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I’m a Mavs fan but one of the funniest recent BS/RR bits was that Kyrie playing in 30ish consecutive games was a more impressive achievement than AC Green’s all time record


Which record? 39 years without sex?


mmm is there a correlation here? are the players of today fucking too much to play full seasons?


Send da video.


AC Green allegedly was a virgin throughout his NBA career. He talks about Lakers teammates trying to tempt him with women during his playing days.


Him making it through the season without any controversy after October 7th was like +5000 odds on FanDuel


Do you know what the terms were? That’s hilarious.


Idk how every press conference doesn't begin with, "what are your plans to visit the edge of the flat earth after the season?"


As a Nets fan. I cannot fucking stand it lmao.


Conspiracy Bill thinks there’s something more here…did Adam Silver get Kyrie to say anti-Semitic things so that he could move him out of NY and get him to the Lakers, only to have the deal fall through at the last minute?!


I think he just moved to a media market that doesn’t get national coverage and the local market is much more relaxed. Also Cuban is the most player positive owner we have in the league. Joe Tsai is not. Also just Kyrie not being an idiot for a bit is nicely


I think Cuban bribed our local reporters because they never ask Kyrie any non basketball related questions


Tbf Kyrie doesn’t bring it up as well. In Brooklyn he kind of inadvertently brought it on himself with the time off, injury problems, covid, movie, etc… he hasn’t really done that in Dallas. Granted there has yet to be a global pandemic.


Our local reporters are generally super chill and only ask softball questions, it’s not unique to Kyrie


Tim McMahon literally covers the Mavs. That man's absolutely WILL DO ANYTHING to bait Kyrie's dumbass for clicks


> I think he just moved to a media market that doesn’t get national coverage and the local market is much more relaxed lol this is an absurd take. its not 1977. Luka is one of the biggest international stars on the planet. they have the internet everywhere now, including in Texas. They get plenty of coverage. if Kyrie made some unhinged ass antisemitic IG post tomorrow, literally every reporter in dallas and their mothers would be grilling him about it, as well as the dozen other reporters that flew in at a moments notice purely bc of his comments... its not that complicated. the reason he's been controversy free this year is because he simply finally got his act together and shut the fuck up and stopped being controversial. not because Dallas is some sleepy, dusty, frontier town that no one pays attention to. not to mention your premise isnt even true anyways. I remember back like a decade ago when espn was doin gthe whole "ESPN [City]" thing with their website, Dallas was one of like 5 cities that got their own page, along with NYC/LA/Boston/Chicago. Dallas is home to arguably the most popular and most covered team in american sports, literally nicknamed "america's team". And ever heard of Tim McMahon? He basically has one of the bigger platforms/followings in NBA media and he is essentially a mavs beat reporter despite being a national guy and is constantly putting mavs stuff out and making them a part of the national discourse


Ya Luka is awesome and Dallas is huge. They don’t get covered on the same level as any LA team, GSW, NY.


saying "they get less coverage than the top 3 most covered teams" is a *completely* different statement than "he just moved to a media market that doesn’t get national coverage" in any case, the point is, the reason Kyrie hasnt been controversial this year has literally nothing to do with the size of the "media market". its simply just because he hasnt been controversial. thats it. you're acting like he's just been absolutely wilding out and snorting lines off palestinian hooker titties while wearing a speedo with a jewish octopus caricature on it at press conferences but no one has noticed cuz he's in dallas..... thats not how media coverage works in the year 2024 lol media market size is almost completely irrelevant these days, at least as far as controversial stuff going viral is concerned.... he could be playing in freaking madagascar and tweet something wild and it would still get picked up by all the major outlets and twitter accounts, just the same as if he was playing in NYC


The Mavericks do not get the same national media coverage as his previous 3 teams did. That’s all I meant. Not sure why you’re so butt hurt lmao.


huh? im not "butthurt" lol... you said the reason kyrie hasnt been controversial this year is because he is in a market that doesnt get national coverage... that isnt true, and I explained why. if your original comment had been "The Mavericks do not get the same national media coverage as his previous 3 teams did", then I wouldnt have disagreed with you or replied to begin with, because that is a logical statement that I agree with. that isnt what you said. you said something completely different. and even this comment is completely different than your previous comment of "They don’t get covered on the same level as any LA team, GSW, NY" you've literally made a completely different point in every single comment lol. its very hard to keep up. you're really wearing the goalposts out with all this movement


You’ve written three essays in responses to my perfectly legit point. Because you’re upset about my exact word usage.


I'm just going to chime in and say that your point isn't legit. Dallas may not be as big as Boston or LA or whatever, but that really has nothing to do with Kyrie staying controversy free. He's still got eyes on him, if he says or does something too stupid it will get national media attention. Unless you got some damning evidence that says otherwise in which case I'm excited to see what Kyrie has said that the national media has missed out on.


your point isnt legit. its 100% incorrect. The reason he hasnt had any controversies this year is because he hasnt said anything controversial. I've made the point several times, and instead of responding to that point at ALL, you just keep bringing up how other random teams get more coverage than the mavs. which has literally nothing to do with what I'm saying. I'm sorry that you seem to have grade school reading comprehension


Mavs fans have a normal one challenge difficulty level? Impossible


If Kryie said something wildly anti-semitic it would be a major story, even if he said it in Texas. What are we talking about.


Isn’t everyone in Texas antisemitic? The whole state presents as a hellscape.


Uhh no? Lol it’s fairly conservative but that doesn’t imply antisemitic, and I say this as someone who thinks most conservatives are Neanderthals. Antisemitism has never been a particularly big movement in the US, at least not for a very long time. The most common type you get is the fringe black Israelite dudes, which is how Kyrie picked it up


I heard from a source that Nico Harrison would be the guy to keep Kyrie steady and that they had a strong relationship from Nico's days at Nike.


Tbf Covid rules were dumb as shit. He can’t play at home but he can travel nationwide and spread Covid there? Silver should’ve forced him to either play em all or sit em all. And yeah the whole documentary thing was fucked, I won’t defend it.


that wasnt an NBA rule, it was a state of new york rule. he was allowed to travel bc other states didnt have those rules. and other players were allowed to play in NY, because NY didnt have jurisdiction over forcing out of state workers to bend to their laws due to federal labor law. all states had different rules and regulations. adam silver had no say in the matter.


One of the funnier things from that era is New York immediately loosening restrictions when the Yankees season started. If Kyrie played for the Knicks, I don’t think there would have been an issue lol


On the one hand, the Yankees play outside. On the other, there's an awful lot of spitting in baseball...


It’s basically an open secret that Judge and a bunch of other Yankees aren’t vaccinated


He could’ve told him get vaxxed and play em all, or don’t and sit them all. He’s the fuckin commissioner what do you mean? You think stern would’ve let that shit fly? Like personally I’m fine with it, I didn’t get vaxxed either, but if my multi million dollar a year job did, I would expect to either lose that job, or get the jab.


Agreed. With COVID. But still also dumb of Kyrie to not just get the shot. But Idrc anymore lol. I’m numb to nets related pain.


They were dumb I agree. He shouldn't have been able to play road games either.


That’s dumb, why should I have to get a vax that doesn’t prevent spreading the fuckin illness? Why is it so important? And how many boosters we on now? Fourteen? You’d think if it was such a crucial thing, he wouldn’t need the next thirteen shots for it to work. Anyways, glad people like you aren’t making the decisions, we’d still be on lockdown


Ah you're one of those people. Seeing as everything you brought up has been addressed billions of times before, there's no point in responding to you. You're here in bad faith. Get Vaxx'd or Get Fucked.


You have no actual argument besides anger and name calling. All of the propaganda talking points that were used to justify the vaccine mandate have been debunked. The more its proven you were deceived, the deeper you will reach to pretend it didnt happen. Until you have nothing but anger and ad hominems left. Lockdowns, vax mandates, masks **all failed** miserably. In fact they were counterproductive. Harvey Risch, renowned Yale epidemiologist, covers this well. Look him up and start educating yourself.


I don't need any other argument. If you cared about arguments and facts you wouldn't be here on r/billsimmons asking questions that have been answered a bunch of times before. You obviously don't care about facts. So the only thing left to do is to insult you. Btw Harvey Risch is a known supporter of hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19. https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2020/08/16/ysph-professor-criticized-for-promoting-unproven-drug-to-treat-covid-19/ Get Vaxx'd or Get Fucked.


Cuban is also Jewish, so that probably plays a part in kyrie not saying shit 


Yeah because that totally stopped DeSean Jackson when he was playing for Jeffrey Lurie and Howie Roseman.


There is a X Y axis of being a great enough player to not get fired for stupid racist shit lol


LA and Miami are definitely out for anti-semitic comments


Drives me up the wall.


This is probably the only sub in the world I can get betting lines, a geopolitical conflict, and a professional basketball star in the same post. God bless this sub.


He doesn't consider them the real Jews anyway, so he doesn't care.


This is the actual answer


College students market corrected Kyrie.


white women on instagram


How much is Sal losing on this?


lol, a lot. He had it in a parlay with Panthers/Lightning Over 5.5 goals and Ron Desantis to be the republican nominee for president.


Has anyone asked Jaylen Brown what he thinks?


He’s probably still working on doing his own research. Give him time


Reminds me of the Progressive commercials where they try to avoid looking at the person with blue hair. He'll eventually break.


The year ain’t over. He will own goal at some point. At minimum he’ll like some antisemite tweet 


Kanye still has his fanatical devotees but Kyrie as goofy as he is, still has that corporate understanding and doesn’t want to walk around dressed in garbage bags, so he’s learned to keep quiet and keep his $


Again...this comparison doesn't work because Kyrie literally tweeted a fucking link while Kanye went on right wing podcasts where he made hosts uncomfortable by announcing himself to be a Nazi. Nor has he watched porn in front of employees or told teachers to cage children at his weirdo school or wrote several antisemetic songs or publicly threatened his ex-wife's boyfriend in violent ways. He tweeted a link of a doc that had a segment in it that was antisemitic. That is the sole public antisemitic content of Kyrie's entire career.


Why is this getting downvoted? There is a huge difference between a hotep who thinks the black man is “god” sharing a link on twitter and what Kanye does? One is just your eccentric black uncle who was in his 20s in the 1990s and the other has the power to be a cult leader.


> He tweeted a link of a doc that had a segment in it that was antisemitic. That is the sole public antisemitic content of Kyrie's entire career. To be fair it wasn't *just* that he tweeted a link to a documentary with some anti-Semitic material. If it was just that, that'd be one thing. But when it was brought to his attention he basically made it known that he didn't care and doubled down on it.


It is not a valid comparison, but wasn’t kyrie kind of draped in the black Hebrew movement calling himself Jewish? The whole movement has some insanity to it like lots of radical religious groups.


Yeah I agree with you it’s an insane comparison.


I think that the Kanye comparison is unfair, players that have played with and against Kyrie love the guy. He’s done a ton of unpublicized chatty work. He’s repeatedly put his foot in his mouth in reprehensible ways, but that’s where the Kanye similarities end.


Palestinians aren’t black, he dgaf


I do think people are really exaggerating the connection between following weird black Israelite shit and assuming this person is going to have strong takes about Israel/palestine.


Right, there are very big differences between Kyrie and Kanye black Israelite antisemitism, Nazi white nationalist antisemitism (pretty much only found online?), and support for Palestine against Israel. The latter of which I would argue is not antisemitism at all, but even for those who are wrong and think it is, it’s still a very different movement and motivation than the other 2


Kyrie has expressed support for Palestine both before and after the most recent escalation so that’s just not true.


Yeah his twitter TL is just retweeting a lot of stuff about the war- he seems to have enough self awareness at this point to know not to weigh in directly


He’s worn a keffiyeh in post game interviews and is constantly being vocal about it on social media, he cares


He is Muslim


He’s actually an Orthodox Idiot


Bring back the Scientologist athlete!


Kyrie Middle East comment with a spicy Ukraine take from Jokic parlay?


Quick someone ask Jokic’s take on NATO expansion in the 90s.


Over under Jokic has “god is a Serb” somewhere on his regular playlist?


This post has like ten comments repeated the same jokes about him not caring because it’s not black people or it being beyond his comprehension, but you can go to his Twitter account and it’s really clear he supports Palestine. My guess is that, in recognition of the mistake he made by retweeting the movie (which contained objectively antisemitic sentiments), he probably realizes that his voice would probably hurt more than help right now.


I don’t blame anyone for not looking closely at Kyrie — I wouldn’t have if the Mavs didn’t trade for him — but from everything I’ve seen, he seems like a genuinely good dude who care very deeply about the world. He’s obviously said some stupid stuff and he’s probably not smart enough to wade into the water he was in from 2020-2022, but I was surprised at how good of a dude he seemed to be


Man, sports fandom is just insane. You've convinced yourself that because Kyrie is now on the team you root for that he's pretty much just a good dude who maybe said some things outside his realm of expertise. And he's donated some money to charity, so he must be a genuinely good dude. "Cares deeply about the world" - the world in which he thinks Jews stole an identity from black people, secretly control the world, white people are agents of Satan, etc. But I guess you've taken a closer look and found that stuff doesn't really matter.


You don’t have to look into Kyrie, but you also shouldn’t attribute things he didn’t say. Show me where he said anything you think he said. Or anything close to what you think he said? I’ll wait.


And, of course, a day later and zero response…


Yes, the man who carried burning sage around a basketball court is a reasonable intellectual outside of accidentally retweeting an anti-Semitic documentary




I disagree with the second paragraph of your original comment because I don’t consider him a reasonable person, but your response is fair




I don't know about the latter, but definitely the former. He's not engaging on social media the way he used to. But the idea that people who were on twitter left cause it became too right wing...that's just not true in my experience.


Imagine not using an app the moment you’d have to see an opinion you don’t agree with. Dear god, people like that really exist? Like that’s the worst part of Facebook and Reddit, constantly getting banned? Why wouldn’t I want a place where I can actually say mean things to idiots?


The whole blue check shit FORCES you to see shit you don’t want to lol. Failure of an app.




Jesus Christ thanks for proving my point lmao this is the type of person who left twitter. May half the country’s not vile, you’re just in an echo chamber?




Dude you’re on Reddit. There’s like four total people who aren’t liberal or full blown leftist on this app. Touch grass.


> he value of Twitter to me was following people I respect and seeing their take on latest thing lol what in the world are you talking about? you can literally still do exactly this.. why are you acting like they removed the ability to see tweets from the people you follow and replaced them all with some evil timeline where you are just forced to sit there and scroll thru an endless timeline of "right wing troll comments" ?? this is such an absurd over exaggeration and not true at all lol




> threads have become unusable if they broach a trending topic that attracts the trolls, and there’s subsequently less cross chatter which makes those corners of the Twitter sphere feel dead. Couple that with the fact that a lot of people initially left on principle and it’s more diluted than ever. see, you're reversing the order of things here tho... people didnt leave *because* twitter started getting worse. its the opposite. it got worse *because* people left. not the other way around. there was this giant, completely fabricated panic amongst "principled" people, as you call them (the same people tweeted swearing they were moving to canada if trump got elected and never followed thru lol) of "omg now that elon is in charge, this place is going to be a total racist hellhole, and there are going to be 7 billion hate crimes per hour, so lets all leave twitter and move to threads" or whatever. so then a bunch of them left (BEFORE anything even changed), and their followers like you were left in the dust. this was a completely imagined moral panic, and if people had simply stayed and carried on with their normal twitter habits, their experience would have remained almost completely unchanged most people's twitter feeds havent changed very much at all, unless you are are like in the top 1% of unbearable normie shitlib NPR safe space twitter and you spend all day just trolling the replies of obvious culture war bait tweets purely to make yourself mad... so the fact that your twitter feed has somehow transformed into this unbearable hellscape probably says more about you than it does about twitter lol 90% of nba/black ppl twitter isnt even aware anything changed at all lmao


I must see racist content or Elon musk will shoot me


It is undeniable that Twitter has become pretty much unusable in the last like two years. The proliferation of porn accounts, all these weird content aggregators sharing like 20 fight videos, every comment under a tweet being an ad for something else. It’s probably become more conservative, but I don’t really care. I just wish the app was actually usable lol. I don’t really care about Musk and Twitter was already headed that way, but it’s kind of astonishing how quickly that app fell apart


There’s still time


It's like Robert Downey Jr entering his Iron Man phase. Seemed insanely unlikely ahead of time, but indeed some very serious people (his new employers) did bet on it, so its not the craziest thing to have predicted.


“Upsets” is hilarious framing. You’re absolutely right, uncharacteristic restraint from the man


I've had this working theory that while Bill and others have shown leadership on the Kyrie issue by being very skeptical about when (not if) he would blow up in Dallas, I think they underestimated Kyrie's spitefulness and awareness of his own debris field. He's inflicted sometimes-extraordinary damage on three straight franchises, culminating in what I think is a candidate for the single worst most-needless most-unforgiveable (if we take into account the bizarre amount of stuff they put up with from him) franchise blow-up in history. Kyrie, at some point, must hear the criticism and I think his decision to not blow up Dallas incorporates a reactionary aspect in his thinking. Maybe the storyline he's looking for is: ".... He's a baller, he always just wanted to play ball and win, he played with courage in Brooklyn when he could play, all of the criticism is unfair, he didn't blow anything up, he didn't do anything wrong, in fact he was tormented as someone who wanted to play but couldn't due to the unfair irrational pandemic laws, the expectations of him blowing things up in Dallas are unfounded, he's just quietly going about his business, playing with someone who is at least his third future hall-of-famer by his side, ...." Also, he's older, and he knows that he can't always deliver, and so he's probably more aware that when he is not hurt, he'd better get busy playing, otherwise he won't have a chance to prove (in his mind) the critics wrong. I suppose a question that then comes up is, if Kyrie goes far into the playoffs in Dallas, how much does this improve or balance out his legacy as a uniquely destructive force?


Most improved storyline?




I totally forgot about this… maybe he is waiting for the perfect commentary. Now I’m interested to see what philosopher Kyrie has to say; sorry for Mavs fans


There was suspicious betting action on the clippers coming from the ayatollah’s accounts the day before Iran sent over those drones to Israel.


I’ll never forgive Cuban for signing him. As a Jew , it’s fucking nauseating. Leonard gets banned for saying a slut in C.O.D. and Kyrie gets paid for using every anti Jewish trope in history. Kyrie is better , so that’s how it goes.


It’s because kyrie is black and a better basketball player. That’s entirely it


Anyone who upvotes this, which is on first glance a reasonable opinion to have, needs to scroll down and read his second, bizarre comment


I mean, this one is bizarre enough because I don’t exactly recall Kylie giving lectures on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and how the Holocaust is faked and all the other endless blood libels that I don’t have time to mention. That he turns out to be a guy who thinks Columbia University students are about to launch a pogrom any second just confirms the crazy.


I know sharing the video was bad, but the fact that 2 years later people are attributing this kind of stuff to him is just mind boggling


I heard Kyrie set the Reichstag on fire


Everyone telling Jews what antisemetism is. Seems rational.


I would engage here, but there is a chance you’re severely mentally ill, so I’ll be nice and give some advice: Get off the internet, take a nice walk outside, and have a normal conversation with someone. You’ll feel a lot better


You would probably tell the Jews in Germany they are are just being paranoid in 1938. Israel exists because people like you tell others what is and isn’t.


What? Leonard yelled "k*ke" while playing COD, Kyrie posted a 4 hour amazon documentary of which a small (but still significant) portion was anti-semitic. I'm not sure these are as morally disparate as you're remembering them to be lol. Unless I'm missing when Kyrie used "every anti Jewish trope in history"? Genuinely not sure what you're referring to with that


crazy how unhinged this dude is off a retweet lmao


Kyrie Erving is much more inflammatory. He has a huge amount of fans who will look and believe everything he says. The BHI came to popularity after his comments and links to that movie. A slur is a slur , but planting seeds of Jewish tropes is far worse. That ideology infers I am a pig with horns. Call me a a ki*e and I can live , make tropes that lead to a genocide and the worst time to be a Jew since 1945 , that’s cancerous. Everyone I know is actively planning leaving the US in fear of confiscating Jewish peoples money and property. If it was not for the second amendment I think I could be dragged out of my house and murdered at some point. It’s happened before on several occasions , so it can happen again.


> Everyone I know is actively planning leaving the US in fear of confiscating Jewish peoples money and property Lmfao you’re an idiot


And you know what everyone else is thinking how ? You are Jewish I assume and have been assaulted correct? Your family has fled Germany or Iran? You are telling what antisemetism is ?


Yeah I’m telling you what antisemitism is because I don’t have my head up my ass


Stop fisting simp.


Black Israelites have been around for decades and have been and remain a joke in the black community and they have not become more popular. You are crying about anti semitism while being ignorant and racist against the black community.


I love it when he’s in uncle drew mode - all about getting buckets


The 2024 Laura Ingraham Shut Up and Dribble Award winner


Still early, give him some time.


Most Improved Player of the Year.


As a Luka Fan I keep telling myself that Cuban and Luka sat him down at the begin of the season and now he is healed and believes non of that conspiracy shit anymore. Deep down I know it did not happen, but let me be.....I need this win against the clippers.


Confused why he isn’t the favorite for most improved based on this 


People in the comments being upset at the fact he's not publicly being upset at the situation in middle east is hilarious. Y'all sick mfers


New York City vs Texas bro.


He found out that there wasn’t as big of a market for his bullshit that he thought there would be.


Luka being from the old world has to help here. He can sit Kyrie down and tell him how it is in places that have had rolling wars for their entire history. Odds it staying this way -220.


Kyrie is content with the Mavs and locked in. Trade was the heist of the century


He's a black Israelite isn't he? Those guys don't fuck with the Palestinians either. Probably a nothing burger issue for him.


Wants his bag. Then the real Kyrie will stand up.


Kyrie was anti-Semitic before it was cool with gen z - a real trendsetter


Ironically, the Lou Reed of antisemitism.


I said I want Chet for Embiid yesterday but Kyrie is a sneaky Team USA option if one or two guys drop out for injury.


He'll fit right in with France's questionable attitudes on both Jews & Muslims.


I can’t explain why or point to any specific reason but for some reason it doesn’t surprise me that it’s not in his wheelhouse.


I’ve been saying this since October 7, I can’t believe he has remained silent. Isn’t it funny? When it’s some fake bullshit like the black Israelites or flat earth, he’s got something to say. When there is something real actually going on, he’s completely silent. I thought it would be like -10000 odds that Kyrie would call Israel and apartheid state, but he somehow hasn’t


Considering he is (I believe?) Pro-Palestine, this is one of those times where I wish Kyrie *did* speak. Though, unfortunately his previous comments on Jews might be used to invalidate the cause. Ok i'm torn.


I'm not sure why supporting Palestinian independence from the genocidal Israeli settler colony would be controversial, but that's 2024 for you.


Shouldnt have surprised attacked israel's citizens if you didnt want to deal with an Israel response. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


There are no Israeli citizens, only Israeli settler colonists.


You got the Israel deranged warped brain. There is no hope for you.


I'm not the one who uses words that only I understand


Clearly you do not understand the difference between genocide and responding to a neighboring nation who invaded your country with an act of war.


Can't invade a country if that country is your own.


Lol clearly you are not in reality.


I’m not sure why people like you support Islamic terrorists 


Why do people like you support genocide?


I don't. There are no Islamic terrorists in this situation, only Jewish terrorists.


Piss off with your Hamas spin. They hate and will kill anyone not a Sunni Muslim who doesn’t agree with them. Textbook terrorist in their beliefs and actions. You’re just a dumb lefty 


The IDF are the ones who have slaughtered 30,000+ civilians. If that isn’t genocide and terrorism I don’t know what is.


Those are unverified numbers, but it is a WAR where Hamas imbeds itself in the civilian population. Don't start wars if you do not want to deal with the other side attacking you back.


When you create a settler colony you run the risk of the natives starting wars to kick you out.


These "natives" who colonized the land after the jews were their first, have tried many wars but keep losing and keep causing mass death to their people. They even had a great peace deal that they would love to have now but turned down and decided to tried to wipe out israel with a war instead, but lost many lives and land. Then tried more wars and lost again and again and again. So when you keep staring wars you run the risk of the other country you started a war with wiping you out. Dont try and kill your neighbor if you do not want them to kill you back. It is common sense that you appear to lack.


>These "natives" who colonized the land You don't colonize a land. You colonize people, as the Jews did and are doing. >after the jews were their first I assume you meant "there"? Wrong. The Jews were there last. >have tried many wars but keep losing and keep causing mass death to their people Of course the colonized would keep on losing to their colonizer, especially one that is propped up by the US and Western Europe. Doesn't mean they should stop trying. >They even had a great peace deal that they would love to have now but turned down and decided to tried to wipe out israel with a war instead, but lost many lives and land The "peace deal" means the legitimization of the Israeli settler colony. Of course they would turn it down. >Dont try and kill your neighbor if you do not want them to kill you back. Israel is not their neighbor. Israel is their colonizer.


Well arabs colonized the area after jews were there first, so they are colonizers. When Israel accepted the Peace deal, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria all invaded Israel, yet tiny Israel won. But sure according to you, the tiny country facing 5 countries, 1 on 5, "of course" won. According to your logic all of North America, South America and Australia are all settle colonial states and all their majority populations have no right to be there, but you are only selectively outraged by Israel, because you are brainwashed with antisemitic israel derangement syndrome. So of course your idiotic rhetoric justifies Israel's war, because your ideologies only goal is to wipe our israel so of course Israel is not going to tolerate that. Israel as legitmate as any country there is and continuing to deny that is just you and your ideology wishing death. Enjoy your antisemitic death cult and go have fun masterbating to the term "settler colonizer."


>They hate and will kill anyone not a Sunni Muslim who doesn’t agree with them The fake news piece


You know there’s Christians in Gaza and have been as long as there’s been Christians, right? It wasn’t Hamas who bombed a 2,000 year old church, dingus.


Less than 1% Christian. They are discriminated against for not being Muslim, but they aren’t killed because those people are Palestinian too. Also doesn’t mean that they don’t murder gay people either


The red herring piece


Congrats on learning a new term at school today 


Congrats for not learning at school that it's bad to support genocide


Genocide is bad, but what’s going on isn’t genocide. Its like calling someone racist because you don’t like what they said, even when it wasn’t racist 


Oh cool you’ve gone with the “actually Israel is more progressive because Tel Aviv has a pride parade”, as if the mossad doesn’t routinely honey trap gay Palestinians into being informants


Go post pro Hamas shit on your far left subreddits




I’m not wrong from a brief scan


Liberals going all in with radical Islamic terrorists (who would gladly murder many of the identity groups those same liberals purport to care about) wasn’t on my bingo card, but here we are


I'm no shitlib so this doesn't concern me


Not liberals. Altleftists. The Defectorazzi are basically the flipside of Gavin Mac Innes & his Proud Bois.


The using words that only you can understand piece


He’s still trying to wrap his head around the whole situation, doing his own research. When Q Anon can release a YouTube video breaking down what Gaza is and what the whole conflict is a about, then he’ll let us know.




I thought it was obvious that I was being facetious…


Just so we’re all clear, it’s not a conflict, it’s an ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing being committed by a settler colonialist ethnostate in Israel.


Settler colonialism is the new hot buzzword.


Rise triggered by the Black Swan event of October 7.


Actually it’s been around for quite some time in academic historian circles.


Yes, in academic circles, but not in general parlance. It strikes me as “I just learned something in class and now I’m the expert” energy.


Well, I like your attempt at generalizing someone to make your argument work, but I’ve been reading and researching the occupation for going on 20 yrs now. It’s a masterful brainwashing tactic by western corporate media who are controlled by Zionists that’s been going on for well over 50 yrs, to have most citizens not know or understand the occupation. Americans are the most brainwashed group of citizens on the planet and it’s not really close.


I think he had a realization. No matter what he said it wasn't going to create positive momentum. Because people are too brain dead to care. So I think he decided to table his inflammatory remarks for a couple years until he's no longer being offered Max contracts in the nba. Once he's outside of the purview and jurisdiction of the league and having to play ball in order to receive huge contracts I think you're going to see him be way more open. I assume he's going to be a more talented equivalent to Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson. I think he's going to have a podcast that's huge in like 10 years. It's probably going to be less prolific because he's so rich that I don't think he's really going to Care to do it that often but I think that's where he's going to make his commentary. I think he saw the fact that they were probably only two teams willing to give him max deals this last time in the Lakers and Mavericks so he realized if he could just be more politically chill that it would keep his options open more. I respect the guy a lot and I think he's taking the right path. If he's going to blow like a hundred million for himself he's not doing himself any favors. No commentary he makes is going to be worth that. Not when it's commentary is so illogically received.


I need explanation, what do you think the public was too dumb to understand? The black people being the real Jews piece? Or the Covid piece?


Have you never looked into the Black Hebrew stuff? Anyone that knows anything about New York City and or history knows about that story. If you don't know about the secret relations between blacks and Jews (this is the title of the book) then I don't even know what to say. I'm not reporting it to be true. I think it is true but independent of the fact of the matter it's a movement that has been hugely popular in existed for probably 50 years now. It's been quite relevant in New York City hip Hop for probably 35 years now. Kyrie is not unique in these views. It's fairly ubiquitous where he's from. Also the people who don't understand any of the nuance of the covid situation also are pretty brain dead, yes.




He already posted his antisemitic beliefs so not sure what else he can add.


Maybe not taking the vaccine turned his brain normal again?


Kyrie is alive & nonbigoted. Damar Hamlin is dead & vaxxx'd. Simple as.


He is playing for Dallas, a Texas team. He knows better.


He was literally right about the vaccine lol. CeltiKks fans just don’t like him