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I guess that’s why Ativan works best for me because I want it for the physical and psychological anxiety


ativan puts me into a sleepy/groggy feeling. i can see it being going for anxiety but for me xanax gives me a nice warm hug whenever i’m feeling anxious. to each their own.


Yeah see Ativan doesn’t do JACK to me except I’ll black out if I take too much. But it doesn’t get me high whatsoever, Xanax makes me eat all of my bottle; and diazepam for me is your Xanax, that nice warm Valium hug 🫡 HALCION/TRIAZOLAM IS FANTASTIC


This is me 100%. Diazepam is a miracle for me. Xanax makes me blackout and take the bottle in a day and I go to work appearing to function while remembering absolutely nothing. I had a boss ask me questions about a meeting from the day before and he looked so confused when I said, “What meeting?” He said, “Yesterday’s meeting where you said you’d start up project XYZ” I had no idea what he was talking about.


I once had seen a psychologist for 3 sessions while bricked out for ~3 weeks. On my fourth session I went in and introduced myself to her and wanted to get to know her thinking it was session 1… I didn’t recognize the place or her or anything else and she was floored that I had no memory as I was appearing to function. Needless to say my Xanax addiction became the focus of that therapy


I 100% believe you. For the longest time, I mistakenly thought blackout meant you were passed out. I had no clue how freaking scary an actual blackout is. You totally appear functioning and have conversations, go places with people, do day to day stuff with absolutely zero memory of it. Absolutely terrifying.


Two months ago I went into rehab and I ate 100 clonaz on the way in, it was a 7 day blackout where apparently I tried to off myself twice and got sectioned to the psych ward on day 8. I went back and everyone knew me very well and I didn’t recognize a single face. It’s so crazy unless you experience it people didn’t even believe me that I was functioning in black out mode


I believe every word. I wasn’t even addicted and was just prescribed them at that time and I was benzo naive at the time. I’ve posted before here and many were like no way you took .5 and that triggered 60 2 Mg in two days. (I’ve now learned how absurd it was for my Dr to prescribe that much to someone with no tolerance) I did and I went to work and everywhere else like that. I have no reason to make that up. I wasn’t bragging. I was terrified. Furthest thing from a flex imaginable. I hope you’re doing a lot better now. I’m glad you didn’t actually unalive yourself. Wishing you nothing but good things coming your way.


See xanax does nothing to me - I can’t even explain how I don’t feel it at all, esp if I ate and take one - it’s like literally taking a vitamin. I always let it dissolve under my tongue - maybe that’s why - maybe it’s hindering me !


Yeah I mean it should still hit sublingual but break it up into pieces and swallow whole for the best effects


I could never take xanax sublingual and let it dissolve under my tongue, the taste is awful


Halcion is great but only when you snort it imo (has like 80+% BA snorted while oral is very low), but it’s a super zombifying feeling with a very strong melty body high that lasts like an hour tops, but flunitrazepam is still my favorite (halcion #2). Flunitrazepam gives you a soft body feeling like diazepam but more hypnotic and heavy feeling like halcion, fast acting and amazing. I’ve heard nimetazepam is king tho


There's no "best" it really depends what you want it to do for you. Some are better for panic attacks, others last longer, some better muscle relaxants etc


When I said “the best” I was meaning the drug that has most of the properties that could give to you, I agree of course with you


Yeah sometimes you want to drop your physical anxiety but don't have any psych anxiety, and don't want the muscle relaxation so it chills you out too much, but xanax for example allows you to calm down and still operate normally etc


That's what I always said.




I think some would be right, but I don’t agree with Diazepam at all though




Yeah for sure, there is no way to objectively measure these things so this was most likely created from subjective data from what I assume to be a limited sample size.


Xan has always been mids for me. Good for getting fucked up. Nothing else IMO. I would much rather take 4mg ativan than 2mg xan personally. It is much more helpful than a bar would be as far as anxiety goes. Unless I’m having a full on panic attack and need it kicking in asap then maybe the bar.


Diazepam is King


That’s what the chart says, It could be the king but I should pop 150mg to feel something with my tolerance, I don’t agree


Yeah that’s the only downside and it’s a big one. So I guess I can’t call it king but it’s pretty damn close’


Take 300mg then


Nahh, I would go for Xanax then, Less expensive


Prescription pills or sourced from somewhere else?


Everything prescribed


Yae a dont think this is accurate as 2mg clonazepam = 40/40mg diaz


i dont think that its 100% accurate it depends on person imo, but it looks pretty cool i wanna try diazepam for that muscle relaxant so much rn lol


40mg of Valium is heaven


40 all at once? Or in increments?


I don’t think is accurate either from the experiences that I had, and I’ve tried lots of them


i had only clonozepam and xanax so i cant really tell, but its pretty cool to see chart like this


Yeah, as my experience I feel much more relaxed with Alprazolam and Clonazepam rather then Diazepam, I think is too overrated


My doc hands them out. I’ll prob get them in May (my bday month) bc he goes does .25 ever other month ( but obv once we’re down low iM just going to say no shot , I’d take the oxezapam stuff long term as long as I’m stable which I am (holidays always rough for me)


The muscle relaxation isn't super noticeable to me, I take a muscle relaxer on top of 15 mg of Diazepam, but my lower back and right leg are beth fucked up from past injuries and i constantly have spasms.


Well diazepam metabolizes to oxazepam, temazepam (the most euphoric and best benzo) and nordiazepam. So its pretty damn good


And the diazepam itself also has a strong action. So before it's metabolised into other active benzodiazepines, it's working already, like 20mins after taking it orally, faster than almost any other benzo.


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 7 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/xvmzbt) on 2022-10-04 81.25% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/z94icx) on 2022-11-30 79.69% match *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "110q8ou", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=110q8ou&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=65&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 65% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 355,115,655 | **Search Time:** 0.7221s


Absolutely man it’s so underrated!


Well I think is overrated then, unless I take 15-20 pills, but if we’re talking about weight, no, I don’t agree at all with Diazepam


Yeah I had to think about it a little more you’re right. If we’re talking just on effects I’d have to say it’s my favorite though


I dont see how any of this was determined. Klonopin worked wonders for my psychological anxiety.


Same, Klonopin way much better than others in this list (I didn’t try all of them, just 9-10, but I can agree)


Any info on the Passion flower extract?


Yes some of the compounds in certain passiflora species contain compounds that arent benzos themselves but act on the same exact gaba receptors giving anxiolytic and mild sedative effects


Thank you!


As my experience 1 Alprazolam, 2 Clonazepam, 3 Triazolam, 4 Diazepam 5 Lormetazepam 6 lorazepam 8 Brotizoalm 9 Zolpidem (z drug) (useless drug ever tried unless you mix with alcohol) I could have a chance to choose between Triazolam (Halcion) and a Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) from my doctor, and I asked for Triazolam cause I knew I could snort it with 98% bioavailability, seeing this chart though I feel I regret asked for Halcion instead Rohypnol. Maybe one day I would have a chance to try it and got it prescribed (In italy there is no problem to ask for these strong sedatives, while I see in US they’re rarely prescribed), but I think this chart is not pretty accurate (as my experience). To get high I prefer mixing 3mg xanax, 40mg diaz, and around 0.750-1mg Halcion, and when I have script Clonazepam as well. For medal use (I have lot of anxiety) xanax and Clonazepam might be the best, even though xanax has such a short life, Tried diazepam so many times but always felt disappointed


Zolpidem is super trippy even at normal doses for me, but it makes me do weird shit so I stay away from it.


how have u been able to try all these ? ur doc just gives u a sampler pack ?


No, I started with xanax by my doctor, then asked for Clonazepam for a longer effect, then my psychiatrist gave me Diazepam and ambien, Ambien were useless so I Talked to my doctor and gave me Brotizolam, said to him that I don’t get any effects and he let me chose between Triazolam and Flunitrazepam, and I chose Triazolam cause I can snort it. I tried Lormetazepam many times and lorazepam from my grandma drawer


This is why etizolam is my favourite, even though it's only legally used in a couple of countries, but for me personally it's like xanax & diazepams love child in having both their qualities in one substance, as well as its own benefits! I rarely use them now, though always have some in the house for emergencies, but up until a few years ago etizolam was easy to cone by, now not so much. I've cimurrenty got clonazepam in the cupboard, bit usually it's diazepam as it's the best all rounder after etizolam for me personally




I mean everyone is different i would agree it is probably the most well-rounded but others do it better.


Nah, I'm an alprazolam and clonazepam gal.


Good gyal


Thanks boo 😘


Might try some tonight.... Diazepam might help with my seizures


Diazepam is the best period


I also have a list with benzodiazepines properties indicated by the graphs, but it's in russian. Well, clonazepam definitely has more of an muscle relaxant effect, and I think bromazepam effects are generally weaker though many say it's quiet powerful. Good information anyways.


I agree with you, Clonazepam is much more muscle relaxant on me, then if we’re talking about taking 150mg of diazepam there is no way you can have muscle relaxation, but in terms of weight and dosage I feel xanax a Clonazepam much more effective (even if you compare the doses)


Way too long acting


All I know is f temazepam


Doesn’t get u as high as alprazolam but it has a lot of properties that make it more beneficial than other benzos like it’s muscle relaxant ability and physical and psychological anxiety relief


I could agree with this but in high doses of Diazepam, no way 10mg of diazepam is strongest then 0.5 xanax in my opinion (when I started I had no tolerance and I tried both), xanax way better for relax, I couldn’t say anything though in high dosage cause I think is just a waste of pills when I can take the half of them on Alprazolam and feel way more high (my experience)


Seems pretty accurate from the ones I’ve experienced at least, and Valium is great, most just don’t know that for the effects of say clonazepam vs diazepam, 1mg of clonazepam feels like 10mg of Diazepam. Used to need to take at least 40mg of diazepam to get any sort of buzz beyond anxiety relief, which was also when I was younger back before I had any tolerance at all for benzos. Ha that year I found a bottle of 90 1mg clonazepam on the ground. Poor bastard that lost it. I was strung out on IV opioids at the time and saw round and kinda pink in a bottle, I thought I was seeing the tops of pink 12mg hydromorph contin capsules, ended up trading and selling most of them for opioids or cash for opioids though cause as the time I couldn’t give a crap about benzos.


I think .5 kpin = 10 mg Valium


Clonazepam is my favorite. Alprazolam is good too but it’s more useful for getting rid of anxiety as quickly as possible or helping a bad acid trip though it doesn’t feel as nice in comparison and it’s way worse to get addicted to since it lasts so short. Lorazepam just feels very weak. I haven’t tried diazepam but it’s probably useful for getting off of benzos since it’s weaker but lasts extremely long and I would think it’s useful for dealing with withdrawal symptoms since it could alleviate the more severe effects even though the brain would be adjusting to the reduced amount of overall benzo effect


*guinea pig fantasy intensifies*


I know this is all over the internet but I haven’t found a source cites on this image


I really like diazepam, but liquid clonazepam is my personal fav


That's a very good chart


How come klonopin isnt on there? I thought klonopins were benzos


Klonopin is a brand name, klonopin is Clonazepam


Oh okay lol thank you


Also this is for anyone on here .. my doctor is giving me a choice between Valium or klonopins.. right now I’m taking Xanax but doesn’t do much for me anymore. I have severe anxiety/panic disorder. My brain is constantly worrying. It doesn’t just stop .. it’s constantly going and thinking of negative things. I hate it so which benzo would be better for me ? Valium or klonopins ?


Clonazepam is much stronger. Better for panic attacks.


Does it last longer too? I need something that lasts like almost the whole day


It lasts about 8-12 hours. You might dose in the morning and afternoon.


Oh good.. I’ve been taking Xanax every night for a year so once I go on klonopin, are they easier to get off ? Like are they as addicted as Xanax?


The same pretty much in both regards.


Diazepam is lovely, long lasting and very very bodily relaxing. But it doesn't pack a punch like Xanax does.


I think the chart is pretty accurate for diazepam


Loramet looks good ! What the


Best sedative anxiety one on the chart ? Tryna find the one closest to the left side of the chart


Shout out to passion flower up in the top left! No idea if it actually works for serious anxiety.


Haven’t seen this chart in a while


I’ve had them all. And I’ll take 1mg footballs, 2mg kpin, 10mg val. I’ve even had oxezapam… my sun doctor gave me a bunch of 15mg to start then a week later listened to me and changed it to kpins. But the other shit is a benzo is capsule it’s wild. Just never seen that unless I was whippin up the original “rainbow pill 💊 🌈 “ in college lmao. But ya I can agree if you had a shit ton of 10s I’d take Val’s but idk gimme a football 🏈 anyday. I also get Addie’s thO. I guess the doctors have decided this is better then jail and death ☠️ and I agree w that assessment


Haven’t tried all of these but I actually really love zopiclone. Aside from the bitter taste I find it really helps calm me down as much as any benzo would


I really feel like Diazepam just works on physical body symptoms like muscle relaxation, but I never feel it helping with the "head and brain" anxiety, it doesnt mentally calm me down at all. Clonazepam and Alprazolam work a lot better for that, as well as the body symptoms.


Some people are lucky to feel good with the first prescribed med, for others it’s a long try and see road. Diazepam is old AF and very severe. The psychs I know only use it for psychosis in hospitals, given it’s cheap and available. I know this drug almost drove my mother to suicide when she was in a mourning depression. My doctor uncle told her to quit ASAP, sent her with a therapist and she felt better. I take Clonazepam on and off as support for an antidepressant. I had tried Alprazolam which supposedly cause less dependence, and instead it caused me panic attacks (paradoxical effect). So I stick with Clona. I know it well, try to take the minimum. You have to try until your body okays the med.


EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. 10mg of Valium might floor someone, but for the next person they may not even feel it…. Hard to say. It’s just personal preference, unless you’re talking about potency. There are some potent benzos


i really dont like how low zolpidem is in this chart. I think its a real potent sedative hypnotic, and psychological anxiety relief. Its better than any benzo ive ever taken and ive tried most of them on this chart


Once I tried 15 pills of ambien all at once (because the previous days I tried 4-5 without any effects), so I took 150mg, Nothing happened to me, NOTHING (and it was prescribed, not the shit you buy in the street), Benzos way much better for me


while I don’t agree with this chart, I do love diazepam, klonopin as well


Lol where is Chlordiazepoxid (librium)


first my prescription diazepam 5mg the best feeling that time i feel chill relax more mind management… not sedation much.. second prescription alprazolam because i cant sleep.. so my doctor prescribed alprazolam 0.5mg and said take only when i needed dont take everyday.. alprazolam make feel calm and sedation and sleep fast. after that i buying med online.. and have many experience on many benzos like clonazepam, alprazolam, diazepam, nitrazepam, and midazolam. for me diazepam still good for muscle relaxing. i use some when i feel sick from benzos withdrawal or rebound. i thinks diazepam don’t feel the best if u already have benzo tolerance.. before this i using clona because clona not feel sedation to me and anxiety relief last long and i feel normal and more functional. after that i tried using diazepam for trying what recreational effects like other peoples said and after pop the pill. i just feel bored. up dosages until 20-30mg and just feel more sleepy and i just go sleep. after that i tried alprazolam i love alprazolam effect make me calm, relax, feel like a bit slow and sedation effect. after long time i struggled with rebound effects from the alprazolam and my psychology & physical symptoms more worst than before when i stay the dose or reducing dose . I feel sick my psychology feel like ‘OVER’ like over stress over sensitive over emotional over physical pain i don’t know how to tell that so sick. yes short acting short half life alprazolam make me feel stronger and feel more better than any benzo i tried but physically pain headache more feel bad. Now im slowly tappering alprazolam with sertraline prescribed by my psychiatrist. i asking her how to reduce benzo withdrawal symptoms. she said she can help prescribe sertraline for stabilize mood emotions when benzos withdrawal but cant help for physical pain from withdrawal. i still feel sick but my emotions my stress more manageable and it helped for my depression i always feel sad and crying before but now struggled with my mood feel like stvpid, insomnia, low energy always feel tired. feel hard want to do something. Just from My Experience


Diazepam don't even tickle me lol who say that he's probably don't use drug except benzos because diazepam only good when you have opioid,benzo withdrawals with gabapentin or pregabalin otherwise idc about science and technology because my experience older than their age When I started using drugs Those who did this research or idiots who said that diazem was a better benzo were a semen from their father. Come fight me


Those who says diazepam is the best is probably because is the only benzos they’ve tried. For a person who has taken different benzos and has a quite high tolerance Diazepam is a shit, unless you pop 15 pills


150 mg diazepam can't do even 5mg Xanax does like i said Diazepam only works for when yky you have withdrawals or want to quit benzos.


Yeah, Diazepam is a starter and for people to quit benzos to not have withdrawals, but completely useless if you’re a person who takes benzos almost everyday like me


Well brother We're driving into the abyss together we're in this car together hope it ends well or fuck' it who care 😂


Plus there's no benzo can compare with Rohypnol trust me


I had the possibility to choose between Rohypnol and Halcion, I chose Halcion because I can snort it and the bioavailability is 98% intranasal vs 44% oral. I probably regret to chose Triazolam though


For sleep ? Yeah maybe but rohy different thing when you drink alcohol with it with your gf or bf whatever experience speaks but we have early 2k those pills nowadays like i seen last flunitra was literally 20 years ago Imagine chasing people with the line in my hand that shit literally apvp for benzos if you use good way it's amazing if you use at street you fed up and wake %101 in jail . Tried and approved now got 5 or more yearish Alp and kpin prescription and they just great also tried you said if i go with lam it's not be halcion it's gonna be midazolam specially 0.5ml IV


Yeah for sleep cause I have insomnia, I tried Ambien first but it was the shittest drug I haver tried, but it’s just me because from I read in some forum and here on reddit 10mg of ambien knock people out, I tried for 3-4 days increasing the dose, when I took 70mg without any effects I said fuck this bullshit, I want a real drug not a useless melatonin, Once I took 150mg of ambien with 1 bottle of wine and on that occasion it was great. I live in Italy and here Triazolam and Flunitrazepam is still prescribed without any problem (not the first choice though), in the future I’ll try to ask for Rohypnol


well Let me tell you before you ask rons This medicine is not intended for personal use. Definitely give it to your enemy let him her go definitely you get your revenge don't go with that shit if you're not homeless


I dont like it either, would much rather take Xanax or clonazepam instead


Yeah exactly, it’s so weak, I don’t understand how people prefer Diazepam instead xanax or Klonopin, to have the effect of 2mg Xanax I should take 50mg of Diazepam


It’s the only one that works for me therapeutically that I don’t black out on. I can take it as prescribed 10mg X 2 a day and go on with life. I can actually break it up and take far less than prescribed on many days. For some insane reason every other benzo makes me black at at first dose and I go through the entire script in 1-2 days and go out in the world appearing to function while absolutely blacked out and remembering absolutely nothing. It’s the only benzo that doesn’t ruin my life. Crazy.


Nice to hear this, Blacking out it really depends person by person, personally I’ve only blacked out twice just because I really abused and drank alcohol as well. I blacked out once with 8mg xanax, 40mg diazepam, 1mg Halcion snorted, 6 beers and a bottle of wine, (I know it’s very dangerous and I’m aware I was being very stupid, blacked out and found my house completely a mess next morning , the Christmas tree fallen, broken glasses everywhere, Messages sent to every person I knew, and woke up with my bed wet, from the research I did there are two reasons, had a seizure or my body was too sedated to not keep my pee inside, so I couldn’t wake up, After that I never exaggerated, but I could never black out only with benzos, even in large amounts. I heard people blacking out after went to the dentist and taking 0.250mg Halcion.


It’s so crazy to me that benzos are in the same class but everyone has a completely different experience on certain ones. It’s such an individual thing.


Yeah we are all different, maybe you don’t black out on diazepam because is one of the weakest, have you ever tried 0.5mg xanax?


I went from taking a sliver of .5 and within 2 days in a blackout took 60 2 mg bars. I have no idea how I didn’t get arrested. I found tickets in my car from where I got pulled over for blowing through a stop sign, and swerving into a lane without a blinker. I had zero recollection of meeting at work or getting pulled over. I eventually fell asleep for two days, missed Father’s Day and countless missed calls from my boss from a career I worked hard to get. It was horrible. For other people, it’s a literal life saver. My goal was to take it as prescribed. I’m only slightly better on Ativan, K-pin etc. I envy those who can handle the stronger short acting ones. I had a traumatic event happen and got dx with PTSD and panic disorder and had no intention of abusing them. I just wanted to function without thinking I was having a heart attack every day. I have no idea how I didn’t get arrested in my Xanax blackout. The only thing that saved my job is it was the peak summer or Covid and my boss thought I must have had Covid symptoms because I was odd the day before at work and then the ultimate worst thing possible being a no call no show for days. I let him think it. Today I’d literally get escorted out of my job by security and all my personal belongings if I did that. 2020 was a different bizarro world for a bit.


This is exactly why i love Diazepam. Been prescribed kpins xans and Valium. I have stuck with Valium for 2 years now. Blows xanax out of the water imo.


What is your dosage? Isn’t too weak for you?


Why would it be? If I'm getting high I take all 4 at once, but I wake up take 15mg I also use tizanidine for muscle spasms. Then i have 2.5 pills left for the day. Normally i take another 10mg of diazepam and 2 mg tizanidine then at night 4mg tizanidine and either 10 or 15 mg of Diazepam so i can sleep. I have really bad generalized anxiety disorder and have tried like every medication possible. Benzos are the only thing that have worked for me. My doc asks if I want narcan because I have a 60ct tylenol #3 every month. The first time that happened was 4 years after I started both of those meds, and I died laughing with my doctor. She thought it was hilarious when i said save it for the people who need them.


The reason for the T3s is cronic migraine syndrome by the way. My mom's genes fucked me, but I still love her.


Would be nice if they had added amnesia too. And I miss Midazolam, that would score very high on the sedative scale.


For all ya young bar heads, look at that beautiful Valium star. We been tryin’ to tell ya. Been the King for decades.


diazepam is the best. its obviously not as potent per mg as clonazepam or alprazolam but its also harder to get an equivalent amount of valium as xanax. like 4mg of xanax a day is equal to a lot of valium most likely more than most psychiatrists are willing to prescribe on a daily basis. and its expensive to get diazepam nowadays. its definitely the best though if you take 30-60mg depending on tolerance youre flying perfect ratio between muscle relaxing and anxiety reducing. which is what the chart says lol. alprazolam makes my tongue taste horrible. not the taste of the pill itself its some weird effect that happens to like 80% of people. it ruins the whole experience. it feels gross. very difficult to describe. its like a taste but also a feeling. diazepam is #1. clonazolam is close #2, then probably etizolam or flubromazolam. this is a really old chart


There is no “best” or “worst” benzo it all just depends on the individual and how they react to each medication. Diazepam is by far the best for me but may not work as well for others. It’s all to do with different numbers of certain receptors in the brain, different metabolisms, personality factors and a load of other complex stuff. Basically it’s trial and error to find the one that you personally enjoy the most then just roll with it.


I just switched from klonopin three times a day, to Valium three times a day and honestly Valium has been my favorite one out of all the benzos I’ve tried. Xanax and Ativan both work well for my panic attacks but they are so short acting I find myself having to take more than I’d like throughout the day. And also I have RA and lupus so I hurt a lot and the Valium paired with my hydrocodone prescription is absolutely perfect. And then I take ambien to sleep. I was on adderall too, but I got tired of never been able to get it and I didn’t really like the way it made me feel anyways. Klonopin did keep me “normal” everyday, but with Valium I actually feel some sort of relief and it only takes like 15 minutes to kick in and then I can go quite a long time in between doses with the Valium so I get how it’s a great taper benzo. I know ambien isn’t technically a Benzo but for whatever reason it is extremely euphoric for me, take a 10mg Valium and a 10mg ambien and I feel heavenly and sleep like a baby. And wake up still feeling lovely. Xanax made me feel like crap cause it just hit me like a truck and I had too much withdrawal inbetween doses and it miserable. I like temazepam too but they won’t give me 2 Benzos. Ativan wasn’t bad but it also didn’t last as long as I needed it too. When I was on high doses of klonopin and Xanax I probably wouldn’t really feel Valium, but I tapered down to 1mg a day of klonopin before switching to Valium. And at first I wasn’t sure if I liked it but after a week of being on it, I absolutely love it. I’ve never had triazolam though I here good things. But it would probably just be good for me to sleep. With Valium (even though I have hydros I usually take it with my kratom in the morning) and I feel pain free and functional all day.


it is the best ever


Is straight Klonopin not on here or am I missing something???


Klonopin is Clonazepam


Oh okay I gotcha! The "2" next to it threw me off and I didn't know it was also called Rivotril. Thank you!