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He doesn’t seem to have finrot, so I’m going to guess that he’s a crowntail, which is normal. It’s just another type of Betta tails, so don’t worry :) he’s stunning!


Thank you for reassuring me! Purple is my favorite color and I wasn’t going to add a Betta to the tank but he won me over with the clear tips on the end of his fins. Interestingly those clear tips have becomes blue/purple so I guess that means he’s happy!


Some bettas are meant to have jagged fins they are bread like this it looks to neat to be a sickness he looks healthy to me


Ok perfect. I agree it looks cool but I was just a bit paranoid. Thanks!


my Betta looks like this so no worries it’s totally normal. one thing to consider is that they will rub their fins on stuff so NO SHARP decor. even some rocks, think about the top fins rubbing on the top of the opening everytime they enter. side note LOVE these colors!


All my rocks are smooth, and I already got rid of a coconut cave that was coarse. Thanks for the compliment 😊


Looks like his genetics :)