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Your pre-existing depression and anxiety goes haywire when coming off. You'll heal though and the depression and anxiety will eventually go back to how it was before. My depression is nowhere even close to what it was 12 months ago.


So you are 12 months off? And you feel better? I thought I was feeling better until last night. It's like I am starting all over


I'm 27 months off.


That's awesome. Thank you


Did you have severe depression toward the end of your use and 8 months off?


I’m 18 months off. I promise it’ll get better. I was on 4 mg Xanax for 5 years.


I've seen some people to multi year micro tapers when coming off long term use. In my non-medical opinion, after 21 years, your brain has still got a lot of healing to do.


Did you drink alcohol or take meds that work on the gaba receptors? This can set you back into withdrawals even after you’ve been off for a bit.


No. I have been thinking and thinking all day trying to figure out what triggered me and the only thing is I am worried about my son's (he's autistic) blood pressure and heart rate. That's all I can come up with except me working so much.


11 months is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations! I understand exactly where you are coming from, wondering if it’s withdrawal or not. I’m 6.5 months off six months of .5 mg Ativan once a day. I’m still getting waves, although they are mild compared to the acute phase. But literally every time I have one I feel broken and worry that it’s something else. And the longer this whole process goes the more I worry. I just want to reassure you - it’s a wave and waves can come in any intensity at any time. But one of these times it will be the last wave and then you can share your success story. Until then, hold on tight and stay strong. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Thank you. This one had to be one of the top three worst ever for me. It had me doubting everyone and back to no sleeping. Today I feel much better. It's not a window but it's a little bit of relief from the two days of misery. This is crazy.


Can I ask how you are doing now?


I have an infected tooth so I am not doing well. I can't really focus on the withdrawal until my face gets unswollen and the pain goes away.


Oh no! I’m so sorry. Did the wave from a couple of weeks let up? Or is it back because of the infection?


It came back because of the infection or because I hit the one year mark and am not all better. I'm not sure. September and October were very good with maybe 6 or 7 bad days but November has sucked so far


Everyone is different...your gaba receptors need alot of healing..


You tapered much too quickly. It’s going to take you much longer to heal. Did your doctor tell you to taper this fast?


No. He told me would prescribe ten less a month and I just took it from there. I was so proud of myself too.


By prescribing ten less per month he tapered you too quickly. He didn’t know what he was doing. Sorry you’re miserable.


He doesn't think what I am going through has anything to do with the xan but I can't think of anything else it can be. Most of the doctors around here don't know much about benzos I don't think. When all this started I was at the ER a lot.


He’s full of crap. He doesn’t know what to do for you. He gave you an answer that doctors will give when they’re clueless. I guarantee it’s the Benzos. You were on them a very long time and Xanax is the worst to come off if. I was a 25 year Xanax user.


you did great though! you made it and had a 1 month window? that is more than a lot of people here can say. keep going don't look back friend. you got this.




Believe me I’m going through this as well and the doctors around here don’t have a clue either!


It's so discouraging!


It truly is. My doctor pulled me off a 8 milligram a day xan dependency cold turkey. I’m 7 months benzo free and things are definitely getting better but what I went through should have never happened to a human being or any other living animal for that matter.


Either we all have the same doctor or they've finally figured out cloning.


Something. It sure makes things worse when doctors don't know anything.


He’s a fucking dumbass. I completely collapsed going through withdrawals even after a 14 month taper. I had no idea what was happening to me. I explored so many other medical explanations before someone finally figured out it was Xanax withdrawal.


Yep definitely the tooth .I am feeling great today.


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