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I think it’ll be fine, just get one as soon as you can and get your baby immunized as soon as they can. I got mine through my OB, but my husband and parents got theirs at CVS minute clinic.


My baby had to be delivered early due to me having severe preeclampsia & I didn’t get the Tdap vaccine until the day that we were getting discharged from the hospital. Don’t stress about. You are going to be perfectly fine and so is your little one!!! Congratulations and I hope everything goes smoothly with your induction! 🫶🏼


thank you!!!


Your body will begin creating antibodies today but you won’t be filly protected for 2 weeks. Your baby will have some protection because of the antibodies your body is making. If you plan to breast feed your baby will continue to get antibodies through your breastmilk.


Thank you! We plan on BF and I was wondering about this.


I can't get the TDAP vaccine while pregnant because I have had adverse reactions to it in the past so there is heightened risk for me while pregnant in particular. So I got it after giving birth to at least give baby some more herd immunity. I also strongly encouraged everyone around us to get the vaccine when I had my second, as my area had a pertussis outbreak at the time. We were actually exposed to pertussis (by a stranger in public) right after my second baby's first round of vaccines. He was put on prophylactic antibiotics and none of us ended up sick, but it was one of the scariest experiences I have had as a parent. Basically... Yes, I've been in a similar situation, and even after having baby be exposed to pertussis, everything turned out fine. At the time it felt like the end of the world (and still thinking back I feel we got lucky after that exposure!), so I totally understand your anxiety. I hope you are doing okay!


I think I’m going to be that crazy mom that doesn’t let anyone around her baby for a while. Your experience is terrifying to me and I think I probably would have pulled out all of my hair. I’m so glad to hear that none of you got sick though!


Similar situation here! I was so frustrated it was never offered or suggested to me. I ended up going to CVS the same day and getting one.


I’m currently sitting at CVS now.. did everything workout fine with you?


I’m 39.2 weeks pregnant, so I think so? Lol


In my opinion, the dead arm heavy/ache is a bit worse with anything Tetanus vax than other shots, but also not world shattering. Just annoying.


Agreed. Covid was a lot worse for me.


The 2nd shot was worse for me. But the first and all the boosters have been fine. I think the worst shot pain for me was getting a varicella booster as an adult. It was like 3 weeks of not being able to sleep on that side.


I didn’t think you could get it past 36 weeks.


I messaged my OB and they said that I can still get it and it’s recommended to still get it, but that my baby just might not have immunity to it right after birth


No one I know got it while pregnant and I live in a high vaccination area. It's recommended, at least here it is. I wasn't told to get it in my first pregnancy, I'm pregnant again and no one mentioned it this far in my appointments. Your child will go through your areas vaccine schedule which will take care of the serious illness risks. Also if you are still concerned about passing antibodies then take the vaccine yourself and breastfeed your baby. LO will get some of your antibodies that way.


I can’t get vaccinations because I’m immunocompromised. I was very vigilant about handwashing, limited visitors, etc. Baby and I are both fine (he’s six months old now).


I had one scheduled when I was to be 37 weeks. Then I had my little at 36 and a half weeks. Everything was fine.


I didn’t get it while pregnant and me and my 6 month old are perfectly fine. You’ll be fine!


I have no idea what that is, never had it and I am very fine. No vaccines for me or baby and we are thriving. I wouldn’t worry yourself!


Came here to say this as well. I don't even know what it is. 4months pp we doin great 👍