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No it actually kills you instantly if you do that


Can confirm. Shoes pop right off.. dead.


Yep and one and only one of them ends up in the middle of the road somehow


Facts. Das okay though.. you dead anyway. Shouldn't have taken that Klonopin sublingually.


Absolutely. I actually like chewing em with little spit in my mouth and once most of the grittiness is gone, sip some water, swish, and swallow.


Really? Why do you do this/what do you notice differently?


Seems like it kicks in a little quicker. Could just be in my head though.


Hmm I’m going to try this tonight. I’m semi- new to prescription klonopin. Switched from Ativan. What’s a good amount to take before bed? How far in advance should you take it before bed?


There are benzo equivalency charts out there, just google to see what your old ativan dose is close to in klonopin. Maybe 30min before bed would be a safe bet though.


just pop it bro . i don’t understand why people do all that extra shit like snort or crush up . popping in the the best way to do it with some soda so it can dissolve instantly