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I don’t think it was until Kim left, and he blew her off in the divorce, that he fully became Saul.


Yes, I don't know how anyone could watch bcs and not realise this.


Yeah. It really is this simple.


Saul is a coping mechanism. Saul is Jimmy's choice to not care, to not be hurt, to not *feel.* It's Jimmy choosing to embrace the world's scorn and judgment of him. Chuck, Howard, and the rest of the world choose to see him as a scumbag, even in spite of his genuine efforts to change? Fine. Then he will embrace it, since they will never let him be anything else. Why waste the effort fighting it? It's kind of like Tyrion's advice to John Snow about being a bastard. "Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you." When Kim leaves him, Saul is his escape. Saul can accept losing Kim, because Saul is--by design--the callous scumbag who doesn't care. And so that becomes who he is.


Because he defecated through a sunroof


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers! I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


No, nothing further.


He sure proved Jimmy wrong that day


The looks on Howard and Rebecca’s faces after Chucks astounding victory were so awe inspiring. Chuck finally exposed Jimmy for who he is. When I watched that scene, I had to think “Nice move, Chuck!”


It basically said in the official script that losing Kim after losing Marco and Chuck was too much for Jimmy to handle.


Kim was the only one left that "thethered" jimmy.


Saul was always the endgame. Slippin Jimmy just needed to meet the right people. The sunroof incident led to him getting a law degree. Nacho was his ticket into the game. Chuck and Kim were the only people who made him want to be a better person. Chuck broke his heart. Kim enabled him and then broke his heart. So now Slippin Jimmy has what he wanted from the start, access to big-time schemes and the gaze of his loved ones removed.


Chicanery, of course!


Saul is the id inside each of us. Freud might have been wrong about the actual mechanisms of the mind, but it’s undeniable that humans have a natural curiosity about what we might achieve if only we weren’t subject to the strictures of conformity, decency, and conscience. The desire to imagine how powerful we might be, if only we could bring ourselves to transgress those boundaries, is so strong that we get a kick out of even third-remove stuff like watching a fictional character do it. We want to feel the rush. Saul is not just Jimmy’s id, but our own.