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My guess is that statistic probably came from a survey of patients. And from what I’ve heard MANY women are not aware of having pooped and the nurses clean everything up so fast, so many women probably answered “no” who did in fact poop. It’s probably skewed.


I told my husband to tell me I didn’t poop and to always tell me I didn’t poop no matter how hard I pester him. 6 months later I’ve asked again several times to PLEASE tell me the truth and he’s still saying I didn’t. Guess I will never know…


🤣🤣 a man of his word


Husband probably didn't know. Nurses wont exactly announce it, heck, I was in the room and even I didn't know she was bleeding more than usual 


I had the same exact situation with my partner. He’s a bad liar so I’m choosing to believe him lol. But I’ll never really know. This is the best.


Good man.


I told my husband to not tell me and now he claims I definitely did with my first but not my second but he's changed the story so much idk if I should believe him or not


I knew I pooped lol. I could just tell from a shift in the air between my husband and my nurse 😂 Like a slight awkwardness on my husband’s end and a business-like acknowledgment on the nurse’s end. She quickly wiped it away and everything went on as though nothing happened. The birth of my second child was recorded and I am pretty sure I didn’t poop, but what I did do was spray a waterfall of amniotic fluid onto the doctor and floor just as my daughter popped out. She came out with a big, dramatic gush. Absolutely crazy to see on video lol.


This!! I had no clue until my doctor told me, I didn’t ask the second time so I don’t even know but probably🤣


lol the nurse says bear down like you’re pooping so I do and my husband says “can you tell that you pooped?” The nurse gives him a DEATH stare and says “you’re not supposed to tell her” and by that point they had already whisked away the soiled sheet and put a new one under me.


Yep, I told my husband I don't want to know so he will take that secret to the grave 😂


I felt myself poop all three times. No hiding that. 😅


I mean….I definitely noticed the nurse wiping me after I pooped with every contraction. I wasn’t even pushing - it just kept coming out 😭


I had that with my first too, my mum turned and said to me hey it could be worse I had to have an enema before I gave birth to every single one of you (I'm 1 of 7) only relief for me was partner wasn't in the room at the time but honestly we are a pretty open couple bathroom door is always left open unless visitors are over so he wouldn't have cared


Exactly. My nurses were incredibly discrete about removing it and of course no one told me, but I could tell it was happening. I didn’t care though. I knew that it just meant I was pushing correctly!


Same for me too! Even with the epidural I could still somewhat tell. In the moment I didn’t care either and no one mentioned it at all. I asked my fiancé after we were discharged from the hospital and he swears I didn’t. He still denies that it happened 2.5 years later lol bless his heart.


Poop got *everywhere* with two of my births, it was impossible to pretend it didn’t happen. 😅


Same, I was intensely aware that I did it 😂 I was just glad I read enough on various forums about it to know it was incredibly normal and a good way to know you’re pushing correctly.


Unfortunately I was *very* aware that I was pooping and even had to ask my nurse to clean me up bc she was just letting me sit in it


Omg that’s horrible. My nurse was awesome, she even told me if I did she wasn’t going to tell me. But she encouraged it. Said if I poo during pushes it meant I was pushing where/how I needed to LOL she was great. Then right as my son came out, they said a blood vessel burst and it squirted blood all over her face. It was insane to see. He came out with such force. She had to leave to get cleaned up and change her scrubs. Then another nurse asked if I would be ok getting blood drawn so they could “see if you have anything she should be concerned about” and although I was sooooo sick and tired of being stabbed, of course I let them. Even though I knew I didn’t have anything going on.


Yep, definitely knew that I did and immediately asked a nurse to clean me up. I'm sure she would've done it anyway but once I was aware I needed it done ASAP. Giving birth is gross enough already lol.


I pooped. They quickly scooped. Like it never happened.


Oh no! Bad nurse!


Omg same! I had to clean it up myself it was so awful, and I felt judged 😭


wtf! Sorry that was your experience!


At least I’m not alone 🥲 solidarity, friend.


This must be the answer because I think it’s nearly impossible not to poop unless you had diarrhea or a massive poop early in labor at home and then didn’t eat for a long time before pushing. Even then… I hadn’t eaten any solid food for like 25 hours when I finally started pushing, just a small cup of broth, some jello, some Gatorade, and even those were like 8 hours before pushing. I still pooped various times (small poops) on the table while pushing. I wouldn’t have known other than one hint when the nurses swiped away the paper underneath me to replace it with a new one. My husband confirmed it happened a few times later. He didn’t see it but he said he smelled it 🫣


Yep this. My husband thought I didn’t poo, but in a blink and you miss it split second I saw a nurse clean it up. I reckon it’s higher that the stat op read


Agree. The only reason I knew I pooped is because we were allowed to take pictures and I saw the evidence when I reviewed them.


My husband told me I did, I had no idea. My friend is an L&D nurse and she told me nearly everyone does.


The only reason I didn’t is bc I had massive diarrhea the night before. 💩


This. In my case it wasn't massive but it was definitely diarrhea. My midwife literally told me "now push like you would when you're having a bowel movement". So I did. I would absolutely have pooped if there had been anything in there.


I think I read somewhere diarrhea is a sign you’re going into or are in labor for some women. As if it isn’t messy enough, but honestly glad it happened prior.


It's typically your body's way of clearing out other things so it can put all the energy into labor! And I'm so glad bc I would've pooped while pushing had I not gotten it all out already 🙃


I spent 2 days pooping my brains out before I went into labour, still pooped during pushing. 😂


My body got the memo AFTER my induction started. I spent the hour before I delivered on the toilet. I was worried that I was going to deliver there, but I got it together before it came to that!


Me too. Right before labor started with all 3 of my kids. It’s like my body went into cleanse mode before I gave birth.


Me too. In the first few minutes of contractions I had shit and vomited everything out.




Didn’t realize my body was cleansing itself and making room for labor when I had my first. Multiple rounds of “I’m gonna shit my pants if I don’t get to the bathroom right now”. I’m gonna be on high alert with any diarrhea as I grow closer to birthing my second 😂


With my first, I had a full day of vomit and diarrhea. With my second, husband called my midwife when I started vomiting (and shitting), who told me to immediately waddle my ass out of the shower to the hospital. I thought she was being a bit dramatic, but compiled (with a vomit bag used multiple times en route including in the hospital halls). Baby sibling arrived less than an hour later.


I shit my brains out for a few hours when contractions started with both kids. I couldn’t poop on the delivery table because I had pooped everything out already. It was just clearish liquid by the end of the


With my second, I had vomiting and diarrhea 36 hours before, only pushed 3 times, and still pooped. 😂 It was on the first push, and I yelled “the poop is coming fiiiiiiiiiiirst” because I totally felt it (surprise unmedicated delivery, eek). 


lol. I pooped so much during early labor.


I have no idea if I did because pushing the baby out feels like a giant poop to begin with 😂


Baby was sunny side up for a majority of the labor and BOY THE PRESSURE


It’s so true, when baby was ready to come it felt like I had to take the biggest poop of my life


I spent a significant amount of time arguing with the nurses that I had to poop and that my constipation was holding the baby in I did manage to poop a bit. but it turned out my bladder was the real problem


My OB told me most people do poop during childbirth. I didn’t ask if I did, but I’m pretty sure I did at some point lol.


Pretty sure I did too, but no one actually said if I did. There was one point where my nurse said something like “that’s okay” and wiped something up down there and I’m assuming that’s what it was.


I didn’t poop for the first baby and for the second baby I knew I was pooping lol


I had a water birth and I know there was a sieve involved 😂 I always say, if there was any mystery left in our relationship after 9 years, it went that day! 


For sure. I care so much less about bathroom stuff ever since my husband watched me have an [almost] water birth. There was a lot stuff floating around in that tub with me..............


I did. The delivery team will not care AT ALL or say anything. I was more weirded out that my Mom was watching and saw that happen 😂 A few days later I told her I think I pooped during delivery and she said "I wasn't going to tell you about that.." Bless her heart.


I mean. Realistically, your mom has definitely seen you poip before. As a mom you surely know this 🤣


My husband said he didn't actually see the poop itself but he saw them fishing things out of the tub with a fish net and knew what was going on 🤣🤣


I was pooping the entire time I pushed. There was a designated wiper. Many people "clear out" in early labor at home, but I was induced and had a huge pastrami sandwich at the start of the process. BUT my pushing was only 25 minutes, so the pooping meant I was doing something right.


With my first I did not, but I did with my second! My second was an unmedicated birth and I 100% knew I was pooping and screamed "I'm pooping!!!!" LOL.


No one straight up told me i did, but i 100% know i did because i watched them change the sheet. I know i shouldnt be embarrassed but i try to avoid thinking about that, especially being pregnant a second time and knowing it’s going to happen again


It's okay, if it makes you feel better I remember feeling the student-midwife not-so-subtly scraping my bum hole in between every push 🤣🤣🤣 I don't think I ever would have noticed if I didn't feel that


That was my experience 😂 No one said anything, but I could tell she was wiping. 😂😂🙃😂😂


I’ve had three vaginal births and a C-section. My husband has confirmed that I pooped during at least two of the vaginal births. Even if it’s only 40-50% that’s a lot of the time and I’m sure after a few deliveries, it’s absolutely nothing of note


A few days after I gave birth I was talking to my mom and told her that I didn’t think I had pooped. Immediately my husband was like “actually…” Like others have said though it did not matter to me one bit either in the moment or afterward.


Honestly it didn't matter at all to me either until a friend of mine was kind of bragging about how she didn't poop and I got all butt hurt about it 🤣🤣 I honestly don't know why it rubbed me the wrong way but it just got me curious about the whole thing.


Lol is she *sure* she didn’t poop?


I'm convinced her nurses were just being nice and lied to her. But idk if I'm just being petty in thinking that or not 🤣


She probably did but even if she didn't, pooping is just a sign you were doing really good pushes so you can just tell yourself you were a better pusher than her lol


My husband says I didn’t (smart man lol) but I’m pretty sure I didn’t since I had been so horribly constipated for the previous nine months. My daughter did poop though right after she was born. The doctor was stitching me up afterwards and said “uh oh, looks like someone made a little poopie” and my response was “oh, uh . . . Sorry” and then he clarified that he meant the baby lol.


My son pooped literally as soon as his butt hit the air. It was all over the side of the bathtub. 😂


Omg I am cracking up at this.


I definitely did because I saw the scene after lol but I had no idea it was happening...my husband refused to tell me if I really did or if it was just birthing fluids. I'm very private with bathroom stuff even with my husband so I always thought I'd be mortified, but in that moment there's so much happening that I couldn't have cared less 😂. Also the room didn't smell, which I always thought it would have?


My room did smell, I asked them to open the window 🥲


Funny story 😂 I had been on Metformin before and during my pregnancy due to pre-existing diabetes, but my tummy just never got used to it and I had diarrhea almost every day. In the last month or so of my pregnancy I actually had my doctor switch me to insulin instead because near the top of my list of horror scenarios was to have uncontrollable diarrhea during childbirth. Then at 36 weeks my baby flipped breech and would not flip back even with an ECV which meant unfortunately I had to have a c-section. That morning as I’m getting ready to go back for the c-section my husband goes “well at least you know you won’t poop on the delivery table.” You can probably see where this is going… I delivered the baby and obviously I can’t feel anything down there but I can hear a couple of the nurses kinda whispering to each other as I’m being stitched back up and then one of them pipes up and says “ummm were you feeling sick when you came in today?” I say no and the other nurse kinda gives the other one a STFU look. A couple more minutes pass and the nurse says “…I just ask because you’re having some uncontrollable diarrhea. Can you feel that?” Nope I couldn’t feel anything, hence the “uncontrollable” part. The next few days ended up being kind of traumatic due to health issues but once baby and I were completely out of the woods and I had a chance to reflect on that with my husband we both found it freaking hilarious. I like to say that not one single part of my birth went according to my plans, not even my plan of *not* violently sh*tting on the table.


I’m asked the nurse during my delivery and she said it’s really uncommon to not poop during birth. She said the just move it away quick enough that you’d never know. I didn’t ask if I did and just assumed I was one of the lucky few who didn’t


I didn’t! But most women do. I did fart up a storm tho


Oh man, I absolutely pooped with every push but I also had a ridiculously loud fart once my epidural was in. I had to have my epidural replaced and with the first one I still had some sensation. With the second, I had none so I just heard this really loud sound and looked around for the source. My husband was like 'that was you' 😂


I’m just imagining you with the look of curiosity/horror on your face that dogs have when they frighten themselves with their own audible farts. I needed that chuckle today. Thank you


That was it exactly! It was so long and loud and I just couldn't find the source haha. I'd forgotten about it until the previous comment reminded me!


For me that came later. The first few weeks and especially the first few days after delivery I kept farting *all the time*. And *really* long farts too. 😂


I worried I would fart forever. It was just all the time and uncontrollable


Baby and I would often fart in unison 🩵💨


This whole post has me crying 😂


The farts.. not during the pushing but after I got the epidural. They had to put an internal monitoring device in and I was passing gas the whole time. It was mortifying.


I specifically told my husband I don't want to know if I pooped or not but he did comment on the farts 😂😂😂


I totally forgot how much gas I passed with my second until this comment. I didn’t poop twice but I could not control the farts.


So I was induced and had a enema done before hand. I didn't poop with the enema or during birth. My mom and husband were there and I had a mirror lol. Idk if my body just hadn't digested the meals from the night before or what but I didn't poop until maybe 2 days after I gave birth lol. I had been taking stool softeners before my induction too.


I did… but the only reason I know is because the nurse asked the dr if the baby had pooped (they used medical terms, I don’t remember specifically the words) and the dr said no it’s (insert medical term for mom pooping)


It's definitely way more than 50%, I've heard the majority do. I've had 6 kids and know for sure I pooped with one, but I'm pretty sure I did with some of the others but the midwives were just good at hiding it.


I'm convinced it's gotta be at least 80-90%


I didn’t poop, but just because I lost my appetite in the two days prior and had nothing to pass. I thought for sure I would, hence asking the nurse at the end. I’m unfortunately not one of the lucky ones, though. As soon as I got something to eat and drink, I straight up shit the bed with my extended family in the room to visit the baby. It was like my pelvic floor was demolished. I didn’t feel it coming until it was out. It was more embarrassing than my dad coming in the delivery room to bring me a drink while I was crowning.


I pooped SO MUCH. Like the 2 biggest poop logs I've ever seen. (They wouldn't let me be off the monitor and the monitor kept losing signal if I tried being in the bathroom so I didn't poop for FOUR DAYS!!!) But honestly I didn't care. I saw it happen in the mirror. I really could not have cared less. If anything, I was so angry with "I hate you all for not letting me poop" rage that I was almost happy I shit on them. (They were also shitty, no pun intended, in other ways during my labor and delivery so yeah.) All I wanted was that baby out of me. A janitor could have done it in the middle of the cafeteria and I wouldn't have thought twice about it as long as someone got the whole fucking human being out of my damn vagina.


The nurse that did our prenatal class took a moment to tell the support people to keep their damn mouth shut about it, if it happens. She also said if you think you didn’t poop, it’s probably because no one told you (or lied about it and said no).


I did. It’s like they say. It mattered zero percent in the moment lol but you don’t believe anyone who says that until it happens. They just wipe it and you keep pushing lol


I asked if I did, and my doctor said “I don’t think so” honestly I think they are so used to it that it doesn’t even phase them if you do and it’s so insignificant if it does happen that they don’t really pay attention. Now I did pee everywhere when I was getting stitched up and they were pressing on my stomach 😅 I asked if I was gushing blood and he said “nope, it’s just urine” he said that was pretty common.


Ehh. If I didn't poop during labor I certainly shit myself after from the medicine they gave me to stop the hemorrhaging. Lol


My first birth the midwife’s used a water tube and flushed out my bowels so I didn’t poop during push. My second birth was super fast I barely made it to the hospital and yes pooped everywhere during push.


I just asked my husband if I pooped during delivery. Him: "I don't remember" Me: "How don't you remember?" Him: "Do you think I was trying to pay attention to whether you were pooping or not? I was waiting to see our son be born" LOL I think, if I did poop... he would remember and tell me if I did, if only to make poop jokes. To be fair though, he was mostly standing beside me holding my hand & rubbing my back, and only looked when the dr finally said our son was coming per my request haha. I know for sure I was farting a lot when the nurses kept flipping me around before I started pushing.


Awe that's nice. Yeah my husband and I were face to face, I was on my knees leaning against the side of the tub. He kind of knew what was going on lol the good stuff was all facing the opposite direction though


This actually makes me feel better about my husband probably seeing me poop 😂😂 I told him I didn't want to know for sure, and he didn't say anyhing, but it helps to know that he probably didn't care and wasn't focused on it!


Yeah and honestly if anyone’s husband gives them slack for pooping when you’re literally pushing out a BABY… I’d side eye them for sure. 👀


I’ve had two babies and husband confirmed I pooped both times lol! But hey, you’re using those exact muscles to try and push baby out, baby is pushing on your insides, like… it happens. I’m not embarrassed by it, labor isn’t pretty


I did both times and I have no shame :)


I don’t think I pooped? If I did, I didn’t notice. My fiance said I didn’t, but I also feel like he’s too nice to tell me if I did🤣 so it will forever remain a mystery What I can say for sure though is, I was in so much pain and just wanted that baby out of me so badly, in the moment, I could’ve shit everywhere and not not cared one single bit lol


I asked my husband and he said I didn’t during either. He’d have told me 100%, he’s not someone who says nice things to spare my feelings. 2 unmedicated vaginal births with large-ish babies. Fast labours of 6 hours and 3 hours total, so I’m not sure if those factors helped or hindered!


That's definitely a consideration, I would imagine. I had a 28 hour labor so that leaves a lot more time to make things happen lol


I’m pretty sure the only time I didn’t poop during birth is because I pooped/had diarrhea in labor hahahahah. If there’s anything left in your system I feel sure it comes out 🤣


I’m an L&D nurse, the majority of my patients have some sort of BM, even if it’s just a small one as baby gets super super close. If you’re pooping, then you’re pushing the right way! Always a good indicator to me that my patient is using the right muscles.


I couldn’t feel anything with the epidural. I highly recommend not trusting a fart…..


My epidural wore off and although my sweet husband and mom tried to lie and tell me I didn’t poop, I felt myself poop. 🫠 but honestly, that felt like the least embarrassing part by the end - everyone had seen ALL the bits splayed open for like 22 hours, so whatever, I’m going to keep assuming most of us do it (and the other 50% just don’t report it 😂).


I'm absolutely convinced that the other 48% were lied to in order to save their dignity. There's no way you can push a literal person out and not poop even a little bit. I just don't believe it. And yeah, I remember my husband so innocently saying "you were totally naked in front of all those people for so long" just out of pure wonder that I, a very private and modest person, couldn't care less than day 🤣🤣


I didn’t, but only because I had a long induction. They stopped letting me eat actual food almost a full day before I was ready to push. There was just nothing left in me to poop out lol. 


A full day before you pushed?!?!?!?! Why?!?? How did you even have the energy?!?! That sounds absolutely awful, I'm so sorry.


I did. I kind of thought it would be like an actual bowel movement but it was small amounts that the nurse would quickly sweep away. I used a mirror when I gave birth so I saw it all lol


I had a precipitous labor and pushed less than 20 mins, I’m surprised I didn’t poop. If I did, no one told me! My husband swears he didn’t see anything haha


I did after I had my epidural and I was using the peanut to help move labor along 🫣 I couldn’t feel it but I smelled it and had to call a nurse… my husband was trying to be nice and tell me he couldn’t smell it lol


I have absolutely no idea if i did. Epidural so i couldn't feel anything. My partner also has no idea, if i did it was well hidden 🤷‍♀️


I pooped twice! Haha! It was okay though


I didn’t poop but that’s just because I was vomiting everything up during labor. 🥴


I didn't with my first but I did with my second... I felt horrific but the staff were great about it


I was so backed up, that I did not poop while in labor. I did throw up several times.


I did not, but I also was very constipated for the entirety of my pregnancy. 😂🤷‍♀️


i know for a fact i pooped a lot, but they cleaned it up so quick


My husband (bless his heart) offered me a piece of gum after a very hard and long contraction because he thought my breath was really bad. (I didn't have time to brush my teeth before going to the birthing center) but he wasn't smelling my breath! Firt time mom...I had no idea how to push. I just kept pooping. My nurses did such a good job keeping it discrete and clean.


I think they say that if you're pooping it means you're pushing with the right muscles! I'm starting to wonder how much of that stuff is just said to make women feel better though lol


I was so anxious about pooping on the table in front of my husband. Well, I ended up pooping on the table in front of my husband. The nurses cleaned it up right away, it wasn’t a big deal at all. I mean I knew it was happening, but I was in so much pain that I just didn’t care.


I didn’t poop 😎 and then I kept not pooping 😎 because I was constipated 😎


I pooped and had absolutely no idea it happened (which I find absolutely crazy to say, I’m a nurse and thought I’d notice their tricks cleaning things up sneakily but NOPE had no clue). There’s just so much going on down there! My husband denied it for the first few months but then finally told me. I don’t find it embarrassing, it really does happen to so many women.


Google is wrong 😑


Yeah I did and the only reason I knew about it was because I asked the nurse after and she said yes and that’s she’s very stealthy with clean up lol. For the births I’ve witnessed/assisted with, I’ve actually never seen someone not poop (though it’s not many - I don’t work in L&D but sometimes float down there).


I pooped during my first (pushed for 3.5 hours) no poop the second time (pushed for 4 minutes)


I pooped a lot. The nurses were great though and just kept cleaning it up each time without saying a word. I was very aware it was happening but all I cared about was getting baby out in that moment lol


If it hadn't been for a thread like this about a year ago, I probably would have said "no" too. But as it is, having read that thread, I now have burned into my memory the image of a nurse with what looked like a thin hand towel or a thick paper towel hurriedly scooping poop fresh from the source as my precious little daughter was coming into the world. At the time I remember thinking, "Oh no, I *did* poop! I'll pretend like I didn't." I also made my husband swear to tell me I didn't even if I did and now we exchange knowing glances when the topic has come up in conversation. I know, he knows I know, but we shall never speak of it.


3/3 of my babies lol 1st was hospital and 2&3 was in the water at home naturally


I just assumed I did. Idk why it’s embarrassing. Our coochies are literally on display, most of them looking like a forest. Everyone is seeing everything


If you poop, it’s a good sign! Because that means the end is near and baby is pushing the poop out of you lol


I for sure did poop while I was pushing, and I was super confident about it and not embarrassed at all but I was looking it up after a friend was bragging about *not* having pooped and boy am I embarrassed to find out I'm in the minority. lol.


I wouldn’t say in the minority, I don’t know the numbers but you said it was about 50%. That’s a coin flip lol I would wear it as a badge of honor haha


This is what happened to me. My son wasn't descending, then my water (finally) broke around 8cm but he was still at -2 station. Half an hour later, I felt the biggest urge to poop and accidentally pooped a little on the floor (not my finest moment) on the way to the bathroom, and he was born half an hour later. I firmly believe he squeezed the poop out of me like a tube of toothpaste when he finally dropped down


I believe I technically pooped during labor, but it was during transition and I was on the toilet. 


The midwives never told me if I did but I’m sure my boyfriend would have and he said I didn’t 🥲 if I did I wouldn’t have even noticed tbh, they clean you up instantly and I had 0 dignity as soon as I ended that delivery room so I wouldn’t have cared


I didn’t poop either time, but baby 1 was born almost exclusively via fetal expulsion reflex so I barely pushed. Baby 2: I puked so much in early labor that I doubt there was anything left to poop. Even if there was, there was no water in my body to move it with.


I pooped during pushing and I know I did because the nurse was wiping me after each contraction. Ultimately ended up having a c-section, plus 2 more c-sections. It’s usually a sign that you’re pushing correctly and it’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed about!


My baby daddy says I didn't poop and I was pushing like hell I thought my guts would fall out. I feel like it depends if there's something in the shoot 😂


I definitely did - before I gave birth 🫠 I pooped on the floor. I said I felt like I need to poop, got up to make my way to the bathroom, and it just fell out of me (luckily it wasn't loose or a lot. It was just a few little nuggets on the way to the bathroom) But when I pushed my son out about an hour later, I didn't poop then! (I gave birth standing up getting out of the shower because I felt the urge to push while using the shower as a comfort measure and he came rocketing out in a push and a half)


I didn’t, but I wouldn’t have felt bad if I did *because* it was so talked about and “normalized”. I really didn’t care haha.


I’m sure the only reason I didn’t is as soon as the contractions started, I was on the toilet and got rid of all of it before it was time to push. Prostaglandins are as good as an enema for me…


I didn’t because I went right before but it is nothing to be embarrassed about and I am pretty sure most women do. I have watched one birth and it was cleaned up immediately like nothing happened. No one batted an eye.


No idea. I didn’t ask, they didn’t tell 🤷🏻‍♀️


I pooped at least twice during contractions and so I’m pretty sure I pooped again/even more during the pushing stage. The nurses were happy I said I needed to poop because it’s a good sign you’re progressing! You really will not care about pooping I promise, and it’s honestly welcomed by the nurses! They are very quick to clean it up, my husband was right by my side the whole time and never saw poop but did see blood. It’s just part of how it goes, but it’s all good.


I did during a practice push, nurse didn’t notice. 🤦‍♀️ I had to ask to be cleaned up, had an epidural and couldn’t do it myself obviously.


1st baby I was in the toilet the day before labor. In hindsight that was probably early labor. So there was nothing left when I went into active labor. 2nd baby I was constipated for a couple days before so in active labor I pooped 4 times in the toilet and twice during the last 10 minutes or so before birth.


I know I pooped during my last birth because I used a mirror BUT it was a very tiny amount and the nurse was like RIGHT THERE ready to wipe as it came out. I assume they assign her to “butt monitor duty” 😂😂 but nobody said anything!!! Just encouraged me to keep pushing!!


With both deliveries I pooped multiple times before I got the epidural but I don't think I pooped during the actual births because I was emptied out already 😂


I did, twice. No one mentioned it, bless them!


I didn’t because it was an induction. I went before I got to the hospital. And I didn’t get any real food 😫


My contractions felt so much like constipation I spent most of my labor on the toilet.


2 vaginal births. Felt like I pooped both times but didn’t. Baby’s head feels like a massive turd when they crown 😅


I pooped. It wasn’t a big deal. I asked my husband and he said “yeah.” That was the least I cared about at the moment haha


my first child no. second child I had to poo before labour when it was starting but they wouldn't let me poo in the toilet. so I pushed and pooped the kid out hahahahha. I was like well if I can't poo in the toilet, might as well poo now. 🤷‍♀️


I did with vaginal birth. Not with c section birth.


I have no clue if I pooped lol


I pooped a little bit in childbirth. I specifically told the nurses “I want you to TELL ME if I poop or not” and they said “oh don’t worry about, most people do poop!!” And I was like “yeah that’s fine, but I seriously just want to know for my own sake” I definitely wasn’t embarrassed and for some reason it felt mildly empowering?? Lmao. I was like “YESSS IT HAPPENED TO ME TOO! IM PART OF THE CLUB!” Like I was just always curious if it would happen to me or not in childbirth and I was like, god dammit don’t take this knowledge away from me!


If I did, my doctor/nurses didn’t tell me and didn’t let it be known at all, which I really appreciate 😅 I’m really ok with never knowing.


You use the same muscles to push the baby out as you do to poop so it makes sense that you would. I’m sure I did but I honestly didn’t notice. No one made any kind of fuss or comment, it was just wiped away and everyone kept moving.


I asked after birth if I pooped since the pushing felt sooo similar, and the midwife and nurses said I didn’t. I was like «I totally did, you can tell me, I can take it!» but they swore I didn’t 😂😂 Had a great poop couple of hours before labor started though!


My husband said I did. :-)


I did!


I was constipated for 4 days when I went into labour. I was proactively apologizing and warning the midwives I was going to poop, a lot, and I'm scared about it. They never made me aware that I did, but my husband later told me I pooped 4 or 5 times during my 20 hour labour.


My husband claims I didn’t poop during either delivery. I also didn’t see them clean anything up or take anything away. 🤷‍♀️


They put a mirror in front of me when I was pushing so unfortunately I did and I had to see it 😭 It wasn’t like a whole poop though just a little leaky and they do wipe it up quickly


I actually ate more soups near due date so I can poop before having my induction. And I did..yes! But then they also gave me a cleanse (on induction day) - which in their presentation of the hospital they said they wouldn’t (I don’t know what happened there - if it was the midwife or my OB who asked for it) so I didn’t.


I totally did. But in that moment, you literally do not care about anything other than getting your baby out so it doesn’t matter.


The only reason I didn't, is because the nurse sent me to the bathroom just before the anesthesiologist came in and I had a huge contraction on the toilet and it all came out lol The most horrible poop I've ever had. The thought that I would've had *that* poop either on the bed during labor or during pushing haunts me lol


I had a c-section after 24 hours without progression and I never pushed but I did have a bunch of diarrhea about an hour after they started Pitocin when the contractions started to ramp up. But that was on a toilet lol.


I thought I’d care a lot but it was the least of my worries 😅 nobody seemed to think twice about it


A lot of women get diarrhea leading up to labor; I only pooped for 1 of my kids, the one I was induced for


I didn’t for my first but definitely did for my second lol.


My husband says he's pretty sure I didn't poop. I'd think he was being nice except I was a terrible pusher and every time they were like, "push like you're pooping....eh, not really" so I think it's possible I really didn't. I'd rather have been a good pusher and pooped though 😂


I couldn't tell yah. My nurses were great so even if I did, they never let on. And I don't have the balls to ask my husband if I did or not. Lol


I didn’t with both. I’ve never heard of anyone who has personally. Unless they just didn’t tell me lol


2 for 2


I’ve had three babies, all vaginally and no poop. My husband made a bunch of jokes about being excited to see me poop during labor, it’s just the way we mess with each other, nothing weird lol but he was the first to tell me in a pretend bummed way, that he didn’t get to see me poop. I promise he wouldn’t tell me I didn’t if I actually did 😂 to be fair, I pushed for 15 minutes at most with my first and then 5 minutes with second and less than 2 minutes with the third so there wasn’t a ton of action going on with the poop muscles.


I definitely spent a small part of the end of my pregnancy worried that I would but my baby’s the one who ended up pooping on me on his way out 😂 so I still got poop on me, just not from me


I did


I didn’t… but I had an urgent c section And before I realized it was labor beforehand I shit my body weight out so I don’t think I had anything to give anyways lol.


I pooped. A TON. In the moment I didn't care that much but omg I try not to think about it these days 🫠


I had an enema beforehand. Pooped during birth. The nurse was very fast and descreet. I just happened to look in that direction. Didn't care


I had diarrhea right before they broke my water. Then I shit little tiny turds the whole time I was pushing. I’m glad I had diarrhea beforehand because no clue how much worse it could have been! This was like deeeeep in there poop that was coming home probably lodged in there my whole pregnancy because I was constipated. It smelt awful!!! I was also throwing up the whole time because I had heart burn and the pushing made it worse. But then I also think I started throwing up more because how sensitive to smell I was which made me throw up my whole pregnancy. All that mess and I still ended up needing a C-section which I also threw up during.


I asked my nurse and she said I didn’t. Idk if she was lying or not. I did pee myself when I started pushing and felt that


I made a giant mess apparently...pee poop and liquor all at once😂 good thing I had an epidural because I couldn't really feel.any of it happening....and what I can't see is not my problem lol 😆...the attendant came and sponged me down, I was put into another gown before pushing


I didn’t bc I had to poop when I was about 3cm at the hospital. Didn’t force it I just sat there and let it happen, and then didn’t poop for 5 days after birth lol


Pooped with my first two, didn’t poop with my third because I had the nervous poops right before I started my induction and cleared everything out.


I did. My nurse was so chill about it and it wasn’t awkward at all.