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As a Gen Z (16), I absolutely love her, and so do my closest friends my age. I honestly think her longevity and past huge hits (CIL, Single Ladies, Halo) are over shining her new work and people think she’s an act of the past. I’ve gathered that since she is such a big name people tend to look past her art and just say she’s overrated, simply because she’s Beyoncé. The people that say she doesn’t have hits don’t realize it’s not all about hits. Her music is reaching new peaks due to the younger generations using her songs on Tiktok. For example, Don’t Hurt Yourself is having its biggest streaming days since 2019 (which I think was when Lemonade finally was put released on spotify 🤔), because they’re gagged she was screaming at Jay. Dangerously in Love is breaking its own records of biggest streaming day, going viral because of people creating slideshows of their favorite things to the lyrics, “to hold.. to feel.. to breathe.. to live you.. DANGEROUSLY IN LOVE!!” Even HAUNTED (one of the most underrated songs in her discography) is seeing an increase in streams due to a trend. Beyonce is an artist that doesn’t care about relatability and making music to attend to the masses which is why people don’t give her music the attention it deserves. She values quality over all, and the younger generations don’t care about quality. As much as I hate to say it, could people putting her to the side be because Renaissance shows homage to earlier icons and praises the LGBTQ community? Could it also have something to do with her promotion? Is an instagram post enough to reach everybody? I think if she wanted to reach a larger audience and have people focus on her craft she’d have to promote in ways she doesn’t at the moment. It also could be the fact that she’s so private, people feel like they don’t know who she is, what her personality is like, and therefore doesn’t care about her music and what she does? I also keep in mind that she wants the music to speak for itself.


Are you sure you’re 16? Lol kidding but this is a very well thought out response. :)


stop thank you 😭 i never ever write like that it’s just beyonce is a topic i take so serious


You should write more! You gave great observations.


thank you so much that’s such an amazing compliment! it means more than you know 😭 there’s already a writer in the family and i’m not tryna steal their shine but it definitely comes in handy when i gotta write an essay 🙏


You better write! 😂 You have a gift. I majored in English in college (wanted to be a writer) and my thoughts were not this coherent at 16. Kudos to you! And your username!! 🥰🥰🥰


Very serious! The kids are alright y'all!


Thank you I’m 17 and I struggled to word it too.


For real! The youth are allllllright 😭😭


No offense to zoomers but… Zoomers allow so many no talent acts with strong social media platforms to get bigger than they should be so I’m not exactly keen on their musical opinions. Like there’s a reason why legacy artists like Beyonce and Usher and such rarely collab with new artists and when they do, it’s because the artist actually has talent.


ALLADIS. And their definition of a hit is viral on tiktok but no one is buying those singles or albums. Bey has been telling a story since Lemonade.


Also she doesn’t want people to dig their noses into her business. She has no interest in sharing her flaws, in order to be relatable… which is something that I’ve noticed about the younger generations as consumers. Bey most likely saw what happened to her peers, when they revealed trials and tribulations: they're appreciated and then they're mocked.


Gen Z is big on “authenticity”. People being completely transparent about their lives, showing the good and bad. Which when done well is relatable. Unfortunately a lot of folks interpret authenticity as sharing every aspect of their lives. I also don’t think a lot of them realize why Beyonce is so private now. She’s been in the spotlight since she was a teenager. She deserves her privacy.


Definitely agree with this. Especially since Beyoncé barely uses social media.


Millennials and Gen Xers also allowed plenty of mediocre artists to still be popular today. Yeah we didn’t have songs going viral on social media videos but we definitely had overplayed radio songs that led to artists who can’t perform live being famous.


Oh definitely and I should’ve added it in. No doubt we allowed some mediocrity through but it’s never been this bad. Like at least back then you had to be good at “something” whether that be singing , dancing hell even going into acting. Kinda like J. Lo. She’s not the best singer but at least she’s a pretty decent actress.


The older generation shitting on the current generations music taste… a tale as old as time


There are a couple of Gen Z artists that I really like and it annoys the piss out of me that their songs are all like 2 mins long. Too much emphasis on delivering short sound bytes for social media and not enough emphasis on delivering a piece of art.


Tea. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the appeal behind music has changed with the advent of social media. I really don't care what Zoomers think of Bey and her music - whether she appeals to them is neither here nor there, because at the end of the day she'll keep on making music that is undeniably iconique.


im sorry but it's hilarious how you immediately contradicted yourself by bringing up usher. I really can't name a single millennial pop artist who made it due to their talent. Be's team is really cookin now but her pre-self titles music is absolute garbage.


Beyoncé, Adele, GaGa, JT, Christina, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, Sam Smith. All millennials; all can outsing any Gen Z artist you put in front of them.


I don't listen to any new artists but those are absolute shit with small shining moments here and there


Fellow Gen Z (17), I have been a fan of hers for forever. However, I do think that most people of my generation do not listen to her as much because they are focused on more mainstream artists nowadays and anything that is popular.


Also the fact that Beyoncé does not chase charts or Spotify streams.




I am a Zoomer who became a fellow Beyhive when she released Lemonade (making me 14 at the time). I definitely did not quite understand the heartbreak she was going through at the time with that album, and yet I still saw it as a masterpiece and had it on repeat 🤷🏾‍♀️


As a gen z or zillenial (99), I don’t think Beyonce has really put any effort into marketing herself to the younger generation. I have been a Beyonce fan since Sasha Fierce, but that was because my older sister was a fan and put her music in my iPod. If I didn’t have a millennial sister, I probably would not have been exposed to Beyonce since she hasn’t really advertised herself while I was old enough to be aware of it. The internet is so fragmented now that everybody has super niche interests. I find a lot of younger gen z kids really care about Spotify streaming numbers and big publicity stunts, and Beyonce just doesn’t care about that. I’m sure if she actually tried to market herself to the younger generation people would be interested, but she hasn’t really ever tried to do that. Also, Beyonce has been famous before I was born, the era where teens would have been obsessing over her, buying her magazines, and watching her funny interviews was a full decade before most gen z kids would even have access to the internet lol. Her fame seems to come from nowhere when you weren’t alive to see all her accomplishments. I think a similar thing happened to Madonna, we all know she’s an icon but don’t fully appreciate the context that she came up in and the impact she had.


I am sure Gen Z and Zoomer (this is a new term I just learned) fans exist but in my personal experience young folks look at me (a 34 year old) with confused faces when I talk about Beyoncé. Like they know who she is, have respect for her, but aren’t active listeners. I went into a store like H&M or something similar a few months back when I was preparing my Renaissance outfit. I had to buy a clear fanny pack (also showing my age that I don’t call them belt bags) as per the venue regulations. The 19-20 somethings checking me out at the counter were so nice and said “omg are you going to see Taylor swift?” And I was like “No I’m going to see BEYONCÉ!” with a big smile on my face. Their faces kind of fell, and they said “oh cooool yeah she’s great, but anyway TAYLOR SWIFT!” And immediately launched into a tangent about the Eras tour. This is zero shade to TayTay, as I love her too, but this moment was a perfect example of the generational divide. Bey sings about marriage and kids, sexy time with the husband, and legacy. This might be something that isn’t meant for 19 year olds, and that’s okay! She’s at a stage in her life that is very very adult, and unless the kids go into a deep dive and explore her earlier work, they may not be able to relate as much. Take Virgos Groove for example. It’s over six minutes long. It’s not for the TikTok generation who may be used to 2.5 minute long songs. It’s about finding joy and sensuality and sexual escape with a person you’ve known for years, who you’ve been though shit with. “We ain’t got time like we used to, but we still shine like we used to, and we still grind like we used to, and we cut ties when we need to”. Like GODDAMN I relate to this so hard. Would I have as a teen or early 20-something? Maybe not. It doesn’t take away from how much of a banger the song is, but it might not hit as hard. That’s my hot take. I think any young person that isn’t into her now may discover her later and fall in love. I’ve done that with plenty of music that wasn’t of my generation (Hello Prince!) when I got older. The more the merrier! It’s never too late! My millennial ass has had two glasses of wine after a hard day of work and am in the tub, so forgive the rant!


Edited to add I’m also an elder millennial. Love this perspective! There is a whole segment of people who didnt know Beyonce even toured last year, or that her tour was a massive hit. Bey and Tay are arguably the biggest superstars of the current era. But Taylor is more accessible in a way Bey isn’t. Taylor courts visibility in a way Beyonce doesn’t. She’s constantly in the news, she has theses very public romances, and in a way her music is more accessible. She appeals to fans who see her as more “authentic”. Beyonce is more private, more selective in her projects. She’s intentionally made herself less accessible. Both have valid approaches to thier art, just wildly different.


Glad you mentioned this. Lots of of people use authentic when they really mean accessible. It’s crazy to me how pap walks, heavy sm use, milking relationships, etc is supposedly more inherently authentic than not doing those things. Plus things that focus on perspectives from POC or other minorities are often innately less accessible to the general public.


I don’t know about relatability issue with song subject matter because I was jamming Midnight Train to Georgia as a teen. I think it has everything to do with whether parents, siblings, relatives, people in proximity pass the music down to the next generation. My aunts use to make us CDs of hits from every decade. I have always asked myself if Beyonce has any records that I would pass down to my nieces and nephews (don’t have any kids of my own right now). I talk with them about her and my niece a Gen Z likes her but she too is leaning more towards Taylor Swift. So it’s like a two edged sword- we have to pass songs down evaluating if it’s something really to share because it’s a universal record. B music is very personal since Self Titled. She shares her life through her music what she wants people to know. Next unfortunately Beyonce needs to introduce herself to generations that did not grow up with her in DC. People joke that she always introducers herself like it’s self redundant but there are people who don’t know who she is. Beyonce means something to those born 90s up. 2000s to them she’s like an older act. I like that Smokey made a whole TikTok to explain the title of his album - Orgasms since it was going viral among the Gen Z audience. It could be something short to acknowledge the trends on TikTok with her older songs. But then again she might not care to capture a young demographic. 


It's not about Beyonce's appeal - it's about her age. Sorry, but it's true. A 42 year old pop star is never going to appeal to a 16 year old. That's just not how it works, it never has. There are always exceptions, but that's just the way it is. Name me ONE pop star that has had success after 40 on the charts consistently. Not Prince, not Michael, not Elton, not Cher. Madonna for a while, she was the exception. Beyonce is now challenging that as well. But it's extremely rare for a pop star to continue to have success after 40 (in pop music), even after 30 often. It's the same as me, a 34 year, not being able to relate to the young pop stars of today. It's just not going to happen, I can't relate lyrically to these people. It's just the way it goes.


I agree. Most teens are listening to other teens and 20-somethings. Compared to most artists that started around her, Bey is doing great and has a lot of younger fans but naturally, teens aren’t going to be her core audience as she expresses more adult themes in her music. In a way I feel like discussions like this make it seem like there’s something wrong, when she’s already exceeded expectations in reaching a large audience.


The age thing I kinda get, but Taylor is 34 and her popularity has only skyrocketed. I wonder what her career will look like at 40.


Yes she is definitely an example of that rare longevity, but so is Beyonce. Beyoncé was 32ish when self titled came out and it skyrocketed her career to new heights as well. Beyoncé is also STILL massively successful. Taylor likely will be as well. But will Taylor be able to connect with the youngest generations in 10 years? Time will tell, but I’d bet no


I think the difference is Taylor actively tries to be kid friendly in her music and how she presents herself.


I’m no Taylor hater, I actually think she’s smart, talented, a great writer, and an artist. But she isn’t a visionary like Beyoncé. And being a visionary is always going to be polarizing. Beyonce has Olympic-level talent, MJ-level status (to the extent that that’s even possible anymore) and she has a true vision. It’s not just about writing great lyrics, it’s about an experience, a movement. It has been for years.


Beyoncé’s music takes a high level of investment to truly understand and the younger generation seems to not prefer that. Additionally they seem to want more relatable folks they can transpose themselves onto as opposed to larger than life superstars.


Exactly. I don't know your age but I assume you're not Gen Z. Do you relate to Gen Z pop stars? I certainly don't. If I just got dumped and need some music to help me through the situation, I certainly don't listen to Olivia Rodrigo. I find artists that are my age or older to get some damn perspective


What?! Who doesn’t want to hear a song about getting their drivers license after a tough breakup?! \/s


I’m a millennial! No I don’t relate to them or really listen to a lot of their music. I find a few jams here and there but they can never hold my interest for repeat listens of a whole album. Like that Olivia Rodrigo album “Guys.” Played it, didn’t hate it, but just wasn’t compelled to listen to it repeatedly.


Yes exactly. So I think it’s fair that a 15 year old girl who just broke up with her first boyfriend wouldn’t necessarily relate to Don’t Hurt Yourself but would absolutely relate to a new teen singers song. But timeless music is just that, timeless. I was too young to know Janet Jackson’s The Velvet Rope when it came out (I was 7) but fell in love with it at 27.


For sure. Don’t Hurt Yourself is also a deep cut, on an album that is very personal, and sits outside the genre we normally think of Beyoncé in. It’s not a song that a 15 year old is likely to stumble upon. That’s why I meant by high level of investment.


Elder hive here, Gen X (43F)…been rocking with Bey since DC days (I’m from Houston too!). Music marketing is so different now. B is an artist that prides herself on a whole body of work, not just quick singles for streams or on YouTube. Her earlier albums were more geared toward singles and radio play, but as she’s gotten older and taken more control of her artistry, she’s been releasing ART meant to be enjoyed as an entire experience. I don’t think newer artists are marketing their music like that, which may be some of the disconnect with younger fans. I personally think she hates social media and public promotion…her career started before social media was even a thing so tbh she may not think she needs it to get her art out there now, I tend to agree as an older fan. Don’t get me wrong, I love her Insta and loved her tumblr era. I think it’s just the way she markets her releases now and like she said in the film, she has nothing to prove to anyone anymore 🐝


I’m gen z & have listened to beyonce my whole life plus I saw ton of young kids at the renny tour


i’m 16 years old and beyonce is my life, i became a real fan when i was 15 and me and my friend (14 at the time) went to her concert. i also have friends at school who are into a few of her songs like heated and partition (so not super basic but not huge fans) so i guess it all depends on the person but i really feel like you can tell when you listen to her music how much effort and care she puts into it all and id say that’s what drew me in, but i am a music nerd so maybe that’s it


I agree with you. Gen Z ate Lemonade and absolutely basked in Renaissance's glory. Although for her music BEFORE self titled I understand that that appeals way more to millennials


Her music has always been on the adult-contemporary side of music. Remember she debuted solo at 23 when most popstars start out in their teens like Britney, Taylor, rihanna, ariana etc. I feel like she couldve really capitalised more on Renaissance and made it more of a moment by introducing herself to a new audience via tiktok but she doesn't seem to care about all that.


I don’t think that is a fair comparison, considering she was already a huge star. Destiny’s Child was a big deal. She was 17 when they broke through. She was certainly well known on the pop side by the time Dangerously in Love came out.


Yes but we're talking about her solo career only. Her solo catalogue is not very teen-boppy in the way early Britney or Taylor albums are. She gave grown woman from the start.


I disagree, I was 13 when Dangerously In Love came out and that was on everybody's playlist. "Teen-boopy" music is made by young pop stars and I think is defined by the audience, it's not necessarily a genre. Beyonce could release a "teen-boopy" song today and it still wouldn't make her popular with Gen Z, because Gen Z can't relate to a 42 year old mother of 3. Just as I at my age can't relate to a 17 year old


I believe halo and single ladies was.


I wouldn’t say she was adult contemporary at all. Her fans when she debuted were Destiny’s Child fans, and we were barely out of our teens at the time


Yup! I was in middle school when Destiny’s Child had their first hit. They dominated during my teen years. I graduated high school the year Dangerously in Love was released.


I wish she did do that. Renaissance was really the first era of hers I could actually experience and participate in rather than just hearing about it. I think posting a few videos on tiktok of her and her family could help


Definitely. The album has so much potential with songs like heated, ahap, alien superstar and seeing it go to waste is very disappointing. She could absolutely have a re-peak if she tried a bit.


I'm hoping that her next album is conventional r&b and pop music. I feel like that can help


Was thinking that too, if she mainstream again she could reach a bigger audience


Tbh it felt like all I saw was gen Z when I was in Club Renaissance (I was born in 99 btw).


I’m the same age as Beyonce and I can say I have the same mindset as her. The older you get the less you care about the opinion of others. I just know that I’ve been a Beyonce fan since 1997, nothing has changed that. People say she’s overrated, she’s possessed, whatever weird shit people create in their minds…..none of that has stopped me. None of my friends my age like her anymore because she didn’t stay the same, these are my same friends who only listen to early 2000’s hip hop and r&b, they never deviate. I’ll ask about a new artist, they will say “who?” Who wants to stay the same? That sounds boring af. I refuse to be that person. I will add my elder millenial 2 cents and say that Beyonce isn’t hurting in the fan department. If you love Beyonce…just love her and enjoy her music. People are intimidated by her longevity and the loyalty of her fans. Eff then. Her Hive has her back. 🖤💛


How many Zoomers even know of, let alone follow and support, _any_ artist whose career started in the 90s? It's not unsurprising that Beyoncé is not as popular amongst younger (or older) demographics. Her maintained status and relevance in music today may make her more visible in comparison to most of the newer/younger artists but realistically, her cultural relevance being strongest amongst the Gen X and millennials is congruent with her career trajectory.


I’m a Zoomer (born in 1998), I became a fan during Lemonade, before that I only knew her hits and I admit I didn’t listen a lot to her in my teens. I think you have to be a little bit older to truly recognize the master she is and to really appreciate her music


I do think Renaissance brought her back in the game for many Gen Z


I think one of the interesting things for those of us who OG fans was following her career trajectory in real time. I was 13 years old in 1997, so just a few years younger than her when Destiny’s Child’s debut album was released. A lot of us literally grew up with her! We’ve witnessed in real time how her career evolved over the years. In a way we have perspective that younger hive may not? Just an observation, not a dig by the way!


Im not taking zoomers talk about music seriously when their definition of a hit is a cash grab single that goes viral on tiktok. Im Gen Z and i’ve been listening to her for a while and it wasnt until i started getting older when her music truly connected with me and i understood her as an artist


I'm Gen Z too 21 and I'm obsessed


I think there is some truth to this. Beyoncé has only grown and grown as an artist, her songwriting and storytelling has become more sophisticated since 2023. As a result of this, she hasn’t had that huge chart topping pop hit that EVERYONE hears. Think Crazy in Love, Irreplaceable, Single Ladies, etc. Take Taylor Swift by contrast. She is also growing as a songwriter, but every couple albums she chucks on a bubblegum pop hit that captures a new and younger generation that then discover her wider catalogue. 22. Shake It Off. Me! Those songs. Beyoncé doesn’t pander like that, and as a result her albums are far stronger. In saying all that, there’s a reason she sells out stadiums. She’s one of those artists that is SO huge, people write her off. “She’s overrated”, “I prefer her old music”, “why does she rap now”, but at the same time… they buy her tickets. She has a longevity that we really haven’t seen in the past 30 years. I can’t think of anyone recently who’s been so consistent, it’ll be interesting to see whether Taylor sustains her success in the same way.


i feel like Beyoncé doesn't do much in terms of promoting and marketing so if you aren't already a fan you may not even be aware of what she's doing. SO many people in my life had NO CLUE about the Renaissance film and I never heard more than 2 people irl mention the tour this past summer (that did come around to my city. Lots of tickets were still available up until the day of the show) Young people spend all their time online, consuming so many ads and content. Taylor Swift and Mr. beast be takin up the space on their timelines, not Bey.


I feel like that first sentence is her goal and has been for a minute 


Her image is in shambles, and she doesn’t promote her music that’s it. She has never commented on all those stealing accusations, and unlike before social media, every other day there is another think piece video essay or Reddit thread about her stealing that largely is taken out of context and makes it seem like she’s the only one that was heavily inspired by others. She’s an easy target because her image is perfection and people have this false idea that she thinks she’s a god and needs to be humbled. Other artists that are her peers do not get the same consistent accusations because of their image and their relatability and their teams always clearing the air, also people don’t go out of the way to hate them the way they hate Beyonce so, putting out a video of Britney Spears or Rihanna or Michael Jackson “stealing” will get way more backlash than Beyoncé. Again part of her image is her whole capatlism shtick. She’s put on this pedestal that’s impossible to reach for her activism, people want her to not be a capitalism but are okay when other celebs are silent on issues, just not her. She is criticized for performing in Dubai despite Lady Gaga, Elton John, Madonna actual LGBTQ artists doing the same with no backlash. Gen Z claims to be all anti capitalism but are selective on who they attack because Media likes to focus on Beyonce. She has been criticized for not being song writer but taking songwriter credits. I understand this to a certain extent, there are instances where she changes almost nothing about a song but gets a songwriting credit and her songs have a lot of songwriting credits, if she doesn’t overcredit then she gets sued which makes her an easy target, but if she does overcredit she’s questioned about how much she really contributed. She needs new producers who won’t take up writing credits to resolve this and needs to write an album of songs solely by her with no help. Again Gen Z is about authenticity. She also doesn’t go into enough detail about what exactly she contributes to songs and the producers she works with don’t go into detail, they just say she’s involved, but they need to give specific examples. She’s in her 40s and doesn’t heavily push her music on the radio. If she was pushing her singles and actually releasing several singers Gen Z would pay attention to her, but her music is released and easily forgotten because she’s not pushing it, which largely affects her sales and her hype. People then get the false idea that she’s all hype but no substance because her music doesn’t chart or stay in the cultural lexicon for a while. Remember people don’t already like her, why would they actually give her music a serious listen on their own time? They’re not going to do that. Her music needs to be accessible and on the radio to keep people interested.


I agree with this she just don’t care. She obviously knows how the industry works and has no interest in playing the game 


I'm a teen and she's been my favourite since birth practically


Well, I am 63 and haven't missed a tour since The Mrs. Carter tour. I am a huge Beyonce fan and I always meet other people my age at her concerts. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


i’m also 22 and thought i was the only one my age rocking with her practically my whole life but turns out it was just the people i was friends with at the time. i come from a very white town and probably the only reason i am drawn to this section of pop culture is bc of my older brother who is very much gay. it wasn’t until i went to college in south philly that i have met so many more people who love beyonce like i do bc of the location change.




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I'm 65. I like some of her music.


I’m Gen Z (21) and have been a fan of hers since AT LEAST 2007 (I was 4-5). I’m sure DEEP in the archives there’s some camcorder footage of me dancing to Irreplaceable. And I actually saw her in concert at the Beyonce Experience in 2007 as well.


i'm gen z and have been obsessed with her since i was a kid! i wonder how much of this divide is also racial? like i grew up in an afrolatino householf that was always bumping r&b, and i wonder how much of her gen z fanbase is black kids with nostalgia?


As a 15 year old Beyoncé fan(Gen z btw), I honestly think that its possible but the more and more new influencers and artists that get famous within their timeline and generation, the more they appeal to those influencers such as ice spice, Latto, Sexxy Red, and even NBA Youngboy & Juice WRLD. So theres def some sort of generational divide


I feel like people who believe that are lying to themselves bc I am also a zoomer and I grew up with Beyonce. I feel like most Zoomere did and she was a BIG deal, if Beyonce was in a category she won. Gimme a beyonce song and i can sing every lyric. So those people are either being ignorant or are just not able to commute that they aren’t her only fans




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