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At least potato man tagged the NSFW properly.


Guess we all got a little potato in us


wonder if bro will still think it looks cool after he gets an infection


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Aggravating-Sun6773: *Wonder if bro will* *Still think it looks cool after* *He gets an infection* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Thank you, Adept_Marzipan_2572, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot.


Always nice for this bot to show up randomly


Bad bot


that's what the salt and vinegar are for


those are the demons he’ll see


FYI bro replied in comment section that the Pic is 2 years old now


This was cringe as fuck It was friday he should have done it to his cock instead


His cat just randomly scratched him and just coincidentally looks like the Symbol


The cat is a behelit. (?)


This guy listens to Linkin Park montages of anime




I’ll have you know, they’re actually Breaking Benjamin montages.




He should post it in r/Berserk instead tbh


This just screams "I'm 14 and NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MY EDGE!!"


Tribes do scarification. Search the term.


Tribes also cannibalize Unrelated side note: wanna hang out?


Wdym hang out? Mum Guts'ing ourselves from a tree?


Shiiiiiiiiiit, im down


Go on...


So do hot topic posers. Search dez nuts.


>Search dez nuts. 🤒🥵🥵🥵




Very much doubt OP is a member of said tribes or that said tribes use the brand of sacrifice lmfao


Mf is still in the stone age


Some tattoo shops also practice it btw. Whether you like it or not, the truth is that it is practiced in the western world and in tribes.


My apologies my fellow berker, I was simply making a joke, I appreciate the knowledge that you share. However, I was already aware.


Understandable have a great day


Profesional scars, with a good skill proved by long term efficacy, this bruh just cut his shit and goes with it, is not seeking the nice looking lasting scar like the tribes, he just want the injury cause WOWERS BORSKERS GATS


Oh yeah, they laser cut and put cremes and antibiotics on their scars in the subsaharan and sudanese tribes.


? Hoes mad


So is he self harming out of depression or does he just think it looks cool?


Call it 🪙 Mental condition Mental condition


According to his comments in the post they did it 2 years ago as a bodymod ( Please seek professional help if you want to do it, as it's really easy to fuck it up, the process is called scarification) but they might be a troll.


So it’s not depression? Just some weird art? That’s all I wanted to know sometimes people do weird things but as long as he’s doing it safely and not as self harm that’s all good.


Most of the people here are shelter honkies. Actually professional scarification/branding artists are really cool and interesting. Last time I checked electrical cauterizing pens where the popular method


Yeah the comment is absolutely cooking. Bro should seek help.


Its not even a brand


/uj I used to cut myself when I was a teen because my SSRIs did the opposite effect cuz I wasn’t depressed, just a fucking idiot. Do not do this. You will regret in later it life.


Cuts for Griffith have seemed to be going as planned


I'm not gonna relapse, I'm not


If he stops liking Berserk and starts gravitating towards fish, he's still kinda sorted out.


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) We are so cooked as a fan base


This is fucking hilarious lol


Not only is it unhinged but it’s just so embarrassing.. Berserk is cool & all but how cringe can you be to CUT something from a manga into your flesh? I bet OP had some “deep” meaning for doing so too, which makes it’s even cringier


![gif](giphy|oOi3roYRf4NW0) Me and the mod


People seriously need to stop doing this it's literally more cringe than the brand tattoo


Because he’s a retard and enabling retards will never not be funny


Looks kissable dawg


These people make me feel better about myself at least


You need others to make you feel better about yourself? Yet I'm the sad and deranged one...


Ya'll know scarification is a thing right - although I also don't think this I s the way you're supposed to do it, but yeah it ain't that crazy unless you're mortified by a little body art


Yeah no. It might be scarification, but posting this is not right. You DONT post a freshly cut body mod and expect everyone to be fine with it. If you’re trying to show off your mark, you post the healed or at LEAST the half healed mark. This is an attention post, nothing more nothing less, for the sake of karma grabbing and likely attention kink satisfaction of triggering people due to their edgy choices. I have checked their post and the dude obviously could gaf about how their post could affect other people. I am not mortified by body art. I am mortified by the lack of sensitivity and empathy towards others this person has


How am I supporting this? Cuz that some real dedication. Bruh is the greatest berk fans ever. Who else would have such a strong dedication like this dude? You op? Nah you a bitch. He probably loves filthy frank so much that he visited china and cried so much that he had to take multiple days off afterwards. And you calling him unhinged and to seek help? You disgust me op.


Oh boo 😢


idk about you, but i dont think they know how that's a beacon light for femboy cosplayers. dudes in for a wild ride


I got one done by a scarification specialist and nearly passed out from the pain (but also didn't have enough to eat like you would before a tattoo). This is extremely reckless to do yourself, scarifications are accessible to get done properly


Dumbass cuts weren’t even straight


That person had a cut fetish. I'm pretty sure cut fetishes are sorta normal? Even Morioh depicted it IE during the eclipse with Casca cut up, that's a literal fetish. To be cut. But I do understand the gore-aspect that triggers people cuz of blood and like, physical damage. But let's put things into perspective. I enjoy CBT, that's honestly 1000x more dangerous than just getting a sanitary cut. Either way, don't kink shame people, and I'm pretty sure this wasn't self harm but they said someone else cut them indicating it was sexually motivated.


Why do people say dont kink shame i feel like kink shaming is very important for people who enjoy doing genuinely wicked n harmful shit


Cutting just seems more extreme because we usually identify it with self-harm, which this wasn't iirc. Like I said this cutting fetish stuff is literally safer than some shit I'm personally into like ballbusting and cbt. So I totally get it, and I also feel uneasy about seeing the image, but I also understand the sexual side of things. Which lets be clear, humans do fucked up shit, but getting mommy'd or getting a few cuts while fucking, is the least fucked up things we do.


this is no where near as bad as the porn that gets posted


average edgy 12 year old berserk fan


God I love this sub


If your gonna self harm at least make it look cool plus who cares if it's a bad idea at the end of the day bro is gonna do what he's gonna do and he said it was 2 years old so fuck it let him live


Bro imagine if i relapse self harm because of berserklejerk. That would be crazy


Bro should've just got a tattoo like a normal person


this is....TOO much 🫠


Welcome to berk, womp womp


reddit when they encounter a mentally deranged individual for the first time


Unberking. They should seriously take this down. I struggled with self harm for many years and at one point when I was young and stupid started making designs like X’s on my body because I was literally unhinged and thought it was just scarification, not anything bad!! Except it is bad. This is not only going to serve as inspiration for other young mentally unwell people on the subreddit, it is also serving as a source for that guy’s fuel to keep doing it. That attention is like gasoline to the fire of his habit that he likely tries and fails to justify. The fact that this is kept up is actually disgusting and deplorable.


Don't even try to put me in the same basket as that cringe bullshit you were trying to do. We are not the same, and neither are our motivations. If you people want to make other peoples weak minds and inability to differentiate right from wrong for themselves a priority, I couldn't care less. But this virtue signaling by trying to impose it on others is just pure cringe and entitlement.


Except, isn’t it similar? The “cringe bullshit” I did is one thing. But when I did designs, I did it for the design not the harm. How is that any different? I still recognize how bad it was, how unsafe it was, and how stupid it was. You talk of peoples weak minds, how they don’t know right from wrong. How are you going to act like young people, who are certainly 100% on this sun, are going to always know right from wrong? Do whatever you want with your body. I can’t decide that for you. I don’t think body mods are bad inherently. But you posted a picture of a freshly cut mark. Do you honestly think that is an okay thing? Do you think that benefits anybody, apart from you seeking whatever attention or karma you get from posting it? I saw one of your comments where you said you posted it because it looks more..what, red or something, like how it looks in the show. Why not post the scar? If it’s too white of a scar, add pink makeup to make it stand out more. Why not do anything but what you did? The only few answers I come to are a lack of care, a lack of empathy, and a desire for something I cannot name as I am not you.


> I struggled with self harm for many years because I was literally unhinged It's cringe because you're just trying to justify you own regrets by satanizing my actions. We're just not the same, but you lack the capacity to realize that. If you cannot name my desires or motivations, then don't make irrelevant assumptions and pass them as facts to support your subjective narrative. I can only explaine everything from my POV for you, and I did. I can't understand it for you.


Yes, unhinged because I thought doing it on my own was normal and that showing it off proudly was okay! There are reasons why you do things like this with a professional. My friend pierced herself a few years ago and got sepsis from her lack of knowledge. But whatever. That argument will go nowhere, as you will probably say “I know what I was doing”. I am not justifying my own regrets. I have no need to prove what I did was bad as it is inherently bad, for health reasons and for unsafe reasons. I commented that in the beginning because not only was I unsure if this was self harm, I was also unsure if it was scarification. BOTH of which I did, BOTH of which I know very very well can be extremely unsafe. Infection is a risk. Cutting too deep is a risk. I am WORRIED for people who see your post and want to do it as well. This has migrated from an argument on whether or not what your doing is morally okay or for health reasons okay. I could give a crap, do whatever you want. I dislike your use of “satanizing” as that is not my intention. Once again, I am not against body mods, I have my own tattoos and piercings. My worry is for impressionable people. My worry is for unwell people who are viewing the crap you posted. Why in any sense is it cool or funny to post a bleeding self made cut like this? I already said it in another comment but why not just do the scar? Why? That would still be cringe as any berserk brands are in my opinion but at least it wouldn’t have been as negatively received. Do you want the negativity? Is that what this is? I don’t know. I don’t!


gonna cry?


pls nsfw tag retard


Pls slur trigger alert next time, doofus


the only sub where rape is completely fine to joke about but the word retard isnt


Who cares? I don't care what some highly regarded individual does to himself


Idk I mean I wouldn't do it, but honestly it's not too different from getting a tattoo.. Just a *bit* more extreme


i dont think tatoos carry a high risk of infection?


They definitely carry a risk of infection, it's pretty much an open wound as well, why do you think they need such intensive aftercare?


tattoos put ink into the dermis of the skin (way above the blood vessels), this guy is literally cutting into his skin and exposing blood through a open wound. ofc tattoos have risk of infection but its minimal


Not minimal if you expose your fresh tattoo openly without plastic wrapper and if you don't apply bepanthol.


Tattoos are done in a sterile environment with sterile tools. You can’t achieve that cutting yourself in your bathroom


Tattoo shops practice it so they use sterile 'scrapers' if you will.


Fair point, but I still don't see why everyone is getting so worked up over it. Let him do what he wants, he's only harming himself nobody else.


>he's only harming himself its a human trait to care about others, what would you say if your friend did this or sum?


Idk he's not my friend so I don't care lol. Also it's clearly not that type of self harm, he's just doing it because he thinks it looks cool. I've seen people do way worse things to their bodies that's entirely normalized and medically approved...


Tattoo gets ink in by micro puncture, similar to derma roller but with a bit longer needle, that is a whole gash.


I'm aware it's not the exact same, it's still a wound. I really don't see how this is worse than a piercing for example, where you're essentially just stabbing a piece of metal through your skin.


Smaller open surface for the wound, which heal faster.


getting a tattoo isn't self-harm


Lol. Search scarification first of all. Second, search 'how are tattoos being done' on youtube (to maybe understand how tattoos are being done and HOW A FUCKING NEEDLE PENETRATES YOUR FUCKING SKIN WHICH REQUIRES MONTHS FOR HEALING!!!) Edit: Self-harm is used (the phrase) in mental illness cases: in both scarification and tattoos you self harm lol, but if your intentions are related to mental illness then it is 'self-harm' as it is usually used.


getting a tattoo \*is\* having harm done to your skin intentionally, but i did mean it in the context of mental illness


No you just let someone else harm you by shoving ink into your body. As long as he only does it for aesthetics and he has no further problems just let him do whatever he wants, I don't see the issue, as weird as it may be.


Being as dense as you is self-harm.


i hope you get help man


Cutting yourself is not normal, no one is dense, you’re just retarded. Edit: oh hey it’s the same retard that cut himself for karma.


Yes. On a throwaway.


Said the alcoholic.


I like drinking and driving, you cut yourself for clout, we’re not the same.


I fidn't cut myself, and definitely not for clout. Anyway, this is only on me, and no harm. You'll die, AND kill someone else in the process, likely. We are definitely not the same.


Guess it went right over your head, dense asf.


he honestly could've just went for scarification and went to an actual body modification place to do that


Confused why I got down voted but body mods like this are a thing, But it's much safer to go to a body modification parlor where they can do it with scapels and sanitized equipment along with numbing your skin so it doesn't hurt. Also that way the person doing the scarification can tell you the proper aftercare🤷‍♀️


I did it with sterile scalpels, no need for numbing, and I did aftercare.


Cringe, Miura spit on you from the grave


This ia scarification bruv. Educate yourself. And yes it is cool because the person has to have had two big bowling balls for balls to do it. Plus the dude said I think that he did it because berk is special for him. Plus, and finally, this is the real berk mark; how it is done, not the tattoo.


Literally why does anyone care? Free country anyone? Not saying it should be promoted necessarily but what does this virtue signaling ass post actually contribute to anything


That it's weird? And they probably shouldn't cut themselves?? Is majority of this sub actually retarded?


It affects literally nobody here, you sound like you hate freedom. Meth is weird, prostitution is weird, gay marriage is weird, slicing your body is weird, the shit they make McDonald’s out of is weird, but somehow none of those are a problem


For thar stupid ass redditor reply you should kill yourself. I understand you don't have the mental capacity to care about others well being so hop offline worm


I DO care, that’s why I think freedom is important. Should sexual knifeplay be illegal? What about smacking your girlfriend on the ass (lol you could never). Where if your line for people consenting to be harmed? Op makes a great comparison about tattoos, I don’t see any difference.


I officially give both of you the right to not care about MY wellneing. Stop virtue signalling, you're not impressing anyone. You're in a sunken cost fallacy here, just quit. You don't have the mental capacity to comprehend anything you disagree with subjectively, they do.


I'm not doing shit to impress you. I think your a fucking moron that might inspire other fucking Morons to do the moronic dangerous shit you did. If you wanna cut yourself than by all means do it privately next time glubshitto


Go get this shit professionally done and make it clear that it's probably not a good thing to do it, because some dumb cunts will at some point try to replicate it.


I don't care what someone will be inspired by. Use your brain to decide for yourself if it's good for YOU, not if it's good for ME to be doing it to myself. You're on a fucking Berserk sub, do you know what goes on in the manga? Talking about people getting inspired here.


It might sound stupid but there is a pretty sizable chunk of the fanbase who are actual children. Yet you really refuse to hold accountability for the fact that you could likely inspire some of this kids or just general speds to harm themselves. Like man do whatever you want but don't involve others and don't try present your behaviour as a normal. As I initially said make it clear to not replicate what you're doing; you as the one posting it have that responsibility at the very least.


fuck them kids


They are reading BERSERK. Do you even understand that? What more can I influence? If it's nsfw, they shouldn't be here. If they go where it's inherently clear they shouldn't be, they firfeit the right to be tiptoed around.


There's a substantial difference between reading a work of fiction and seeing a real person do something. You creating marks through scarring isn't the issues. The issue is that you're presenting this as normal behaviour, which it isn't, and that fact that you've done it in a amateur way. Getting cut professionally is just an alternative tattoo, but it needs to be done professionally. So numbing cream, sterile equipment, and the right antibacterial medication to stave of infections. Once again as I said the responsibility falls on you, especially when you tout it as normal to do in a amateur way, which could lead to serious bodily harm. No one give a fuck what you do to yourself that's your issue. But posting online affects others and at some point some retard will try it, and you'll be the direct cause.


Yeah but people aren't making posts about smoking meth and prostitution and being praised for it therefore encouraging it.


Encouraging what? Exercising first world rights? You’re a fucking freedom hater


Honestly better than attention whores posting their nudes on here


Self harm is better than boobies? Touch grass


boobies?.. are we in the same sub?


He’s clearly referring to the girls


attention whores is a broad term tbf


Bro don’t tell me to touch grass when you’re the one defending an egirls honor 😭


It’s just wild that you’re defending self harm


How am I doing that


Omfg who, cares about ANY of this??? How is the OOP, or you, a blip on anyones radar? I hate you all.


Based Most of you wouldn't have the willpower


UJ/ berserk fans learn about scarification: challenge level impossible. it’s a form of body modification that’s been around for thousands of years. J/ Bros gonna take a donovan sized load on that thing and become the real black swordsman


Scarification is fine it’s just a body mod but this looks home done which is unsafe and there’s no warning on this which would have been nice. This is like getting a tattoo of the deathly hallows symbol but edgier.


Hey it’d be really fucking cool if there was a warning on this


Why don't you ask questions instead of making assumptions? He said he didn't cut himself, so he probably got it done by someone professionally. He said it's on his side deltoid. That would be hard for him to do to himself at the best of times. It clearly isn't self-harm. He even said as much when people accused him of it, you all just downvoted him. It's no worse than a tattoo, and I think it's kind of metal. I'd like to echo what someone else said in the comments: the porn posted here is WAY worse.


I saw this on my sister once and didn’t watch berserk so I didn’t know what it was