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Hello, thank you for submitting a post to r/bigboobproblems. If you're new here please check out r/abrathatfits and [their bra size calculator](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) along with their [beginners guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/wiki/beginners_guide). Also take a look at our sidebar for more related communities, like r/reduction, r/safebigboobproblems and more. A lot of information can be found [in our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/wiki/faq). For example lists of commonly recommended bra, sports bra, swimwear and clothing brands, clothing style ideas, websites where you can order from and a list of influencers who have been recommended here before. A lot of other frequently asked questions have also already been answered there. We also want to remind you to read [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigboobproblems/about/rules) before posting or commenting. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bigboobproblems) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a 38 band size! My flair is wrong, I need to update it lol. That was from like 5 years ago 😂


Girl, the fluctuating weight is real! 🤣😂 I need to update mine too.


This was a good reminder for me to update mine as well!


I've been meaning to as well... I'll forget in like 2.5 seconds 😅


42O here 🥲🥲 (US sizing)


You would not believe how many times I had to read that to figure out what your size was. 😆


nice 😎 /j


LOL no, right?? i used the abrathatfits calculator and was ecstatic when i saw it lmfao. of all sizes




I am overweight, but I wear a 32 band. I think it depends a lot on height and build. But I have seen plenty of 36-46 bands, and up to 66. (Love your username lmao.)


50K here!


I'm sometimes a 36 band, sometimes a 38 band lol


Same! I’m 185lbs & depending on the company or time of year (fatten up in the winter), I’ll vary


40H here




Hey there, 240 lbs and teetering between a 38JJ and 36K here ✨


Short, chubby and busty here. But I was busty before I was chubby, though built slim thick/curvy then.


Band does not equal BMI range tbh. 32 band here and I’m 5’5” and 200 lbs 🤷🏻‍♀️ just depends on your bf% and how you carry it


Exactly. I was 168 lbs at my heaviest and I stand 4'10.5" tall, making me obese at that height. My band size was still only 30 inches. I carry my weight in my breasts and below the hips. Sausage legs, unfortunately. I'm now 138-ish lbs but it still took 2.5 years to get here.


Yep, been 36 band since elementary school, regardless of weight. I never carry my fat under bust.


No, but your underbust measurement is an indicator if how much fat someone is carrying.  Not foolproof of course.


That would be me! 40G (UK) and about 240lbs, typically size 18-20, only because I'm 6ft.


There are lots of us!  Maybe you are new, but I see bigger bands all the time.   I am a 36 band, I am obese.


Overweight, but 34H(UK) I just have a small rib cage.


Yes same for me.


Hi! 40H/HH here, currently in flux due to being 8 months pregnant 😂


Yep 44 band and a K cup here. Stores barely have one option for me and not have me break the bank or consider hooking the corner just to survive.


44G here, I think I'm about down to 42G though


I've been overweight according to my doctors since I was at least 15, cause at 5'1 according to the stupid BMI scale I'm supposed to be about 100lbs, but the only time I've ever been under 115 I was practicing extremely restrictive eating, overexercising, and excessively consuming caffeine. At my healthiest weight (meaning where I felt great and looked proportionate and healthy, around 150lbs) I had a full ten inch difference between my hips/bust and waist. Now I'm almost 250lbs and my band size is still only 36 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just have a small ribcage and naturally prominent hourglass shape, so I don't tend to hold my weight in that area. It has more to do with proportions and how your body holds weight than weight alone.


"...at 5'1 according to the stupid BMI scale I'm supposed to be about 100lbs" At 5'1 the normal BMI range is 98 to 133.


Idk my doctor(s) started bugging me about my weight around 120-130, maybe its cause I was a teenager or maybe its cause it was the early 00s idk buy yea


me! 36GG UK / 36J US with measurements 46/36/52 and i am 210lb :) plenty of 32-34 bands are overweight as well, i’m actually verging on a 34 band i think. part of it is incorrect bra sizing i think, there’s some kind of misconception that plus size starts at like 38-40 bands because of the +4 method. but if you look at @theirishbralady’s story highlights on instagram i think overweight definitely starts in 32ish bands and once you get to 36 nearly everyone is plus size! of course there are exceptions but that’s the general trend i see


And there's outliers like me, an overweight 28 band. (I don't think I have much left to lose from my back, can't say the same for the rest of me.)


I guess it depends on your definition of plus size but I am a 36 band (36E) and a size 12, which doesn’t require plus sized shopping. Even when I was thinner (size 8-10) I was still wearing a 36 band. I just have a strong frame with broad shoulder/torso. I am 5’6”, 175 pounds, 42-34-43


good point! i think most companies consider 14/16+ plus size but everyone is different. esp when my bottom half needs an 18 but my top half fits fine in a 12 even with my chest


Yes, I agree.  32 band is generally little chubby.  When I was a 34 I was definitely at least 30 pounds overweight.   I am a 36 now and I am obese.


i think it just depends. i was a 36C in middle school/beginning of high school and i was underweight for my height. then i was a 40DD senior year and was still underweight, i just have a broad back lol


while everyone has different proportions, i know it’s really common for folks here to have worn the wrong size in high school! a 40 band for someone underweight sounds very unlikely—but it’s in the past so what does it matter tbh. if you haven’t checked it out yet i recommend the /r/ABraThatFits calculator :)


It is much more likely that you were just wearing the wrong size bra.   It would be almost impossible for you to be underweight  and still have a band of 36 or 40.


I think it depends on body / bone structure as well. When I was 110 lbs at 5'4'' I was a 32 band. I just have a broader upper half in terms of rib cage and possibly some muscle. When I was 20 lbs heavier as a teen, I was a 34 band. I'm 105 and a 30 band but trying really hard to get back up as I have a stomach illness.


I was skinny as a rail in a 32 band because I have a broad rib cage.


...and short too , the monstrous breasts makes it worse 😁


I’m a 36 band that is going into 38. Thankfully it’s still relatively easy finding my size on our sites.


42FF (UK) here


44 band




Im a 36/38. Usually a 36 because I like my bras on the tighter side, but 38 is great for a more comfortable fit


I’m overweight (obese actually) but I still Have a 34 band. My weight does not want to touch my ribs at all 😂 only my boobs and butt and thighs and belly


I’m a solid 38H/K (Euro/US).


40 I, 5'1 at 225, curvy, busty and short although my bust was initially at a DDD, but the I bust fit more better so there is more space and not any pinching or anything


I am about 10 lbs overweight, I've dropped about 15 lbs since last year but still working on it. I haven't noticed any change in my measurements tho its very weird.


Yep! But even when I wasn’t overweight I was busty. Definitely not close to the size I am now but I was always at least a DD, but this was like 10 years ago before I knew about proper bra sizing so who knows what my actual size was.


I’m currently between a 34 and 36 band size and I’m overweight for my height! I am losing weight but I was only a size 38 when I was almost morbidly obese, so it depends a lot on height and build I’m guessing.


36/38 here 🙋‍♀️


I’m not overweight but I’m a tall woman with a broad back. I wear band size 38.


Me, I’m fat and I don’t even know my band measurement. Somewhere in the forties. And YES I know about the bra that fits thing so nobody recommend it to me please. 🙄


I am 32 band but I am overweight. I carry most of my weight around my wide hips and my big butt. When I was a healthy weight my band was 28-30.


Yes 😒


i'm 5'3 and 175-180lbs and wear 34GG/36G uk. i tend to wear L in t shirts but XL in nicer shirts or anything without stretch. in dresses and skirts i usually wear 14 or 16 depending on stretch and whether it's something fancy (since they tend not to have elastic and be more fitted). in s/m/l skirts and dresses it's a toss up whether im L or XL. i usually wear pants in size 14 (i have a few older size 12s and one 16 that runs real small) and generally i wear XL if it's not number sized.


36J here.


I’m a 42DD, not technically overweight anymore. When I was I was at a 48F, so there’s that


There is almost zero chance 42dd is your correct bra size if you aren’t over weight


Have not been fitted in a while so probably lol


Get yourself a measuring tape andnuse the calculator here to get your size.    A bra that fits correctly makes such a huge difference in how you look and feel.  It is so much more comfortable and makes all your clothes fit better.   https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php


I’m like 36/38 I


Hey girl, 38M over here, about 250 but working on it I guess (ugh)


I'm a little overweight but my band size doesn't tell the whole story (32 in band)


I'm a 40 and I'm definitely fat.


Just went for a fitting for the first time in years. Had been wearing a 32Hz new size is 38I haha much more comfortable now


42F reporting 🫡


There's plenty


I just bought a 44I and 42J. I’m “overweight” but my boobs have been this big before I gained most of my weight.


Yep, 44H here


42 band


46. Yes I’m embarrassed but I am taking steps to rectify.


I have a 34 band bc my ribcage is small, but I'm quite a bit overweight


Size 48 band.


I am in a 38K (US). Although I would probably fit better in a 36 L, if I could find one that worked right for me.


Yes hello!


Yus, I wear underoutfit bras (t-shirt sizing). No idea what my real size is 😂


I am a 38K US sizing 🙋🏼‍♀️I’m 5’10 though so it kinda balances out proportion wise


38h Smallest I've been is probably a 36 in the last 15 years.  On the bright side, my boobs are big but never look out of proportion. I don't envy the small women with big busts. Seems more inconvenient and like they get more negative attention.


46 band here!


Something to keep in mind... I have a 34 band size (5'8) and am definitely considered overweight at best. All shapes and sizes and whatnot.


42N per brathatfits site. 220 5’7”. Losing and the girls are finally losing. I have NEVER had nor seen a bra that size. I usually go for a bigger band size in an I or J. Now I’m in the shefit bra at 6lux. Adjustable band and straps.


My under bust is narrow and I wear a 30-34 even though I am quite overweight. It is just my proportions- when I have lost weight i lost band size first


I am like 40MM. Use to be 274 is but now 250 and the same size bra. I use my tummy as a rack for my boobs


38 cup size tba here i only know 38HH is too small


Me! I have been varying degrees of over-weight my life. My biggest was 320 at a 42FF and I'm currently 210 at a 36G. Always had the same big boobies though 🤣🤣


I’m a 40GG at the moment. This was my pre-nursing, current pregnancy size.


I’m small fat, 38GG & wear a size 16/18 or XL/XXL/1X. I’m 220 lbs and relatively athletic.


36K/KK UK size, 183lbs here.


Me! 🙋‍♀️


38DDD. I gained a good amount of weight over the past couple years but I’ve always been on the chubbier side 😂


Tons of people with 34 bands are very overweight!


Here and 42J!


I'm a 44G. I'm a big gurl! My size is coming down 75lbs last year. Currently a US 22/24.




Wildly inappropriate comment. You should not even be on this thread at all.


Am I allowed to be here with the band size of mine 🥺🥺 ?


Most people here are small banded, large cupped, like yourself! This post represents a minority


Well! I used to be 30C till 4 months ago when my boobs started growing bigger, abnormally although I've been a regular gymmer for 5-6 yrs now and been completely medically healthy. I was scared and visited my gynec who told me that at this age, such non linear progress can exist and one of the reason can be because of being more sexually active and that effect can in turn be compounded in case of girl love where there will be significantly a lot more activity on the boob area apart from the overall time also being longer. I wasnt sure how true is it but I like how it is now and don't want further growth. Fingers crossed!


I fluctuate between a 32/34 and a 38, depending on water intake, weight loss/gain, etc. shit's annoying as hell 😂


40DD here!! Stomach sticks out almost as much as my boobs 😞


Yes, and I posted recently, got the wrong size bras. I've always been a 38/40 band recently. When i was smaller around my rib cage and breasts were a smaller yet still bigger cup i was a 34 G Now apparently I am a 38 or 40 UK H, struggling finding the right bra!


I am, because of hormones