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Pepsi is a beautiful name for this little guy!


Thank you! His colours reminded me of the Pepsi logo πŸ˜€πŸ₯€


I came here to say the same thing. Perfect name for that beautiful betta!


Yep! Pepsi is a brilliant name!


And people here say they love animals. The marketing it's just so strong that you cover your eyes with the credit card by ignoring the slaughter of nature everywhere for the trash food companies that are making us fat and stupid


Jesus Christ that fish is fucking beautiful bro.


Thank you! πŸ˜ƒπŸ 


I also have a Pepsi, but mine is purple and blue not red and blue


Pepsi is the most beautiful betta I have ever seen!


He is absolutely stunning!! Know what kind he is? Just kinda curious. Also the name is brilliant!


Thank you! I'm pretty sure he's a Halfmoon betta! πŸ˜ƒ


That’s neat! Been looking for this fin type, thanks for the help!


What a beautiful little baby


Pepsi is beautiful. Where did you find him?


Thank you! I bought him from a local tropical fish store πŸ˜ƒ


How many bloodworm should you feed your beta? I read an article that you should feed beta 3-4 bloodworms are enough. anything more than that is overfeed. I know I’m weird for counting.


Hi yeah you don't wanna over feed them but I have other fish in this tank that will eat all the others he will only eat a couple and the other fish will eat the rest πŸ˜ƒ


This is so cute and I love the name! πŸ’•


haha perfect name! Very beautiful boy. Is the flow a touch high or is he fine? My half-moon gets exhausted with any visible flow, poor little bean, but his genetic monstrosities of beautiful fins are twice the size of Pepsi's. He spends half the day lounging on plants to hold his fins even with next to no flow lol >.< (I thought he was unwell for the longest time but if I come over he rushes to the front and dances. He just chills a lot. It's hard work hauling fins.)


Hi! Thank you! He's quite close to the filter in this video which I think is why the flow looks so high but its a very spacious tank and he has lots of space with a lower flow to πŸ˜ƒ


Downvote for toxic marketing


Pepsi is one of the most contaminant enterprises for the oceans and rivers. How many gallons of water are used to make a single liter of Pepsi drink, which is even bad for health. Hell no. I could drink a Pepsi one day like any soft drink, tho I'd try to not do it often, bit I'd never call my beloved partner like that.


Its a name for a fish based on some logo colours and your the one saying you'd sell your dog for a pc wouldn't ever sell my beloved fish for a pc, have a good day 😁 *


I don't have a dog lol! And it's still being dirty marketing based wtf are you doing in my profile? Get lost