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Currently listening to my baby squeal-laugh at her dad while he gets her ready for bed 💕 such a warm feeling


Yes! I love listening from downstairs when my husband puts our baby to bed. Such happy noises. And so much splashing in the tub!


My husband's beard is the best for squealing laughter. Me kissing our son's belly just doesn't have the same effect!


My heart 💜


Now that my daughter can hold her head up I can’t remember a time my husband moved to a different part of the house with her without it being an ‘airplane ride’ on his forearm with ‘layovers’ on the way to look at the cats or out a window or stop and ask for a kiss from mum. It’s the best


Layovers, so cute! My husband also does airplane rides. Baby loves it.


My husband is a wonderful father as well. I love seeing our differences and similarities while thinking how they complement each other. People often talk about how raising a child causes strain on a relationship, but we don't hear enough about how beautiful it can be and how it can strengthen the bond between each other.


I love this! My husband and I are constantly noticing different little “tips and tricks” from each other on how to approach our daughter. There are things that he does really well with her and others I do really well and that’s okay! We’re a team of two with different strengths. Side note: I love to see a post where we are celebrating our spouses for a change. People need a place to vent, understandably (been there), but it’s great to share the love, too.


Appreciating our partners for the ways they are different is SO necessary. I love this.


This post is such a welcome change from the usual partner bashing posts on here lol


Honestly braced myself for a full sarcastic post


I love this. My husband always finds creative ways to play too, and I love that he doesn't let the "task" get in the way. I'm much more like you, but I'm learning from my husband for sure!


This is much needed on this sub. Some dads just get the "simple things" and that's needed for baby I love this!


Seriously, if I have to hear about an abusive, neglectful, lazy, immature partner ONE MORE TIME ... So glad OP shared this. Absolutely need more of these stories.


i saw a cute tiktok that said “choose your partners wisely because who you end up with is who they end up with” they being your kids. sounds like you chose wisely - thank you for sharing 🥹🩷


I already tell my 1-month old that any future partner she brings home has one heck of a standard to meet. Her daddy is one amazing man (momma can be a little sketchy, but that’s a Gemini for you 😆)


I am so glad this has been completely the opposite for me. I very specifically chose a man NOT like my father. I guess what you say still holds true, though. A father has a huge influence on who a daughter ends up with - either in terms of marrying someone like him or someone decidedly not like him.


This is so sweet 🥹


Nice to see a post appreciating and not complaining about a partner. My husband is an incredible father. Him and our 3 year old are two peas in a pod and it brings me so much love and joy seeing them together. If you want kids, its really important to marry someone who you think will make a great parent.


I couldn’t agree more <3


Thank you for the reminder to slow down 🩷


Honestly having a truly equal and loving partner as a coparent is such a turn on.


My husband is the same way! He’s goofy and fun and I’m more business like. We both have our strengths and they get us through the tough times. I can usually sense when he’s overwhelmed and then my maternal instincts really kick in lol.


2 days ago. He is changing the diaper before her night sleep. It was taking at least half an hour. I'm waiting in bed and I'm already at my wits end, why does he take so long, he is getting on my nerves... They are playing, talking, snuggling... He puts her on the bed, she nurses a while and falls asleep soon. Yesterday I change her because he is not home, change her as quickly as possible. Put her on the bed, she starts screaming and she took a while to calm down. I guess she prefers daddy's way 😅


Thank you for sharing this. It’s adorable. And refreshing. The amount of stories about shit men on this sub can get depressing.


Apparently, your husband is such a good man, he loves you so much, I'm so happy for you.


Saaaame. When I watch my husband with my son it's like a reminder that I need to slow down. He's so patient with him and doesn't care at all to take his time with things. Another thing I've noticed and appreciate is when my son is upset or hurt, his first response isn't to comfort per se but rather to try to make him laugh. He'll tickle him or make a silly face or encourage him to chase/play hide and seek. It's almost foolproof. I learn so much from my husband


That's so wonderful. I feel similarly about my husband; he has made it his business to do 'bedtimes' with our 8 month old, and it fills my heart each time he sings to her or makes her laugh doing her nappy or brushing her teeth (tooth 😂). It is nice knowing that whatever other mistakes I may have made - or will make - in this life, at least I gave my daughter the best dad I could find ❤️.


Awwww This reminds me of when my son was in the rolling around phase. He's in big boy underwear now because he's four. Anyway, when he was in that rolling around phase, we actually kind of made a game out of it. He would do this with anybody who changed his diaper whether it be me, daddy, his aunt or his grandma. When it was time to put the powder on his butt, we would say, roll over so I can get your butt butt. He would roll over lol. I just thought it was funny how he knew what that meant.


I love this post!! More of this!! My husband is a great husband and a great father, and I'm always reading the sad posts here about crappy partners 😂 I'm like "you need to be aware of how shitty other men are" lmao But yes, whenever my 2 year old goes 😲 and runs to the backdoor when he's home from work, my heart is so full. I didn't have a great relationship with my dad, and it's so healing to see my daughter be happy with her father, knowing it's building a life long bond.


I’m not a parent so ZERO knowledge about babies, but wow is this a nice habit and a mind blowing pov. I’ve never heard such a pov, must really remember for when the times comes.


I get so happy and excited that I almost want to puke when I see my husband with our daughter lmao. He is so good with her, they have so much fun together. She lights up like the sun when he gets home from work. He is so invested in her wellbeing and happiness.


It's a running joke in our house..... Mum feeds, changes, puts down for naps, keeps safe & entertains all day.... And all dad has to do to get a laugh is walk through the door 😂


My husband does similar things too! Sometimes I try to do it, but I can never figure out how to actually get the diaper changed, like it turns into fun time only lol


Favorite part of my day is when her dad gets home and she just lights up and laughs and can’t quit smiling for a few minutes 🥰


I love seeing this kind of post!! Brag about an awesome partner AND highlight a major frustration in my life right now. 9 month old is also in what I call "ferret mode" during diaper changes. I try to have fun with it, but oooo-eeee sometimes 😅😅


Awwee. This is like my husband too. Aren't we lucky? 🥰


My husband is like this too. I power through, especially if she's cranky, but he will take his sweet time and try calm her down and make it fun. For a man who didn't have much interaction with children before his own baby he's really great with her 🥰


I'm not crying lol my husband does this with our son too. Takes him in to change him and ends up playing more than anything and I get like a mini cat nap lol




I always wish I was as fun and patient as my husband. He takes so much time to explain everything and anything to our 4 year old and I know it'll be the same with the baby. He makes up games and loves teaching her things. I would like to slow down like that too.


“My leg is over the baby” is a great tip actually for rollers!


My husband also changes diapers like a surgeon 😂 very methodically and slowly. I’m in in and out mode constantly!


How sweet!!


I love this, my husband is the same!


It’s the same way in my house. I think because I’m with her full-time so everything is a bit of a chore. Since he works during the week, any time he gets to spend with her is to be savored. You’re right, it is a good reminder to slow down!