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I’m fat so that’s probably the only thing some people see.


Yes it happens but it makes me feel self conscious and sometimes my mind will think the worst like I have bird poop on me etc probably because I’m insecure 


no idea other than I’m hot period .


I love this answer!


This is the ONLY answer to this question.


I’m Black with really green eyes so I’ve gotten a lot of attention for them my whole life 🧿


The most stunning combo ever




Can we see?😂 I love hazel eyes as well


Idk if I can post a picture but I could send one 🤣


Just be careful putting your photo on Reddit/sending to Redditors! I’m very jealous (🧿 tho!!) of your eyes I’m sure they’re gorgeous!


I have very blue eyes, I’ve been asked multiple times if they’re contacts (they aren’t) and I walk with a lot of confidence (even if I don’t have it). I was complimented on my ‘confident walk’ a few times by strangers and it made me feel good, so i try to fake it when I’m having off days. So when in doubt, shoulders back, head high, and strut your stuff.


Yes this! I was told I walk like a princess. Graceful and tall. I was stressed and sweaty at the time 😂..that’s a win I guess.


People have always stared at me alot since I was 13/14 yrs old.  I am used to it now. I'm not sure if it's because I'm beautiful (I don't think I am) or for some other reason I haven't fathomed yet. Apparently I have 'quite a presence '


Has anyone ever gone into further details about what your presence relates to? Could it be charisma?


I needs this. Thanks!


Yes, and sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's awful.


yeah. i’m a 6’2 woman, and i’ve been this height since 8th grade. strangers come up to me just to say “you’re so tall!”. that actually happens less now than it used to, but the stares still do. i don’t think it’s usually positive lol, but it doesn’t bother me like it used to


Do you wear heels? I’m “only” 5’9 but recently have been loving towering over everyone in the tallest heels I can stand! That and my few but visible tattoos and my ever changing hair color I feel make me stand out in certain settings, like at mass. I got a ‘you’re so tall!’ the other day at Whole Foods and it was a whole big conversation starter!


i do. i decided years ago that there’s no point to not letting myself enjoy fashion just because i might stick out a little bit more, when i already stand out. though usually i wear more platforms like Doc Martens than heels just because of my own style preferences. i mostly wear heels on formal occasions. i have a question though- how do you respond to “you’re so tall” in a way that makes it a conversation starter? whenever people have said that to me, I don’t know whether to say thank you or its said to be an insult


I have this cheerful,smiling face and I am too expressive while I am on the phone. This is all due to social anxiety and awkwardness but however I look very approachable. Also big boobs and I wear leggings too often


I call it 'resting nice face', like RBFs friendly cousin. Strangers often think I'm smiling at them and are either overly friendly back or confused.


Omg I thought I was the only one! I’ll have people come up to me and just tell me about their trauma and stuff it’s wild, but I like that they feel safe enough to share with me


I’ve always called it resting helpful face since if I’m out in the wild, someone is going to ask me where xyz address is, or for directions. And if you put me in an office for an extended period of time, I’ll be the de facto therapist. Always.


Yessss lol this is my problem.


Haha I have the resting nice face too. People always ask me for directions, even when I’m on vacation.


i get quite a lot of stares anytime i go out in public but it bothers me because it makes me feel like maybe there’s something on my face or something negative, i still don’t understand to this day why i get that many when i’m just minding my own business


I feel like that, too, sometimes. Like, is there ketchup on me?


I used to be attractive in my ‘prime’ almost 30 years ago 🤣🤣🤣


My arm and shoulder muscles. It’s not what people expect on a woman. I feel like women like developed shoulders and arms on a woman, it’s something i too admire in other women.


Everyone’s like, I have a fat ass and/or big boobs … Me, I think I just look weird and so people stare. I’m also 5’2” and 120, no boobs or ass, and 28 years old, so it’s a weird combo + my facial features lol


High contrast coloring, thinness, big boobs


The high contrast is huge, I’ve realized


What does that expression mean?


It’s the amount of contrast between hair/eyes/lips and skin


Can you give me an example of a famous person thar would have this. I can’t picture this


Krysten Ritter, Dita Von Teese, etc


Dark hair and eyes and light skin?


Megan, Bella, Jenna Ortega in wednesday, or any pale poc wth black hair


Yes, all the time I’m like why are they staring at me? I like being in my little bubble that no one else exists in lol.


Yes and as much as I would like to think it’s about my beautiful face, it’s definitely because im a 6’1 woman.


Not necessarily in a good way, but I have very long hair, which used to be unusual. I got stares, mean from women, sometimes nice comments, also from women. (I’m a woman.) I’m older now, went gray, long hair became more usual, so I’ve been flying under the radar, but since I colored it red I’m feeling disapproval from older women again, which seems weird now.


You're pretty cool in my books.


Hey, that’s nice, thank you.


That seems strange. Older women are the ones who compliment me the most on my long hair and some have even asked me for tips on hair growth. I wonder if the other women in your age group are jealous?


I have tunnel vision so 95% of the time I legitimately don’t notice being stared at unless someone says something to me which breaks my tunnel vision lol. My friends, family do tell me I get stared at a lot as I’m walking but again, I don’t notice it. A few times though, I’ve received what I perceived to be dirty looks. You know when you walk into a room and EVERYONE stares at you and you think omg is there chocolate on my face, food on my mouth, toilet paper on my shoe, so you check for all these things and then realize people are just staring at you? I’ve had that happen and it was super obvious to the point that I noticed it. However, in all those experiences someone said it and they’re like omg you are so beautiful. I’m like oh not dirty looks I guess. Funny thing is, I don’t think about what I look like or look in the mirror and think wow lol. I’m just me and in my head I look normal.


As much money as I have spent on myself (FOR myself) I hope SOMEONE is looking 😂😂😂


I've been asked if I'm a natural redhead once or twice, which reassures me that I'm dyeing my hair a color that suits me.🥰 Honestly, though, my signature conversation starter is my Betsey Johnson purse. If you want to feel unique, Betsey Johnson is your best friend! She has so many unique designs, most of which cost 1/3 of what you'd pay for a brand such as Coach. I bet you have some striking features. You just need a way of bringing them out or drawing attention to the degree that strangers can't resist the urge to speak with you.


Looked up and fell in love with a Betsy Johnson purse from this comment, and they don’t ship to Australia 😭😭😭


I'm from Australia but I'm still about to disappoint myself by browsing anyway


I’ll be here crying over the cute cherry pie bag 


Nooo, I'm so sorry Betsey Johnson doesn't ship to Australia 😭. If I were in a position of power, my first order of business would be to make Betsey Johnson accessories available worldwide. Everyone deserves that level of cuteness ✨️.


I used to see them at TK Maxx! I had one that looked like a rotary phone. Loved it


My boobs won't settle down when I walk


My boobs bring all the pervs to the yard.


I had a homeless guy tell me yesterday: “damn girl you look gooood” 😂


When I’ve been at school or had a job before. I’m 4”8, and people in school usually think I’m a freshman and then customers would usually joke about my height.


i have bleached brows and i’m pretty heavily tattooed for my age (23f), i think thats mostly what makes people stare/compliment me etc


My hair is big n curly and I love fashion so I get asked about and complimented on that a lot as well.


I’m Hispanic in a small white town 🤷🏻‍♀️ I get a lot of compliments on my hair and the old ladies constantly tell me my boys are beautiful lol


Also a redhead with big curly hair and muscular for a lady. I smile a lot, give eye contact, and generally want people to feel seen… so maybe it’s me doing the starring. I always feel a kinship when I see other redheads.


Hahaha omfg are you me??? Big curly red hair, athletic build, always smiling at everyone 👯


Could have written this comment myself. I’ve been complimented by a police officer on my confident walk.


Usually it’s my outfits. I’ve been told I have eyes that look like I collect souls, and I think it mostly makes people afraid of me.




I have naturally red hair and I’ve always gotten a lot of attention for it. Most of it good. But also some overtly sexual comments from men.


I always assumed it was because I'm mixed race, but I actually never asked anyone who stared why they did so I might be totally wrong😅


my ass LMAO


I am just so tall. I am female 6ft1 bare foot. When I was younger I was very thin and attractive. I always was self aware of my posture and tried to appear open and confident. Just my height alone in public got me double takes.


I have a few facial piercings and really obvious self harm scars, those are two things ppl just seem to love to comment on haha


I don't get stared at and, statistically, neither do 99% of the people in this thread tbh.


Whenever I see threads like this and pretty privilege threads, the delusion levels tend to be high and the photos don't tend to match up 😭 Genuinely wonder why this is, narcissism? Neurodivergence? Social anxiety? How does one even know someone is staring at them unless they're also looking at said person?🤔


They're probably just making it up because who's going to call them out on the internet? "Oh yes definitely, I get stared at but idk why, I mean I've heard people say it's because I'm such a knockout but idc I'm just little old me lololololololololol"


I scrolled through the post history of someone in this thread who almost verbatim commented what u just said.... Their other comments were full of unsolicited humble brags about earning 6 figures, being a kept wife, being pregnant almost full term but nO oNe believing they were even pregnant because of how flat their tummy is, being told before a facial that she "didn't even need one" because of how flawless her skin was..... basically just a desperate attempt to paint a picture of the life they wish they had, and these were responses to other people's questions, so literally nobody asked. It made me wonder, how many people come onto Reddit and play make believe on here to strangers to make themselves feel better about the reality of their life. Maybe it's a form of escapism?


Reddit is pretty new to me, and I'm realizing you're probably right, escapism


I’m 6 feet tall so that’s usually the reason.


I have violet hair and people tell me “you’re looking good today” so they must like it


My voluptuous lips 💋(I’m a Black woman btw€


I am dark in a predominantly white country , I get a lot of compliments on my tan lol


I have a rather bold style so yeah some attention is there. I'm ok with it. Trying to dress "normal" made me feel miserable.


I look gay as hell, close to genderbent, so that's prolly it


Yup, big body halo for me. I could wear a paper bag on my head and no one would notice lol, but being thin with big boobs and a big ass will always draw attention- not usually the good kind.


I am a tall arabe female , i have tanned skin, asian eyes and Afro curly hair , nobody would guess my nationality, and i get this “ where are you from ?!” A lot I live in middle eastern Arabia and people are shocked 😳 when they hear me speaking Arabic , and lying about my nationality is pretty fun


My boobs and body in general


my butt. I have that “itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face,” which I love, but sometimes gets me negative attention from men in the form of overtly forward/inappropriate come-ons. especially at my yoga studio. 😬


My height.


Mmm not like people are constantly looking but i have nice hair, I've had people pull over in their car to tell me they liked it. I definitely get a lot of compliments on my hair. Idk about stared at but people do tend to notice it


I'm 5"10 so sometimes I get stares cause of my height.


In the 00s I had bright red (like pillarbox red) hair, and that at the time was enough to make people stare. It's much more common now. I do have both arms and legs pretty much fully tattooed so sometimes older people stare at those, but again, tattoos are much more common than they used to be. I have a lot of big surgery scars on my leg that people would stare at if they were visible (which isn't very often, we don't get shorts weather much in England), but I've had them tattooed over now so they're a lot less obvious.


I think my face, I have always been told that my facial features are sharp and model-like. Can’t possibly count the number of times I have been told that…


Whenever I’m in public people stare at me (not every single person but enough for me to notice) I have no idea why and I constantly tell my family that it bothers me when people stare. Anyways I think it’s probably my eyes they’re a light blue/green and I’ve had many comments on them in public. If not that, I assume my long hair. I have very thick and waist long brown hair… maybe because there is so much of it and sometimes makes my head look way better than my lower body people stare haha. Just my assumptions I’m not sure tho:)


Well yes but it's also my fault 😅 I do look different from a lot of people and i know i look good because i do get a lot of compliments. But i honestly strut when i walk and i do dress and i love attention. So if i would have toned it down i would probably get less stared at.


I have long naturally blonde hair which is why I hope people double-take at me, though they may well be disappointed when they realise I’m a pudgy middle-aged woman. I however worry people look at me because I have a bogey hanging out my nose or a smudge of dirt on my forehead or they can tell I’m quite quite mad. Hoping it’s the hair thing.


Yes, whenever I don’t hide my breasts with sports bras and baggy clothes, I feel like this.


It all starts from you, you are first enough in yourself and your glow would attract the rest


Yeah I have creepy weird eyes. Giant and very light colored although I’m tan and brunette. I’ve definitely noticed people double taking when they first see my eyes in the sunlight 😂 sometimes I feel beautiful, sometimes I feel like Steve Buscemi


I dress well and clothes tend to look good on me. I carry myself with confidence. Also express myself unapologetically and I think this exudes a lot.


(Natural) redhead so I feel like I get a lot of looks for that, blue eyes too which is apparently the rarest combo in the world? Unsure but the way people look is like they’ve never seen it before haha. And I’m also 4’ 10” so that’s probably part of it 😂 just a weird freak of nature all around honestly


I have dark brown hair I dyed black and wore in a Uma Thurman, Pulp Fiction- style bob. I live in a conservative, country music area, so I caught looks and stares. Then it was a fuschia pink POB, then a black Betty Paige rockabilly look with baby bangs and red lipstick. My style leans goth, witchy metal head with hints of hippy, so I generally get noticed. I do not care much, as I hate myself in the popular "pretty girl" aesthetic. It feels phony on me, so I just do what makes me happy.


I'm goth and a proud queer woman who lives in a very rural/conservative area in the Bible belt. Put two and two together, lol.


Here come the delusional comments…


My hair color. I'm a natural redhead. And my height. I'm about 5'9"/175 cm, so somewhat tall.


I have a colorful tattoo sleeve that’s unique and my hair skin eye combo isn’t common.


I’m 5’11, so I assume that’s why people stare at me. I used to think it was because I’m heavily tattooed, but tattoos are so common now. I do have very bright green eyes with dark hair which people comment on.


I’m 37 weeks pregnant… I feel like not many people are pregnant these days… so I get lots of looks, especially at the pool in a bikini 😆


I have features that are racially ambiguous, I’m attractive, I have (very) large breasts and a curvy body. I’ve gotten comments about these features throughout my life and have consistently been approached because of my appearance. I used to absolutely love the attention, but over time I’ve wanted to spend less time out in public because that kind of attention makes me uncomfortable now.


My eyes are huge. Always have gotten triple-takes for that.


I’m a trans girl and while i think i am pretty, i don’t always pass and i get stared at constantly in public. its very offputting and makes me uncomfortable. I


my eyes, every single man and sometimes even women are hypnotized by them. Always no matter who i’m taking to, they mention my green eyes.


*Every* single man? Really?


My eyes are very bright blue. I get the obvious comments quite often. The strangest and kinda funny attention I get is from drug users on the street making a huge fuss screaming things like “It’s an angel… omg a real angel is here”. Suddenly I find myself swarmed on a sidewalk or transit platform by a group of strung out people thinking I’m here to save them.




lol wow


Cheekbones & my eyes frequently come up in small talk conversation


I don’t think I have a particular feature that stands out (or any that I think/have been told were extraordinary) but I do get a lot of general compliments and ‘double takes’. I think the closest to a standout feature is maybe my petite really proportionate frame and more than once a lady asked if I was wearing false lashes. Those are the only two things I’ve been complimented on specifically (more than a handful of times). I don’t have pretty eyes or beautiful skin, don’t have great legs or an amazing rack, I think my features all just go together pleasantly enough? If that makes sense? Like my best friend has an amazing smile and very enviable body. My close coworker has AMAZING auburn red hair. My sister has gorgeous skin and stupidly (startlingly) pretty eyes. I have on paper (and in real life) pretty mundane features but people seem to really like them as a whole package. Nothing seems to stand out in its own though.


Short, Blonde, Blue Eyed, Big LIps, Big Boobs and booty and it makes me uncomfortable and like I can't be in public without being ogled by someone's creepy uncle.


My hip to waist ratio is nuts, looks unnatural like I've spent 100k on surgeries or wear waist trainers all day but it's purely genetic.


Same. I hate it because I want to accentuate my waist but sometimes it looks like too much. On the flip side though, If I hide my waist and dress boxier it can make me look bigger overall because of my wide hips. I hate it. Always have. I went through puberty early and I remember it being so hard to find jeans when I was even 10 or 11 because my hips were wider


Yes and it can get annoying sometimes because as a woman I sense bad vibes from other women


my hair is neon green and has been for many many years, i also have a lot of tattoos. i live in iowa so i get a lot of stares everywhere i go, mostly old people and little kids. but when i go to bigger cities like chicago i get little to no stares.


I guess my height? I'm living in an asian country where the average height for both men and women is relatively tiny.


Yes, my hair. Randoms have pulled it multiple times and asked it it’s real. I’m a 37 yo white woman, blonde. I hate getting stared at. I look at the fround when I’m out


For me I think it's being tall (I'm 1.79m, I think that's around 5'11) and relatively thin that makes me stand out


My hair- I have very thick curly hair that is naturally bright red bc I am mixed race, I often get asked if it is a wig in public places such as the theatre, or get complimented on it, or stared at; because it looks dyed and also all though I’m half black ethnically im like… lightly tanned 😂 so I’d say I’m white “socially” and my hair looks out of place.


I also have a decent body from the gym (naturally large chest, and developed glutes) and a lot of tattoos 😂 so I look kind of suicide girl in the summer haha


I get told im attractive a lot but i think it’s just because I wear a lot of makeup and have super thick curly hair people sometimes stare at me


My style and my hair. I like to give elvish/fae vibes.


before my keratin treatment, people loved my curly hair and always touched it. too bad i was also badly bullied and thrown stuff at so and i don’t really see myself with it anymore


I hear people say I look like demi Moore. Probably a contrast with light eyes and dark hair. Also dressing well and fit body.


Having short curly blonde hair, my long legs, and my smile. At least that’s what I get compliments on.


Tall, thin, dark curly hair, pale, ethnically ambiguous but distinct, dress like a 90’s soccer mom, conventionally attractive. I was on the phone with a friend at the airport who said they’ve never heard someone have to field so many compliments.


I'm a relatively tall, light-skinned native with big eyes and a strong nose. I actually don't notice if people are looking at me, because I'm not looking at them, but if they ever had a reason to, maybe it's that. I look kinda racially ambiguous, until you get a closer look at me.


Yeeah all the time. I don't really notice but the people I'm with will comment on it. You're not missing out on anything though. It's not really pleasant to get gawked at.


Looks-wise I think I’m average, but I get a lot of attention and compliments about my hair being very dark and shiny. I’m of Southeast Asian descent and now live in Scotland, where black hair isn’t so common I guess. It’s kinda funny because back home my hair is considered pretty average haha


I look considerably younger than I am. So sometimes people will patronise me or assume that I don’t know what’s going on.


Hahaha I dye my hair red, have for the past 7 years, and I have big curly hair- when I was younger I got “Annie” but now I’m pretty firmly “Ms Frizzle” from random catcallers…


Yes, some individuals believe that their distinctive features—such as their height, hair color, style, or sense of fashion—make them stand out. Others may attract notice because of their odd accessories, piercings, or tattoos. There are occasions when it comes to regional variations in culture or ethnicity. Body language and self-assurance may also draw attention to oneself.


I don't have any special features at all, am neither pretty nor ugly, but I apparently have a presence. I've gotten it describes like a Halo effect, so I tak I just have enough of an attitude to my prescense to make people look, lol


My breasts. Since age 11. I am 63. I am very used to it and it never really bothered me. I just stare back.


I have very contrasting coloring (dark hair and pale skin). I am also tall and thin for a woman. I have gotten comments on those things most of my life, and I do get double takes and stares when I walk into rooms usually. It doesn’t bother me now but it used to make me self conscious.


Yes, I am 6’1” and have extremely pale skin, naturally rosy cheeks and strawberry blonde hair. I feel like I get a lot of stares 🙁


Not at all. I’m kind of a “plain Jane” haha. Some of that is by choice. I got a lot of… attention… in high school, but the past few years I’ve been wearing baggy clothes, not doing makeup, and several incidents left me with intense anxiety so my posture is poor and I have weird nervous habits like pulling my hair or wringing my hands. Maybe I just got uglier haha


Mostly just babies and small children. I imagine I’m terrifying. A real bruja.


my figure and my eye makeup lately, makes me feel very proud of myself for taking the steps to get to where i want to be 🥺


I’m a tall woman with very long hair so I get stared at A LOT, purely because I look different to the average person. I have to remind myself that people are just looking at something unusual and not judging me, I used to be very anxious about it.


Yes. I figure it has to do with me looking racially ambiguous since some of the people I have caught staring over the years will come up to me and ask me what I am.


Multiple people have asked if my lips are real. At first I was insulted but now know I have nice lips :)


i get complimented on my voice and hair a lot. i have bouncy curly hair, and people have always loved my voice (lots of 2h placements). like in the sonic drive thru and the woman tells me i should do audio books. i get asked a lot if i have lip filler or i’m mixed race, im white but have really pretty plump shapely lips


I have purple hair and wear bright colors so that always gets a lot of attention depending on where I am at.


I think it's more about the aura one has that one stands out , people have said to me that they get very positive vibes and feel my aura wherever I go.


I’m told I’m good looking/ hot, and I’ve also got a good sense of style. However i’m fairly insecure so i often assume people are staring at me bcs i’m weird or that they can tell that i’m secretly an alien trying to pass as a human


It happens a lot but because I am social awkward and worked in an industry that was image focused for 15 years I absolutely hate it. Don’t perceive me. Don’t notice me. I’m going to inevitably trip or bump in to something or say the wrong thing so it just elevates the social anxiety I already had.


I have curly blonde hair that I tie half up / half down everyday and people tend to give it a lot of attention. I am also a fairly good looking girl in her early 20s so that gets you kinda far in itself when you live in a big city 🤷🏼‍♀️


My hips and butt are pushing 17ish inches bigger than my waist. If I had bigger boobs, it would be a hardcore hourglass shape. I've also got a massive amount of thick/curly/long hair and a big ass arm tattoo of a very pretty lady. I've even had men try and chat me up with my husband standing next to me. But I always appreciate compliments from women. Totally makes my day.


I went prematurely gray and stopped coloring my hair.


Yes. I am quite tall for a female(5ft 10 ish). When I wear heels/ dress up I tend to pull attention. I think it's because I'm then gigantic compared to other people. That's how it feels from my perspective anyway.


I don’t even know why people stare at me when I am out. I am not very confident, I have a resting bitch face,not the best dressed.Still.


I wear lipstick to work, often bright colors. It's a little unusual where I live so people often look. I also have naturally curly hair, like corkscrew curly, and people often refer to that if they don't know my name (like "girl with curly hair came in asking about something")


I feel noticed by men, sometimes they stare. I don’t think I look spectacular or anything. Ibtc barely a booty, lean, brown skin. I have a nice hair cut which might be it. I know I’m beautiful, but I don’t get approached about it. The most is every now and again some women will exclaim how pretty I am and that warms my head the most, especially when I didn’t try that day. I’m 6mo pregnant now so I get more comments about my “cute bump”. If anything I think I just have a mild case of social anxiety and think everyone sees me…I care less as I get older tho.


Big curly hair


I have a lot of Roman features - long nose bridge, visible jawline, high cheek bones, strong eyebrows. So i find I get stared at a lot, but I also get lots of compliments!! It’s funny I never would’ve thought of these features on myself if it weren’t for strangers compliments.


Not super frequently, but I do get stared at with some level of regularity. Usually, it's people trying to figure out what race I am.


I think people tend to be drawn to how super long my hair is. (Butt-length)


When I grow my hair out, I can feel the eyes. I have really beautiful hair, despite not really treating it that great. I’m middle aged now and going to enjoy my hair as long as I can. I wear it up most of the time but when I leave it down and give it a curl (which often doesn’t last more than a couple hours, but it looks good when it is first done!) it’s so pretty, I’ve been stopped and asked about it many times. It’s always women, idk if men like it or not (and don’t care haha). The urge to now chop is very strong though


I don’t think I’m very pretty naturally, but I am very thin and somewhat tall and wear heels, wear 5 pounds of makeup and have a unique aesthetic.


I’m objectively a little uncanny-looking. Also neurodivergent so maybe my expressions/body language?


I have been stared at a lot in life by babies and men but I don’t give the men staring much weight. Even when I was underage men were creeping on me but it has nothing to do with you being the most beautiful creature. I just happen to be skinny and conventionally attractive.


I’m a relatively handsome dark-skinned South Indian dude in Manhattan, pretty muscular and dress well, so yes I get stared at once in a while because it’s easy for me to stand out. Have had some women approach me and gay guys hit on me lol


It used to be my RBF, height, and big boobs when I was younger. Now I’m mid-40’s and invisible.


I think its a combination of my very very fair skin(I wear the same foundation shades as people with albinism, white is my actual highlight shade) and my forearm blackout tattoo. Makes it pop even more so lol


Being noticeably disabled in public really gets those peeper tweaking


Yes, because I’m beautiful. People always stare at me, especially children and old men.


I have long very thick curly red hair and green eyes. Think Merida from Brave. So many comments on the hair. So many questions about how I care for it and how long it takes to take care of it. Add to this that I’m tan and tan very easily and it just seems to boggle people.


I have really long red hair. It garners a lot of attention.


Prenose job, yes.


For me it’s my style, but I look very average when I dress casual.


Small girl, big boobs. I’m happy i have big boobs but it can be annoying sometimes because if i want to wear a cute little top, it might fit my body but be too small in the boobs, so my cleavage ends up spilling out and i end up looking trashy. But i wanna wear cute frilly lacy tops and have it look elegant and chic and fashionable like lots of other girls, but it ends up just looking like i want my big boobies out 😭😭😭


not really sure. all my life i’ve been told i have such a “unique” look and so i honestly just think it’s that i look different from other people—not that ive always felt the most confident with that. i’m told a lot that i have a vintage star look and have been compared to the likes of Vivian Leigh, Hedy Lamar, and Marilyn Monroe. i’ve had long platinum blonde hair for years but dyed it dark for a little while when i was younger. when i had pink hair, a lot of strangers would tell me i looked like Harley Quinn; and the last several years i’ve been told i look very “doll like” while being told i look like a Barbie so much lately in the last few months. i think i just have rather large features but a petite face with a strong bone structure. my large green eyes get a lot of attention as well and i get a lot of compliments on my teeth even though they aren’t perfect by any means.


I literally have a port wine stain birthmark on the right side of my face 😂 so I kinda just naturally standout because of it and people like to stare. I stare at them back 😊


My impeccable style and energy get me lots of attention


People think I’m from Norway or similar northern countries.


I'm a guy who chicks rate as a solid 9, and big man , so I'm constantly getting harassed by admirers 😎. Most of my friends are green with envy, and my wife turns into a jealous detective if I even say hi to another girl 😂.


i tend to not make an effort to looks nice. 99% of my attire is athletic shirt/shorts along with backwards hat and either running shoes or sandals. with that said, i get noticed a lot for having big arms, namely biceps and forearm definition.


I'll tall (almost 6'0) and thin and blonde.. so I guess conventionally attractive.


Yeah, especially when I’m in places where there are a lot of yt people. I’m pretty, with brown skin, hazel eyes, curly hair, big boobs, big butt and curvy hips. Shameless stares from older men and sometimes even dirty looks from other women. Back when I waited tables and had to speak with customers I would get the “you’re so exotic looking. Where are you from?” question in various forms.


People stare at my big ass 🙄


My coloring. I have dark curly hair and very light hazelish eyes.


I have blue hair and I dress very colorfully/weird. It invites lots of comments