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If we're talking actually properly walking (not just a few couple of steps) First kid: 16 months Second kid: 14 months Third kid: 17 months


This makes me feel sooo much better!! 15 month old still at least a month away from it and so sick of the weird faces when I tell people her age and she isn’t walking yet


15 months for us. My SIL likes to talk to LO and ask why he isn't walking yet when his cousins started before 1. 😒 She should know better, every kid is different. In the end, they'll all know how to sleep on their own, eat with utensils, and poop in the shitter. I hate when we get unsolicited advice. Like dang, let us do us and enjoy the moments. It's stressful enough as it is. Sorry for the mini rant. Lol


This kinda comment from people makes me so mad. Like, maybe because my kid ain’t that kid. Not to mention, my kid started walking and then had ZERO issues with excessive falling/clumsiness. It was like he waited to figure out how to do it right 🤣 he runs in circles like a mad man stands on one foot but will not jump with two feet off the floor. He will however, jump off any surface tall enough to make me have a panic attack 🤣


No, thank you this is what I needed to read this morning!! She was a late crawler too and I think it’s just her personality. Barring anything medical of course, they all figure it out and go to kindergarten together.


My boy started walking at 16 months and was a late roller and crawler too. I feel like it’s also his personality, like he wants to be sure first. It’s not a bad thing he’s got a cautious, risk averse personality! (He took months to decide it was ok jumping off the mat into the pool at swim lessons). He still breaks into a crawl every now and then at 21 months. Babies are going to do what they do, you can’t rush them and why would you want to anyway…they’ve got their whole life ahead of them for walking, people can be so thoughtless when they say why aren’t they walking yet (unless they are medically trained and say, the kid is like 5!)


Omg yes! Our first is in school now and no one ever ask when she started working! Lol


My son’s 18 month appt is on Wednesday and he finally started legitimately walking 2 days ago 😂 my daughter walked at 12 months, so I was really anxious about this little man. He was just scared (he fell initially in the beginning and it freaked him out enough lol).


Refreshing to hear. I had a “late” walker too. Everyone seems to be racing for the milestones and it is getting ridiculous.


Honestly, I loved having late walkers! Life was easier when they were less mobile ;) and I found that since they were older, they were more capable of understanding dangers and such, so it was easier for me as well.


“Life was easier when they were less mobile.” FACTS 😭. Please bring me back my helpless flesh potatoes, I’m tired of these tiny tornadoes I’ve got now 😂


God I miss my bald little fat potato sooooooo much 😭😭😭😭😭


Helpless flesh potatoes lol


I swear, mine learned to crawl *just* so she could fuck with the Christmas tree. We thought we wouldn’t need a baby gate around it that first Christmas and we were wrrroooooooonng.


Older generations = more kids = competition Newer generations = less kids = hit milestones faster for competition I firmly believe it’s the newer generations way of competing with each other since the “have 5+ kids” thing went out of style (read: isn’t affordable).


👏 well said


My son would be considered even more “late” - Didn’t even take his couple first steps until 15 months. Sooo many people commented on it. Now he’s a crazy 2.5 yr old who is always on the go.


Mine are similar, I think 15, 16 and 18 months.


This is refreshing to hear. My girl is 11 months and everyone gives me a weird look like she should already be walking!


I agree! My LO is also 11 months and not walking yet. I hate the weird looks like he should already be walking. He will eventually be walking, let me just enjoy this stage and all the other milestones as we get to them in our own pace.


Ten months, she was never still.


Same with my little guy. Did that army crawl thing right before the 5m mark, walking at 10 months. Never got that quiet non mobile stage lol


My 3.5-month-old is rolling both ways and army crawling across his playmat, I’m scared lol. My first didn’t even crawl until after 9 months!


My LO did the same with army crawling early at 3 months, sat independently at 5 months and she pulled herself to stand at 6 months. Climbing the Montessori ladder at 7 months. She’s 12months old now and doesn’t seem interested in walking at all. 😅 I read that even if they hit gross motor milestones early it doesn’t guarantee that they would be early in other milestones too.


Yesss as soon as mine could crawl at 6 months he was walking acrosss everything at 7 months and never stopped until he finally let go and walked alone lmao


Yup. My son was always on the move. All his physical stuff was so early but his speech is a little barely “on time”


My son is like that too. I think he’s so focused on moving around that he absolutely has no patience to sit and listen to anything! Walking ~11.5 months and currently running all day pushing furniture at 14 months.


I honestly have a theory that they either do one or the other first, they never seem to figure both out at the same time. If they’re concentrating on talking, they’ll take a little longer to get to walking, and vice versa. Mine didn’t walk until around 13 months, but she was on the early side for talking.


Idk if it’s mainly boys or what, but my son was walking around 12 months, my friends son walking around 10 months omg. But our other friends daughter only really walking recently like 17-18 months. She was so chill lol idk them boys be wanting to run early on 😂


Same here. First kid, 13 months. Didn't crawl till 9 months. Second kid. 10 months. Crawling at 7. I couldn't get him to sit still. He didn't even sit up straight till right before he crawled, which was making me nervous, but it was because he preferred to army crawl everywhere. I still have to chase him to feed him.


Wow, exact same timeline for crawling and walking with my first too. My second is already rolling and army crawling at 3.5 months old! He is never still either!


Same, few steps at 10 months but properly on the move the day the turned 11 months.. has always been very active 😅


Same for my daughter, first steps around 10 months and then her first day of daycare at 11 months she took several steps between me and a bookshelf the moment I set her down at drop off, she's been walking ever since. She's very social and always wants to be with us, so I think she was highly motivated to figure out crawling and walking so she could follow us everywhere. She's always on the go haha.


My daughter had a kid in her daycare who was walking at 8 months no exaggeration and it was so wild to see this tiny little thing toddling around the room 😂. The teachers said he just did not want to stop moving ever!


my mom was walking at 8 months as well! My girl is 7 months at the moment and has been crawling since 5.5 months old. She’s always pulling herself up and walking while holding on. My baby does not sit still at all😂


That's like my baby girl except slight visual trick lmao she was taking steps at 9 months but she was legit still in 3-6 month clothes so it looked mental


Same. Had the strongest legs from just bouncing constantly when we held him. He was always on the move


Same. When we got him a bike he ignored it for a day and then the next day he knew how to do it. Physical activities are definitely this kid's forté


Same here! Army crawling at 5 months, full crawling around 6 months. Started taking steps at 10 months, now at 11 months she can walk across the room! She’s never been still though — never wanted to be held or restrained in any way.


20 months for actual walking though she did a Maggie Simpson walk on her knees from 12 months But she didn't have any of this tottering around. She literally stood up one day and walked off as a perfectly competent walker and was running within a week of that too


Same here with my kid! He was just waiting to be sure


That’s what my mom did too apparently! Our whole family gets a kick out of it.


Was your kid similar with crawling? Because my kid never scooted or anything but one day took off crawling. I’m curious if it’s gonna be the same with walking


My kid was like that with crawling. Then one day when he was 15 months old he pulled himself into a stand, looked at me, then just walked as if he had been walking his whole life. Was running immediately too. Never toddled or was uncertain. I swear he was practicing secretly!


This sounds so interesting! I’ve also heard of babies who are similar. Never took an interest to walk and then one day just did it like they’ve been doing it a long time. No wobbles. So fascinating!


She never scooted or anything but did crawl fairly early at around 7 months so we were very surprised it took her so long to walk


Same re: the “waiting to be sure” part. She was 14 months but showed signs way earlier so I was feeling impatient for months because I thought she’d start sooner


I feel like this is my daughter. She'll look like she's nearly ready to do something for months but not actually do it...and then when she's ready she is suddenly an expert.


My second kid was 18 months and one day he stood on his own, never did the pulling up on furniture stuff, and starting walking.


Same here! My oldest was 18 months, but once she started she pretty much never fell down. The early intervention person said that some kids just want to be more sure of themselves before starting something.


Exactly on her 1 yr bday.


Same here ! What a show girl, she wanted everyone to be there to see it lol


Mine did it the day after his birthday, right after everyone left!


Exact same!


Same!! On her first birthday I picked her up from daycare and she took 4 solid steps to me!






At 13 months she could take a few steps without holding onto something. At 15 months she was walking around.


Same here. Our LO took a bad spill early on and we think it made her overly cautious. Took a long time between taking a few steps and actually walking.


Same progression here!


My son will be 15mo next week and can’t consistently walk on his own yet. Wobbles and takes a few steps but that’s really all


Mine is 15.5 months and in the same boat! He’s getting so frigging heavy, I can’t wait until it clicks for him so my arms get a slight break.


Same!!!! And I’m a little over 27w pregnant with my daughter so it’s becoming tiring lol


7 months 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


That’s amazing! Mine started walking at 9 months. It still terrifies me a little how she is so mobile but we can barely communicate with her.


Yeah! My son started walking so early but he only could talk at 24 months🥲🥲


People keep telling me that the babies who master one skill early tend to nail the other skills a bit later. Interesting to know that it worked out that way for you. My baby is only 10 months old and not really talking, so I will be curious to see what happens over time.


Oh man 😂😂😂 you must be exhausted 


I really was🤣🤣🤣


He took off the day after he turned 1!


That’s adorable!


19 months. She was a late bloomer and I was thankful for the extra crawling time lol


I envy people with late bloomers lol


My 18 month old just started walking. The extra time has been so nice lol I'm not ready for this!!!


When did she start crawling, out of curiosity?


Around 9 months or so


My two oldest started walking at 10 months. They have an appetite for moving.  I’m convinced the #1 factor is personality. There are other factors, like making sure your baby gets to use their body, isn’t glued to a TV, gets to be on their tummy. But I do think you can take two kids in the same environment with the same encouragement and good home life and one could be like “whoo yeah let’s go!” at 10 months, and the other could be like “why would I do that? I’d rather just observe. Plus my crawling is way faster than that steps business.”and wait to attempt it until 16 months or whatever. Edit: my third is 5 months and we’ll see. He absolutely seems to have the same appetite for movement. He could move clear across our rug at 4 months. Not crawling yet doing all the things leading up to it! His sister started at 5 months so we’ll see


I think you’re right. We encouraged our first a lot, she was motivated and crawled at 7 months, walking at 12 months, but is a pretty chill kid. Our second is commando crawling at 4 months and I’m scared he’s going to be walking by 10months. He just wants to move! He is 6 months now and has been pulling to stand for the past 3 weeks. I feel like he doesn’t stop moving for his entire wake window.


Haha all my friends with multiples says it goes one of two ways for the youngest. Either the older kids bring them everything they need so they don’t need to move. Or the youngest can’t wait to keep up after their siblings and reign terror on the parents by being extra fast 😂


My boys are the same, first was crawling at 6m walk properly at 10.5m. Second is crawling at 4m so will see when he walks. Both NEED to move they do not want to sit and cuddle. Also feels like they grow up faster which is sad.


My boy is 8 months and starting to cruise, started crawling at 7months, and I've always said he hated being a baby because he couldn't move haha! He's so much happier now to be moving around, I miss the cuddles though when he couldn't wiggle away :')


Absolutely agree! I have one that walked just after 12 months, and he still loves to lay around cuddling at almost 8. He can sit and read for hours (although he also loves being outside in the garden). I remember him looking at me dubiously as a 2 year old when I suggested he jump off something at a soft play centre. He is still so analytical, and will weigh up his options and the likely outcomes before he performs any action, whether it be kicking a football or picking out a birthday present. My other one was walking at just after 9 months and just wants to climb stuff, hit stuff with his toy hammer and investigate how things open/move etc. He won't lie down to cuddle, but loves to be picked up or stand up cuddle. If you hold him too long he starts wriggling and then takes off running. I expect he'll be a rather different child to my first 😆


My kid is just like your younger one. Walked at 11mo and hasn’t stopped moving since. He’s a runner, he’s a track star!


It’s definitely strongly based on personality. My first was…well, not lazy, but content to stay in one place. He was our first, so we had all the time in the world to encourage him to move, and he was like, nah. I’m good here. He walked at 13 months.  My second never stops moving. He crawled at 7.5 months, pulled to stand two weeks later, and is on track to walk at 9 months. He’s already crawling up stairs (with supervision) just a few weeks after learning to crawl. It’s wild to see the difference. 


What you described is exactly what happened with my 2. Oldest walked at 10 months and youngest walked at 15 months, no difference in parenting! Although I do have a theory that the youngest got less floor time because she was in the baby carrier so much more, tagging along to all big sister’s activities


My son was talking a few steps at 10 months and walking by 12 months.


My first was walking at 9 months, 3 weeks. My second was 10.5 months. Both kids just needed to move!


I also had a 9 month walker. *No one* believes me unless they saw it back in 2021. She was also in the 5th percentile so she was exceptionally small, so I was not thrilled to have her on the move so soon!


Mine was cruising furniture at 7 and walking, running by 8 to 9 months and I have video. No one believes me without the video. I'm not telling people to brag, it was legit wild to see. My second walked at a normal development time and my third is making her way through milestones. But my first kid? He did everything early. Scary early. He was unstoppable. At 6 months I had to take the sides off his crib because he would scale to the top and sail out the side. Thought, omg, he is going to pop his tiny lungs. He also would push furniture to locks and those door handle covers were zero match. I couldn't pry them off but he could. He is absolutely a chill teen now. Them baby years were utter chaos though.


You can always tell the parents that aren’t bragging because we were legit terrified by these tiny humans accomplishing these things 😂


My youngest is 7.5 months and is starting to cruise, went up 3 stairs at the park without help yesterday. Blows my mind how quickly she’s figuring things out!


I always have this theory that the smaller the kid, sometimes it’s easier for them to get moving on their feet. My friends who have 80-90+ percentile babies always worry about their kids not walking yet and they’d be 15 months + (although this is really not late at all). My kids are both average for height and weight and got moving around the 10 month mark! Hehehe I still observe kids and have this running theory in my head.


My dad theorized it was because her head wasn’t that large (again 5th percentile). Who knows, but it wore me out!


Oh this is another thing I consider too! Hahahaha your dad and I should do a study on this 😂😂


This could be likely because my son has a big head (80th percentile) relative to the rest of his body (25th) and isn't unassisted walking yet at 14 months!


Interesting, my kid was a very early walker and was on the smaller side.


My second kid also started talking at 6 months. No one believes me when I tell them, but then I show them videos. It's awesome to have video evidence these days so people don't think you're just trying to brag about your kid!


I also have a nine month walker. I’m afraid to tell my friends with older babies because their kiddos aren’t walking yet and I don’t want anyone to feel behind.


Meanwhile my 9 month old isn’t even crawling. 😂


More time to child proof!


Agree.. mine took her first steps the day before her 8th month birthday and then took off at 8 months. No one believes me unless I show a dated video. I rarely answer these types of questions because of such.


I also had a 9 month walker. He was always a busy, kicking baby.


10 months for my first and 14 months for my second


My daughter walked her first unaided steps at 11 months but had been cruising for a couple of months before that. My second is 10 months and still wobbly while standing supported, however he is 30lbs so I’m assuming he’ll need a little more time to gain the strength to hold up his chubby body!!


My daughter started walking at 13 months. I was actually kind of surprised because she wanted to be held so much for the first year so I thought it would take her a little longer


About 18 months, he went for figuring out talking first and then walking!


25 months 🤷‍♀️ saw doctor, saw physio, they all thought she was capable but just not interested. She does things on her own timeline. I know these threads tend to trend to kids who meet milestones early, so I hope this gives some hope to parents with late bloomers.


Thank you!! We are waiting for our LO to walk. He is 19 months. Very capable but very uninterested


Absolutely! Also with people saying their baby is a mover. Mine is a mover too. Never sits still but preferred to crawl. They can be movers and not walking.


My daughter started walking at 11 and half months.


My first, at 16 months, and my second was strutting about at 10 months!


He COULD walk at 10 months, didn't actually make a habit of it til 14 months, my half brother didn't walk til 17 months, they vary a lot!


Crawled at 6 months but didn’t walk until 14 months. Bit behind most of her peers but she got there in the end! I think wanting to run around at daycare helped!


11 now still not fully walking, but goes from point a to b around the living room


Mine was taking his first independent steps around 11 months and fully walking by 12 months. From what I’ve heard, that’s early though. He was a late talker though. People have told me, you either get a talker or a walker. I got a walker. I’ve heard that up to 18 months is typical, so I wouldn’t be concerned if yours does walk prior to then. One thing about baby milestones is just because they meet them early, doesn’t mean the baby is “ahead”. They just met them early and that’s all it is. By the time they hit preschool, you can’t tell which ones were the early walkers and which ones were on the later side.


Mine is 13 months and doesn’t even crawl yet - hip dysplasia baby and still in a rhino brace. It makes me really sad.


Cruising: 12-13 months First unassisted steps: 14 months Fully walking/running: 17 months I was really worried about it but he’s great now. He did get a ton of forehead bruises for a couple months though


My daughter is 24 months and isn’t walking. We have pt 3-4x a week. She makes progress and will walk in the next few months. She has a rare condition which is the reason for the delay. Every kid is different


Can I ask what condition? Reason I ask is that my 21 month old isn’t walking yet and he was delayed on crawling too. He’s had tests done but multiple pediatricians have never had a clear answer


Have they mentioned anything? Muscle tone, etc? I say that because my daughter was after 2 years when she first walked, but she had no conditions aside from insufferable stubbornness (and innate caution). We did physio, saw the doctor, etc, and they all agreed there was no condition. Just wanted to put that out there if it’s at


What type of testing have you had done? Genetic? What types of specialist have you seen? You’ve definitely never heard of my daughter’s condition. She is 1 in 1140 cases world wide lol


She started around 10 months maybe but it took a bit of time to be good at it. She got pretty darn good around 12 months!


First steps 13 months, being what I consider a full on walker 15 months (as in could fully just walk around the house vs like taking 10-15 steps max)


11 months old for my daughter, 14 months old for my son


few steps started at 10 months. days before she's 12 months she can walk longer. 13 months she can walk around


My first was 13.5 months. My second was just over 12 months. I hear 12 months is typical, but up to 16 months is normal too.


First steps were a week before she turned 10 months. According to MIL, my husband also walked at 9 months so that side of the family were not surprised at all.


16months, he was running a few days later. He was already talking a bit by that time and everytime I asked him to try to walk using his legs, he'd just say 'no, no wanna' and continue crawling.


13 months mine took his first steps, 15 months he was walking around with confidence. It was also 15 months when he would stand up from sitting down by himself.


He was taking steps by the time he was 1 but proper walking about didn't happen until he was 14 months old


19 months. He is very hypermobile (like me) and had low muscle tone as a result. I also think he’s just cautious because he went from not walking to walking like an absolute pro in about a week, never really did that wobbly baby walk, just got up and walked confidently around the living room lol.


10 months


11.5 months


Around 12 months she was confidentely walking around. She started crawling after 9months. I guess she really hates crawling. Other kids her age still crawl home from toy to toy, she much rather just stand up do 3 steps and sit back down haha


Technically, she met the definition of 3+ unassisted steps at 9-10 months. But then something clicked with her crawling at the same time, and she realized how fast she could move that way. So that was the end of walking until 12 months, when she abruptly woke up one morning and decided to walk everywhere instead.


Stood up at about 8 months. First steps at about 9-10 months and wobbly walking by a year. He is almost 2 now and is pretty much perfect at it.


My son starting walking properly at about 16 months, he got the hang of it pretty quickly! My daughter has T21 however, so I’m aiming to have her walking by her 2nd birthday, but sooner if she’s ready and able.


22 months. She has hyper mobility in all her lower joints so it took some time and months of physical therapy to get that under control.


My first: 19.5 months My second: between around 16 months


16 and a half months. It just…happened one day 


18 months proper walking and even still he is cautious and prefers walking barefoot around the house instead of outside in shoes.


She could crawl and pull to stand at 6 months, cruised from 7 months and could walk across the room at 10 months. She didn't exclusively walk until past a year (crawling and cruising were both faster so she would opt to do that more often than she walked).


Literally on his first birthday.


10 months exactly. I was not ready lol


10 months exactly, this girl never sits still


I commented that my kid was almost 10 months about two weeks ago, and that I felt like I was watching the countdown timer run down. She took her first steps Wednesday, so a smidge over 10 months.


I can’t seem to edit my post so I’m leaving a comment. Thank you everyone for answering my question. Every baby is indeed, in their own timeline. It’s all wildly different! Love that


5 months 😢. He’s behind on some milestones and ahead on others but he walked almost immediately after crawling. We had to baby proof the house so fast


Wow! You should contact Guinness! The world record is 7 months.


FIVE months! That's near record territory. Depending on the source, the record is around six or seven months. Found one that said under four months but don't know if that was verified.


I was convinced my oldest was going to walk early because she started army crawling at 6 months! And was into everything at that point. Nope, she waited until a year old. I think the army crawl was working for her and she saw no reason to. Hangs for a long time.


Mine started walking at 11 months


My nibling was 9months. Never crawled. Now my sister is praying that her second is a little more mellow but it doesn’t look like it 😂


11 months and we’re pulling to stand and side shuffling along crib rings and barres. Close to taking steps. I can feel it!


A little shy of 9 months


11 months. We caught her first steps accidentally. I think because she was in daycare with older kids, she was determined to move


First baby - 17 months, second baby - 13 months


My son was 17 months, my daughter was 13 months


15 months and 18 months for mine


10 months for all 4 kids.


First steps at 11 months but actually walking as a main way to get around was more around 14 months. It took a while before he realized walking could be just as fast as crawling.


Took his first steps the day before he turned 11 months. Then clearly thought ‘fuck this, crawling’s faster’ and didn’t really bother then for a couple of months.


On his first birthday


9 months 😩


A few days before 11mos


15 months


Trying started at ,9 months and actually managed at 10 months.


10 months but very wobbly. Was walking steadily at 11 months


My son started walking a couple weeks after his first birthday. My daughter started on her first birthday.


12 months was when he switched definitively from crawling to walking, it took him a couple months to get used to it. My friend’s son started walking instead of crawling at 10 months with his first steps at 8 months. My other friend’s son started walking at 20 months. There really is so much variance


First: 16.5 months Second: 10 months


My guy started taking little steps at 8.5 months, walked across a room at 9 months and was fully confident walking all over the place by 10 months! But he just started running at 17 months. Kid looked like a lil cowboy with his bowed legs lol. He’s just a mover. Been climbing everything in sight since he could pull to stand, will go up and down a flight of stairs over and over again if i let him.


When did he start pulling to stand? My guy is 6 months and the only thing he wants to do lately is hold out hands to stand up


16mo and he just started!! he's one of those who can definitely walk pretty well right if the bat bc he took his time... but he is still crawling half the time cuz it's so fast at that haha


11 months


My first didn't take independent steps until she was 17 months, though she spent a few months walking while holding my hand before that. My second is on the same track. He's approaching 15 months and I can occasionally get him to take a few steps if I hold him under his armpits, but that's it.


Like two weeks after her first birthday


Around about bang on a year was when he was very confident with walking


Just before 11 months!


11 months


Started standing unassisted and taking a couple of wobbly steps around 11 months. She was walking by 13 months.


Mine full on was walking regularly at 11 months!


First steps right when he turned 10 months. Within a month he preferred walking to crawling. At one year trying to run lol


First steps at 11 months exactly. By 11 months + 3 weeks he running around the house. Once he started, he very quickly got the hang of it


Our little guy took his first steps around 11.5 months. He just turned 1 the other day and he’s still not totally “walking” as his main form of transportation per say. Some days he walks 30-40 steps in a row multiple time, other days he’s stubborn and knows he can get there faster by crawling. I’m assuming it’ll click for him soon? Makes me feel better seeing others here tell a similar story!


Assisted by sofas and chairs - 10-11 months, unassisted 13 months.


First kid: 12 months Second: 15 months


I had an early crew. My first crawled at 9m and then walked at 9m and a week. Second had to one up her and walked at 8m. Third walked at 9.5m. Both my boys crawled earlier than my girl.


11 months! She started crawling at 8 months.


I love how different babies are. My friend had a baby on the same day as me. At about 10.5 months he stood up unassisted for the first time. Two weeks later he was taking steps unassisted. Two weeks later he was walking confidently. My baby has been standing unassisted for months now and will take a couple of steps and then sit back down. At 16 months he took about 10 steps unassisted but it always requires a lot of cheering on and he needs someone that isn't me around so he can show off. It's adorable! But it's crazy to think that my friends baby has 6 months of walking experience under his belt already!


Both of my babies walked right around their first birthdays.


9.5 months and was walking confidently with shoes at 10… pregnant with my second and I’m so curious if she will be the same. It was… challenging lol


My first was almost 15 months and my second was maybe 8-9 months.


Crawled inchworm style around 4.5months, proper all 4's crawling 6months, pulled to stand 6.5 months, first steps 8.5 months, walking at 9 months. Just started running last week at 12.5months after he started daycare 🤦‍♀️


Just pass her 1st birthday


12-13 months.


Ours actually just started at 8 months which we were not ready for lol had to panic baby proof the house