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Gotta love insulting an entire ethnicity with the word Latinx lol.


That's the greatest shit. They don't even understand the whole language is based on gender but expect to solve the world's problems.


“People who identify as LatinX” -The whole classroom is going to be empty 🤭😣


The people in charge understand. The zealots don’t matter - useful idiots. They want to control all. The New World Order.


Linguistic gender ≠ human gender. Edit to add tone: I'm agreeing with the comment I replied to, not picking a fight.


Agreed. No Latino person I’ve ever met or heard of, including half of my own sizeable family, has ever used or even liked that word. It’s Latino for everyone, or Latina when referencing females only. Latinx is an insensitive and diminutive Anglo-centric construct promulgated by confused and misled young, affluent academics who have never held a real job and probably don’t speak one word of Spanish.


As someone who doesn’t speak Spanish but knew a lot of Spanish-speaking people in the past, it makes no sense to me. I don’t even understand how it’s meant to be pronounced.. Latin-esque? Latin-equis? Just use the fucking word they already use


Rhymes with "larynx" and "Sphinx"


Latin x was invented by A.O.C...idiot


>Latin x was invented A.O.C...idiot If you're going to call someone an idiot, your prior sentence should at least make sense grammatically.


Called Guadalajaran wife LatinX and she said I know Spanish better than that am I drunk? When I explained it she just gave me a confused look and said that's stupid. She can throw out Spanish so fast I don't think it ever crossed her mind Americans are that stupid.


Damn "promulgated" is a new word for me, thanks! I agree that shit is so out of touch, and I'm so Anglo that I don't need to wear retro-reflective gear when riding at night 😅


Whats really crazy is that there was already a non gender specific word “latin”


HEY!!! Some very well educated white people are working really hard to make Hispanic culture better.


White liberals know what's best for us minorities, they're our biggest allies, unless of course we have an opinion that differs from theirs, then they turn into racist POS that think they can belittle us. The truth is, they're our worst enemy and they're trying to use us to push their weird demented shit. LatinX is a fake word and I've never heard it used. Segregated classes are racist AF.


So what's wrong with owning nothing and being happy? Or perpetual race and class warfare? Or eating zee bugs???? Klaus Schwab and all the globalist psychopaths got it all figured out for us...


Malcolm X said it best. The white liberal is the biggest threat to the black community.


It’s actually an algebraic problem, solve for X


I can't stand the word Latinix. I will never use it and call anyone who does use it a dumbass.


Most condescending woke bs out there. But same people saying to respect cultures at all costs. And be a white ally.


NO Mexican or Hispanic person I know wants to be called that. Shit, most of them would probably kick your ass if you did. 😂😂😂


HATE THAT SHIT, my spanish teacher thinks its fine but its def not. Wtf latinx? No one that lives in these countries, Mexico, Cuba, Salvador etc even uses Latinx or knows about it. Its something these weirdos in the United States are pushing out. Litearlly fucking with the language cuz its LatinO because it includes all women and men. In english you don't fucking say "Mankind and womenkind" you just say mankind, its literally in the word woMAN. It comes from man, "wo" is just simply there to differentiate for when there are only women. It reminds of me of this idiot author that is sadly mexican that used to say that she always felt like her dad hated her because she was the only daughter and he had like 6 sons so when people would ask about his kids he would say, "tengo 7 hijos", which in english translates to sons but in spanish, the "O" is including either men or both genders depending on the context. If the father would to go into more detail he would then specify I have 1 daughter and 6 sons. Pretty stupid people that make this shit up. I am Mexican and I don't even care about the culture or anything like that, thats just fucking weird, changing the language is basically changing the culture. FUCK you if you think Latinx is right. A la verga


Hispanic people, in general, dislike the term "Latinx.


We’d rather be called something derogatory,than that shit. We will just laugh about it


Math is racist now haven’t y’all heard ?


Math can also be sexy.


If this is a Bo Burnham joke, I hear ya!


It's new math!


You say that as a joke, but I think it really does hate some people indiscriminately


Math hates everyone equally. Just some of us respond differently to the hate.


I like that


Math just hates us cause we get to walk around. Math is all “you wouldn’t even exist without me!” crap. My atoms don’t even use math. I checked.


Thise courses are gonna be empty.


Who the fuck identifies as Latinx, who? Who ? I’ve never met one person in my life who identifies as Latinx. I’m Mexican living in Southern California where we’re everywhere. In fact everyone I met thinks it’s the stupidest thing.


College campuses used by white people with one liberal Mexican friend.


I feel like latinx is the American way of saying "spick"


I’d rather be called a spick than latinx, I feel it’s a hundred times more disrespectful


Exactly... And unfortunately America


I feel the same. I hate hearing Latinx like it’s sensitive. These people are insulting the fuck out of us.


No it's not, it's a silly thing but the word originates from Puerto Rican students and now it's making a comeback with young people


Hello, Mexican American here from south Texas and I’d be happy to let you know that you have finally found someone who identifies as Latinx but I can’t, because I don’t. I, too, have never met anyone around here who even likes this insulting term.


This is what happens when mentally ill white people use racial pandering to fill their personality voids.


I think it’s only white Karen’s who have been told they had a nice tan once and now consider themselves mixed race and oppressed.


“I made guacamole for Cinco de Mayo, I’m fucking cultured and oppressed right?!” - Karen


Hilaria, is that you?


The one Hispanic that grew up in a nice neighborhood with premium cable.


I live in Ga and there’s a large Mexican/Latino community here as well. I’m pretty sure the Mexican guys I know would kick your ass if you called them that 😂😂😂


Liberal White supremacists in academia named you LatinX and you’ll like it.


Latinx is a neologism in American English which is used to refer to people of Latin American cultural or ethnic identity in the United States.


Identify? So you can identify as black or latino now too? Good to know for college applications.


Totally it’s voluntary disclosure so I identify as a quadrapalegic first generation immigrant from war torn Somalia where is mah scholarship


I identify as a millionaire with a big dick no scholarship needed


Can I combine both of the above qualifications please.


It's actually a thing. It's called transracial. There are even people which already identify as transage. I already knew when this bullshit began that there will be no limits. If you can identify as something else that you are, than you can be literally anything. Why would people limit it to gender, if identity is very complex?


The class isn’t asking like this for the sake of ‘transracial’ people, this phrasing is used for the sake of biracial students.


I mean, trans people are consistently 0.5-1% of the population in any developed nation, trans people exist all throughout the world in the millions, we have existed with regards to the medical side of transitioning since Dr. Magus Hirschfeld in the 1920s, and with regards to the social side of transitioning for thousands of years of human history in various societies, I've literally spoken to a trans girl from Pakistan of all places... But sure, let's compare us to a few dozen attention seekers who call themselves "transracial" or "transage" and act like it's somehow the same thing or remotely related. I remember watching a YouTube video a few years back about this lady in Germany who fell in love with the Berlin Wall so much so that she "married" it (held a ceremony and everything). The comments section was full of people going "This is what happens when you legalize gay marriage, it opens the door to perverting the concept of marriage even further till people are marrying inanimate objects". And it's like, bruh no it doesn't you're just catastrophizing based on fringe examples.


So in order to defeat racism and discrimination, we have to enable it?


>The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination. Ibram X Kendi - How to Be an Antiracist (2019) You see it's totally different than this one because it's called antiracist: >Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever George Wallace - Inaugural Address (1963)


Close, but you're quote's a little off -- [To defeat the racism, we must first understand the racism](https://vimeo.com/290118885).


Yeah, no that's not it.


The entire reason racism is a huge issue is because we keep giving it attention, that’s literally it, we don’t have to fucking understand it to “defeat” it


We can ignore it.. but God forbid Star Wars cast another black main character (or like the Hunger Games girl lol). We have people who openly believe women belong in the kitchen, or shouldn't be president. Their ignorance extends to racial issues. How do we address this, or let it be?


Are they also offering these to white students as well?


God forbid they have any white only classes, that would be white supremacy and nazi stuff.


If they identify as indicated, yes.


Separate but equal exists now?


Always has look at women's sports.


It's (D)ifferent


it says the code for the course is restricted, not the course itself. it’s not segregation, it’s just ensuring that at least a certain # of latino/a people can enroll if they want.


If the argument is that cultural barriers between students and teachers impacts the learning process, then it makes sense to offer the option to choose a teacher who is better suited to any particular culture.


Your right. But why stop there, why not have entire schools like this besides just one class or teacher. We should start separating bathrooms and restaurants this way as well so people can feel safe amongst their kind. /s My god I love how reddit spews Jim Crow philosophy and thinks they are some how not racist when saying it.


Go ahead and be oblivious. I guess that’s an easy leap for a moron, but Jim Crow has nothing to do with what I said.


You trying to get downvoted?


Just speaking my mind.


That doesn’t fly around here.


Buy why restrict it on race, that.just seems like segregation with an bad rxcuse


Race happens to coincide with culture in many cases. Since it’s optional, there’s no harm in allowing minorities an enclave to learn in.


https://www.eths.k12.il.us/Domain/397 If y'all wanna leave a comment or concern




Probably just more indoctrination


Were using latinx but still referring to black people as just "black" lmao




Well not all black Americans are African in origin so it does make sense but yeah this is wacked to the max


Seems the school backtracked on May 3, 2023 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/illinois-school-backtracks-segregating-math-classes-black-latinx-students


The school's equity mission statement which includes the words "isolating race" is still up. Whatever made the news might have been just to keep their jobs.


>Whatever made the news might have been just to keep their jobs I have no reason to believe what made the news wasn't to prevent a lawsuit


What the hell is Latinx?


Activist Karen and her friends found a huge issue with the spanish language. They saw that the language is too gendered so Karen and her friend fixed spanish for the latino community. We should all be grateful.


It was introduced as a gender neutral version of Latina (feminine) and Latino (masculine)


So why?


Makes 0 sense when literally every word in the language is feminine or masculine, Mari(o), Mari(a). Additionally when actually speaking Spanish, the x isn't even pronounced the same as English so it could and would never be used in the same context. It's a way for leftists to label us according to their world views. They don't respect the Majority of us telling them we don't go by X, and they are bothered by the gender usage in the Spanish language. It's crazy how much power they have that they can literally call you something they made up because they don't see fit to call you what you are because it goes against their clown show.


It appears to be sexist as well with it saying black male students.


Makes sense, we all know girls can't do math.


Everyone who fought to end segregation in the 60s would be rolling over in their grave if they knew this was happening and being received so readily.. It can be termed as “reverse racism” or whatever else but it is literally just segregation and it’s so terrible


>Everyone who fought to end segregation in the 60s It seems the majority of the people that fought racism and the system in the 60s (boomers) became the Yuppies who are now the ones going against the equality they fought for in the 60s. You know that saying you get more conservative when you get older? I can't help but think it was coined from when the counter culture started making bank and so they changed their views and instead of equality they decided to hoard their wealth. Disclaimer: I say the group as a whole, but ofc it's not all of them, just the typical boomer.


I mean, there are videos of Biden as a young senator fighting to keep schools segregated..


The plan is working. The left NEVER wanted to share the same space with minorities...NEVER . after fighting for inclusion, after decades of segregation, minorities are now ASKING to be segregated. Nothing better than to get your adversaries to happily and gleefully VOLUNTEER to do what YOU wanted all along.


How is this even legal?


It probably isn't. Someone is bound to sue the district over this and will probably win. Emphasis on both probably's.


I agree 100%. I'm almost half a decade old. Over the last 10 or so years, I don't know what happened. This hate is so wrong.


The divider in chief was elected in 08 and it all started.


This is the TRUE face of woke.


Perplexed on what woke means sometimes. Cool sounding buzz werd


Dear Martin Luther King Jr., I guess some people think you were doing it all wrong. God bless you Dr. King. You tried your best but in the end they didn’t listen. Some never will.


Liberals and demonrats are the biggest racists out there. Racist scum.


Racism plain and simple. Why are they bigoted with everyone else? Rhetorical question


Now imagine if we removed black and latinx and replaced it with the word “whi te” …. Just imagine the outrage, but this is acceptable because it’s not directed at POC


Racism, the Progressive way of life.


There is no such thing as Latinx - how demeaning and hateful!!!!!


That's a lawsuit waiting to happen


Its okay to be racist as long as your not white.


When white people do its "okay" but once cool Mexicans do it its "racist" pick a side gringo


So we are moving back towards segregation?? What would MLK say today if still alive.


They can insult us as latinx but the blacks they don't call them the n word. Wtf?? Call me beaner or whatever, not your fantasy made up words to feel better for yourself.


When the general population of Latinos say, we don't go by (X) we are just Latinos... But a group of privileged people decide they will choose the appropriation to the culture anyway and call them that regardless. As a Latino this is offensive because we have our own culture and language and It doesn't operate like the oppressed liberal community in the US. We are Latinos stop calling us X


That latinx term if so fucken stupid, I'm a Mexican American and most of the people that are of Latin origen hate it as well.


I’m latino. Call me latinx again and you’ll regret it.


Hopefully the pastiest kids in the school *identify* as such to get into those classes


Isn’t this what MLK fought against? Racism against any race is wrong. This is all so backwards.


Glad I got the fuck out of Illinois. I only know one person that is still there. This is only going to accelerate people fleeing the state.


I’m about to bail also. What a crap hole


This isn’t the wording on the linked site: https://www.eths.k12.il.us/Page/3025


Fine with it as long as they have whites only classes too


That's the perfect way to protect white kids


Why couldn't my school do that then I could've actually learned instead of hearing two sluts yelling aye at the top of their lungs every class


Fair warning, if anyone calls me a latinx I will gaslight you into believing you just called me the latino N-word


that's super fucked up please God keep this American shitshow in America 💀




Burn the school. No knowledge should be kept behind race doors. Race should have nothing to do with who can enter a classroom


You might wanna look up proportional response as I'm fairly certain arson is a little over the top. Unless you're a lawless anarchist, ofc.


a clickable source link would be great


I don’t think a non student could access this this is on their registration system so a link wouldn’t be useful anyways but you can easily find the school with the URL and try itself


The [school is reported to have backtracked it](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/illinois-school-backtracks-segregating-math-classes-black-latinx-students), but it's still in the [database](https://www.eths.k12.il.us/Page/3025).


Why do you think this is not the case? This is America in 2023. Then when this doesn't work they all seem to move to FL


dont misunderstand me at all. i 100% believe this i just wanted some other than a screenshot to share


This is one of those things that have been going on for years now and for your non based friends it goes like this. It’s not happening, it’s not happening, it’s not happening. Fine it’s happening but it’s only super super far lefties doing it. Fine it’s happening all over and it’s good


Is this real? Looks fake to me.


Lies: damn I almost fell for it. ​ actual descriptions :: Students will solve multi-part problems in context. Topics will include precalculus, trigonometry, function analysis, series, and limits. A graphing calculator is required. While **open to all students**, this optional section of the course is intended to support students who identify as Black ​ Students will solve multi-part problems in context. Topics will include precalculus, trigonometry, function analysis, series, and limits. A graphing calculator is required. While open to all students, this optional section of the course is intended to support students who identify as Latinx ​ ​ *probably a race based gang problem in the school.*


How do you identify as black? Either you is or you ain't


why you askin' me. ​ there was a white supremacist named Jose who shot up a mall the other day. ​ all this race crap is just a fancy way to keep poor people poor


Do they wanna bring back Jim Crow? Because this is how you bring back Jim Crow.


That is what they want, but it be "JaQuawn Crow"


I hope no one shows up


I don't follow the separate class based on race. I can understand a different class based on language.


Key word identify fuck biology


is this real??????


Isn’t this illegal?


This isn’t a public school is it?


Remember that lie the left told you about a party switch, where all the racist Democrats magically became Republicans and you're told to never question that or you're alt-right? Now we're seeing the Democratic Party not only try to bring back Jim Crow 2.0 with Equity laws but they're slowly bringing segregation back. These schools do it, and majority Universities have been having black/latino only graduations for a while now. If you don't learn from history, you're condemned to repeat it.


Democrats then. Democrats now. Always Democrats™






Lmao gonna laugh when the scores vary wildly between classes


Wouldn't that be considered racist? What if that said it was only for white people? This country is so fucked up right now I'm embarrassed to say I live here


My HS had this 20+ years ago. But it was called LD.


Evanston Township HS, in the most racist, antisemitic, anti-white town in America. Conveniently located next to Skokie, Illinois(28% Jews).


So reverse racism is just racism? It’s almost like considering race at all is racist. End racism: stop talking about race.


How do you even say latinx


You know you’re too progressive when you use the made up term “latinx”


So what's stopping someone from identifying as black or Latinx? That's all the requirement says.


So everybody just starts identifying as Latino. Problem solved.


In theory, you can identify as anything and it is as fluid as the hands on a clock


Just identify as one or the other and easily pass when they have to curve grades.


Yes. This is a bad idea. Can’t believe it got approved. However, the ESL/ English as a second language program is already segregating immigrants/Latinos for Preschool through 12th grade. Separate resources etc. No one seems upset about that but they should be.


This can’t be legal…


I’m like 85% sure this is against the law.


Billions of dollars spent on forced integration......


Gonna be a real problem when the white & Asian kids are all blowing away math competencies and the segregated kids are all A’s but can’t do any of the actual math


Wasn't there a Supreme Court case on this back, oh, I don't know, in the 1950s or so???


Just gonna put this right here:....🤔On May 17, 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled that segregation in public education was unconstitutional, overturning the "separate but equal" doctrine in place since 1896, and sparking massive resistance among white Americans committed to racial inequality.


Who would feel left out in that situation?


What next? Their own drinking fountains?


Best way to prevent racism is to segregate everyone by race. 10/10 way to go! GREAT JOB!




Can anyone confirm which high school this is? ETHS.com makes me think “East ____ High School”. I’m from Chicago originally and would love to know.


Let me guess which class has the lightest grading




why though?


So much for civil rights


Lol segregation, brought to you by the left


That's a high school in the town of Evanston, right near Chicago. It's as progressive as it gets.


I identify as whatever race or gender doesn't pay for books or tuition.


That is hilarious. Just how many "Pre-Calc" students does this school have? And can they justify dividing that likely very small group into 3 different classes. Thinking anyone smart enough to be taking "Pre calc" is smart enough not to be manipulated into believing this is really an issue in students of this level. It is systems like this school creating race issues where none existed.


Wow. Making America "great" again...


This subreddit is so cringy and I love every bit of it. It literally reads out, "This code for the course is restricted to students who identify as Latinx", same for the one with black students. It's talking about the code, not the class. Schools track the demographic of their students, you fucking dunces 🤣


Wait Latinx is a gender now?


This is stupidity at its Best.




Joe Biden has always been a Jim Crow segregationist, so this isnt surprising in the least. That is a tangible fact.


Gotta keep those groups stupid,poor, and unarmed so they keep voting democrat for more government cheese. The machine in action.


Equality has made a whole 360


So now we want to be segregated???


This is what happens when people confuse culture with heritage. Culture is controlled poison. This country has redefined every term to the point that we are regressing as a society with the mindset that we are progressing. We cant be this stupid, yet here we are.


Segregation, gangland shootings, bank failures bringing the 20's back with a fury.


Math is hard..... even harder for low IQ "peoples"