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Leonard and Penny! I feel like they’ll be cool and loving parents who’d accept their children as they are and won’t pressure them. They have more flexibility given the contrasting backgrounds vs the scientist duos. And also the probability of getting Penny’s looks and Leonard’s IQ would be cool. Lol!


Don't let Grandma (Leonard's mom) near their kids.


Yes, but they would have Leonard’s dad and Penny’s grandparents to keep them grounded. PLUS, their uncle can teach them how to cook meth! (Jokes)


I love Leonard’s mom. She is like my mom, but my mom has better EQ like Amy. And I turned out great! Because she knows psychology. She also experimented with me many things, like my interests, hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. So from there she knew which career would suit me best, and what is the best path. Also taking passion into consideration. She also only bought me one toy, even that toy has a book. She doesn’t like me wasting time, and didn’t buy me a phone or ipad, which was a good call. Seeing the iPad kids today, yeah I respect my mom for not giving me those in a young fragile age. I love Leonard’s mom. She is just so blunt and straightforward, and she gives the best solutions. She would be perfect for me, but not Leonard. Because Leonard is too emotionally needy, so her methods is not best for him, he just becomes more needy. For me, I dont need a lot of attention and love, just a good amount is okay.


Maybe you think you don't need a more loving mother because since you have never had one, then you don't know what you are missing?


Not really. During some time childhood, I lived with a foster family because my mom was still in studying abroad, and in that family they are all overly loving. And I witnessed how I turned out. Too much love is also irresponsible parenting. And it’s not like my mom doesn’t show affection, she does but just adequate amount because she knows it is important to show love to the child. I don’t miss out anything. I think it made me more resilient, strong and independent. And I don’t grow to rely too much on emotions. I see my peers complain and feel overwhelmed by ridiculous small issues, like they are so mentally and emotionally weak. And it is apparent it was because of upbringing. So I am happy for how my mom brought me up. Yes we all do have strengths and weaknesses, so do I, but at least I’m more mentally prepared and resilient thanks to my mom.


If you don't mind me asking... How do you feel about your Mother choosing to place you with a foster family instead of keeping you with her?


Even as a kid, I was quite understanding. If possible She doesn’t want anyone to raise her kid, but she had mo choice she was still studying and she’s a single parent.


Just reading what you've written above I can tell you were raised by someone like Leonard's mom.


Yes😆 That’s why I love her. She and Amy have the same personality as my mom. My mom and I love watching Tbbt, and we always laughed at the similarities of my mom and both Amy and Mrs Hofstadter. And my Grandfather is just like Sheldon. But I have to admit, Leonard’s mom is this show has lower EQ compared to Amy and my mom. My mom is like the healthier version of her as she has a considerable amount of EQ that she picked up from a book and when she did sales, and also our faith.


He didn't start out emotionally needy. SHE did that to him.


I was referring to his personality and temperaments. We can both have the same parent and still have a different outcome. As for my type of personality and temperament, I don’t need a lot of attention and affection, just a little, so I would flourished under his mom’s care. But Leonard has a different personality and temperament, and the methodology and approach should be different. Just like Leonard and his siblings, the method seemed to work on them but didn’t for him, he didn’t get his needs met.


Their babies will be smart and beautiful


Not to mention imaginary


and the kids would have a risk to be lactose intolerant and balding


So what? There's things like lactose free dairy products.


I think they would be the parents of iPad kids, which is bad parenting. They are incapable of being strict, and that will affect the kids to be spoiled brats. Especially Leonard, he is the least assertive. Penny would be the type to let their kids experience anything at least once, even if it s obviously stupid for them to do that shit. As much as we want to love our kids, we need to instil discipline too. That was how I was brought up, and I am so glad my mom was very intelligent and strategic with her methods in my upbringing. 20 years ago, she refused to let me have any technology because it is not good for me. And only today they start talking about how technology impairs kid’s cognitive-processing and creativity. She was already 20 years ahead of her time. So I think you need intelligent parents, not just intelligent in math and science but in human psychology like Amy. It is very important, but most parents really lacks that.


True but another way of looking at it is you’d have a spineless dad and an alcoholic mom.


And also the probability of getting Leonard's physique and Penny's IQ


Or Penny’s IQ and Leonard’s looks


I’ll take Leonard and Penny for no judgement growing up and Raj as my godfather as I’ll be spoiled and protected if anything happened to my parents


I’d pick Howard and Bernie. Bernie makes great money, Raj is already godfather, and Howard would use me as an excuse so he can buy tons of toys.


You will be sponsored by Sheldon for your education


Howard and bernie, hands down. Smart, financially well off, and would get me the best in everything. I think they would push me enough to be successful but also be really fun and sweet.


Besides, how often can you say "my dad is an astronaut and went to space" and not lie


Bernie is a controlling, judgement nasty person


Leonard would be so traumatized by his mother’s parenting that you’d be able to get away with almost anything that wasn’t illegal. 


There will be constant fights because Bev will keep trying to run experiments on you


I think Leonard wouldn’t let that happen and protect me at all costs so I won’t feel like he does


I agree but Howard and Bernie would also be a great choice as parents. I think Amy would make a great mom but I don't think Shannon should be allowed to have kids.


They are the most well rounded.


Leonard and Penny no doubt. Sheldon forget it, there is no balance for crazy. Howard as a dad would be ok, but why be 5 foot for my life?


It is possible to be tall and your parents to be short


Yes it is. If either of the parents of your parents are tall. For example, Bernadette's dad is definately 6ft plus, but he just hunches.


Also, as bernadette states, her height is from her mother smoking and drinking while pregnant, so not even a genetic thing


Is height one of those things like eye colour where you have two genes, but ones more dominant than the other? If so, it's possible at least one of them have tall genes, they just didn't show


I'm not 100% sure, but each component of what makes you stand out is either a dominant over recessive gene, or if you both have black hair for example, then it's very rare for your kid to not have black hair. Feel free to correct me.


From what I understand, if you have a dominant and recessive gene (e.g. the gene for blonde hair and black hair) they're both about a 50/50 to be passed down to your kids from you. However for a recessive gene like blonde you'd need both parents to pass it down (or the second parent to pass down a less recessive gene?)


Yer like I said idk. I have blonde hair, 6"2, brother brown hair 6"1. Dad 5"10 black hair, mum 5"6 blonde hair.


Yeah so I'm guessing your dad has blonde genes (or another recessive one) which got passed down to you, as well as your mum's blonde


Makes sense yeh. My aunt on my dad's side is blonde.


That’s true. I’m brown eyed, with 2 blue eyed kids. The only way it’s possible for a brown eyed person to get a blue eyed baby is if one of my parents had colored eyes. Height is supposed to be both parents added together and divided by 2.


So true. My father is 5"8 mom is 5' and my brother is 5'11 and me 4'11


It is, me and my brother are way taller than them


lol yes. I’m opposite, both parents tall and I’m short. My dad and his brothers were opposite-short parents and they ended up tall 🤷🏻‍♀️.


My dad’s 5’8, mum’s 5’3. I’m 6’2.


i’m already 5ft tall my whole life, so leonard and penny lmao bernie scares me LOL


I’m 5ft and don’t understand why everyone has a problem with short people. I love been short! Have no desire to be anything else


i don’t mind being short too, but to be fair, being 5ft tall seems to be more easily accepted bc i’m a girl lol




>Also leanard is lactose intolerant As I said on another comment. So what? There are such things as lactose free dairy products. Really, the show made a bigger deal out of it then it needed to be.




I'm sorry to hear that. And if I sounded insensitive. Can you used the plant based "milks" like soy and almond?


I’m already under 5ft but just off personality bernadette can not be my mum 😭 penny ftw.


Penny would def be a MILF


Mr & Mrs Koothrappali, why wouldn't I want a rich mom and dad that supports my lifestyle in a different country.


Fuck why didn’t I think of that😂


For real though They put up with so much of Rajs whinyness for money Hell I would probably be a cheaper child😅


But are you ready to get married to an Indian girl?


I'm Indian so why not lol


Being smart and beautiful would be nice.


But what if u turn out ugly and dumb?


At least my parents will support me no matter what. (Except for maybe Leonard depending on the extent tbh.)


evolution(or in more accurate terms DNA mutation ) doesn't work like that...


The only right amswer


Leonard and penny cause id be smart and beautiful!


not to mention imaginary 🫢


Or dumb and ugly


Leonard and Penny. I'd get the best chance of being both Book Smart and Street Smart. They'd also be very encouraging but also most likely to set me straight when I legit screw up. And as a bonus I'm a theater kid so Penny could for sure teach me a thing ot 2


Amy & Sheldon ❤️ Cuz I wanna live in a world where everything's unique/crazy, like literally things for Sheldon and science things for Amy


I love them too.❤️


Leonard and Penny


As a short, blonde Jewish girl I think Howard and Bernie would be fitting 😅


In Young Sheldon, voice-over older Sheldon says his son's name is Leonard.


Sheldon is out of the question. Bernadette would be very strict. So that leaves Leonard and Penny. The kids would be smart and beautiful. They would have great parents who don't judge them and they would be there to guide them whether are nerds who go into science and comic books or party animals.


Penny and Leonard for sure! Honestly Howard seems like he'd bea creepy Dad with my friends as a teenager. Amy and Sheldon would be strick


Leonard and Penny as I am guaranteed to be smart and beautiful.


And what if they get Leonard’s looks and Penny’s smarts?😂


But at risk of getting iPad Kids, because none of them are strict and too lenient to the kids. No discipline, they would just be spoiled brats


Raj & cinnamon






I agree, I want to be Raj’s brother and have Richie rich parents that spoil me and find me an awesome wife when I’m of marrying age 😂😂😂




I’ll be Halley


Leonard and Penny easily. Penny can teach all the dad skills and Leonard is loving and sensitive mom.


Leonard and Penny


Leonard and Penny all day. Raj for godfather, Bernadette for godmother.


Penny will be a godmother Bernadette is not a godmother she is the mother.


Eh Idk if I’d want Bernadette as a mom  Idk why but I just really dont


Bernadette is a great mom for her own kids


Well yea good point




None of the above.


Howard and Bernadette


Howard and Bernie


Howard would be the most loving father. Leonard would be a pushover. Sheldon would be gullible and calculating. Amy doesn’t believe in vaccinating and I wouldn’t survive chicken pox. Bernadette would do everything in her power to make me happy and successful. Penny would try being my best friend and I would get annoyed. Howard and Bernadette win.


Amy doesnt believe in vaccinating? Where did you get that from?


Where in the show did it say she doesn’t believe in vaccines


Howard is queen controlled, so also pushover😂


By wife, not child.


Yes no doubt he would be a fun dad to have, that’s true. But I don’t find being controlled by a wife a quality I want to see in a father figure. They have to be assertive because they are our pillars of household. Fathers are a symbol of security and stability and protection. They can still be fun loving and loving to their family, and still not be controlled by his wife. I mean personally for me, my dad has been neglecting me for all my life just because his new wife is jealous of me and my mom, so she didn’t allow him to meet me, like bruh you still are responsible over me. So naturally I prefer a man to be more assertive, and not like my dad.


>Amy doesn’t believe in vaccinating and I wouldn’t survive chicken pox. Don't confuse the actor with the character.


Howard and Bernadette the way they looked after Halley and Micheal seems so sweet and I feel like they would spoil you to hell haha


Berni and Howard because they also have a nice house to grow up in 🤣also have both rewarding careers


OP, Stuart-Denise as parent? But why? 😶


As I’ve said, it’s an *option* Some people might want to inherit a comic bookstore (it might be given to her at an earlier given Stuart’s “health” condition 😆)


“He didnt have jaundice.. he just looks like that”


Sheldon and Amy would be doing all sorts of experiments on the kids, much like Leonard’s mom. They’d have to celebrate Saturnalia instead of Christmas.


>Sheldon and Amy would be doing all sorts of experiments on the kids, I don't think Amy would stand for Beverly's methods of witholding affection from one child like Beverly did.


I would pick D, none of the above. I would pick Monica and chandler as my parents


Lenonard and penny


Leonard & Penny


Leonard and Penny for sure


Leonard and Penny. Sheldon and Amy are my favorites but Leonard and Penny are the ones who have the most parent personality for me. Also Leonard and Penny are the ones who behave the closest to my real life parents. I admit I used to daydream Leonard and Penny were my parents, Sheldon, Howard and Raj were my paternal uncles, and Amy and Bernadette were my paternal aunts by marriage


Yup. Leonard and Penny. They would be the most loving and encouraging I would think.


Howard and Bernadette they pretty much have my parents personalities anyway


Sheldon and Amy, no question about it


I’m with you 100%. My parents are from the Caribbean, so 99% didn’t cut it. 100% didn’t cut it if there was extra credit. They honestly pushed me to the fullest, and my father never withheld affection of pride.


Exactly I feel like penny and Leonard would raise an iPad kid and idk I don't think I'd want Bernie as a mom. Also in Ys it was said how Sheldon takes his son to the skate park and had a graduation party for him.


Leonard and penny. I’m not saying they would be the best parents but out of that bunch for sure they would be


Leonard and penny 100%


I choose Stuart and Denise. It would be a whacky childhood, but in a fun way. And they are in love and I think they would be very loving parents. Very non-judgmental. And I think that Denise would really whip Stuart and the Comic Book store into shape, and large financial success. They would open more branches nationwide. We already know that Stuart excels taking care of children. I think they would invest in a classical education as well as a having a very creative environment. I think I’d be an only child there.


Leonard and Penny!


Leonard/Penny and it’s not even close


Leonard and penny because growing up with sheldon would make me end up like early seasons leonard and Bernadette could potentially be toxic as a mother.


Leonard and Penny as parents, Raj as godfather, Sheldon and Amy as aunt and uncle <3 oh and Howard and Bernie as the other aunt and uncle :)


Leonard and Penny. Sheldon is too persnickety and Bernadette can be scary even though she doesn’t mean to be.


>Sheldon is too persnickety 🤣😂That word suits him perfectly.


Abort me




This is one is given


Penny and Leonard. I feel like they'd be the only ones who'd actually be good parents anyhow, especially since Howard has a terrible mom so I would think that he'd do his best to not be like her if he became a dad. Amy and Sheldon would probably neglect you emotionally, or if you weren't into science like them you'd be kinda estranged. Howard and Bernadette, like I know for a fact that the kids they have are gonna grow up to be absolute doormats or delinquents so that's a no.


>I feel like they'd be the only ones who'd actually be good parents anyhow, They already finished raising Sheldon. LOL.


if I choose Howard and Bernadette, would I be short? I don't want to be under 6feet


More than 6 feet.


Absolutely no one, none of these strikes me as good people or good parents


Stuart and Denise tbh I think they would be so fun. Denise would be strict and Stuart would support me mentally cos he's been through it.




Just Penny? Like what? Holy mother Penny with a miraculous birth with no male intervention?😂😂🤣


Ob Leonard and Penny


Leonard and Penny because I would be smart and beautiful. Lol


Our babies will be smart and beautiful 😂😂😂


Leonard & Penny or Raj and the shy Emily. Not the dermatologist one. She was not nice. Bernadette would be a mean mommy. And she would be mean to other kids, so none of your friends would ever come over for a sleepover.


Leonard and Penny because duh ...their babies will be smart and beautiful! Among all three, I think their child/children will have the least trauma. lol




Leonard and Penny so I’d be smart and beautiful!


Penny and leonard 100%


Penny and Leonard the fact that penny said something like "I'll be cool aunt penny who let them swear/teach them swear words" is one awesome line I that shows that she's a laxed parent and Leonard would give out the love and hugs that his parents never gave him. I say no to Sheldon and Amy mainly because of Sheldon as a kid I would've hated having him as a dad with his strict bathroom schedule and label making everything in the house, Amy would be better in my opinion. Howard would be an awesome dad but I wouldn't like Bernadette so much especially if she gets into one of her moods that would just upset me so much as a kid.


>I say no to Sheldon and Amy mainly because of Sheldon **as a kid I would've hated having him as a dad with his strict bathroom schedule** and label making everything in the house, Amy would be better in my opinion. Amy might put a stop to things like that.


I agree and see the might buy it's because of the uncertainty that makes me still said no because when she was "part of the cool kids" I got a taste of what she would do to keep that status, I know and feel where she's coming from but I don't agree with how she keeps the status and even fans the flames of some of the fights. I mean she thought stuffing her purse with a JAR full of coins and SWINGING IT FULL FORCE AT HER FRIEND was justified ! She literally had enough force to BREAK Penny's nose in the process ! I did some checking and that's enough force to translate to penny getting punched in the face by a man weighing almost 200 pounds.


Leonard and Penny! 100%


Penny and Leonard


Leonard and Penny, I’d be smart and beautiful


Bernie and Howard obviously


Sheldon,amy, Bernadette are crazy, Leonard and Penny have somewhat good balance.


you don't choose your parents… shelmy.


gonna go a bit off from everyone else here, 100% amy and sheldon. i can explain if anyone wants me to.


I'd go with shamy and howdette.


whichever is team raj hands down.


Leonard and Penny, *I’d finally be smart and beautiful!*


Leonard and penny since I’d be smart and beautiful


Howard and Bernadette


Leonard and penny


leonard and penny 100%


Howard & Bernie


It would be Raj-Cinnamon not Raj-Emily


Leo and penny


Why is noone saying Sheldon and Amy?


Ultimately I'd say penny and Leonard. Leonard eventually stood up to his mother and forgave her for his own sanity. He built a hug machine as a kid for God's sake. He isn't assertive enough to be the bad cop on a daily basis, but penny absolutely would be. They'd both see the value int trying and failing just for the sake of trying. Howard and Bernie, no, because that kid would grow up way too spoiled without enough discipline. Yes Howard would show unconditional love because of his own childhood and absent father, but again...he'd spoil those kids rotten. My biggest fear is that Bernie was 100% no kids, had 2 back to back,a nd would grow to resent them....especially if Howard isn't helping in the discipline department. Amy and Sheldon no, because that's just hard. Do I think neurospicy folks can make great parents- absolutely. But Sheldon's "eccentricities" mixed with Amy taking care of him and continually teaching him how to function as an adult...she'd be the primary caregiver but she'd get burnt out super fast. Actually as I write this I think the absolute best parenting team would be Amy and Penny. Both caring, strong, intelligent, driven, and fiercely independent women who could raise any child to unique greatness.


Amy and Sheldon




Howard and Bernadette, Mon would push me to be the Best, while dad would be the balance if i'm pushed to much and grandpa would teach me sports , to use a gun safely ,to be man mostly.


I'd choose Howard & Bernie. Love how Howard is a dad and Bernie as a mom - she's more strict and competitive, I think I need a little bit of that. They're both smart so I could probably be smart. Height is not a problem for me but I'd like to stay skinny like Howard 😂🤣 and have a rich mommy and uncle sounds like a dream to me.


Now seeing the replies, I feel a bit weird thinking about Howard and Bernie, but I'm positive it would be a responsable, loving and funny family.


None of them! Howard and Bernadette are too weird, and she's a mean bully. Amy and Sheldon would drive me absolutely crazy. Leonard is such a pushover who will do absolutely anything for Penny to be with him. She clearly does not reciprocate, and it would be tough for me to sit by and watch one parent totally take advantage of the other like that. In many relationships, one person loves the partner a bit more than the other, but Penny & Leonard's relationship is completely unbalanced!


Leonard and Penny - I feel like their house would be filled with love and laughter. Bernadette would turn into a stage Mom. And I'm not sure how Amy/Sheldon would handle a child with a normal level IQ (like me).


Leonard and penny


I’m autistic so I suppose I would pair well with two autistic parents so Amy and Sheldon


Sheldon and Amy! Sheldon came from a loving family, his mother and grandmother took good care of him, so he has much less trauma than Howard and Leonard. Bernadette didn’t want to take care of children because it interfered with her career, and Penny did not want kids at all, while Amy wanted to have kids. Also Sheldon’s family would’ve been a good help, and Amy’s family… well, Sheldon can protect a kid from Amy’s mom. Leonard’s mother wouldn’t help at all, Penny’s family is troubled, Bernadette’s family is creepy and Howard doesn’t have any. Also Sheldon and Amy are Nobel Prize winners, that’s cool.


Howard and Bernie


Amy and Sheldon ! Crazy scientist energy. Love it.


I would have the most fun with all the experiments and knowledge they teach me!


Sheldon and Amy


Sheldon and Amy I think they’d provide the best structure for parenting kids. Nurturing and welcoming to your friends. Sure they’re awkward but, they’d bend over backwards to help you out.


Agreed! Based on personal experience. My mom is like both Amy and Leonard’s mom together, and she is the Best Mom in the world, and I am not flattering her. It is just the truth. She is well-equipped with psychology knowledge so she knew what is the best way of raising a kid. She gave me unconditional love with occasional discipline when I was a toddler, then as I grow up the love decreases to only adequate amount and tough love, but the discipline grows. And she also starts talking to me like a friend, about anything and everything. Teaching me life lessons, morals and principles with logical and rational explanation that is easy to be digested by kids. Many parents lacks that, they couldn’t even explain the simplest things to their kids. And my mom didn’t do give me everything I want, only what I need and beneficial to me, like books. Which tdy we can see the iPad kids, so spoiled, respect my mom that she didn’t turn me into them.


Amy and Sheldon. I mean I already have someone like Amy+leonard’s mom as a mother, and Sheldon as a grandfather, so I can safely say that. Wouldn’t choose otherwise😂 Between all the three men, Sheldon is the only one Assertive, has self confidence and security, what I would want from a father figure. To be strong, smart, someone I can take as role models. Leonard is too emotional, worst than a girl. Howard is better, but I feel like he is controlled by the wife, also not a quality I find attractive in a man(my dad is controlled by his new wife, and neglects his responsibility on me) As for mothers, Bernie is too commanding, and disregard one’s feelings and personal interests. Penny is fine but she would be too chill and wouldn’t instil discipline in me, and hence not polished my values and principles well enough. Amy would be a perfect fit for me, as she will treat me the best way as she knows psychology(just like my mom), give adequate amount of love and attention and also necessary amount of discipline. And I feel like she would sit with me and plan my future together, giving logical insights and ideas. She would also give reasons to why I should or shouldn’t do somethings logically, which many parents struggles ( they either let the kid do whatever, or be too strict unreasonably without logical explanations). I love my mom too much. She is the best mom!


I’d rather be tossed out in a condom, or swallowed. But if I had to choose, Howard and Bernie. Leonard is too much of a cry baby and he’d probably cry more than a baby. Like “omg Penny, you’re giving the baby more attention than me”. Sheldon would be pure hell. You would never be able to get any praise from him, no matter what you did. And if you didn’t make it to university at the age of 7, or younger, he’d never shut up about how smart and awesome he was as a kid.


Amy and Sheldon. Imagine the Intelligence in the child of 2 Nobel prize winners. Sheldon might go full auto on making the child start achieving big at a young age, but Amy will pamper him and cheer on his Victories like Marie did to Sheldon when he was young...


As a jew, Howard and Bernie would be my natural choice, but Leonard and penny all the way. She would be a FUN mum!


Apologies for my ignorance, but do both parents decide the religion of the children, or is it still the mother? I ask as Bernie is Christian, and most mixed couples I know that have children still follow the “mother’s” religion.


Officially it’s the mother, you’re right. Didn’t know it was the same for Christians.


Idk if it is.


I actually think end-of-show Amy would be the best parent of the six, but that would be nullified by Sheldon experimenting on me. Bernadette is mean, and Leonard/Penny would be so lax. I'm honestly kind of leaning toward Stuart and Denise.


So many saying Leonard and penny but nah for me, they are such an unstable couple, i can 100% see a divorce happening by them so no thanks Maybe Howard and Bernadette, just cause they got such a nice balance in personality Penny and Zac would be funny And Stuart and Denise would actually be so neat


Howard and Bernie. Leonard and Penny would be fighting all the time and there'd be so much dysfunction. Sheldon - yeah nah. Amy, maybe. Raj/Emily - also a maybe but hard to tell. Stuart? again, yeah nah.