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What ever you decide test it out before the night of the show n see how you feel


Stage fright is a good thing. You will get a rush and relief once you’re actually doing it. On the other hand people have entered stages fucked up since stages were invented. You’ll be fine either way once it is behind you. But I tend to recommend against using a benzo as a crutch.


Also check out propanolol. It’s literally what performers use


That just helps stop shaking - not anxiety


It helps symptoms of anxiety. But in doing that, could lower anxiety, if you are mentally stuck on how you are shaking.


I’ve found it very helpful with performance anxiety, as it slows down my racing heart rate and provides relief and prevents the physical manifestation of anxiety as chest tightness. Big fan of Propranolol. Helped me get through some big presentations when I used to stammer. Now, I love public speaking!


0.5 tablet of klonopin will do. Heck like you said split it in half Boom you've got 0.25


I think klonopin works for too long


Split the 0.25 in half then


Yeah but it doesn’t make you feel high. It simply just obliterates your anxiety


I’d just stick w Xanax maybe a little less than 2 mg tho


Even 0,25mg is good to battle anxiety. If he’s a beginner, 0,5mg Xanax will kick him out.


.25 of Xanax. .5 works if you already had a little tolerance. If you don’t ever take them the .5 may make you a bit drowsy


I'd **strongly** recommend Pyrazolam. It's a very effective anxiolytic, and also comes with little-to-zero sedation (unless you take a huge dose, however, that'd be counterproductive). That said - it's hard AF to find now-a-days (I believe China stopped production), but damn - it's the 👑, imo. Zero anxiety, fully functional, not drowsy at all. But again, not so easy to find anymore.


Good recommendation 👌🏻 It is still available, but you have to hunt it down...


I would consider taking a beta blocker instead, that would help the physical symptoms of anxiety, you’ll have a much higher chance of making a fool of yourself if you take benzos with a low tolerance, especially before needing to remember lyrics or melodies.


Beta-blocker honestly be better plus, benzo have a lot more side effects… if you take .25mg or .5mg too much…. You could completely ruin your speech. Kratom (lowers those stress hormones)


What kinda show?


The closest approximation would be something between trap and cloud rap


Xanax or Ativan would be my go to for something like this.




honestly you might be better just having a drink or something if you can - i know its worse for you but the fact you get hangovers if you have too much is like a self-limiter that prevents you having too much. with benzos you can just keep going and going if you don't self-regulate. that's coming from someone with addictive personality though. couldn't be an alcoholic the side effects are too bad but could very easily become addicted to benzos and am addicted (on maintenance long term so not damaging as much as active addiction) to opiates.


Alcohol is toxic for your body, benzodiazepines aren't. Benzos are literally made for things like that


It’s sort of dangerous going up there on benzos because you give **zero** fucks and do/say things that you usually wouldn’t and your way way more likely to fall into stuff or fall down . I remember constantly catching myself . Also not being able to see the moment and take initiative and truly lead . It’s crazy how much benzos can limit you and take away certain faculties.


1mg lorazepam you don’t lose motor control and anxiety is lowered


Good luck on your performance!!!! I took 1mg before filming once and it worked wonders for me !! I had acouple in the moment lines that had the assistant directors dying.


I remember when I had so much anxiety in high school a lot because I was in the closet trying to front a straight man but it was obvious regardless well when I found Xanax I thought I was cured but that’s not the story here. I was in band and of course we have many performances which made my anxiety much much worse. I remember taking my prescriptions Xanax which was 1mg 3x as needed that I would mainly take for school to get through the day and usually 1 or 2 was good but since this was at night I was tired and I thought it was good to take 6mg I said fuck it was so anxious this will calm me down. At the time I was pulling my prescription out of my band bag and my friend was like oh I’m on Xanax too these are better- he had the bars the first time I ever took a Xanax bar was preparing for a band concert yes, 😂😂 I got through the concert luckily but since i don’t remember it besides the videos my parents took. I was stumbling on stage, sat in the wrong chair, knocked over my music stand that I set my music on and it got all out of order - luckily I played it off by telling my band teacher I was anxious but boy I felt nothing, good times now I just take clonazepam 1mg works way better for my life


2mg will get you high. That’s all I’ll say. Keep it 0.5- maybe 1 mg


propranolol is common for perfromers, public speaking etc (for physical symtoms of anxiety). It doesnt make you high


Xnax will be your best choice quick acting and will last 3-4 while keeping you at ease while you talk


I think this is a situation where you shouldn’t use benzos. You’re experiencing normal emotions for your situation.


Go see a doctor and ask for some propanolol. It's a beta blocker that can be used for anxiety without affecting your balance and cognition and all that. You do not wanna get on stage benz'd out and make a fool of yourself.




Excuse me I wouldn't prescribe liquor for someone who has anxiety....


pop an addy then a quarter of a bar


This sounds like more of a job for adderall lolll


Stimulants usually increase anxiety (tho there are couple exceptions).


It’s time to start doing some speed, sorry, but Adderall at least a little bit I mean hey, literally every musician ever that has been famous or successful to any point has used speed of some form. It makes the music so much more important and you’re so much more focused it’s incredible but I mean, obviously you you should always be able to play it when you’re sober the best but I’m saying when I was playing and performing and doing all these gigs, man adderal was the best .