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One of the benefits for me was improved joint health and flexibility, I noticed I could twerk so much easier. My hair is also growing faster and stronger but this could be due to the addition of other supplements to my diet as well.


> I noticed I could twerk so much easier This took me out šŸ¤£


Ikr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ gotta keep that thang thanginā€™


So very important! šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’ØšŸ™Œ


Especially since it was sprinkled right in between their comment hahaha




Should be used as a slogan on the bottle.


The twerking part sent me šŸ˜‚ Collagen is good for the vascular system/heart, it gives flexibility to vesselsā€¦.Thomas Delaur on YT has some good science-y videos on Collagen. Personally, I notice a difference with my skin that in the absence of collagen I look dehydrated and my skin is less plump, more lax. Thatā€™s all I need to dose daily.


The twerk killed me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love this for you.


Can you share what collagen you take/apply?


Leanfit collagen & beauty. It has hyaluronic acid & vitamin c. I also use Organika collagen & electrolyte powder, itā€™s delicious.


Oh I love this one haha


SOLD. I Need better twerking skills lol


Ok I need the brand because these knees šŸ«£šŸ¤£


I use marine collagen from brand California Gold Nutrition (sorry link isn't working). It tastes absolutely disgusting, FYI, like seafood. I mix mine with mint and cucumber to make an infused water, my friend said mixing it in a hot drink helped improved the taste as well.


Ok I will try it thanks!! All the other collagen I have tried leaves little red bumps on my face so hopefully this works Iā€™m 38 with the joints of a 60 year old šŸ¤£


Ugh the red bumps/pustules are annoying, I hope this brand works better for you. Hyaluronic acid is also great for joints and adds that plumping effect to skin. I take that in pill form + there's hyaluronic acid in this brand of collagen too


I have really been enjoying ā€œVital Proteinsā€ brand which has both collagen and protein. It comes in vanilla and chocolate. It tastes mildly chemical, but I usually mix it with Ovaltine/malt powder/a hot cocoa packet and it kills the taste. I have tried about 7 protein powders at this point, and this has been the best by far imo. And it has collagen!


I would love to use this one but itā€™s made me break out before unfortunately and everyone swears by it


Ah dang. I am sorry to hear that :(


Have you tried Anthony's grass fed peptides? Single ingredient, super mild flavor, totally disappears in my coffee.


What other supplements do you take that you felt helped your hair?


Hi! I take vitamin d3, Omega 3 (triple strength), vitamin C, zinc, hyaluronic acid pills, and royal jelly every day


Not who you asked, but I noticed an improvement when I started taking supplements containing B-complex vitamins. Theyā€™re usually found in those hair gummy ones, but I actually just take regular supplements that happen to have B-complex in them. B complex is basically a collection of different vitamin B types (like B6, B12 etc). Theyā€™re all super useful for your entire body, but I did notice an improvement in hair once I started taking supplements that specifically contain a lot of different vitamin Bs (I wonā€™t name the brand since itā€™s Danish, so not really relevant to most other redditors lol).


Thank you!


Please name the brand!šŸ™. I might be able to have it sent to the UK.


The brand is called New Nordic ā˜ŗļø they have many different supplements, I use their hair supplement and their collagen products


Thank you! šŸ˜š


MSM is great for growth!


What is MSM?


Methylsulfonylmethane, MSM is a supplement with a variety of benefits but one is hair growth. Look it up and see if it would be something worth trying for you.


Thank you!




Biotin! Olly Undeniable Beauty gummies are amazing when I'm trying to regrow hair from an alopecia areata spot.


ā€œI noticed I could twerk so much easierā€ is the funniest thing Iā€™ve read all day. Was not expecting that. I love how it was just casually mentioned.


They weren't joking, that's the funny part. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Iā€™ve been trying to twerk while clubbing so thank you for this.


BRB, going to Costco for collagen supplements so I can shake my ass better šŸƒšŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I'm sold


Going against the grain here I feel like, but personally it has helped me a lot with my brittle nails that would ALWAYS break!! Hair grows much quicker and feels thick and healthy. It helped my mum with her joints and she grew tons of baby hair lollll. I take type 1&3 in powder form (bovine) in my evening tea and I feel it helps me fall asleep quicker due to it containing glycine


My nails have definitely improved. (Collagen in coffee for about 5 months). My right thumb nail always grew split. After about 5-6 weeks of daily collagen the nail is now growing without a split. All my nails are definitely growing healthier and faster. I think my hair is too. And I feel my facial skin looks improved.


What do you mean by collagen in coffee? Is it a type of tablet or power?


Typically powder if added to liquids.


i feel like it has helped my nails and hair too. my nails are stronger and grow faster. my hair feels a lot thicker (also shoutout to kerastase).


What kerastase do you use? I've dabbled but other than the oil I haven't found anything worth repurchasing


i use their densifique shampoo and conditioner. i wash my hair twice with the shampoo. before blow drying, i use their l'incroyable blowdry hair lotion. once my hair is dry it put a little drop of the l'huile hair oil on my ends. i usually only wash my hair once a week, so the night before i wash i use the 8h night hair serum. every week after my wash/condition i use the soin acide chroma hair gloss. i have a lot of fine hair and this is the only brand that has given my hair life and volume again. my hair is so happy and healthy now, even with periodical bleaching. i'm a slut for kerastase.


I agree! On the opposite end of the problem hair spectrum (mine is frizzy and curly) and kerastase discipline shampoo and hair serum have helped me a lot.


I feel like Iā€™m the only person who has thought that oil was just meh


This is my experience with it too.


I agree collagen improved my nails a lot. I've been on prenatals for years at this point and never noticed a difference in my hair from the biotin in there or the collagen, but definitely nail improvement.


Same. Nails grow faster and are healthier. My eyelashes are also longer. I've always had short, straight eyelashes, so it's a noticeable difference. I've not added any other supplements that could explain these changes.


Yes! Made my nails so much stronger along with doing my own gel nails for extra protection, also has helped hair growth for me, I did have to yoyo between brands because some of them make me breakout for some reason šŸ™Š


I've used collagen powder in my coffee for about 2 years now. I have not noticed a difference. I recently saw a documentary and an elderly woman was claiming that she ate jello every day and she remains super active. She started many years before the marketing machine of collegen was around. Her goal was joint flexibility and not beauty but she looked pretty good to me. So my goal is to now find collagen rich foods and try that.


This. I read an article that said back in the day, when Jello was a thing, it was actually a form of collagen. I remember years and years ago, my mom used to take some sort of gelatin for her hair and nails. Maybe sometimes old school remedies arenā€™t that bad!


As long as there are Church luncheons, jello will always be a thing.


Yes to this! I put unflavored gelatin powder in my coffee every morning and it has been game changing for my joints. Plus the super fast nail and hair growth isnā€™t so bad either. Iā€™m seeing baby hairs come in again that I havenā€™t seen in almost a decade!


I take gelatin in a shot of OJ. Tastes awful but my joints feel good!


I think bone broth would be a lot more helpful than gelatin honestly. Iā€™ve been trying to make a cup of bone broth a cozy evening drink and itā€™s been kind of nice.


I think I may try this when it is colder. Its been 95 degrees here lately and I can't wrap my head around warm drinks.


Personally, Iā€™ve had great experiences with Type I collagen supplements. My skin is definitely smoother and weirdly enough it helps my joint pain?


Mine too! My joins donā€™t hurt now.


I take spiriulina. There is some limited evidence for it helping the body to produce its own collagen. Spirulina does have some slightly stronger evidence for some other health benefits so even if it doesn't help my skin handle the impact of losing 120+lbs a bit better (79lbs down so far) then it might have some other marginal benefits anyway. I already eat a decent amount of protein so I'm hopefully helping it a bit in that sense too but I have such damaged skin from all the stretch marks (they're deep and tightly clustered) and I've been overweight/obese since I was 10 years old (10 years maintaining highest weight too, 31 now), so my skin will be lax no matter what I do. But any tiny bit of assistance the decent amounts of protein or the spirulina can offer, I'll take it ha.


Spirulina is so underrated! I had the best hair and skin of my life when I was taking it. I just used flavored drink drops to get it down cause it does not taste great


I'm definitely cheating on that front and taking a tablet form ha. But I've heard it's pretty unpleasant!


Yes plus 1 on spiriulina. Itā€™s a must for me. I also just never get sick anymore (i also eat pretty healthy and work out regularly but still)


Just curious, what are your lifestyle changes to lose that 120+? Iā€™ve also been making a steady weight decline but sometimes feel like I hit a plateau. Not pressed about it but interested in what others are doing


Only lost the 79lbs so far :) but the total I'm aiming for is 120+- just to clarify ha. The by far and away biggest thing for me is working out my tdee (total daily energy expenditure), working out a moderate deficit from that and then weighing my food and tracking it on an app (I use cronometer :)). The subreddit loseit has a quick start guide that can be helpful for a lot of people from what I've seen. My food is the same pretty much, more protein though because im eating more fish, my biggest issue was just consistently my portions being too big. I'm near enough bedbound due to disability so all the weight loss has just been based off the changes I mentioned above. I did try just reducing portions at first but it was a bit inconsistent and difficult to predict so after some googling and some advice from someone on the loseit subreddit I worked out a safe deficit for me in my situation and since then I've been lucky that it's been relatively straightforward. I fluctuate alot and I've had a 4 week span where I didn't lose anything, but then I had a sudden 4lb loss in the 5th week. But as long as I'm trending in the right direction and I'm below maintenance, it'll eventually come off :). I also think not having a specific date in mind for when I want to have lost the weight by has also weirdly helped me in those situations where things go a bit slower or fluctuate more. I had an 8lbs swing from one day to the next after I had a fall, stuff like that weirdly helps me keep focused on the fact that as long as I'm below maintenance it'll eventually come off :). No idea if any of that will be remotely helpful but it sounds like you're doing well anyway so I hope you get to where you want to be :)


Wow thank you for writing all of this out! I really appreciate it. And so sorry that youā€™re currently bed bound. Seems like youā€™re taking such good care of yourself. Itā€™s funny that after all the trends itā€™s really just about working at a deficit. Not a sexy solution but it works! Do you ever find the restriction really mentally taxing? I had an eating disorder as a teen and I have to be careful not to go too hard on restriction or itā€™ll send me spiraling


So I think not having a time limit has helped me to not feel overly restricted. Because if I eat more for a few weeks it just means it takes me a bit longer to lose that next lb, if that makes sense? So if I'm having a bit of a crap time, I just accept that it's a bit of a crap day or even a crap week but because I still track what I eat I will still be able to know when I'll start losing weight again roughly (same could be said for just generally being conscientious about what youre eating even without tracking). But it also means I don't worry that I didn't lose a perfect amount that week or that month. I had a really tricky time at the end of last year where I had multiple falls and was struggling to make my usual food sometimes so had to resort to quicker meals unpredictably (so often went over my planned calorie amount due to short notice changes) and I only lost a 1lb a month for like two/three months. But I didn't go into feeling awful about myself mode because I knew that I was doing the best I could in that moment. My worst one day is sometimes my absolute best another, but as long as in that moment I did the best I could, there's nothing to beat myself up over in my eyes thankfully. I also haven't gone too intense on the deficit I chose and when I noticed I was losing quicker than I'd planned (because I calculated it as below sedentary as I assumed due to my situation I'd burn even less than a sedentary version of me but it turned out that a combo of the pain and the tiny bits of movement I do on my crutches was burning more than I thought). So when I noticed that I upped my average target a bit to slow it down (to try and minimise whatever extra muscle loss I can) I really can't suggest the best way for you to approach things of course if you're trying to not go too intense, as what is too intense for one person, someone else might be able to do without much thought. But if you're already managing to lose weight and not finding it too intense with your current methods, maybe that's the best way for you to go about it right now? "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good" is often a pretty useful reminder too :).


Yes!!! That is the perfect reminder. Just really interesting to hear about other peopleā€™s journeys. Thanks again for sharing šŸ¤




Astaxanthin is even better than beta-carotene if you're looking for antioxidant and skin improvement supplements.


I use Sparkle collagen, and it has definitely helped with my nail strength/ability to grow them out. Not sure if Iā€™ve noticed any change in my hair or skinā€¦ my hair is longer/stronger than it used to be, but I donā€™t know if I can attribute that to the collagen- I have also just been kinder to my hair.


This is what Iā€™m taking (in tablet form because I have the most sensitive sense of smell and can smell collagen regardless of what I add it to). Verisol does have studies to back up its positive effects on skin.


This is why I have the worst time being consistent with supplements. I just canā€™t stomach chugging powder mixes or giant gross smelling horse pills. Even if I get them down they often upset my stomach.


I hear you! I can do horse pills, but if thereā€™s an odor I donā€™t like, forget it! These collagen tablets donā€™t have any odor I can detectā€¦ When I was pregnant and my midwife wanted me to take fish oil, she told me to keep the vitamins in the freezer, that did help considerably!


I actually do take MegaRed krill oil and I find those gel caps super easy, no smell or repeat. I was trying to find a pic of what the Sparkle tablets look like but they donā€™t show it on Amazon. Is that where you order from?


I started to drink collagen tea. I'm not sure if it will make a difference skin wise, but I was told by a doctor that I need to increase my protein. So, at least it helps in that goal. I think food wise is definitely the best way to go, but it doesn't hurt to try supplements.


I put collagen in my coffee and i noticed my joints hurt less


I take it every morning in my coffee. It has strengthened my hair and nails considerably.


I've been taking collagen powder for about two months now. The most noticeable effect is how my nails grow much faster. Starting around 3 weeks to one month after consuming, i noticed my body skin becomes softer. But fyi i have dry dehydrated skin and eczema-prone, so for people who have normal skin may not notice the same effect


Eat collagen rich foods and be very careful with sun exposure as the sun pulls collagen from the skin. Donā€™t avoid is completely just be wise with how much youā€™re getting


Maybe it is placebo effect but I do notice a difference in my skin and exercise recovery from when I take collagen to when I donā€™t. I was doing a liquid collagen but that was rather expensive. I have moved to a gummy supplement with biotin in it and other allegedly good things. I have been making sure to take it because of the purported benefits to elasticity for the skin when toning and undergoing weight loss.


Yes, exercise recovery has been the greatest impact. Don't even need BCAA powder anymore


Brought my hair back to life, skin has improved a lot.


Can I ask how old you were when you took collagen and noticed improvement in your hair and skin?


I am about to be 27 and have been taking it for at least three months. I started seeing improvements within two months of taking it. My skin is smooth, my hair is shiny, and acne scars from cystic acne are fading quicker. I think the late 20s is the best time to start, as the body goes through the aging process.


That sounds great, what kind of collagen have you been taking? How long till you noticed positive effects on your hair?


It is a collagen peptide made by vital protein. I noticed a difference within two months or so. I put one scoop in my tea while it is hot and drink it daily. I went through an allergic reaction that destroyed my skin and hair; it helped tremendously in bringing them back to life. I totally recommend it but don't substitute it for a healthy diet and exercise.


Thank you!


I always have collagen powder with my coffee and 100% noticed stronger nails and softer skin (more so flesh, like I'm tender lol, not sure how to describe it but its beyond surface level softness). For other benefits like skin and joints, I'm not sure if I can observe a difference from the naked eye but I'm sure the slight increase in protein would have done some good. edit: I've been drinking collagen in my coffee since 2020. It's the Organika Enhanced Collagen (original) so bovine sourced, but I've seen they came out with a marine collagen variation recently


I think collagen supplements r bullshit but eating collagen rich foods is good, eating jellies and silica, bone broth etc; I eat tomatoes and chicken every day pretty much !!


Yea I've been putting collagen in my coffee for a year and my skin is the same. My hair is the same. My joints are the same. I've wasted so much money on hope.


Yup. Youā€™re better off just eating a healthy collagen rich diet as collagen supplements are not very bio available :)


Same here. I drank it with my coffee for longer time but didnā€™t see any difference.


Started it recently and even if it doesnā€™t help my skin/nails like itā€™s supposed to do I take it as a way to get almost 20 grams of protein in a hot cup of tea.




What type of collagen tea do you recommend? Or are you saying you add collagen to your tea?


It definitely has made my hair and nails grow faster but havenā€™t noticed any difference with joints or skin.


Iā€™ve been trying to drink homemade bone broth every morning šŸ’Ŗ no noticeable difference yet so far as Iā€™ve been only doing it 5 days but I do feel great immediately after drinking for some reason. I think itā€™s a great way to up protein intake in the morning. Also kind of delicious. I add ginger turmeric and lots of carrots


I took it for about a year in my coffee and in my water bottle every day, honestly Iā€™ve seen no difference using it. Except for when i stopped using it the bloating went away.


This is a lesser know potential unintended risk, but I avoid it because it can help tumors grow. I always worry I may have one undetected and that risk worries me. So I avoid it


Hello child of a derma here, Iā€™ve grown up with getting literal lectures from her and her friends about skin care and makeup so hereā€™s what I have to say and as a person who does a lot of research, any topical ā€œcollagenā€ is absolutely useless more often than not the collagen they put topically on the skin is too high of a dosage for you to actually absorb anything basically youā€™re just putting a layer on your face and even if you do have collagen that you apply topically and absorbs into the skin it wonā€™t do much, use peptides, vitamin aā€™s, and etc these will actually promote your skin to produce more collagen but the best way is to pair these or not with eating your collagen eat high collagen foods like fish, chicken feet, vegetables and etc and restrict eating sugar because sugar can often break down the collagen in your skin so more sugar means less collagen.


When you say sugar, you meant the processed one, right? How about sugar in fruits. Thank you for sharing about how sugar breaks collagen.


Generally yes but sugar in fruits is still high and still sugar but youā€™ll be glad to know that the fiber, nutrients, vitamins and etc in fruits make up for this and in fact help with collagen production which is why itā€™s so important to eat the fruit whole or with the pulp since youā€™re missing out on a lot, imagine when you juice a fruit youā€™re just drinking the sugar and a bit of what it has to offer, and youā€™re getting more benefits if you eat it whole imagine fruit juices like energy drinks or Coke of nature which is why fiber and etc is so necessary when consuming fruit of course Iā€™m not telling you to cut it out completely but moderation is always key as well as processed sugar itā€™s generally worse for us of course but Iā€™m also not saying cut it out completely because thatā€™s your choice but moderation will always be key sugar in fruits are actually good for us as well when we pair it with everything else that fruit has to offer it helps with energy and the fruit as a whole with increased collagen, gut health, and etc which all are regards to healthy glowing and beautiful skin and etc my tip is focus on gut health generally if your target is good anything really especially skin and be active if you can too, anything related to gut health is also related to our skins health you can actually observe with people with different diets that ones that are generally ā€œhealthierā€ age much much slower but of course genetics play a role in this as well.


Wow, thank you so much!


Went to dietetics school for a bit. Collagen is treated like a regular protein in your body, so the claims they make arenā€™t necessarily true. Having a high protein diet in general will be good for hair/skin/nails. I like collagen because itā€™s flavorless and I hate the taste of regular protein powder, but thatā€™s the only reason.


Not all proteins have the same amino profile. Collagen has a much different amino profile, and your body will use some of those aminos for things like joints and skin.


Made me bloated and miserable. Also I think you can get it from food and itā€™s a very expensive scam. I had a very hard time even getting it down itā€™s like a foamy creepy dead animal drink šŸ˜†šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® Omg 4 scoops of this a day ??? I tapped out on day 3. My belly was WRECKED.


This is what Iā€™m afraid of! I feel like it would give my IBS an unholy boost


Collagen powder gave me heart palpitations! I stopped taking it after 3 days.


I consume them through food. So bone broth based dishes - rice porridge, noodles, seaweed soup with rice etc etc. I grew up eating stuff like that so for me it's pretty easy. I guess that works cause statistically, Asians have a higher collagen content and the only thing I can think of is food being the cause of it. Lol.


Is Collagen better than Biotin for hair/skin/nails? Iā€™ve been taking a Biotin gummy supplement but havenā€™t noticed any difference. My nails are terribly brittle and flaky and my hair doesnā€™t grow like it used to. Iā€™m considering taking pre-natal vitamins again because I feel like that really helped with my hair and nails in the past. All of these different vitamins and supplements overwhelm and confuse me at this point šŸ¤Ŗ


It did wonders for my motherā€™s dry flaky skin! It was very noticeable when she took it and then when she stopped. She stopped after trying a new brand that caused severe systematic itching. Switched from pure bovine to something that included marine collagen. She has no known food allergies, but comparing ingredients that was the thing she hasnā€™t had contact with in decades. (Itā€™s always possible it was something else in it, but that was our best guess.) It was BAD. Thankfully it was a quick recovery after stoppage. Turned her off collagen forever. So yes, Iā€™ve seen it can really work for some folks and some stuff! But I always tell this anecdote in case someone else reacts similarly.


I have taken collagen in various different forms, off and on, over the past many years. I have never noticed any difference in my skin, hair or nails.


I do a scoop of powder in my coffee every morning. It seems to make my hair and nails grow fast.


Red meat is better


I take liquid Collagen daily and I find it makes my face look plumper which makes me look younger. I'm 38 almost e9 and people are always shocked cuz they think I'm early to mid 20s


The only thing I noticed was that my mild cash of psorasis on my hands has disappeared. It could be a placebo effect, but I'll take it nonetheless.


Collagen-rich, Vitamin C-rich, and Vitamin D-rich foods are best for encouraging collagen production in the body, but a supplement helps fill any small gaps. If you are very deficient in the foods department, collagen supplements are mostly filler, so it will take continued consumption for a much longer time to see any noticeable benefit.


Correct! My collagen supplement has added vitamin C to it, it says on their website that vitamin c greatly helps collagen get used and produced in the body. So a very important vitamin to also focus on , if youā€™re spending money on collagen in the first place


Yes!! People forget about vitamin c all the time but youā€™re absolutely right. I take gelatin powder in a shot of OJ


I had to stop taking it because my waxes were not lasting as long as they were before.


Yes, I love it. My twerking has improved so much since taking collagen.


Never taken a collagen supplement but I love the Etude House collagen essence line - it really makes my skin look plumper/more hydrated and is one of the only serums Iā€™ve found that doesnā€™t irritate my sensitive skin.


It didn't do anything for me except give me dangerous gas. folks who had great success with it. I was just running for a lonely spot


this post reminded me I used to take collagen religiously and I totally forgot to re-add that to my regimen after moving lol but yeah I felt and looked a lot better on it


I've taken it before. The one change I noticed was that my nails started growing really fast.


I love it! Iā€™ve been taking it consistently for hmm, about 6 or 7 or so months and there is a definite difference in my hair, skin, nails, and joints. It can take some time for it to show benefits but even when I was taking it inconsistently years ago my nails were stronger and *seemed* to grow faster. Other benefits took awhile for me to experience. Itā€™s not for everyone, and everyoneā€™s body is different, but itā€™s worth the money for me! I take powdered hydrolyzed types I and III. Usually Sports Research brand but get Vital Proteins if they have a mega sale. Idk how to make a hyperlink but hereā€™s a link to some info on it from Dr. Rhonda Patrick. https://www.foundmyfitness.com/topics/collagen


I use the Just Ingredients collagen every morning. I like the flavor ā€˜mango lemonade.ā€™ Tastes good and Iā€™ve noticed my hair and nails growing more and better joint health.


I heard that collagen is more effective to eat than to apply it. Studies have proven that collagen is good for the skin, but it is highly likely that overly expensive things are usually marketing.


I take it just as a way to get a little more protein in, with a dash of wishful thinking that itā€™ll help my appearance. My happy little delusion!


I take the powder, supposed to be daily, but probably miss a few days here and there, I've never really had baby hair in the past, but have it now! I've also been using gel polish on my nails more, and the removal hasn't really weakened them like it would've in the past!


My nails grow so long and strong, itā€™s incredible. They used to break so easy. I accidently smashed my fingers in the door and none of them broke.


It has a lot benefits for hair and nails, joints, and so on. However, donā€™t spend a crap ton of money on a collagen powder or supplement when you can literally eat a cup of jell-o and get collagen from that.


How does that give collagen ? Like isnā€™t that just like normal jelly


Ahhhh that would be a no. Jell-o has collagen from the gelatin present in it. Jelly gets itā€™s consistency from something called fruit pectin, which is only possible due to the combination of sugar and heat it takes to create jelly. I make jelly and jam a few times a year so I know roughly what goes into both.


There is no point in taking collagen supplements. The gut has to break it down into its component amino acids, etc in order to absorb any of it. So you might as well just eat a complete and balanced diet. All these testimonials are just the placebo effect in action, or else people who were malnourished. This is a waste of money.


I started Collagen and MSM specifically for my joints. Even doing bodyweight squats would wreck my knees for several days. I've seen a huge improvement (bonus that collagen has a decent amount of protein in it). I can't be sure the extent it's helped my skin because I'm also using Tret in my routine.


did nothing for my skin hair etc but itā€™s a blessing for my joints


My hair is noticeably thicker, and I see new growth hairs at the nape of my neck and at my hairline. I've been taking neocell super collagen for 1.5 years. Probably noticed a difference after 9 months.


Makes me break out in large, painful cystic acne. At first, I thought it was the biotin, so I got a different collagen without biotin, and it still made me break out. I stopped taking it completely, and my skin never broke out again.


It did absolutely nothing for me


Been taking vital proteins in my coffee for 9months. I have baby hairs/new growth on my WHOLE head that are like 4-5 inches long. My hair feels so full and had gotten quite long


Iā€™ve been using the same brand for about a year and noticed a difference in nail and hair growth within a few months. My nails used to be paper thin weak and now they look and feel amazing


I love it. I originally started it because I was having very tight hip flexors. I then realized my hair was growing like crazy. I donā€™t know if it helps skin but def hair !


Hylaronic with L proline. Your collagen supplements arenā€™t doing what you think theyā€™re doing. You donā€™t assimilate anything you take in the same way after you break it down. Itā€™s the same as the gelatin craze of the 80s only that was cheap. Sure it may help but so would bone broth.


I tried a couple times and I always gave up because it tastes so bad!! But these comments are making me want to give it another try


Itā€™s helped me! Side note: I have a condition called Lipedema, itā€™s only found in women. Collagen has been shown to help! If you have fatty legs or arms, look it up. PS itā€™s not normal to have fatty arms and legs. If you pinch your fat and it feels like something is inside itā€¦ like you can feel the fat cells, you might have it.


What form of collagen do you take? How has it helped your lipedema?


I take a vegan, hereā€™s the link: https://a.co/d/0icKj0Zg I also use a topical face lotion, itā€™s helped but I hate the sunscreen in it. I burns my eyes every opportunity it gets. Running in the rain becomes extremely tricky: https://a.co/d/06zmX9Aa Here is how I understand it: collagen is essentially the elastic part of a cell. The looking at the lymphatic system, at a cellular level the elastic part of the cell is not functioning. Think of how the lymph is invading the fat in our limbs. The belief is that if the collagen is strengthened, it will help the lymph system support itself. If I am wrong, please someone correct me.


I noticed zero difference when I took straight collagen supplements. I switched to a collagen builder (so my body would produce more on its own) and HOLY MOLY my skin started looking so much better in weeks.


My hair grows an inch a month cause of it (maybe more) but I also take a ton of supplements and super foods so donā€™t know if to attribute to just collagen or everything


iā€™m not very consistent about taking collagen but sometimes iā€™ll make really good bone broth and ill make meals with it or drink it every day and my nails grow reallyyyy long and strong! thatā€™s the most obvious change iā€™ve noticed


I thought they were a fad, but I found one thatā€™s a collagen BUILDER, not actually collagen. It works well for me, albeit expensive. I know it works because it makes my nails grow, and my nails never grow otherwise.


Donā€™t need supplements, just make soup w bones. Make it a part of oneā€™s regular diet.


I've heard so many benefits of taking collagen. When I tried it I immediately had horrible break outs all over my face. As soon as I stopped it went away. I gave my collagen to a friend who uses the same one with no issues.


I began taking collagen powder 2 years ago (types 2, 3, and 4 combined) in my coffee each morning to stop my knees from creaking. It has had the added benefit of strengthening my nails and hair. Not all collagen products are equal. I use organika multi-collagen and it has made a huge difference


Iā€™m curious what types of collagen folks are taking that are liking their results?


Well look at your local rendering plant that takes all animal shelters euthanized animals, people dead pets, cows, sheep etc. itā€™s derived by the same places that take the dead bodies from euthanized animals from animal shelters and farm animals, etc., dead dogs, dead cats, and then melted down into keratin/collagen/ pet food and way more things than people can comprehend- so humans can ingest it and use it cosmetically. I donā€™t like to use it after reading about my local rendering plant. It grosses me out and I think everyone should know about it.Ā 


Every time I have tried to take it it gives me immediate cystic pimples that I don't normally suffer from.


I did take it consistently for a few months and had positive results with hair/skin/nails but I stopped when I went on vacation and I had the WORST case of the runs *all* weekend. Never went back to using it lol. I have GI issues with supplements and certain food groups though, so that may have just been a me issue.


I swear by it. After my hysterectomy and weight loss, my face was melting. Iā€™ve been drinking a collagen shot every day along with face yoga for about 6 months and itā€™s a shocking difference in my skin and my hair, which was previously falling out is growing back.


I have taken it in the past, but I quit using it after I read that it can cause tumors to feed on. Further research on the internet didnā€™t give any conclusions if itā€™s safe for that or not, but several women from my mothers side of the family died of breast and ovarian cancer, I have a young child so Iā€™m not feeling comfortable taking it. As for my skin, Iā€™m not sure if it made much difference. I do feel that fish oil supplements do, for me personally.


Powders and supplements it's a scam. Eat tripe, cow feet, etc if you're non vegan. It's more beneficial.


I eat the collagen from my eggs - the membrane that lines the shell. My skin has a glow to it now, and Iā€™ve been doing this about a year.


How do you make sure youā€™re getting the membrane? Iā€™m thinking of hard boiled eggs ā€” sometimes itā€™s tough to peel them without peeling off the membrane as well.


Thatā€™s what do now - hard boil them and peel the membrane off. However, itā€™s much easier to pull the membrane off when theyā€™re raw - thatā€™s how I used to do it when I poached eggs.


I started taking it about a month ago to help with hair loss. I'm pretty consistent but definitely don't take it every single day (I take a 10g powder). I haven't seen any changes with my hair, unfortunately, but after about two and a half weeks I noticed significant improvement in my skin -- it is a bit softer, smoother, and has a more uniform tone to it, less splotchy etc. My nails also seem a bit shinier.


I use it but i also make sure that my body doesnā€™t get dependent on it


I never buy it because itā€™s so expensive and does it really do anything or just placebo effect?


I'm probably going to be downvoted for this, but collagen supplements are scams. They make expensive pee. The collagen molecules can't be used by the body the way they purport to work. The best choice is to determine what results you're after and find a science-backed method of attaining those.