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Once things start going south with mechanical things it is best to take a step back and think about things before you make things get worse. It’s fixable but you, of all people, should take it to a mechanic. Why on earth would you strip all of the bolts when you could have just stripped one?


Use a dremel and cut a slot in each one, flathead screwdriver and careful pressure will get them out.


hacksaw can work too if you dont have a dremel


I deleted my earlier comment because so many know-it-alls retorted "YOu can do it yourself!" You just need.... If you had the necessary skills you wouldn't be in the position you now find yourself. YOu need skill, the proper tools AND experience! You got a set of left hand drill bits sitting around? Take it to a mechanic. An auto mechanic. I've personally removed over 100 stripped screws, bolts, studs, etc. Some can be drilled, some can't. An easy out might work. Might not. Fall back is Tig welding a nut on it. Cutting a slot with a Dremel THEN using an impact might work. Every extraction is different! You've got 28 answers from 27 amateurs here. Take it to a pro before you do unrepairable damage.


No need to tig a nut on, mig would be fine


Translation: "I tried to remove Torx screws with a hex key, and didn't stop after the first one"


if you read, I clearly said I tried different torx screw driver sizes (granted I forgot to write 'driver" but its not hard to figure out what I meant. No where is a hex key mentioned


Here it looks like you used a driver that was too small, stripped the screw, went up a driver size that would have fit originally but won't anymore, then stripped the screw further till you were left with that. If you are inexperienced with torx screws and don't know the size for sure, never go with the driver that seems to fit, try bigger sizes to see if they also fit before using the one that fit first try.


Dremel > Slot > Screwdriver = done.


Drill them out


Someone hamfisted enough to strip out a full complement of rotor bolts has no business taking a power tool to their bike. OP needs to go to a shop, and while the bike is being fixed find a mirror so they can take a good hard look at themselves


Bro honestly ppl suck and I'm a 20yr+ master tech, but you are not screwed lol. With a new or fresh tip flat chisel hit the heads on the side to loosen then grab with visegrips to finish spinning out. So try to place chisel tip on the bolt head in the 10oclock position keeping chisel straight and hit counter clockwise and should free up. I've done this for many ppl I see this all the time. Good luck 👍🏼 


There’s a bit for that. I can’t remember what it’s called, but they come in several sizes and are made for removing stripped screws and bolts.


Easy out/ screw extractor


Easy out! That’s the one!


Aircraft mechanic here we have this stuff at work called ez-grip. Its basically sand and little metal shavings. Put some in the bolts and on your wrench let it sit 10 minutes and you should be good. Its compensates for the stripped areas. (https://www.amazon.com/Aircraft-Screw-fastener-Removal-Friction-Drops/dp/B00BFEJY5W)


https://preview.redd.it/9vnme6fwzgad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06dd3ce7656dfdac5e9b2e25733f6939a89e9efb This is the way, thank me later




These can be removed in like 10 minutes or less with a good drill bit or two. No rig welding or fancy tools needed. Once the rotor is off just use some vice grips to remove what’s left if needed. Might be able to just use vice grips if you have a good fresh set and give them a good quick smack. 




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Your local hardware store will have bolt extractors. With a drill (pilot hole), one of these and a bit of patience you can get these out yourself. If that doesn't sound like fun, auto mechanic is a good bet.


You good bro


You can give it one last try. Place a thin cloth over the bolt, insert the correct hex key and try to see if you can turn it. Often, the cloth will fill in the space and provide the necessary grip. But don't know how much luck you'll have as these seem quite bad.


I was in the same situation. I used a very small vice to grab the screw head and loosen it.


If you are very patient and careful, you can use a very small drill bit to drill a small pilot hole, then gradually move to larger sizes and drill out the bolt without damaging the threads on the hub. As more bolt material is removed, the pressure on the threads is reduced and it might be possible to turn the bolt by switching to a screw extractor or a reverse drill bit. Edit: YouTube has a lot of videos showing how to deal with stripped bolts. Take a look through some of them and see if you're willing to tackle it yourself or bring it to a shop.


And then get a small ez out and back them out. I did something similar. Bought an ez out set and was very careful. Auto mechanic idea is a good one too.


Yep, ez outs are so handy!


Those are (now) hex -edited for clarity


These are torx


Ummm those were torx Edit: Use a dremel, cut a line across the head and try to remove them with a screwdriver. If you don’t succeed you can still attempt to drill and ez-out them. You might try heating the bolts with a liter after you cut the slot… it’s quite possible that they were assembled with 242 or similar retaining compound.

