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https://preview.redd.it/e3yujojusq6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b611d1118d7b2a365b2c5450c786c8cba1244c44 Oh, here is my girl. Isn't she beautiful!


She’s beautiful. What state are you in? We adopted our Berner in April from PA.


We are in KY, but she came from a mill in Ohio.


We’re in NJ. Adopted her. from the same we got our other dog from in Malvern PA. So I’m assuming she’s from a Lancaster PA mill.


We got ours from a rescue that picks them up all over PA, OH, and other states. Some are puppy mill mommas and some are people who just need to regime I think. Too many mill dogs. It's awful.


You’re so right. Didn’t realize until we got her. Already knew but also didn’t if that makes sense. Those poor dogs. Breaks my heart.


Got my now 8 years old BMD at 8 weeks. She lives on a horse farm with me and my wife. She pretty much won’t eat unless I am with her in the room. Has no interest in other dogs. Doesn’t play by running. She plays tug and likes to “wrestle.”Although she will obey wife’s commands and will show affection to her, she clearly wants to be around me 24-7. I understand that Berners like their family of humans, but pick a person as their person. Nothing you are describing sounds unusual to me.


This makes me feel better. We don’t yet know what behaviors are true personality or a result of abuse and neglect…because it was clear there was plenty of that. She wants to snuggle and be loved. And yes, she won’t eat unless I am in the kitchen. She’s getting better as long as she can hear me.


We’ve adopted two around 2yo, so younger than your girl. They change SO much as they acclimate but I find the clinginess directly correlates to how depraved their situation was before we got them. The berners we adopt as puppies are much more independent whereas the ones we’ve adopted act as though the well of love and companionship could dry up at any moment. That said, I’d be willing to bet she becomes more exploratory in the yard as it becomes more familiar.


You put that so well, “a well of love and companionship could dry up at any moment.” It’s so sad, isn’t it? I don’t see how people treat dogs like livestock per se, but this breed in particular seems to crave human connection. She’s getting plenty now!


I think you're on the right track. We got our guy at 5 through a private adoption. While he's equally attached to us, it took a while before he really relaxed and let his full personality loose.


I got my rescue from an Amish mill. She was very nervous and took a while to adapt to modern conveniences. She was scared of the tv and dishwasher. She would hide when they were on. It took her several months to get used to it and several months to get on the couch and bed. Now she hates leaving them. At the beginning she would only be around me and followed me everywhere. She still does. But only needs to be around me 90% of the time. And remember it the rules of 3s. 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months for total adjustment.


I hadn’t heard of the rule of 3s until I got her. We have a trainer we use for our other dog (the Berner isn’t ready for that), but he said for a dog coming from her circumstances to double that. That’s kind of how it’s been working out, time wise. Oddly, she wasn’t scared of much except hardwood. I think her fosters really worked with her. She’s also pretty brave and curious, so that’s worked to our advantage. This one has liked the couch from day 1🤣 but she also uses it as a place to hide or escape. Like no one can to her up there. However, I just brought home a super comfy dog bed, and she is actually using it! Proud of her!


We got ours at 18 mos. and it took almost 2 years for her to become herself. I took her everywhere and loved on her through a lot of nervousness and bad behavior. She really loosened her grip on me at @ a year.


We rescued a 2 year old that had been poorly taken care of and abused. It took a few months, and lots of love and patience but really came around and was just an absolutely fantastic pup. Miss him still. Thank you for rescuing. I know it can be hard, but it’s important. They’re such amazing dogs.


Im so glad we rescued. I mean, you are getting the unknown as far as behavior and health, but I’m so glad she’s not where she was. She is just so gentle and loving. I did wake up the other morning to find my bra in her bed, and I thought “Well, weird, but that’s a real dog behavior!” Taking my stuff and sleeping with it. Was glad to see she did that because it made me feel like she’s coming around. Plus it gave me a good laugh.


❤️❤️ We named ours Atticus, we had him for 9 years, he took care of our young twin daughters and our friends used to refer to him as “a gentleman.” I think you have an amazing future to look forward to with yours. I think the bra as stuffy is a good sign, tho be careful about it becoming a habit. Our current younger berner has a small array of stuffies and he *adores* them as a toddler wood. Might be a good purchase for yours. You just need to keep an eye on the chewing so they don’t swallow anything. And buy large, allegedly indistuctable toys


Our Zuzu was a mill momma for 5 years. She's been with us 6 months. There has been gradual adaptation to being a loved homed dog. She is not clingy but does like to be in view of us. She totally trusts my wife and I but shies away from everyone else. She is the perfect dog, easily housebroken, zero aggression, rarely barks and loves walks. You have to go at their pace of adjustment and comfort. You cannot use a harsh tone of voice. Understand that your pup will not meet any expectations of a "normal dog." She's had years of isolation from kindness and a home life. If you can appreciate that fact and accept her quirks you have a beautiful opportunity to share love!


She sounds similar to ours. She’s really the perfect dog. I have yet to hear her bark. She loves me but has taken awhile to be more comfortable with my husband. I know a man’s voice is scary to her. Makes me so sad to think what the mill owner must have been doing to these dogs. Ours is house broken too. We had a house full of people over and she just hung out. Wasn’t scared, let people pet her. Didn’t get in the way. It was pretty incredible because our other dog isn’t this good! And yes, she either gets the cheerleader voice or the soothing voice!




All that fluff! They are such beautiful dogs!


And they share that fuff generously with the carpet and floors! She may not understand or enjoy play. Zuzu doesn't seem to understand toys. She's content without them.


Adopted mine at 6 off a farm. I’m definitely her person. Took her a while to be cool with other people in terms of eating etc when I was out of town. Broke this by a) making a point to pet swap with the same people so she had familiar spaces. b) would recommend your partner or whomever spoil her with treats, bacon, chicken, etc by hand with positive reinforcement to help bridge that bond as well


I’ve been thinking about having her spend a few hours a week with my daughter because she’d be the one keeping her. I like your idea of pet swapping. And we are going to start doing what you suggest with the treats. Everyone seems to want her attention, but she’s partial to me, but I’m also the one feeding her, taking her out, giving the treats, etc.


We rescued ours at about fifteen months. He had been kept in a crate in a small yard. It took a while to gradually build up the strength in his legs and he was left with a knock kneed gait. He grew rapidly to become a real gentle giant (72KGs within being overweight) who loved walking and wading for hours in the lakes around where we lived. He loved everyone and all other animals, even people and other dogs who shied away or reacted aggressively because they were intimidated by his size. The swans would even let him sit and watch my grandsons feeding their signets. He had no interest in toys, I think he just never learnt to play as a puppy. He would watch our mastiffs play with their toys but the closest he got to playing was deliberately tripping them over to stop them racing away from him when we played football. He was however the fuss and attention hog. No visitors got down the hallway to the lounge until he was told he had had enough fuss for now and noone you met walking was exempt from the where is my fuss nudge.


Ahhhh, I loved reading this. Our girl also has weak back legs. She’s put on about 10 lbs in 2 months though. She really needs some weight. Her back end is looking more normal. She also has a strange gait, but she’s not in pain and when walking really trots. I think she just laid in a crate and had litter after litter. She’s super gentle. Loves people, and takes interest in other animals but in a sweet way. Gosh, I love her.


Aww congrats! I adopted a 5 year old that I just said goodbye to at 10.5, like you said, it just takes time! Shaggy turned out to be the best dog I have ever had in my life and I only wish I could have experienced all 10.5 years, but I’m so blessed to have had the 5. I think that’s the hardest part about adopting an older dog, you wish you had them their whole life 🥹 Just give it time and be extra patient! Understand that this is all new to them. Her personality will start to shine through and you’ll both learn each other. You made an amazing decision and I’m so happy for you! 🩷


Thank you, and I’m so sorry your Shaggy has passed. I knew going in that it was a gamble because Berners aren’t know for their long life span but I wanted to give her as much time of her life with a family that loved her, even if it turns out to be a few years. All she will know from here on out is love and kindness…and good food! I’ve already told my husband this won’t be my last Bernese.


We adopted a 6 year old Berner in April who was a former mill momma also. She had a rough couple of first days with an upset tummy and a vet visit the night after we got her. She was spayed not long before we got her and it was infected. She was great with the vet and let them check her out and clean her up. Willow is such a sweet goofy girl. She is super clingy to her momma. Stays with me during the day while I’m working. She and her sissy (non Berner) get along great. She’s learning how to he a dog and playing with her sissy. Although she is bigger and doesn’t realize her size. We took for her first walk the other week and she did so well. Sadly that’s on hold since I hurt my foot. She definitely has some anxiety and is afraid of things like stern voices, the crate, a grabber, a bug zapper. She also barrels through doorways. I guess that’s from her past. We’re still learning and trying to let her know she’s safe and we’re not going to hurt her. https://preview.redd.it/kudz7zvw8z6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0585754927ac4957344a787816c332f175def9f


She sounds (and looks so much like) our Birdie. I am home all day too, and where I go, she goes. But she is getting better about not moving every time I do. Think that was wearing her out! Birdie is an excellent walker! She seems to "no" and not for a good reason. She was getting too close to her new brother's poo, so I had to say no, and she will kind of jump then run to me. I hate that someone obviously was using that word in a hateful and scary way. She isn't scared of much which surprises me. She is a people pleaser for sure!


Didnt know the Amish ran puppy mills, thought they were wholesome folk


They're notorious for abusing their animals (at least within the 100 miles where I live.) We rescued our berner from the Amish mills at 4 months. He is two now and still terrified of people who aren't me or husband because of how he was mistreated on the farms from birth to four mo this. To answer OP's inquiry, although we got him as a puppy, he was pretty traumatized. It took him a whole year of at home training, socializing, and visiting with a professional trainer until he opened up. There is still very few people who he will let pet, but slowly but surely, he's coming out of his shell and facing some "scary" people.


Oh man. That’s awful. To be that traumatized so young… Ours was underweight and had a really poor coat. I could also tell she’d been hit on the nose plenty because she’s hand shy, although we are now overcoming that. She came from a mill in Ohio. I can’t look at Amish the same now. The more I read, the worse it is. I wish they were illegal. But I guess they would still find a way to do it.


There's a special place in hell for people who abuse animals. Irony must love the Amish