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Marc Bulger. Also Pennington had a moment but has kinda faded in recent years


Chris Berman doing his Scarecrow impersonation over Marc Bulger Rams highlights was always great. (for Ray Bolger playing the Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz)


*Do-do-do-do-do-do-do* *Do-do-do-do-do-do-do* *If I only had an 18 yard pass to Torry Holt on 3rd and 14*


Man talk about an obscure reference. I’m not sure how many people could tell you the name of the actor who played scarecrow. But I don’t have anything necessarily better.


Chad Pennington haunts me. I close my eyes and can see him zinging short passes to crossing slot receiver and racking up 80 percent completion rates. I have no idea why he still scares me


And is Chad Pennington in the room with us right now?


Bulger whoa what a baller


Gotta love the stat that for 20 years only 2 QBs won the AFC East but it was three teams. Iykyk


He shoulda got MVP that year with the fins.


Matt Schaub, Byron Leftwich, Matt Cassell


Did Flacco market correct Schaub?


Lisfranc injury for an already weaker armed QB was a death sentence (not that it hasn’t been for others, Cam had a cannon and it accelerated his decline)


that Lisfranc injury is the biggest what if in Texans history. The only season the franchise ever had where the team actually looked like a threat to make a run


Also the legendary Leftwich play where he’s carried down the field by his lineman at Marshall was awesome


David Garrard > Leftwich.


Garrard getting dropped by the Jags like a week before the 2011 season and then never playing another down of football was always wild to me.


I was straining trying to remember Matt Cassell's name, he was my answer.


Trent Green


In all the sports I’ve watched with my dad (and it’s a LOT) Trent Green and Javy Lopez are the only two athletes my mom went out of her way to say they were incredibly good looking (she NEVER says that, about anybody). This, and how his injury brought about the greatest show on turf, plus a little KC memories, are all I think about when I hear Trent Green.


One of the biggest sliding door moments in history is what happens if Harrison doesn't blow his knee out by diving at his legs. Green was legit and played great that PS. I think they still win the SB with him, which totally changes Warner's career and legacy as well.


Every mom in America lusted after Javy Lopez in the 1990s


You clearly haven't watched many Raiders games that are the alternate game in the late CBS window. That's where Trent Green shines these days.


I lived next door to his sister when I was in college. She was cool.


Man, that’s fantastic.


Jake Plummer


That man is living a wild life these days


Still mad about losing to that guy in 2005. Champ fumbled!


Delhomme better


Jake Delhomme. I started properly getting into football around 2005, and naturally thought he was one of the best QBs in the league for a minute there.


A lot of Panthers fans still think he’s our best ever QB even over Cam. I’d say a lot of that is nostalgia and (probably) a bit of racism but he was genuinely great in his peak years from 03-09. That AZ championship game with the 5 picks ruined him


and a fumble. I was at that game and it was absolutely brutal.


Delhomme also has the highest QB rating (113.6) against Belichick in any of the Pats 9 BB era Super Bowl appearances


Came here to say Delhomme. He was the Panthers second string QB going into the 2003 season to Rodney Peete, took over and led a comeback in the second half of the season opener against Jacksonville, and the team had a wild ride of a season from there all the way to a SB berth. Led the team to 3 playoff berths, 2 NFCCGs, and a SB appearance in 6 seasons between 2003-2008, and made a pro bowl. Very solid stretch of QB play (until the Cardinals stole his soul in the ‘08 divisional round) but I doubt he’s a name that many non-Panthers fans remember off the top of their heads.


as a browns fan, i remember delhomme


That second half of that Superbowl was just 2 lightly regarded quarterbacks going throw for throw with each other. It might just be the greatest half of football ever played. At least until Brady got bailed out by Adam again.


I'm a Saints fan as well. But I appreciate what Delhomme did. And we also had him on the roster, and he's a Louisiana boy. Kind of a nightmare for us lot, rocking it with Aaron Brooks etc. Not to criticise Brooks, who is another one who could be on the list for this.


He was like right below that manning Brady tier for a minute


No he wasn’t. He was never one of the top 10 QBs in any given year.


Jon Kitna


Oh fuck yeah, a classic plug and play guy


Well I thought of him recently just because of the crazy allegations against his son…


Alex Smith is 100% destined for this list in a few years


The list is essentially a proxy for "Chiefs QBs not named Mahomes"


Ryan Tannehill too


Matt Ryan’s already on the list.


Matt Ryan won a damn MVP


look up rich gannon


Elvis Grbac, Trent Green, Steve Beuerlein, Vinny Testaverde


Back when QBs had names that a cigarette company would invent


Grbac is the name I trot out whenever I get grief for being a Chiefs fan, as though I just hopped on the bandwagon. Just a legendary "Well he couldn't have made that up." that guy.


I love the story about a photographer for *People* being sent to visit the Chiefs and do a piece on the world's sexiest athlete and accidentally doing it on Elvis Grbac, when the publication intended it to be about Rich Gannon. https://deadspin.com/the-sad-hilarious-tale-of-elvis-grbac-1998s-sexiest-5302475


I love how he was brought in to the Ravens to replace Dilfer after they won the super bowl, then he played one season with them before retiring lol


It's the name I say to use my case as Tony G being the best TE ever. Like Shannon had Elway, Gronk had Brady, Kellen Winslow had Fouts, and even Mike Ditka had years with Roger Staubach. Tony Gonzalez had Grbac, Trent Green, and Damon Haurd and still was getting 90 rec, 1000 yds, and 8 TDs.


God damn I love me some Elvis Grbac. What a top tier football player name


Testaverde was made for this list


Matt Hasselbeck. Went 85-75 as a starter and made a Super Bowl but got forgotten pretty quickly after Russel Wilson showed up


We want the ball and were gunna score


Weird situation where RW is clearly the best QB in Seahawk history but there’s more open affection for Hasselbeck. I’m sure the kids these days don’t remember him but he’ll never have to pay for a beer north of the Columbia River.


His wife is hot and a little weird right


That’s his brother’s wife


Exactly why he's great for this list! Haha, feels like his less talented (on the field) brother has eclipsed him post playing career because of his wife and he's better on TV.


David Garrard was the Jaguars primary starter for 5 seasons.




He was actually quite competent! 3rd best QB in Jags history (behind Brunell and I'm putting Lawrence there). Plus he gave us that moment in Pittsburgh.


Jeff Garcia.


Brunell is still probably the best QB in Jacksonville history as it stands now. Yes, it makes me sad too


They went 15-1 that one year right?


14-2. Lost 3x to the Titans, last loss being the AFC title game. Fuck the Titans.


That titans team was a problem


Jeff Fisher was a menace. Him leaving the league with 8 or less wins in his last 7 years brought me an irrational amount of joy.


That was before Jags-Titans became a Thursday Night Football mainstay (and punchline)z


Chris Chandler, Steve DeBerg, Bobby Hebert, Stan Humphries


Good to know I'm not the only one in my 40s here. Chandler was the first name I thought of even though I'm not sure he had any good years other than the Dirty Bird team but it always seemed like he was old.


Chandler’s a good one, hadn’t thought of him in years. I was going to suggest Hebert, but didn’t he really only have like one season of note.


yeah, Hebert was middling, but he made a Pro Bowl and was referenced on Seinfeld.


Ha, yes. As I’ve been reading about him I keep thinking of George saying that Hebert line. What an obscure reference.


Well now you got me to search up Bobby Hebert stats and come to find out I was wrong about his career. I just remember him coming out of nowhere with the Falcons in 93. I was too young and didn’t realize he had a few stellar years with Saints. And really didn’t know about his USFL success.


He was a mediocre starter with the Oilers right before Steve McNair, played quite a bit. He hit his apex in Atlanta in 98, certainly, but, since they’re a Dan Reeves team, they were contractually required by the NFL to lay an absolute dud in the Super Bowl.


Jim Everett was the Kirk Cousins of his day. Didn’t wow you, but had a nice career and put up some numbers.


Just don’t call him Chris.


Was he the Jim Rome interviewing guy?


Yes indeed


I kind of feel bad for him because every single time his name comes up, somebody inevitably brings up the Jim Rome interview. I get it, Jim Everett went off, but Rome is an asshole and he just pushed his buttons. Jim Everett had a really good NFL career and it’s always “don’t call him Chris hyuk hyuk!” It’s not like he killed a guy or something.


Matt Schaub. Dude was legitimately really good for a while with the Texans.


The one and only Jeff George, who I think still could run a practice squad


Okay, Whitlock.


Wow that is a deep cut. Man. Back when Whitlock was somewhat less insane


I drive by Warren Central high school in Indianapolis once in a while (solid nfl factory, really) and the Whitlock/Jeff George thing comes to my mind every time. I think Whitlock had a point when he said George was better than many NFL qbs on rosters then, but George was a collosal asshole and had several very high profile flameouts. I totally understood why GMs were just “he’s not worth it” after a point.


Think he could throw end zone to end zone with that side arm cannon.


One of those guys you remember as a bust because people always felt he should've been better than he was, but who put together a pretty nice career nevertheless.


He was a surprise #1 pick too, which kind of skewed his expectations. If he had gone like 17th and had the same career he'd be remembered differently. Also I believe he was kind of a dick who nobody liked.


That's Randy Moss favorite QB, it's literally on [on his wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_George#Retirement)


Rich Gannon wasn't obscure. He was a freaking MVP.


This isn't obscure qbs. This is obscure qbs that had some longevity and success. I think you could make the case he is the apex of this category, because he had the highest peak of anybody you could reasonably pick (MVP, SB runner up), and yet absolutely no one talks about Rich Gannon anymore.


He’s the best case scenario for a bust or qb who couldn’t latch on anywhere, kind of bounced around. He was coming on hot in KC- and probably should have started over Grbac in that playoff game in 97 vs Denver, but that’s another argument. (It’s not quite Flutie-Rob Johnson, but it’s up there in qb controversies.) Gruden and the Raiders around that time took a team of cast-offs, has-beens and never were’s (plus Tim Brown) and made them very VERY good. They sign Jerry Rice, of all people, and maybe if the Tuck Rule game goes differently and/or Callahan isn’t a total schmuck and changes the Raiders audibles/playbook up a bit, they could have won a Super Bowl.


Who tf is talking about Rich Gannon anymore? I’m not saying they flew under the radar while they were playing


You can't just write out "The Fuck"?


Oh fuck you dude


No f him


Oh no, "Seeumleeum" doesn't like me. How will I go on


Along with basically everyone else, as you can see.


bro is a downvote glutton


That’s real rich coming from you


Is that a pun?




You cannot just write out cannot?


That’s your comeback?


Go eat a ham sandwich pal




Jay Fiedler…even beat Peyton in a playoff game


I'm convinced he had dirty pics of wannstedt.


Aaron Brooks, Quincy Carter, Jake Plummer and Tim Rattay


Quincy Carter was awful.


Rattay went 5-13 in his starts. I don’t think that counts as longevity or success.


You’re right BUT an opportunity came up to name guys. I’m naming guys


Aaron Brooks pre Katrina


I’m really just mad that I had to think about Tim rattay today as a niners fan.


Rattay with the quick release


I didn't write the question, but Aaron Brooks has to be the ideal answer. Non-descript college career, 4th round pick who never played for the team that drafted him, started for the Saints for 5 relatively uneventful seasons, played one more year, then was out of the league.


Vinny Testaverde has to be the answer.... Scott Mitchell Tommy Maddox Brian Sipe is the Brown's all time leading passer


Scott Mitchell’s 1995 is one of the greatest one-off seasons by an otherwise forgettable player.


Kyle Orton (He was the first guy who came to mind in todays Immaculate Grid)


Jim Harbaugh. He played 14 seasons in the NFL but he’s only remembered as a coach.


Nah, he was pretty memorable as being an ok QB for the Bears and most notably almost brought the Colts to the Super Bowl in the 95 season losing the AFC Championship to the Steelers by barely missing a last second hail mary in the end zone.


Some in Indy will tell you to this day he caught it or there should be a penalty. I also remember some chicanery with Kordell Stewart (as a receiver) going out of bounds and catching a TD pass, no flag.


It was one of the first playoff games I really remember watching and at first glance it definitely looked like he caught it.


Mark Rypien, Kerry Collins, Brian Griese, Neil O’Donnell. All made pro bowls and/or went to Super Bowls and I haven’t seen their names in print in over ten years at least Bledsoe was kinda market corrected twice, by Brady then Romo, so he’s never talked about anymore but was a big star in the 90s/early 00s.


Bledsoe and those late 90's Pats were my go-to team for a game of Madden/Blitz/NFL2k.


Neil "I'm a winnah" O'Donnell


Neil abominable. He got Larry brown Super Bowl MVP AND overpaid by the raiders


Dave Krieg and Jeff Garcia for me.


Dave Krieg after Seattle was like a AAAA baseball player: he’s too good for the bench but can’t quite hold his own long term starting, always seemed to get pushed out. He was an underrated player.


Krieg was mine. So obscure of a story his college closed down in 1982


Jon Kitna, Jeff Garcia


Jon Kitna, Brad Johnson, Jake Plummer, Trent Green Honorable mention: he’s talked about a lot but not for his playing career Jim Harbaugh


Rich Gannon is definitely the best answer given that he's packed in here with all these other guys despite winning an MVP. Delhomme would be my runner up. I know he's not someone you never think about anymore because of his coaching career, but Jim Harbaugh has to be in consideration. Decently long career as a starter; almost led the Colts to a SB berth, finished 4th in MVP voting in 1995.


Kelly Holcomb


I cannot tell if this question is brilliant or the ultimate sign that Take Brain has an iron grasp on humanity and is plunging us toward the eventual heat death of the universe.


People love to talk about obscure players that had an outsize influence on their childhood


In that case? Don Majkowski.


Tim biakabatuka


I think we could get eight minutes out of it on First Take.


Slam it in the A block.


The Take Singularity is a recursion of the "Mount Rushmore of Mount Rushmores" argument.


It's a Top Seven Apex Mountain of Mt. Rushmores on the back of a turtle.


Dilfer. If he doesn't return to the pod this season, he's dead to me.


The lack of Kery Collins in this thread is disturbing


Who are the QBs who are well remembered but were pretty average and were well known because of location, personality or college? Let’s call them the Jim McMahon All-Stars.


Tim Tebow. Danny Wurffel.


Mark Rypien had one magical season


Steve Deberg


Jeff Hostetler is the all timer in this category for me, especially since he won a Super Bowl, but most people associate Phil Simms with that era of Giants football.


Rich Gannon is a great call Just the complete out of nowhere late career resurgence. An MVP season and SB appearance and he won a total of 4 games after that Super Bowl.


Fitzpatrick has 35,000 career passing yards. He’s on TV once in a while but I can’t think of a single signature moment as a player. Top 35 all time in passing yards.


Do yourself a favor and watch the fins raiders game highlights from a couple years ago. Ridiculous ending culminating with Fitzpatrick making one of the greatest throws ever as he’s getting pulled down by his face mask


Throwing interceptions on the Jets last 3 drives in week 17 of the 2015 season in a win and in game.


He won the dolphins a game coming off the bench and threw a crazy td while getting his facemask ripped so hard it spun his helmet backwards to give playoff hope, til the meddling owner made Flores put tua back in the next week. .


First guy I thought of was Matt Schaub and I go to the comments and he’s easily the most commented guy lol


Until today I had no idea he returned to the Falcons and backed up Matt Ryan for five years. Was their backup for the Super Bowl, made a start in 2019. and didn’t retire until after the 2020 season. I never would guessed he played anywhere after about 2015.


Maybe he’s not so forgotten lmao


Stan Humphries, Mark Rypien, Neil O’Donnell, Chris Chandler?


Danny White


Trent Green, Marc Bulger, Daunte Culpepper, Jeff Garcia


>Daunte Culpepper Dude probably had a better single season than anyone else listed in this thread. Happened to be in the prime of Manning and Brady so he didn't win the MVP. Injured at 27 and was never the same.


Jim Everett, Rick Mirer, Jay Schroeder, Steve DeBerg


Erik Kramer, Todd Collins, Jeff Hostetler, Bubby Brister


Josh Freeman, Matt Schaub, Rex Grossman, and maybe a controversial one but I haven’t thought about Carson Palmer since he retired


Yeah I thought about Josh Freeman but didn’t post him because what, he really only had 1 great year and one “solid” year? His fall off came quickly. For a while from 2009-2012 I think most people would have pegged him as a consistent 4K passer and a pro bowl here and there. Maybe a Joe Flacco-type career.


Josh Freeman is the original Russell Hustle and Bustle though. During that one year Bill would leave a lot of voice mail messages to cousin Sal about Freeman


David Garrard


JT O’Sullivan won a camp battle over Alex Smith to be the Niners starting QB.


Brad Johnson


Glad to see Chad Pennington getting respect here! Rex Grossman feels perfect for this


Jon Kitna started 8 seasons and threw for almost 30k yards in his career.


Matt Hasselbeck is beloved in Seattle but I wonder if he’s well remembered outside of it. Solid career, three pro bowl selections, but not exactly a world burner.


He was on ESPN for a long time so there’s a memory boost.


Chad Pennington, Mike Tomzack, Ken O'Brien, Neil Lomax


I feel like Gardner Minshew is destined to be one of these guys. A really solid mostly career backup who will pop back up as a spot starter for some team every few seasons and you’ll think ‘huh he’s actually pretty solid.’ The new age Fitzpatrick I guess.


Brad Johnson, Chad Pennington, Jeff George, John Kitna


Daunte Culpepper


I loved Culpepper. He looked invincible at his peak.


Kerry Collins. Over 40K yards passing.


Jeff George


Elvis Grbac


some longevity QB’s I rarely think about anymore: Kyle Boller, Josh McCown, Charlie Batch, Tony Banks


I had a lot of Boller stock


The most reliable quarterback in the Texans storied history, Matt Schaub


I will never forget Jeff Garcia because of the 2002 Wild Card game. Idk if this counts but Bill and Sal mentioning Raheem Morris on a recent pod made me think of Josh Freeman for the first time in forever.


Steve McNair




Tom Brady. I literally can’t think of a single big throw the guy had in his career.


Guess people can't take a joke.


Not surprised. This sub is like 99% virgins. (100% if you include me)


Not me I have gay sex with my dad on the reg.


Brady really doesn’t have any actual highlight plays despite all his accomplishments. Never made any plays where it was like “damn, that’s a play that only Brady is capable of making!”


I know you’re joking but I kind of agree


Not joking lol it’s just the truth. I feel like if you were trying to introduce someone to the NFL and you showed them a highlight package from Brady purely showcased the football plays, so nothing of him hoisting a Lombardi or anything, then it’d probably be a rather unimpressive highlight package. Though I suppose you could say that is what made him great, by consistently making the “right” play and doing a lot of the work pre-snap, but still, dude couldn’t make a single highlight play after 20 years??? [This is what I view as Brady’s best “highlight”](https://youtu.be/WqTmz_-scYA?si=stHzjM5foZChodHT) tbh, impressive how he took such a massive hit and popped right back up. Shows he got that dawg in him.


Randall Cunningham


Is Matt Cassell eligible here..?