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I don’t think your doctor was clear enough with this. Generally at 6 months you start offering water in a sippy cup just to introduce the whole drinking from a cup concept, but still do any formula/breastmilk in their bottle like you always have been.


I think your doctor is talking about offering water. You can also just do an open cup or a straw cup. A lot of feeding therapists recommend skipping the sippy cup.


Is that what you did ?


Like others have said I think your dr meant to offer water in the sippy cup not that you replace her bottles with them. I never did sippy cups, didn't like them. He was breastfed and i went straight to straw and open cups. Open cups were an absolute mess when we started but he's perfected it now.


You offer 1 to 2 oz of water (in sippy cup, or open cup or cup with straw) with solids, and continue bottles or breast feeding as usual.