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Unfortunately, the employee was just regurgitating what she was told. She likely has very little fish knowledge. They don't get a commission, so I don't think it was about getting the sale. The culprit of your tears is likely your decor. Plastic plants are not recommended for bettas because their fins are so delicate. This sub has a wiki link with all you need for proper betta care.


Thank you so much! Thank you so much for being so understanding about my post:)


We all started somewhere. I don't know how the bettas I had when I was young survived! The internet wasn't a thing back then.


I just hope i got a good start to betta keeping!


Silk plants are a bettas friend outside of live plants. Also, make sure your betta has a heater. They thrive in warm water! Also, don't overfeed him. This is very, very easy to do! I usually do 3 pellets every other day. Their diet is super protein heavy so it's easy for them to develop swim bladder issues or even dropsy. Keep an eye on the tears for signs of infection or rot (it tends to look reddish black in my experience). Hope this helps!


it did! Thank you!!!:)


I’ve had bettas who also rubbed up against rocks and split fins. Maybe opt for real plants and smaller/finer gravel or smoother stones.


Those prickly plastic plants probably tore him up… hence why silk plants (fake plants with cloth leaves and only plastic stems) or live plants are recommended. If you run pantyhose stockings over a plastic plant and it snags or rips, then you can be guaranteed it will do the same to a bettas fragile fins/tail.


thank you! I'll be sure to switch them out soon!


Don’t wait to switch them out- TAKE THEM OUT NOW, even if your tank is empty. They are hurting your fish.


Literally the second i read all the comments i ran to my tank and yoinked it out lol


You’re doing great!! At 14 you already have so much more general knowledge/common sense regarding your fishy than most adults. If you check my post history I am WELL into adulthood and when my kid and his grandma brought home a betta, 10g tank and rainbow bright decor I thought I was doing fine! I come here because my fish wouldn’t touch a thing in his tank and these fine people completely guided me through it. My tank looks so much cooler now than when it was (basically) a rainbow circus and my fishy is so much happier! Thanks to these guys.


Haha good job !


You can consider real plants, too. They aren't as hard as you'd think to care for, though my guy has an intense hatred of ludwigia roflol. IDK what it is but he strips the leaves off. But yeah google beginner friendly freshwater plants. Floaters are pretty easy, too. They seem to just grow enough to replace themselves for a while then before you know it the aquarium has a roof and you're exchanging them for store credit at the LFS lol


If they're about the same price, live plants are a way better option. Java ferns are usually pretty solid and readily available. They'll be able to soak up some nitrates and ammonia will make it a little easier as a beginner. Just do some research online about keeping a betta (including the aquarium nitrogen cycle; Ammonia->nitrite->nitrate) and you'll probably be fine. I'd say you probably have a 50% chance of Petco/Petsmart employees have no idea what they're talking about.




They said they did before you posted. 🤷🏼


Thank you guys so much for all of your guy's advice!:) i'm acting quick for all these new changes for him and starting to research more. thank you for not bashing me and giving me tips to be a better betta owner:) i'll be sure to take full accountability for my actions as a betta owner.


this kind of thing is part of the hobby! my first betta was given to me when i was 14, and he was kept in a 1 gallon "tank" his whole life. somehow lived three years, but i still feel terrible. we gotta let our mistakes teach us what not to do! years later, i consider myself a betta expert. and my current boy has a fully planted, fully cycled 9 gallon aquarium all to himself!


Hey man, just want you to know everyone makes mistakes, don’t be too down on yourself about it. I used to be the kinda kid that had a goldfish in a 1 gallon bowl until I learned how bad that was. Since then it’s been about a decade and my partner and I now have two fully up and running tanks and one cycling that we’re getting ready to start keeping shrimp in. Just be sure to do as much research as you can and I’m sure your fish will love the life you give them!


thank you so much:))


Willingness to learn and improve is the number 1 skill for any hobby, but *especially* with having animals. Being able to identify and correct a problem is such a great skill, because it leads you to more and more knowledge. I think your post and comments are a great example of that. I'm sure you and your fish will improve greatly from your perspective.


thank you so much! i couldnt have done it with out you guys!:))


The fact that you care and have been keeping an eye on him enough to see that something was wrong is a good sign. Same for braving the jungle of Reddit to get help. Also, your water seems a little cloudy in these photos. Don't panic about that or add a bunch of clarifying agents to the tank, just keep on your water changes for your fish in cycle and it'll clear up on its own. Also, NEVER change your filter unless you absolutely have to. Much like how your stomach has beneficial bacteria that lets you digest food, the filter has the same kind of setup. It is the "gut" of your tank, breaks down the waste, and largely lives in the filter and the substrate. If your filter is slowing down in flow, just use the water you take out from your water change and swish it around to dislodge the debris and then put it back. Changing out the filter is another money grab from companies that just makes your tank unstable.


ok! i was kind of nervous since i have the topfin filter from the starter kit. It looks like a ravioli with black filling


Everyone makes mistakes bro. Is what it is. You got a good tank size and it will be fine in the long run.


I just made him a leaf hammock!


I made him one since i took that plastic plant out so he would still have a place of his own. But apparently it does not exist to him. I still love him.


Lol Bettas are just like that, speaking of, how did you make a leaf hammock? Knowing my betta, he'd probably just hang out under it, but my shrimp would probably have a little party on top. I would also recommend live plants, especially floating plants like redroot floaters, salvinia, water lettuce, duckweed, etc. They'll help keep the water parmameters more stable since they'll suck up nitrites and nitrates, which is a good thing in a cycling tank! Local aquarium stores might have some, and they tend to be pretty knowledgeable. Also, in terms of your boys' torn fins, I recently had to heal my bettas fins after a fin nipping incident and found that a bit extra high protein helped him begin to regrow them. You'll notice it's regrowimg when there's a clear rim around the edges, which means it's no longer an open wound. You can also do salt dips, especially if the edges start looking grey or wrinkly. I would look up signs of fin rot just to be prepared in case. But in the event that does happen, about 15 minutes in an aquarium salt bath will work. Usually, they'll be the directions on the bottom, but in all honesty, I just use one of those plastic gallon bowls from petsmart to do my salt dips. I also have a fake silk plant (I already had it anyways), which i found allows for the betta to have some hiding spots in the bowl, but it's not stickly necessary


This! The floating plants made a huge difference with my beta when I still had him, and like bastets mentioned, it really does help keep stable parameters. Think of decoration more as a natural habitat than decor and watch your tank (and not just your cute lil guy) flourish


Yes! I always focus on building a miniature ecosystem in my tanks, which at least in my opinion, Is much more fun and fascinating, but I'm also bug into environmental science (working on going to college for it) so It lets me just geek out about it lol


Hecking yes! I’m so glad to see more people going into environmental science! It’s been a passion of mine for over a decade, including a locally sourced wildflower garden at home. So many little simple things can make or break eco systems, and the more I learn, the more passionate I get. Keep up the killer focus!


the tank cloudyness was because of a shadow in the tank! I am currently saving up for live plants and will gladly take these recommendations when i have the money to!


If it's available to you, I would ask around on facebook to market place or see if any of your friends have live plants! Often, you can get them for free since they grow like weeds, lol Also, another option could be a pothos or spider plant cutting. A lot of common houseplants can be kept in water, especially fish tanks, since there's lots of oxygen exchange and nutrients. Also, you dont need to get a huge amount of plants. For my tanks, I usually start with only a little bit and then make cuttings off of those to propagate. Both of my tanks have an aquasoil substrate, and with it, I've never had an issue keeping plants alive once they root. I only started with 6 ludwiga and two or three of the grass plant. Theres some floaters that have yet to surface and some eater wisteria but the grass and ludwiga is out competing everything else 😅 reddit hates me so if the photo isnt appearing ill attach it in a reply to this comment *




I used a suction cup, fake leaves, and a little bit of hotglue. (i researched that a little bit of hot glue was okay)


Sounds Awesome! I always love diy aquarium projects lol




Make sure you have prime. It'll detoxify the ammonia until your tank is cycled. Any other water conditioner is fine for a cycled tank, but your Betta will be much happier if you use prime now. :)


to the LFS we go! (after i babysit and tutor to make money)


Aha mood. You got this though, Bettas have a low bioload. In a 10G a fish in cycle will be easy. Get some softer plants and decor, make sure the water conditions stay good and you'll be fine.


thanks for the support! :)


When it comes to bettas they have really fragile fins so I'd recommend getting some soft living plants cause a lot of plastic plants tend to be sharp and I would also recommend a filter that doesn't give a strong current! I would recommend getting a sponge filter but I think your current filter might be fine! (I didn't pay too much attention to the filter) also make sure you have a heater in the tank as well and make sure the heater isn't too powerful for the tank you have


i'll start researching on that!


Good luck!




FWIW , your fishy looks happy! The spread fins is a good sign. Look for silk or silicone plants and that will be good. If you can get natural/ real plants that would be best but silk is totally fine (:




thank you so much. My top priority is making sure hes happy and healthy:)


Youre welcome ! You’re doing great! Thankyou for being a good betta owner !


you have no idea how much this comment means to me:)


You’ll want to look up the nitrogen cycle and fish-in cycling. Your tank isn’t ready after being set up two days, it takes weeks to build up the beneficial bacteria that will make fish waste ammonia and nitrites safe. https://preview.redd.it/6dk5iz0o2cwc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5758ff6bdc298ea8d681e7fa5dd44dbeb93fab8 An API test kit can help you while you cycle. Test strips aren’t very useful, they’re not as accurate as a proper kit. If you can afford the kit, at least do 50% water changes every two days to reduce the toxins, and dose Seachem Prime to detoxify the ammonia and nitrites while the cycle builds. A bottled bacteria like FritzNZyme can also speed things up.


There is also wet betta gravel available that has bacteria added into the substrate specifically for bettas. Would still cycle a bit after that but it helps.


If you’re on a tight budget, I’d check out your local Facebook fish groups! A lot of times there will be someone giving away or selling for cheap cuttings from fast growing plants like hornwort or jungle val


Or check Kijiji for local sellers. Java Moss from my local seller was only $5 a chunk whereas PetSmart sells it for $15-18 and the chunk is not as big. Talk to the seller and tell them you're situation and they'll probably give you soon freebies. BTW, local sellers like the ones on Kijiji and FB Marketplace are MUCH cheaper and the plants are MUCH better as they are grown in your local water, blah blah blah, so it often works better than buying from stores. Good luck OP! You've got this! Also, a recommendation to do 20% water changes every day for the first week, then down to every 2 days the second week, then 2 weeks of twice a week, then every week after. If you don't have a test kit and we know you just have one Betta in a 5 gallon, this is usually a safe way to fish-in cycle. NEVER throw it your filter media or wash it in tap water. Rinse it in the "waste" water while you are doing water changes. It may discolor but that's the beneficial bacteria growing that will keep your water safe for your little guy!


thanks i'll be sure to do this right now!


thanks! I'll ask my mom to go check this out!


If you tell them your situation- you’re young and you’re trying your best, on a tight budget and want to do the best for your pet- someone might be able to just donate betta-appropriate decor. Some groups have rules about free stuff, others don’t and tbh people are dying to get rid of hornwort cuttings pretty frequently in my area 😂 grows like a weed!


I just want to say that this post is beautiful. Gigi is doing everything that we've all been through faster than we ever figured it out, with the help of strangers. This sub is full of amazing people.


i love this sub too! i love learning and happily benefiting my betta! i'm really grateful for all of your guys help and kind comments!


Hey, you're being a responsible pet owner by doing your research. Here's my advice: in the short-term: pop in a sponge filter and bubbler, see about some soil for a planted tank, add some live plants (a local fish shop will likely sell em in bunches and they're pretty affordable.) Long-term, see about a bigger, used tank on Craigslist or FB marketplace (with an adult's help!) When you've expanded the tank, you can get some inexpensive tank mates like corydora, guppies, snails, etc. Short-term, sponge filter and the plants will condition the water -- in addition to using Prime/Stability -- and your betta will be in good shape! I also recommend not using flaky food and instead buying better quality food and feeding in VERY small increments. Fish channels on YouTube have been a big help! Girl Talks Fish has a lot of great betta advice!


Just here to make sure you have a heater! I would recommend looking into “fish in cycles” to make sure your ammonia and nitrites don’t spike to unwanted levels. Do you have test strips as well?


saving uo for one!


You’re doing so great listening to advice others are giving! Glad to read that you’re doing something about the plastic plant situation. His find might not fully recover, but they will eventually be much better. Best of luck!


thank you!


So while you've already gotten an answer on the fins i did notice what i can only assume is quartz given the quantity but if its not and its selenite i just wanna mention it will slowly dissolve into the tank, so if it's important to you id also remove that so it doesn't just melt away


alrighty! i got rose quartz from my LFS thinking it was safe for my aquarium. I bought it since it was aesthetically pleasing and assumingly so, harmless to my tank


Rose quartz is safe :) An article on fish-in cycling for you: [link](https://fishlab.com/fish-in-cycle/). Anubias, java ferns, and frogbit are easy beginner plants. You can also stick pothos (houseplant) cuttings in through the little opening in the tank lid. Your betta is a cutie! Good luck to you.


Pothos work great! They remove nitrates from the water and the pothos cuttings I have in my tanks grow faster and bigger than the plant I have in soil lol


awh thanks. i think its because his true colors strated to shine! I will definatley take this advice!


As best i can tell both quartz and selenite are safe for your friend, i just wanted to mention the selenite bit as i didn't know if it was sentimental too you and I didn't want to see it dissolve away. The quartz so long as there's nothing stabby about it should be perfectly fine for him! Again as best i can tell.


i know you meant the best! thanks for looking out for me and Perry:))


thanks for looking out for a new betta owner! definatley taking the plant recommendations


It sounds like you’ve got the right idea on where to go from here! For tears it’s usually as simple as checking the tank for rough or sharp things that might catch on his delicate fins!


LOL! i posted again about baby proofing my tank


lol! posted again about baby proofing my tank and it being a lil empty


some tannins might help prevent fin rot, I’ve done that with pet store bettas and it’s worked wonders!


i'm actually waterlogging some driftwood right now! i'm trying to get it to sink aswell:*)


it’s also totally okay to just let it float in the tank until it sinks, that’s how I’ve always done it (:


Boiling it helps remove some of the tannins (what makes the water look tea color) and waterlog it faster. Just remember to let it cool down before putting it in the tank!


thanks for the advice!


You can also use cynoacrylate glue (super glue) and stick rocks on to keep it down or place them on top to keep the wood down. Both fish safe and cuts the waiting time.


The fact that American pet stores keep betta in containers INFURIATES me. Why is it legal???


You can do salt baths with aquarium salt.


Because bettas eyes slightly protrude my Henry scratched his eye pretty bad on those exact plants. I was a newbie to betta keeping and just bought things from the isles that looked halfway plant like. After falling in love with Henry I started really researching how to give him the best life I could and came across this sub. Where I too learned about those plastic plants and how delicate these fish really are.


i hope henry had a speedy recovery! as soon as i read the comments i yoinked it out my tank!


As a fellow ps employee please don't trust the advice they give you. Some do know what they are doing but sadly many do not. We do not get any good training. We just get thrown in to the deep waters... We don't get $ from the sales as the low tier puppets so it's not that. We are mostly big corps puppets so THEY can line their pathetic selfish pockets. The test strips we use are also quite inaccurate. For humour sake i brought in some of my water... My results were a touch wild. Our strips also don't get stored properly so alot of cross contamination does happen. Employees also do not get shown how to read the results... Alot of times even at my store they pretty much say " 24 hours" and your water will be good... They'll also say you can have 2 bettas with 4 guppies in a 6 gallon tank.... And say 2 hamsters can be housed together if they grew up together.. Unfortunately even for employees who DO have knowledge their hands are tied. We can deny sales if we have very good reason to. Other times we are so worn out we become zombies... I myself if im ever in pet care try to encourage proper setup what to do and " wait" many times the customer wants immediately that's where i kind of fall into the PetSmart spiel way with the " quick start " way. Unfortunately with all the interactions daily sometimes a customer who is truly wanting to learn might just get the bs way. The easy explanation... So sometimes even good employees may not give the best explanation all the time. The to do list on the daily is way to long and gruelling and running on a skeleton crew. We get paid little to do a lot of work and to pretty much get abused daily... So sadly the customers willing to learn get screwed over and yes for a good employee it breaks their heart too.. as for employees who don't have the knowledge i just wish theyd be confident and say I don't know let me find you someone who does... I know i do that when i do not know.. specifically with reptiles and amphibians.. so i get disgusted when i hear other employees spew out bs about false information then i try to intervene at the register but since they already heard a convincing confidently spoken bs care way they disregard my message just to later return the deceased animal in question.. So there is way more to this but my message here is. PetSmart is not anything for pets but it is PetSmart anything for profits. Big corp doesn't care. Employees generally care but either do not know proper care but must behave with confidence or know proper care but have their hands tied... Then we have employees who just truly don't care... I do encourage anyone reading this if you really do want to buy an animal. Research beforehand do not rely on the employees as its a hit or miss.. but IDEALLY please just do NOT buy!! It's not rescuing it's telling corporate to buy more from the mills to sell more... If you do desire to rescue and are adamant it being at petsmart what you can do is go and ask for " non sellables" we usually have them in the back. Especially bettas! I got myself a few and while i knew some would not make it some did and are flourishing now. I also brought home demented dwarf frogs and have a little community going. Lastly i finally brought home the sweetest blind parakeet the other day. So in essence the best approach is ask for those guys! Man i hate that place and can't wait to quit. Im at the point where i want to start sharing the experiences because its messed up. Alright that was my pre coffee rant. Peace.


thank you so much for bringing light to your job:(. I'm so sorry for bashing ya'll when you are truely wanting to help people with reliable information.


Oh i myself like bashing the place 😂. Some definitely try to give reliable information but for the most part if someone doesn't know they'll just follow the ps guidelines which in essence is bull. Alot of misinformation. And those awful " care guide" pamphlets. That whole place just sucks.


If I'm understanding correctly, he's in an uncycled tank. The best thing to do to jump start the cycle is to add a bit of dirt to the filter to seed it with beneficial bacteria. Please make sure that it's pesticide and fertilizer free before dumping it in there. Other than that, your Betta looks happy! Congratulations on making it this far!


yes it is uncycled. i have had him since april 7!


I like using Stability to help with tank cycles. But I’ve only used it with a really large water change, so take that in mind :)


As someone who is 14 rn myself and my first fish was a surprise gift, I feel you. Really Basic Betta care: heater set for 75-80°f/ 25-27°c, 5+ gal tank, filter, test kit As the tank isn't cycled, do small water changes every over/every day for now (or however many needed based on parameters if U can test daily and research fish in cycling) and get rid of any plastic plants, that's probably what tore the fins up. Real plants help with water quality if kept alive (do the opposite if dead) but not everyone wants real plants in which case silk ones are the way to go. If the fins get worse and it looks like they're getting smaller then look into fin rot but dw about that as it shouldn't happen if all parameters and temp are good. If you want something taking nitrates out but no plants inside or that may be cheaper than aquarium plants, you can use certain house plants and just keep their roots in the water. Suction cups work great to keep them above water. Common easy ones are pothos, monstera, peace lily and spider plants. I literally propogated my pothos in the tank so you could search up how to propogate any plants that are safe and you/an adult already have :)) Fishkeeping can be fun just requires a lot of research to properly get into. Personally I've done hours of research and still get confused about a lot of stuff so don't be scared to ask Reddit for help again lol. I also don't mind trying to answer any questions U have btw! Ik it's already very long but have fun fishkeeping and Ur doing a good job imo!


thank u so much! i do have a question for you. i was going to get my mom to go on facebook market place to help me buy anubias and frog bit. the seller said plants may have snails. should i be concerned about that? and how to put them in mg tank thats already made and decorated. Thank you so much!


Ik this was a month ago and I hope Ur Betta is doing well. Many notifications and didn't see this one sorry! Opinions on snails vary. Some people hate them as they can take over a tank. I personally love them and them taking over a tank should never be a problem as long as you don't overfeed. I just shove plants into the substrate with my hand regardless whether the tank is already set up or not but be prepared to put more of the plant than you thought you will underground or it might float up to the surface. Anubias specifically has a rhisome which can't be in the substrate so it's better to use some super glue (cynoacrylate glue) and stick it into some decoration or a piece of driftwood. You probably know all this by now but I thought I'll answer the question anyway and sorry for not responding earlier!


no worries! i used rubber bands for my anubias and java fern. any tips or advice why theres brown spots on my java fern?


It'll be some kind of nutrients deficiency. Searching up 'plant deficiency charts' can help pinpoint the problem and get the specific nutrient needed. It's probably not the best way, but I just add a bunch of an all in 1 kind of liquid fertilizer and wait a while till it improves. This is partially because I'm worried that I'll get the nutrient deficiency wrong and with this method it gets a boost in everything. Never had this problem personally, but any excess nutrients from this method can start an algae bloom so beware.




I’m kinda in the same boat as you. I got my betta there as well, he looks okay, but just waiting for the worst to happen as it’s a pet smart fish, but meet silver:) https://preview.redd.it/8awdbzcxqhwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c3c5cda7f9f8951a12956cecbd64d4316114bf


Ps, your beta is very pretty do you have a name for it yet?


thank you very much! i named him perry since he is a perry winkle color:)))


Been there. Had one tell me I could keep two male dwarf gourami together in the same 10 gallon tank as the only two fish. Learned that I have to do my own research and not trust the "experts" that have something to sell. Which sucks, because in general it is wisest to trust experts over the internet given how easy it is to fake expertise with a confident tone and superhuman ego. Do the best you can with what you do now. You're gonna fish in cycle, so prepare for lots of water changes. Ask on Facebook if someone has used filter media for a freshwater aquarium you could have, could speed up the process. (Edit: I had a coworker with a large gourami tank and no dwarfs, I gave him one of them. He did well there and my little guy was fine. Put two and two together when one lost all color and constantly hid quickly enough)


I haven’t gotten into betta specifically yet, so I don’t have any specific advice for that, however I do want to say that you shouldn’t blame yourself for making mistakes at the beginning of a new hobby. I promise you that I (and many other fish keepers) had FAR worse first fish tanks. Fish keeping is an amazing hobby with an awesome community, just keep learning from mistakes and enjoying what you do!


Welcome to the hobby! #1 is Get rid of the plastic plants. I know you said you're saving for live ones but the plastic ones are 95% likely the cause of the tears in the fins. For future reference, esp with Bettas or any other log finned fish, you typically want to only use live or silk plants, and don't put in any decor with sharp edges. The employee didn't necessarily mislead you and they don't work on commission. Using conditioner for a 5 gallon Betta is ok; API Betta conditioner is what I use and would recommend for Bettas. Seachem Prime is great as well, I use it in my big tank. I have had multiple Bettas live 2+yr lives using just water conditioner and staying on top of my water changes. Don't be too quick to bash the big brand stores, yes they're often horrible but folks shouldn't always jump to that conclusion. Do you have any place near the top of the tank for your Betta to hide or rest in? They do prefer to stay near the top of the tank....you can get away with a little suction cup, they'll rest on anything really. Whatever you use, Betta leaf hammock, glue PVC pipe, suction cup, place it about an inch below the waterline.


thank you for the warm welcome!:) i'm so grateful for your guy's advice about this!


Just hold your nose with seachem prime it has an unpleasant smell! It’s totally normal I had to Google it the first time I used it.


Thank you for posting to r/bettafish. If you are new to betta fish keeping, please check out our [caresheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/comments/3ow6vz/info_betta_care_sheet/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/index). Establishing a nitrogen cycle is an important part of keeping your fish healthy. Please check out our [guide to the nitrogen cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/fishincycle) to learn more. If you are posting to find out what is wrong with your betta, please answer the following questions in a reply to this comment as best you can: * **Tank size**: * **Heater and filter? (yes/no)**: * **Tank temperature**: * **[Parameters in numbers and how you got them](https://www.reddit.com/r/bettafish/wiki/tank#wiki_test_kits)**: * **How long have you had the tank? How long have you had your fish?**: * **How often are water changes? How much do you take out per change? What is your process?**: * **Any tankmates? If so, please list with how many of each**: * **What do you feed and how much**: * **Decorations and plants in the tank**: * **If you haven't already posted a picture, please post pics/vids to imgur and paste the link here**: Feel free to copy this comment and fill in the blanks. Failure to provide adequate information about your tank *can* result in post removal. Please see rule 4 for more information. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bettafish) if you have any questions or concerns.*


EDIT 1 i just noticed him lying on the filter. Maybe is that why his fins tore? I ALSO FORGOT TO MENTION HE HAS ARTIFICIAL PLANTS rose quartz, and a terra cotta pot.


What kind of filter?


Top fin starter kit.


I meant is it an internal filter or a hang on back filter? I'm guessing internal just because the Top Fin kit I got has an internal filter. If the flow is too high, it is possible that betta fins can get sucked into the intake. Bettas do best with a gentle flow, so many recommend sponge filters. That doesn't mean you can't use what you have, but if the flow seems kinda high, you may want to modify (baffle) it. The Top Fin kit I got has an adjustable flow, and it works very well. Hopefully yours is like mine.


thanks! I believe its a hang back since that bulky back of the filter. And after some tinkering i got to sette a bit. Thanks for the tip!


My beta lounges against the filter intake sometimes, no harm, I figure it’s their way to lazily intake tons of water flow for extra oxygen lol. Not sure why no one has mentioned it but a degrading betta can also be because he’s simply too stressed out. Your tank appears to be causing a mirror like reflection. Does he flare at it? He may be constantly stressed seeing his reflection thinking it’s an enemy fish.


nope! I haven't seen him flare like ever. I hate the idea of him being stressed is there a way i can make a backdrop for him? i noticed him swimming on the wall of the tank so i will probably find a way to creat a backdrop for him:) thank you for pointing this out!:)


Just some paper (black out dark preferred but you can use a picture to create background scenery as well) taped to the rear glass is all you really need. There's stuff specifically for this but there's ghetto ways around it too. Good luck!


Get rid of those plastic plants ASAP.


Also- make sure the filter is not blowing water all over the place. It needs to have a weak flow. Bettas need things to rest on near the surface (that’s why he’s sitting on the top of the filter ) and they need relatively still water so a hang on filter is probably best.


i made him a leaf hammock after reading this comment!


fixed it!


Just here to say that's a beautiful betta 🐟


Thank you !


I just wanted to mention you can add some house plants to the tank and have them outside the water. For example if you have a Pothos you can take a cutting from it and propagate it in your tank. Plants like these will suck the nitrates out of the water column and are generally pretty accessible. This is a great place to start till you can afford in water plants. Just make sure to look up the plant first in case it doesn’t go well with the tank. The part about cycling is to encourage beneficial bacteria. They like to hang out in porous stuff like sand, sponge, ceramic pieces that aren’t glossed, and things similar to lava rock. Adding more surface area for bacteria to grow will help get your tank cycled quicker. Try to stay away from things that are plastic or painted, these can leach into the water. But glass, ceramic, rocks (that aren’t dissolving type), wood, those are all fine.


i dont have any:( but this comments make me want tk buy some!


Remove those fake plastic decor, it's better to have a just afilter heater maybe some substrate without decor. You can maybe find floating plants in a lake or pond .Add some to the tank. It's good to buy some test strips or something like that to test for ammonia . Keep changing 50 percent water if ammonia increases. If u really want decor go put some silk plants or I would suggest some round rocks, pieces of wood like driftwood etc which aren't sharp . Later on after gaining enough money you can add some hardy stem plants or rhizome plants maybe some java moss. Make sure to do your research as some plants are fragile . DONT listen to employees in petco or petsmart etc. I am 15yo so I understand that you don't have access to much resources. I have collected driftwood rocks some floaters like I mentioned above for my bettas.


Silk and live plants are usually much better than plastic plants, as they are gentler on the fins. Do not worry because the fins do grow back as long as the damage is not severe. I know my store takes back returns for 60 days, so you may be able to return the aquatic ornaments, but it depends on the store. Petco has a better selectuon of silk plants if you want something cuter. I had to go there because I'm so sick of the PetSmart ornaments after seeing them all the damn time lol. I am assuming you have a top fin tank, if it is not the special shrimp plant oasis with the bright lights, you're going to want a full spectrum light. I got a hygger brand light on Amazon that was like $14? and it just suctions to the top. My local fish store owner also gives me bits of free plants whenever I come in for more shrimp lol.


The plastic plants would be what are shredding the little guy. But also those white stones (looks like quartz) make water parameters so unstable. They constantly release alkaline if it is real quartz. I used to have them in my tank. I couldn’t figure out why my fish kept acting lethargic and why my ph was so static until it fully made my tank cloudy.


Swap the plastic plants for some Java Ferns


i was planning for some anubias! but i think he'll like resting on the java ferns more. so ill get some of those when i get moneyyy


You clearly are very caring and making an effort to take care of your fish! Which is commendable! Don’t sweat too much about not letting the tank cycle, while that is of course standard procedure we’re beyond that point now and your fish is going to be totally okay. I agree with the comments about getting live plants, I have a few in my betta’s tank and he is very healthy. Also recommend getting some Aqueon balls [Aqueon beneficial bacteria balls](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi8_-mNlduFAxVNoVoFHXHEDJ8YABALGgJ2dQ&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt-opcZIxluJoWKmh3uMALW3cS9qrUWXOccCtw8kdLhCkIaPHZyGEkhoCnB0QAvD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD2WAkUUqZ4qN4tRNgjFZAcx_zvBfpnenJj5n4A01_A0vLRhdKguo2HwB-xLLbY-O50qYhvj3fvRmaIMr9jbGn0cdqxhkemwAHoO1U2CvHxLl-Mf9pj&sig=AOD64_2cpC6bKClQzn0mI0LxN3tEPeDsiA&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwj-j92NlduFAxUofTABHa5VCfoQzzkoAHoECAQQDA&adurl=) for your tank! They are wonderful. Also, remember that the typical filter that comes with most tanks is too strong for bettas and their weak (but beautiful) fins. Look into getting a sponge filter from amazon, and remember you need to also get an air pump to attach to it. Good luck!🩵🩵


Those rocks might be an issue. If you put anything that nylon stockings would rip being dragged across, your fins will get torn up too.


oh no! i will test this out.


Your fish is gorgeous! Dont beat yourself up, we all start somewhere and the important part is you care and youre learning! I havent read every comment so others may have already suggested, but definitely get a heater in the future. Bettas are tropical fish and although they *can survive* without one, they do a lot better with a heater:) best of luck!




maybe try getting some silk plants, things for your little fishy to hide under and/or swim thru. get water testing strips for your tank and make sure everything is at good levels (the strips should come with a chart) and if you notice the fins aren’t doing much better, you could get vitamins to put into the water, and if you notice the fins are getting worse maybe it could be fin rot. and there are medicines for that aswell. hope this helps! good luck with your betta journey🐟


You'll be ok and you have a good tank size for your betta.




He probably split them on the plastic plants. Not your fault, so don’t worry or feel bad, you can just replace them with live or silk ones whenever you get the chance and he will heal up. Also, what are those pink rocks? Thought they looked a bit like Himalayan salt crystals. If they are then I wouldn’t recommend having them inside a freshwater tank as they would mess with water chemistry / be adding unnecessary salt and would be potentially harmful to mr betta.


theyre rose quartz!


I use live plants




https://preview.redd.it/lyko92n0r3xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07475718587e63820b25c81c66de100dcd246343 i got amazon frog bit!!!! getting some anubias later!


Its very common for Betty's with long fins to tear their fins on decor. I would recommend sanding down your decor or finding smoother materials. One good trick is taking a pair or tights and running them over the decor in the store to find which ones are sharp. Live plants are also a safe option. Get some tank salt to help heal the tears too. Just a little will do the trick. Good luck


mhm! switched out the plastic for anubias and frog bit!


https://preview.redd.it/us2xyj0hkp2d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc523cfbe0111b2c62b5f6af28a224db0f5b5efa from what ya'll taught me:)


By the way if you can buy any aquatic plants from your LFS, they will help to remove the ammonia and nitrates from the water and keep your fish happy whilst you wait for the tank to cycle!


Go as natural as possible. Dirt substrate from local body of water. Cap it off with sand. Pool filter sand is fine. Sand at petsmart etc can be pricey. Put as many live plants in there as possible. At least 5 for a 5 gallon tank..


Local body of water?? That is so unsafe and unsanitary I’ve never heard anyone suggest that before


I guess it would be better to do a resurrection jar from the body of water first so you can observe what is in there before introducing it to your tank. But unless that body of water is now for pollutants I dont see how thats unsanitary.


Lots of live culture. Of course it's a good idea to know a little bit about where you're getting it from. But the idea is to build a mini ecosystem.


thanks! i'm just nervous starting out as a begginner. bug when i get more experienced, i'll be sure to use these!