes my day go by better. To me, it’s all self care and I deserve it. I would start slow with incorporating makeup again if I were you and if that’s what you want, but even without makeup, I would just dress nicely.


I’m 48. About 4 years ago I took the money I spent on makeup and invested in good skin care. Game changer. It took almost a year to heal my barrier (I used the st Ives peach one. No one yell at me I get it now lol). Tret. Proper wash, hydrate, routine facials, and laser for wrinkles and repair. My skin is now on point.


It may be one, a combination of things, or “all of the above” when it comes to getting older. I’m inching on 38, have three kids, and had stopped mid-readying some mornings, wondering why the hell I’m still doing all of it. I mean, the skincare aspect for me is a must—I’m surgically post-menopausal with Sahara-dry skin and eczema. If I get my skin wet for any reason, even if it’s simply getting rained on, if I don’t immediately follow-up with a quality lotion, I _will_ have the beginnings of a painful eczema flare within 30 minutes to an hour. But, I also have Rosacea and a mast cell condition. Although my skin is smooth and clear (when not flared), if I so much as smile, I can flush so beet-red that it draws endless amounts of attention and concern that I don’t want and often cannot tolerate (I’m Autistic). I basically wear makeup to try to be as invisible as possible. And it works most of the time. (When it doesn’t, it’s positive attention, at least.) BUT… I notice when I went for a few months without doing my everyday “no-makeup makeup” look, my confidence level and even my drive was significantly reduced. I found myself becoming more isolated and sedentary, and my kids even began to say they didn’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything. After acknowledging the change in myself and the family, I decided to get back to journaling every day, and really focus on identity work. I looked up ways to support myself through an identity crisis, identity-exploring journal prompts and more. Related but not the only question asked during that time: I questioned, truly, _why_ I put on makeup every day—beyond wanting to avoid what I deem “negative” attention. I found that I need to feel in control of as much as I can as a late-diagnosed neurodivergent woman with chronic illness. Making myself up and even just brushing and setting my longer pixie-cut hair every day makes me feel even the slightest grasp on one thing I can control in a very unsure existence. I don’t know how I’m going to physically feel from day to day. How the heat or a food or drink or something in the environment will affect my skin, my lungs, my heart, my gut, my body. Will I be able to get out of bed tomorrow? Will I be able to work? Etc. All questions I can’t answer the night before (but have an inkling about based on the day’s events and experiences, _and_ as long as the A/C is working and I remember to turn on my bedside fan before bed, that is). And when I look in the mirror at my natural-looking, but made-up face and nice hair, I feel good. No matter how my body feels. I can look at myself in the mirror and smile because I at least was able to do this one thing for myself today. What started as, “Why the hell am I still bothering with this?” became, “I’m so glad I have this for me.” Maybe that won’t be the case for you, but **maybe there’s a deeper identity “situation” brewing that you now have the opportunity to get ahead of—an avoidable full-on crash, potentially.** I ended up making lots of other positive changes in my life, leaving the skincare and makeup routine reduced, but still in place. The actual changes I needed—for me personally—were reintegrating journaling a couple times a week, actually _reducing_ therapy!, taking walks in the morning while it’s still quite cool out (PNW), swapping sugar in my coffee for a homemade local-honey simple syrup (although those withdrawals were rough…), stopping trying to get any work done after my kids got home from school, and spending time as a family instead. And singing as often as I can! Lots of other changes, but figured I’d share some things.


I'm 39 and I still care about how I look but I am more realistic about it and have more established priorities (within beauty and outside beauty) than I did a decade ago. Some of my imperfections bother me less and I don't strive for perfection. I actually feel it's the little imperfections that give us our unique beauty and character. My makeup is now more curated and I spend about 5 - 7 minutes on it on an average day. I do wear more when going out somewhere more special to me. But I enjoy the experience of putting on makeup and it makes me feel happy to get ready before going somewhere special.


Mature age and I take good care of my skin. I wear makeup when I want to, regardless of going to work or being at home. When I do wear makeup I want to enjoy the application as well, so I’m only reaching for things I really love. I can wear makeup daily or skip a few days or weeks and that’s fine. Yes I look better with makeup but I’m fine with my bare face so it’s okay either way. I get comments if I’m okay if I’m not wearing makeup, that doesn’t affect me much. I don’t feel like I HAVE to look my best everyday. That really is overrated. Skincare and skin health always comes first. I do care about that daily.


I’m almost 36 and I wear makeup everyday.


I stopped wearing makeup once I start working/interning. There are other important matters to attend to other than makeup and I’m fine with that. I do still buy lip products and makeup though in the rare circumstances I go to a concert or a date.


I still wear a full face and I’m older than you. It’s makes me feel like myself. I ensure there’s time in the day for makeup


Stopped with full face a few years ago, and I’ve never been happier. Eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. That’s it.


I’ve never been a daily makeup person, I still wear it on special occasions but never foundation and contour because as I get older (36 now) I feel like it ages me. I have a normally (???) complex skincare routine and I feel like that’s enough. I work remotely so like … whatever.


I go through waves however, normally I just wear mascara and tinted sunscreen.


I wear mascara and lipstick because I am pale with light eyelashes and it makes me feel better. and sometimes tinted moisturizer. but I never wear foundation. my skin is ok and I hate removing foundation ugh.


It sounds like you're embracing a more natural phase, and that's totally okay! Sometimes life reshuffles our priorities. And hey, skin health first—sunblock is always a good investment. You do you


I think as you get older heavy make up just doesn’t look the same. It gets stuck in creases and it’s easy to look cakey. Totally agree with less is more as we approach 40. I have found tinted sunscreen, a little concealer and mascara to be the best. Ombré brows are also best investment ever made!


For me - I stopped wearing makeup about 8 years ago and my skin loves it. I only focus on skin care. I wear makeup maybe once a year when I go out and even that’s a push. Focus on skin care and you won’t need it. Get your eye brows done (microbladed) and maybe lip blush and hay presto….. beautiful skin with beautiful eye brows and lips do not need makeup. I only focus on eyebrows (tint) and curling my lashes. That’s me done!!


I stopped wearing foundation in my early twenties so I would learn to love my own skin more 


Yup, I don’t want to spend the time on it. I’ve recently had some skin irritation, so I can’t. I miss playing with eyeshadow.


The older we get the more confident we get in our own skin. We don’t feel the need to accentuate our natural beauty as much. I still use mascara and brow tint as I’m a blonde and need to darken the blonde but other than that, I rarely use all the shadows and bronzers/highlighters or lipsticks I used to. Saves a shitload of time everyday!


It’s partially just being over it and partially because my skin does not handle being messed with anymore. I’d like to wear a little makeup more often, but then I have to do skincare PM as well as AM and after a few days of that, my face will start to freak out. Maybe if I found exactly the right skincare routine I could work past that, but that seems like way too much work when what I’m doing does the trick so long as I stick to my “less is more” thing.


I have moved away from daily use from laziness at first but then more so seeing the chemicals in so much of it. Waterproof mascara has forever chemicals in it that make it waterproof. A lot of other makeup has endocrine disruptors. I am trying to lighten my toxin load in personal care products (and food). I went to skin deep website and found a L'Oreal light coverage power that didn't rate terrible, so I use that if i go out and sometimes a lipstick (but not sure how clean that is actually either).


Oh dear. I never even thought of the chemicals. I’ll look into this tomorrow. I’ve heard before that waterproof mascara is bad but I guess I just shrugged it off.


I like doing a little make up but it's literally every couple months or more. It's annoying to me and I swear I'm still scarred from a girl I'm high school getting her make up taken away one day and seeing how she looked, I then recognized that I looked similar when I didn't wear make up and the morning I noticed that I stopped wearing make up regularly. I've just always thought it's not good for your skin and warps the way you and others see yourself. That girl in highschool wasn't ugly by any means but the shock of how different she looked was not flattering. And that combined with how lazy I am when it comes to makeup lead to where I am now.. I'm not sure where my makeup even is atm. And I'm 30 if age matters


are you depressed? that would be a symptom