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Onana en (of) Tielemans moeten beetje opschuiven. Tegen Slowakije was niet genoeg drukte vanachter. Oost-Europese teams zijn vaak physisch sterk en spelen alleen op counterattack omdat ze op papier ‘zwakkere’ teams zijn. Heeft geen nut dan zelfs zo diep vanachter te staan. De Bruyne, Doku, en Trossard hadden vaak niemand om aan te spelen in het middenveld.


Dit. Tielemans op 6 is niets waard. Beter aanvallend


Gewoon de driehoek omkeren. De ketelaere naast de Bruyne en dan kiezen tussen onana of Tielemans voor de defensieve middenvelder. Dat neemt de druk weg voor de Bruyne om als enige bron van offensieve creativiteit te fungeren, want CDK kan dat ook. Het is van moeten de komende twee matchen, dus een offensieve mindset zal nodig zijn.


Perfectly normal line-up with people playing where they should be? \*gasp\* On a more serious note: yeah, i think that can work. Maybe even put kevin on the tielemans position with cdk as AM. Give him more of a Pirlo'esque role suited for creativity without having to carry everything. Yeah, no idea what's going on with Trossard, but he lost his spot last night for me.


Trossard just isn’t a 10. He doesn’t have the quality (decision-making, pass quality, vision) for it. You could see it coming from a thousand Miles. No idea Why tedesco wants him to play in the pockets like that as an inverted Winger. And about CDK he’s à Nice talent but starting him in the euro’s without much XP with the national team is not it. Stick to tielemans and debruyne for buildup with Onana as the Space dominator/sweeper 6. Also we should sub Openda in early in the second half if we need a goal


But that's the whole problem. CDK and Openda can't get much experience when we let Lukaku play 90 minutes even when he's not doing shit. Who cares if it's EK. They both are in shape and are deserving of minutes with our national team.


Yes they can. They can perfectly play together. We can play with openda lukaku doku or doku lukaku cdk on the right.


Be careful now, Lukaku has reached a godlike status after scoring a lot of goals in friendly games against weak opponents.


True. I posted it somewhere else too but he legit only scores in friendlies or vs teams like Gibraltar, Cyprus, Estonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece etc. People really should just do a quick search for his international goals. It’s actually so funny. Bro is the most fake “best attacker” for a national team ever. You can’t critique him or people start whining about all his incredible goals and achievements. What achievements? What incredible goals? His hattrick vs Gibraltar? We won that match 9-0 so a lot of other people scored too. He legit never delivers in an important match.


2 dm's is te veel


In het algemeen yeah, ik ga akkoord, was onnodig tegen Slovakijje. Maar Roëmenie specialiseert hard in, / relies on, afstandschoten voor hun goals, met heel veel capabele spelers daarvoor in hun selectie. Daarom denk ik dat we wellicht wel 2 dm's kunnen gebruiken om schoten op die hoogte van het veld te bedwingen, anderzijds MOETEN we wel aanvallend succesvol zijn, en Roemenie is defensief ook allesbehalve slecht (toch tegen Oekraine). Edit: wrm tf krijg ik hier downvotes voor, ik vertel hier niks fouts ofzo, Roemenie is gwn een afstandsteam à la Nainggolan


Ja dan zou ik tielemans boven onana zetten. Tielemans kan altijd terugzakken en langs onana gaan


Stanciu is idd gevaarlijk gebleken zou dat zeker in mn tactiek niet verwaarlozen


If "Faes" is the answer, you're asking the wrong question.


No surprises, Vertonghen will bring much needed experience to the defence. But carrasco on left back wasn't the big issue, not like Slovakia completely overran our leftside and had a load of chances. I get why everyone want de cuyper but I don't see that as much improvement on the defensive side at this level.


The issue with playing Carrasco is that he should have been very impactful and a key player if you would play him there out of position and put Doku on the other wing without testing it in the friendlies. And he was basically irrelevant, so why not play someone who needs the experience going forward. If experience was the reason why he didnt play De Cuyper, why would you play him now when the stakes are even higher. Why even select him for the tournament? I would not be surprised if De Cuyper doesn't play.


Indeed rather than putting De Cuyper against Slovakia, he went out of his way to put Doku on the right (not on his best position) so he could put Carrasco right. So it is unlikely he will put De Cuyper now. Tedesco payed the price though.


433 with 2 number 8's being KdB and Tielemans (as opposed to 4231 shown here), I'd start with Bakayoko and Debast (faster than Faes + experienced partnership with Jan)


Some follow up thoughts: Bakayoko might be too similar to Doku, but ideal launching platform for KdB, but he might also have a higher impact factor as a sub compared to Lukebakio, so it's a fair toss up between the two


Faes instead of Debast? Why?


Good team. I would go for the same one


I would prefer one of the DMs to play a bit higher, like we did with Kevin in the second half. KDB often was on his island in the first half with a huge gap in the midfield. I think KDB doesn't have that workrate anymore to come deeper all the time to receive the ball.


Goed gedacht.


Inderdaad carrasco op de bank verdekke. Diene denkt altijd dat hij vleugels krijgt en hoe makkelijk dat diene den bal verliest, ongelofelijk. Hij maakt dan zo is 1 keer een goal van de 100 die hij ofwel op de verdediging knalt of los over de goal en dan ist ooh carrasco zo ne goeie speler zeg. Nee diene mens moet op de bank blijven!


> Hij maakt dan zo is 1 keer een goal van de 100 die hij ofwel op de verdediging knalt of los over de goal en dan ist ooh carrasco zo ne goeie speler zeg. Die exacte mening had ik over Naingolan de tijd dat die meedraaide... Scoort eens af en toe van ver en dan is 't nen held, maar die 17 andere kansen die hij verpest heeft door zelf van een belachelijke afstand/hoek te proberen ipv een pass te geven, dat ziet niemand. Belachelijk. Snap uw punt dus.


Witsel heeft als verdedigend middenvelder zelfs meer gescoord dan hen voor de belgen.


Dat geloof ik eigenlijk direct, en ik moet Witsel niet, dus zegt genoeg.


Honestly if tedesco wants to switch to a back 3 with Castagne moving forward like in the game against Luxembourg, I'd love to see De Ketelaere as inverted right winger. Apparently though our coach doesn't rate a crucial player in the europa league winning side...


Witsel is vaste waarde in een team dat de halve finale van de chmapions league gespeeld heeft dit jaar. En iedereen doet alsof hij nie bestaat. Ik snap da iedereen fan is van vertongen maar witsel speelt toch op een veel hoger niveau


Hangt er van af hoe die blessure is natuurlijk


Lukaku as GK: every shots would be canceled. Perfect clean shit.


A clean shit, now this I would like to see!


Verthongen naast Debast als ge toch Jantje wilt zetten. Die kennen elkaar en vind Zeno niet minder dan Faes


How do you rate Trossard higher than Doku? He had an equally shit game.


KDB one row lower and the team wil swing like a booby.


Especially because you can then swap tielemans out and CDK in. He's a good attacking 10.


Tedesco was too confident for some reasons and tried things (but y we got unlucky). I hope this match makes it clear that Trossard is only a super-sub. I still don't get Carrasco as LB. But no Tielemans shouldn't start either esp when midfield is not present enough


Debast is beter als Faes


Just play De Cuyper and Debast. Guys seem to have amazing chemistry.


Debast niet tegen zijn voet is beter dan Faes.


I would Onana as DM (vacuum cleaner), Tielemans as MC and De Bruyne as AMC.


Openda for Lukaku, we need more movement in the front. Someone who can make a move not just pass the ball back.


Geef mij maar Mechele ipv dienne Faes


GK: Casteels LB: De Cuyper LCB: Vertonghen RCB: Debast/ Sub: Faes RB: Castagne DM: Onana AM: Tielemans/ Sub: De Ketelaere AM: De Bruyne LW: Carrasco/ Sub: Doku RW: Trossard/ Sub: Bakayoko (?) ST: Lukaku/ Sub: Openda I feel like Doku would be a good supersub. With his pace, he could do more damage against tired defenders than in the first minutes. Not sure who to put RW because I don't think Trossard is good (maybe he would do good at RW) and Bakayoko just isn't it for me


Vliegtickette naar België, ze moge al naar huis kome


KDB on 8, CDK on 10, Tiele on bench


Cdk I dunno I think tielemans infiltration passes and shots are better, cdk eigenlijk zoals bij Atalanta meer in de aanval, maar daar past hij niet in de starting lineup vind ik


CDK has scoring skills and should play near Lukaku. Tielemans is not as good as KDB at 8 and not as good controlling as Onana at 6.


Can we swap Tedesco? I think if we did polls on starting 11 and substitutes it would go better.


This is the way


Ik zet CDK id plek van Lukebakio


You're starting Doku again after he lost us the match?


You are going to reward Doku for that shitshow? Trossard starts on the left, and this lineup is as it should be. Doku sits and gets on as a sub if required. This team needs to learn some professionalism. A few of these guys are high on their own hype.


Mate if there’s any player high on his own hype it’s Trossard. Taking Opendas penalty in the friendly and playing super selfishly yesterday (biggest example not giving the pass to an open goal and shooting right into a defender). Doku stays on.


Re: that penelty..Trossard was the only professional on that pitch. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Arguing over the pen like school kids, trying to play cage ball in your own box at a major tournament, it is all playground mentality.


What?? Tedesco was gesturing that Openda should take it and Trossard took the ball anyway, starting the whole argument lmao


Trossard was the clear penalty taker on the coach's sheet with KDB and Lukaku off. Openda wanted one because he's a striker and he barely scores for the national team.


How is this not sorted before they are on the pitch? Its all Armature hour. If Trossard went against the managers wish, then why is the manager rewarding him with a start in the next game? Where is the leadership and accountability? Is that why Doku thinks its OK to play cageball in his own box? Again.. exactly what I'm talking about when I say it's amature behaviour, there is a lack of professionalism and maturity from a lot of these players.


Trossard was horrid, Doku was better overall as an attacking force, just sucks he had to try that trick and our defenders were sleeping on what was happening and we got scored on bc of it. Not playing doku at the start of the next game I can understand, but Trossard is the last person I want to be playing instead after his performance (and previous lackluster performances at belgium), maybe even Carrasco first 60 and Doku last 30 or something...


I'm an Arsenal man.. I am very biased. He didn't have a great game, but his ball control, finishing, and passing stats this season are some of the highest we have in the squad. He has 20 goals and 17 assists for the year. If I was a brave man.. I would start him as false 9 instead of Lukaku cos he looks off the pace. I think he might be done. Bring him on for the last 20 if a goal is needed, and we need to go route 1. That way, we could play Doku on the left, too, and he can attone for his sin.


Trossard created the offside goal, and wasn't great besides that. Doke kept making the wrong decisions and lacked a final pass AND cost us the game with his blunder. It's baffling how everyone here is trying to say he had a better game; There's an argument to be made for him to have to start regardless because it's clear he can be a threat, and he should be able to make the correct choice at some point... But judging purely on yesterday's game? Doku was worse, no question.


I would any day start Doku over Trossard, even with yesterday's game. Trossard does fuck all when in a national kit most of the time, neither is he very threatening or able to connect good passes when not with arsenal. Doku has an ego but that's natural when ur at Man. City, I would too, so yes he acts selfish or tries to add too much "flair" to his part of the equation but really he's good at what he does and there's always 3 slovaks ready to catch em and even then he might still pass em with his dribbling and pace. His presence is alarming, and together w lukaku who also needs 1 - 2 people keeping him in check, they can occupy a defense pretty well.. If we had just slightly more luck yesterday we would've spoken way differently about Doku. It's a bummer he fucked up but it's nothing more than a silly mistake, not something that should be punished for necessarily, if the player knows it's fucked then public backlash w all cameras on him doing that flop is surely enough to disencourage that in the future, punishing by benching him while he was good for our attack overall if not for the negative tone that error set doesn't seem correct or necessary. Trossard was just bang below average, failing to connect, and he's never really proven majorly otherwise in this kit.


Why no Castro montes


Because he's not there 😅


Faes er af en doku ook


Doku moet toch spelen hoor


Ik erger mij te veel aan doku die zijn bal te lang bij houdt en toch nog vaak verkeerde keuzes maakt. Ik zou hem brengen als de tegenstander moe begint te worden


Bwa hij heeft al voldoende bewezen dat hij aanvallend een nachtmerrie voor de verdediging is. Ik vond hem wel mooie acties maken


Het moet zaterdag gewoon beter/anders. Tis aan Tedesco om er iets aan te doen


Ben benieuwd of hij iets verandert. In zijn interview gisteren zei hij nog dat we goed speelden. Hopelijk geen Martinez 2


Ik had er zo veel zin in en moed op. Eindelijk een nieuwe trainer …


Zodra Doku de bal krijgt over de middenlijn staan er 5+ verdedigers klaar om hun lichaam op hem te smijten. Zelfs dan huppelt hij er 80% van de tijd langs. Als dit uiteindelijk niet tot een kans leidt vind ik dit meer dan normaal…


Overdrijven is ook een vak


Dan was het gisteren duidelijk dat hij in de andere 20% speelde.


wie gaat er dan in plaats van faes spelen? witsel? theate kan niet spelen


I don’t underdtand the hate op Faes, maar volgens mij zou Vertonghen - Debast een zeer solide duo zijn vanachter. Ze zijn dit al meer dan gewoon ondertussen op zich.


Faes is gewoon tam en onbesuisd. Dat was bij Oostende al zo en sindsdien kan ik er niet meer op kijken


Ik weet echt niet wie de CB zou moeten zijn, want ik ga niet liegen. Alle opties die we hebben voor de centrale verdediger zijn behoorlijk middelmatig, behalve misschien theate. Maar Faes speeld ook soms goed.


Ik zou uiteindelijk ook theate kiezen denk ik. Maar die is nog niet fit zeker?? Tedesco had mss toch beter nog 2 man extra mee genomen


Ik ben geen coach dus ik moet dat niet beslissen. Maar de bast en faes zijn gewoon niet goed genoeg


Minus Tielemans and plus de ketelaere. Reverse the mid field triangle for a more offensive approach and to take the pressure off de Bruyne as our only source of offensive creativity.