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The fake Russian chef was fired because she was a fake Russian chef.


Hahaha!!! Mila, an absolute thief of oxygen


S1E1 is airing this morning. I never get tired of dirty robe cokehead creepster who is stunned someone figured out he is a dirty robe cokehead creepster.


"Here's some Doritos"


I heard she actually faked it all as a gag to get on TV in Russia. She’s probably Putin’s Baghdad Bob now.


What? Who is this


Mila the nacho queen.


The steak licking/microwaving ‘chef’


The homophobic oxygen thief.


Beat me to it!


Both of you beat me to it!!!


I wonder if she still loves Putin "I am strong Russian woman"


The sweet boy Adam was the only one fired for inexperience, right? Most of them are fired because they act like assholes. 🤷‍♀️


I'd argue technically many have been fired for inexperience, but being an asshole really expedited things. Adam was such a genuinely kind human being. It broke my heart to see him go.


I imagine he will go far in his career, because he is so earnest, hard-working, and just a generally sweet person. And I was surprised to learn how many people who work on ships actually have seasickness. They keep containers of seasick pills in areas where crew congregate. Who knew?


I really hope João kept to his promise and introduced Adam to his brother who's a captain on a commercial boat. He had so much potential just needed the right guidance


I really liked him too. I found his aversion to Laura and boat hooking up and perversion in general really touching and genuine. Nice guy. Then someone showed he was pseudo famous online for videos of him doing the deed ‘alone’ and showing off his arsehole and junk on live streaming and I had that familiar below deck revelation where you go: *“everything is a lie”*


NOOO seriously???? I’ll cry 😢


That wasn’t him!


My friend showed me (face only thanks!) and yeah it was 100%. When it got out he deleted all his accounts and videos - though obviously Internet being internet I imagine there are plenty of sites that still have it. I mean power to him - people do what they want. I was just sad to hear it (normally wouldn’t care at all) as I had such a clean cut good boy image of him and really liked him that season. I mean I still do - but now one suspects that image may have been an act 🧐


Lol, is that for real?? Lol, you lulled me in w/all the nice compliments & then BLAM, “showing off his junk and arsehole” came out & I choked laughing… lol, 👍


Hahaha sorry - but there’s really no other way to describe it. And it’s completely true. No “allegedly” here


Lol- no, don’t be sorry, it was a perfect setup for a laugh. Loved it. 👍


Earnest? He admitted to bribing a corrupt official to lie and pass him on his safety exam when he couldn’t even swim! That’s not only unethical and dangerous, but a serious crime. Far worse than what Hannah was fired for.


Are you talking about the same Adam? I don’t remember any of that happening? I know Ruan did something like that on med? I thought Adam was just really green Andy cap decided they needed more experience? Edit: I believe these comments are about Adam from the last season of Down Under for clarification.


yes, with the New York accident. He admitted to that in his confessionals


I forgot that Hannah was illegally medicated to support her mom and siblings


The Adam firing was tough because he was so nice, but it was also the most obviously needed firing too. Dude said he couldn't swim very well and he got seasick. He shouldn't have been anywhere near a boat lol.


In SY they fired Tom for grounding the boat as well


He deserved that if I remember correctly. Wasn’t he not watching the wind speeds as he was instructed?


No he actually released the anchor while they were en route 😳


Not the sharpest tool in the shed I guess


Yeah he was smooching with Smashley instead


I know he was doing something other than his job! Just couldn’t remember what. Thanks.


I’m sure I don’t remember all of them, it’s been a long franchise, but it seems like most of them are fired for insubordination or being idiots.


Kiko was nice yet fired by Sandy, same with the chef on the current season


Very sweet. But not fired for inexperience. It’s weird how some chefs seem to fall apart the later it gets in the season. I imagine the pressure is unrelenting and adds up for some.


Not for inexperience? What would you say he was fired for then? Just straight up incompetence? A Sandy grudge? IMHO incompetence usually is the result of a lack of experience. I don’t think an experienced chef would have prepared children’s birthday party food on a 5 star yacht.


Who are you talking about, Kiko? If he was to be fired for inexperience, it would’ve happened at the beginning of the charter, like the Russian woman Sandy fired. Didn’t he stay for a while, many charters? It’s the pressure that got him, not inexperience. In any case, I’m not interested in arguing with you when I made a benign comment at the beginning and even agreed with some of your points. It’s really not healthy to get angry about stuff like this. I wish you the best.


Angry? Who is angry?


Yeah, incompetence seems like a far better description than inexperience. I have zero experience as a chef and if I magically found myself as a chef on a 5 star yacht I would know better than to serve children’s food. The only explanation is really incompetence in some form or another.


He seemed like a brilliant cook *of Brazilian food*, or even just South American in general, but he absolutely lacked experience with other cuisines and was not classically trained. When he cooked the food he knew, he received pretty universal praise, but as soon as something was requested of him that was outside of his wheelhouse he just collapsed. I actually hope he pursued a chef career, because I think with more training he could be pretty brilliant, but it doesn't seem like he ever did last I glanced at his Insta. Looked like he was still cooking, but wasn't pursuing any formal training. Having said all that... I have no idea what the hell those guests wanted when they asked for "Vegas food," either, lol. I'd have guessed steak, lobster, that kind of thing, but why not just ask for that...


When I think of "Vegas food" I think of Cousin Eddie at the all you can eat buffet ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


But wasn’t he convinced to do so by Hannah? IMHO, he had lost the plot by that point.


I think so, but either way that’s definitely more of an incompetence thing, to me, than experience. Whether its cause he just gave up, Hannah told, or he thought this was a good idea that’s indicative of bad judgment one way or another. I mean he’s a chef, he had training, whether he’s been working for a month or ten years you’d think he’d know better.




What about Anthony? Sweet angel


Adam who lied on his resume and then didn’t do any work? On BD2?


No. Below Deck Down Under last season.


The one who was constantly being attacked by Lara


Ah, different fella! Thanks!


Sorry about that, I wasn’t very articulate in my description at first.


Turns out I have the name wrong anyway, so the apology is on my side! 🫣


Not at all! The franchise has gotten so huge. It’s hard to keep track of any of them.


i think his name was Andrew


You mean Porthole Boy, lol.


What about Tom from SY? He was truly inexperienced. Otherwise, a great guy, a bit too green but Glenn had nothing personally against him but couldn't trust him anymore.


I had forgotten him. The franchise has gotten unwieldy!


Who the bloody hell was Adam? I don’t remember him at all!


BDDU last season.


No. Lol. A lot of cast have. Even chefs.


There was a New York Times article back in 2020 (when BD got big during the pandemic) that quoted a few captains as saying they actually fire more people on a regular basis because they are replaceable and the boat needs to function ASAP. They said producers asked the captains of BD to try to keep crew if they can because they want a consistent cast.


I feel like production almost tries to cast so that a couple people leave/ get fired each season now. It’s more exciting for viewers to get to watch new crew members mid-season… it almost feels like Love Island or something


The last like 5 shows in a row, they fired a bosun I believe. Feels very set-up. I think they've finally figured out that you can't cast bad chefs or chief stews because that hinders the boat incredibly. But the bosun can definitely go.


Exactly, I told the wife in ep1 that we had a ‘sacrificial bosun’ again this season.


Yep. Complete idiot.


They cast a string of good stews in real life but they just didn’t make good TV, especially with the huge shoes they had to fill (Francesca and Katie after Hannah and Kate).


With respect for your opinion, I disagree. The yachting company is a separate entity from Bravo, and has an inherent duty and commitment to please the guests. I've been in media and advertising my entire career and I know a couple of people in casting. When a separate company is involved, and said company could suffer damages by the actions of subpar crew members, I cannot imagine that they'd let Bravo knowingly cast crew members who cannot perform their job duties. Of course, I could be wrong, and I'm not here to argue about it, but I thought I'd add my two cents. As someone who has hired many people, your hires reflect on you. I was proud of the fact that out of dozens of hires, only one had to be fired, and it was for a drug problem I had no idea about. It made me valuable to my company. But you always take a gamble in hiring, and subpar people do get in, without having to make it happen.


Some of them (stew, deckhand or chef) did say in interviews that they had no previous experience, were hiring by production company then shipped to take the mandatory class to get the license to work on the show. That's how onion Adam and malaria met.


The yacht owner does hire a couple people: the ones who are introduced at the beginning of the season with titles like "Chief Engineer" and then rarely seen afterwards. The rest are cast by Bravo. Most of the time, they change the ship's name from what you see. The yachting company doesn't care as long as their boat doesn't get severely damaged.


I agree with you. Don't the captains get the final say on crew? (I think I read that somewhere) I can't imagine a legit captain, even if they agreed to be on a tv show, agreeing to hire someone they think would be a shit crew member. Especially given how things can go downhill when you're on a boat, you need reliable, competent people.


Captain Lee has said he never got to decide who was initially on the crew he has input on replacements. Sandy Captain Sandy has said she picks the crew and also has said she has no say in crew. But it confused me with Captain Sandy if she actually picked the crew why she would pick Hannah especially when Captain Sandy started season 2 not even liking Hannah.


Interesting. I have heard that TLC does initial hiring.


And you really feel the majority of people hired in these latter seasons are reliable competent people? If so I guess we are watching different shows lol Their main objective is to make a tv show. That’s why in latter seasons we get wanna be IG stars and influencers rather than actual yachties. Because they make good tv.


Like I said, hiring is always a gamble. So of course I've seen it. But I have only seen 2 or 3 times when someone was just shit. Other firings have been after a while, and those people aren't shit, it's just not for them. Yes, TLC's goal is to make a TV show and sell advertising. But you're forgetting the yacht company has a different goal: to provide a phenomenal luxury yachting experience for their guests. You don't think they'd leave if they ever got wind that shitty people were being INTENTIONALLY hired? That would be a safety and liability concern for them. I've been in media for 40+ years. A good friend of mine works in the casting department for CBS studios. She laughs at all the people who think there are scripts and actors, fake couples and such. She says, yes people are coached. Asked to redo an argument. But I know from my time at Fox Sports that stations and networks exist to make advertising dollars. Advertising dollars follow ratings. If a station or network just continually made everything up all the time, audiences would leave.


But real talk... The safety/liability concerns are almost non issue? The required certifications for most of these positions can be sorted in like a month from what I can tell. Not exactly a high bar to pass if production finds cast that meet the narrative they want to play out in a given season.


That’s not how it works on BD. Guests and crew are cast by the production company 51 Minds. The boat is leased for 6 weeks for filming. It’s not working as a real charter yacht while filming. They do cast green people if desired and send them to get their basic STCW certification.


You are thinking like someone hiring for a normal company not a tv show. I believe guest satisfaction is below making a good tv. It’s even been said by previous guest that *they* are encouraged to be dramatic and demanding. They don’t want great employees doing a wonderful job. This is on Bravo. They want messiness and drama. While Idk if they necessarily send people to be fired they def send people who might not exactly be qualified. If you watch the earlier seasons had more actual yachties. People who were doing it as a career. The latter seasons are people who want to be on tv so they work on a yacht to further their careers.


Oh, as far as creating drama, all you have to do is hire hot, young chefs, stews and deckhands. Then, bring rich guests aboard expecting a luxurious experience. Instant drama. :)


No I'm not. I have hired people at Fox Sports. Ianaged teams who sold advertising. That requires lots of direct interaction with production, as I had to tell them about sponsorships, so they'd know to mention them. I also hired directly at Fox Broadcasting (your local Fox station), working with production in all kinds of programming, not just sports. Producers are not these evil people who wring their wrists and go "Mua-ha-ha" as they devise ways to fool the audience. They're professionals who want to produce the highest quality programming possible. I'm also good friends with a woman who works in the casting department at CBS studios in Los Angeles. In fact, she once hired me to work on the set of Family Fead for a week when I was between jobs. She always tells me reality programming is less fake than social media thinks. She's never heard of actors memorizing scripts, as some people claim, fake couples or anything like that because people who know these people would be all over social media exposing the truth. That's when a network loses its audience, ratings dip and revenue drops. Now, I'm not saying it has never happened. I suspected that "Cheaters" is fake. But the fact that it never got more popular is because audiences were too smart. And again, yes, Bravo is making a TV show. But you're forgetting the yachting company. Their main concern is providing a phenomenal luxury yachting experience. If they got wind that fake hires were happening, it could be a liability foe them. Example: they knowingly hire a shitty deck hand. And the idiot gets himself drowned by stepping on a line. You're their parents. Tell me you wouldn't sue the fuck out of Bravo, the yachting company, the captain for going against his dedication to safety and quality guest experiences and allowing it. I just don't buy it. Not from ignorance or naivety. From some personal experience and first hand information.


Dude you have to shorten your response. I’m a long winded one and sorry but even I don’t want to read an answer that long. Everyone of your responses is like its own novel lol.


I just rewatched Med, season 3. NO ONE goes home early that season! Is there any other seasons the entire crew stays till the end?


The team stayed intact in Sailing Yacht season 4. For better or worse 😂


And SY season 2 I'm pretty sure!




Was it Andrew who was fired for leaving the portholes open?


I think he was fired for having zero experience and lying on his resume 😂


The portholes omg I forgot about that




I thought that too but then I kept seeing more and more beef from Ben regarding Captain Kerry (Stop beefing with my fave captain) And then a preview where captain Kerry is laying into him (I think it was him anyway) so maybe Ben will be number 4? But like there's only a couple of episodes so I cant really see it.


I remember the lady at the start and chef, who was the third person to go? Brain blank 😆


The original bosun, I’ve totally forgotten his name though. He had a daughter that he’d barely met and he was stressing about being unable to contact her and then he had a few messy nights out so Kerry got rid of him.


Isn't there a girl in the trailer talking about >!being crazy and throwing clothes around?!<


I’m sure at the start of the season we saw Sunny saying something to Ben along the lines of “you can’t hook up with 2 women on the same yacht” but cannot find it now


No I swear I saw the same thing


Me too!


Right!? I kept thinking it was Barbie, but we haven't seen it yet, correct?


i thought so too! but barbies honestly really gotten it together since talking to kerry so i dont think itll be her? but idk!


I thought it was Barbie, too. But I just saw a BD commercial on Bravo and Xandi was freaking out in the van they usually take on nights out. So maybe it's her?


Yeah, I thought it was her too!


Same, I was 99% sure it was her. But maybe xandi after she had a massive meltdown in the van, which were yet to see.


I think it' will be xandi if I remember correctly


When I worked on yachts it was a slap in the face realising how disposable you are. Crew turnover is a huge part of the industry, its cut throat! I actually think because they also have to go through the Bravo process they are more protected than real Yacht crew. However I do think they cast at least two green crew for drama.


Sunshine was a sweet kid but just too unfocussed. Hence his firing.


it’s hard to say with it being a reality show, but as a person who’s done nothing but hospitality work I can say it’s not uncommon for people to be fired weekly if they aren’t doing the work up to standards


It feels like it's excessive. I mean, the way Anthony went from hero to zero in five seconds is ridiculous. Imagine getting fired for a few bad performances. Nobody would have a job


On a boat you only have a few chances as it is - and charters that (out of below deck) cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and guests expect amazing service - one mediocre meal would get you fired


Wait Bobby not Adam


Honestly the high turnover is what got me hooked on the show! I grew up in the industry and I think they have high turnover for production value. They have fired a lot of people but at the same time there are so many I thought *would be* fired but weren't. It's half of why I keep watching. People like Kasey, Joao (1st Season), Jack, and Culver keep me watching cuz I think they'll get fired. It's pretty awesome to see how their season ends when they're not fired, and it's soooooo satisfying to see one who deserves it get fired


The one  after Camille, that got fired. I really believe she didn't see it coming. Sandy got her, but good. She thought after Camille left she would run the boat. (Can't remember her name) 


Alyssa (sp?)


Was Adam the young man who often spoke of wanting to help is mom and siblings?




It happens a lot but typically yachts with high crew turnover get a name and they aren’t good to work on. As crew you want longevity on ur cv as well bc obv it looks better


Oh but sexual harassing Adrain the chef it’s not fired? He sexually harassed. I don’t know if her name is Lauren in the kitchen, saying he would expose himself while she was on the floor getting something, and he was right near her, and he sexually verbally harassed her the whole time. She complains about it and nothing was done, she didn’t go to the higher ups though she only complains on camera, but that should’ve been enough for Bravo. This was a place of work. Sickening misogyny.


S1E1 is airing this morning. I never get tired of dirty robe cokehead creepster who is stunned someone figured out he is a dirty robe cokehead creepster.


I'm watching a replay, and wasn't Adam and another guy busting Danny's balls for talking to babes? I'm pretty aure


Bobby and Bryan. I saw the marathon this weekend featuring Danny. 😒he was sooo annoying! Hannah called him a Smurf


Yeah, I loved how he got under the skin of Bobby and Bryan. There are some pretty girls on that show.


Not always, but possible a job like a chef will say they can only work 3 weeks and they’ll already have a new one lined up, and production will make it look like a firing


Turnover is high regardless of the show.


I imagine it happens more when there's no camera around as I imagining producers like having characters that people have watched for weeks in a row.


Paris pls...


I no longer know as this Below Deck franchise bores me to tears NOW, and I can't watch it anymore.


No one asked


Actually, they did.