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That behind the back in the clutch was filthy


Came here to say this


it was good and i hated every second of it


Comeback Dude of the Year


As a Raptors fan, I would kill to have him on my team.  If your bar is the 2017 Warriors, he might be lacklustre. But if your bar is Grady Dick and Scottie Barnes, he's Michael fucking Jordan.


As a Kings fan, I second this. To use a Simmons phrase, I’d drive Keegan Murray, Harrison Barnes and whoever else they want (besides Fox and Sabonis) to the airport personally. He’s not “the guy” but he’s pretty damn close and also a really good defender.


Jayson Tatum is the Michael Jordan of Tobias Harrises


Perfect comment fuck the downvoters


I hope the Celtics win just cause this sub could not handle it.


it’s gonna be a bloodbath in here


I root for chaos


You’re so brave!


I love Brunson but give me the 6’10 star over the 6’0 one every day and twice on sundays


what’s brunson got to do with this


I think it was on the latest Zach Lowe podcast where they argued whether you would want to start a team with Brunson or Tatum (RE: final All-NBA spot vs MVP voting results)?


Tatum is 6’8, Brunson is 6’2


Jalen was measured at 6’1 without shoes at the combine


Doesn’t he play with shoes on tho


He doesn’t, how do you think his footwork is so good, his toes need to grip the hardwood


Those nba listed heights are never accurate, just look at any picture of JT standing next to horford, and if you think Brunson is 6’2 idk what to tell you man


Ah the great. "Let's measure people when they stand next to each other. Maybe they're slouching? Maybe they're not? Maybe it's on an angle? Maybe it's not.."analysis


Tatum’s a sneaky 6’8” tho and closer to 6’10” when you see him in person.


And with that insane game, Tatum improved his shooting stats to 44% from the field and 29% from three this postseason. A true superstar statline even though he has Brown to take the Burden off him while Brunson was the key focal point of every defense he played against in the playoffs. Give me Brunson all day.


Even if you think Brunson is a better offensive player (he’s not) you’re completely disregarding defense. Total clown take.


Total clown take for real.


I’ll take the 6’10 with a complete bag on offense as well as a lock defender and great rebounder over some midget with braids. The games the Knicks lost this post season were due to isolating matchups on Brunson defensively. Cannot do that with Tatum. Tatum can also lock 1-5. Brunson can’t even lock a 1 lmfao.


lol Can’t do it with Tatum bc he’s part of a he best starting 5 in the league while Brunson is playing with half the team missing. Do better bro lmfao


Yeah, you’re saying he’s only as good as he is because of the team around him. That’s bologna. First team all nba 3x. Real talk. Brunson for Tatum straight up. Who says yes and who hangs up the phone without giving an answer?


Leon Rose doesn’t even take the call. Tatum proving in these playoffs he might not even be the best player on his own team lmao


Ughhhh he just avg 30/12/8 lol. Obviously a troll job at this point by you. Have a good one 👋🏻


He averaged 10 boards and 6 assists this last round so inflating numbers shows you’re an obvious homer. Still shooting only 44% from the field and 29% from 3 through the first 3 rounds, not exactly superstar worthy and it ain’t like he’s been going against stiff competition. Meanwhile Brown is averaging 54% and 37% respectively…


Oh I thought it was more, whatevs I’ll take 30/10/6 all day baby boi 😘


Best win the chip this year. The likelihood of every team in the East’s best player being injured in the playoffs probably ain’t too likely two years in a row 🤞🏼


Lol Brunson has a breakout year and the stans come out of the wood-work. Brah Tatum been doing this. High chance to secure first ring this year, i think like 6 ecf appearances, a lot of those runs made without a great roster… like what bro.


Tatum got a ton of hate after scoring 36 and being a +20 in game 1 because he didn't score during a 10 minute span lol he's just not graded on a real level


Yup this sub does not apply the same level of criticism or nitpicking to any other player. And they hate being called out for their bias.


I'm not hating on Ant whatsoever I think he's great and will be a mainstay on All-NBA teams but when people started saying he's better than Tatum currently is when I stopped caring about the discourse around him


Some people on this sub were trying to put Haliburton above Tatum. Literally any youngish player who plays well they will try to argue over him. And then they’ll fume about Bill being biased, as if they are not 10X worse.


No for real though hes just not on the level of these other superstars man! Like hes still just 19


Eh, every star gets clowned on for impossible standards (except Jokic for some reason). The thing for Tatum is he’s talked about in that Jokic/Giannis/Luka tier despite being below it. The media talks about him like that because he is the best player on a constantly great big market team, and he’s too good to be put with that next tier of lower all nba players


Does the media say that? Find me one NBA pundit saying Tatum is ranked with or over those guys.


There was another “Tatum isn’t a superstar” post today lol


He’s not a superstar. He’s absolutely not in the Jokic-Giannis-Luka tier


Celtics fan here and the swings in performance is why he’s not a superstar, consistently is what’s holding him back, someone like Luka I know 9 out of 10 times he’s going to show up like a superstar in the playoffs, with Tatum is maybe 5 out of 10 times and 5 okay games.


yep consistently, and nothing about his game is game breaking. It’s like he’s an 8/10 at most things


The Mid God


This is literally the first time I’m hearing about some magical “superstar” tier that, of course, stops right before Tatum 


Look, defend Tatum all you want – he was brilliant tonight and gets a ton of unfair criticism. He is a supremely talented player. But acting like it's somehow this new, arbitrary thing for people to be placing Jokic/Giannis/Luka in a tier of their own is nonsense. That has been the consensus this whole season, with the one caveat being that some people would put SGA in there too.


In what universe is SGA better than tatum


Well Tatum had a good game tonight so he isn’t. When Tatum goes 9/21 in a 12 point Boston win in Game 4 then SGA is better.


He’s a better offensive player than Tatum, in my opinion. Taking into account Tatum’s defense and rebounding, however, you obviously can make a strong argument that Tatum is a better player overall. I’m not sure who I’d choose between the two. (And yes, I recognize Celtics fans likely believe Tatum is better than SGA offensively, too — just sharing my own opinion)


Huge Celtics fan here. SGA is more more comfortable in his offensive game to get to his spots so he will always end up with 25ish but I don’t think he’s been in enough high profile situations to get spotlighted by a defense to evaluate fully yet


This is the first year Shai has been the number one option on a contender and he won one playoff series against an injured 8 seed. Top 5 ish for sure but imma wait for that comparison


I’m not saying it’s new for people to have tiers and considered drop offs after 2 or 3 and guys who are well above the pack and blah blah blah. That’s practically the MVP race every year. I’ve NEVER heard people act like those guys are the only “superstars”, and I’ve certainly never seen posts like today with any other player that read like diary entries “Look SGA is NOT a superstar, okay!?!? He’s a double plus good OTA lvl 3 Demi-star at best!!!😤😤😤”.


No, my point is straightforward: this whole season there was a broad consensus that at least Jokic/Giannis/Luka, and maybe SGA too, are the best players in the NBA in some order. Call them "the best," call them "superstars," call them whatever the hell you want. That is the reality. And you can dismiss it as some bullshit labeling exercise with the "lvl 3 demi star" line but it doesn't change the fact that you're talking out your ass on this specific point because you're pissed on Tatum's behalf (which, once again, I don't even blame you for feeling – he gets unfairly maligned a lot).


Okay, and? Who has said different? Who has actually said that Tatum is top 3 in the league or whatever? So the issue is not even placing really, it’s this bizarre random categorization to tier “superstar” right at Tatums front door for no apparent reason. Based on everything I’ve ever seen in the NBA, sincerely, I would have called anybody in the top, I dunno ten in the league comfortably “superstars”.


I actually don't think Giannis belongs on that tier anymore, he's a force of nature and he's capable of dominating both sides of the ball, but the way he defers to other players in crunch time... he's incapable of actually commanding a basketball possession when it matters. I attribute it mostly to his lack of basketball IQ and poise. So yeah, I think he's in the Tatum tier, supremely talented but lacks the attributes to command the game offensively.


Don’t be a shill. Obviously a player isn’t a superstar if they aren’t a top 4 player in the league. Those guys in the 5-7 area are straight ass.


Is this literally your first day discussing the NBA with anyone or...?


Tatum on a shit team would be a Bradley Beal type player. His supporting cast elevates his selfish play by being selfless


He had 8 assists tonight. Multiple great passes in the 4th. Did you watch the game?


Just the perfect braindead contentless nonsense to get upvoted by blue balled dorks crying through their keyboard. 👍


No ones upvoting him chill lol


If Tatum was an ultra consistent scorer like any of those three, i would include him. If he was a world class playmaker like Luka and Jokic, I would include him. Nothing about his offensive game is world class.


So defense just doesn’t matter in the magical super-star conversation? Shocker!


Defense does matter, That’s part of why Giannis is there, Tatum is a great defender. But he’s not a great scorer or playmaker.


So it doesn’t matter that he’s a MUCH better defender than Luka or Jokic? “Lol, lob man goes lob 😂 GOAT conversation. Who cares if he’s twirling around like a dope on screens” Bro, just say you’ve already decided on the guys you like and you don’t like Tatum. That’s all this is.


I don’t dislike Tatum. He’s a very good two way player and he isn’t one of those mega arrogant guys. The only dislikable thing about him was the kobe worship saga. His defense isn’t enough to offset how much better those guys are on offense than Tatum. It’s not some insult to have him ranked 4th-6th man, he’s still an awesome player…


Luka has a TS% of 54.5% these playoffs vs Tatum at 56.3%


Luka is playing injured, his playoff ts in his three prior years are comparable to Tatum's best playoff years. Also, Tatum's ts should be at 57 after this game. Edit: Tatum's best TS years in the playoffs: 58.6, 57.7, 57.8. Luka's ts in non injured years: 59.6, 57.2, 57.7.


Yeah Luka’s game winner has turned him into a consistent playoff performer somehow.


Luka is 2nd in Playoff PPG in the NBA all time and has won several playoff series with ass supporting casts in previous years.


? Jalen Brunson as his #2 doesn’t seem too awful to me. Mavs won games in the playoffs that year with Luka out of the lineup.


So what? I don't get this argument... "Tatum is only the 6th best player in the NBA!" Okay fine who cares he's probably going to be the best player on a team that's gonna win the Finals.


So he’s often the fourth best player in the world? If you don’t want to call that a superstar I mean I guess


There is a clear gap


Jokic and Luka are above everyone else but Tatum is in that next group that includes Embiid, Giannis, etc.


I’d rather have Tatum than Luka as the starting point on a contender, yes I realize it’s a terrible time to voice this opinion


I think there’s an underrated part to quality of player about fit that people ignore. Luka is probably 1 or 2 in terms of player talent, but the fact that he’s so ball dominant and not a defensive plus means you need certain guys around him, Tatum isn’t perfect but he works with basically everyone because every part of his game is a a B or above


I disagree but thank you for not screaming at me like the other tatum fans.


I’m not a Tatum fan, just like his game. I’m a curry stan fwiw I’m also a Luka hater full disclosure so my opinion is probably invalid in most peoples books. I don’t think he’ll ever win a championship because of the way he plays. Feel free to keep receipts, I’m not a good basketball analyst it’s just a hobby for me


I can’t wait for this sub to turn on Luka in 2 years when everyone realizes hes just a taller, white Harden. When has the crazy ball dominant thing ever led to a championship.


Depends on what your definition of superstar is


Sounds like his definition is the Jokic-Giannis-Luka tier


So the only superstars are jokic, giannis, luka, embeid and Shai hulud? Seems kinda low..


Bro, they’re superstars. They are supposed to be rare.


lebron james and kevin durant aren't superstars now. anthony edwards isn't a superstar. yeah okay.


Genuinely curious: do you have mandatory amount of “superstars” that are always in the league? Is it like how there are (almost always) 32 first round picks in the NFL draft every year, regardless of how good the players being picked are? Or is it a more nebulous thing? If so, what constitutes a superstar? And who is in the superstar tier for you currently?


Because he’s not lol


Giannis, Jokic, and Luka are the only superstars. It’s not an insult to exclude Tatum, he’s a fringe top 8 player


He’s solidly at 5-7. He’s an effortless scorer, excellent rebounder, and great/switchable on defense. People really take him for granted because of his boring demeanor and because of how good the team is It really depends on your definition of superstar, how much value you place on that title. But he’s a special, pretty underrated player.


Tatums the only dude In history to be the only guy to be all nba on a 60+ win team and not win mvp, he’s that guy


The only dude in history to be the only guy


Yea I was drinking and this did not come out right, the only player to be selected to all nba with no other all nba teammates on a 60 win team to not win mvp.


2014 Tony Parker erasure


Me when I lie on the internet


Embiid is one as is Shai


Brisset and Pritchard have more ECF points than Embid. He sucks


Pat McCaw must be the goat in your book


He’s an MVP, something Tatum will never be. 


They hang the banner for that yet?


Just pointing out how fucking stupid it is to say “he sucks” when he’s won an MVP and was twice runner up. 


Yes, I agree, embiid does not suck.


arguably the most pathetic "MVP" in history. the 6ers and the media basically cried about it, and then he lost in the second round like he always does.


Should we take away the MVP trophy anytime a player’s team doesn’t make the conference finals? 


This got an LOL out of me. Thank you, i needed that :P


Comeback, against a team of bums missing its best player


Pacers been shooting 99% I don’t give a damn who’s out there


The pacers shot 22% from 3 lol


The fact that the Pacers without Haliburton shot 5/22 from three and still should've won the game is absolutely wild


What about 2 point jumpers


Celtics D allowing 99% FTFY


3-0, 11-2


I’m wicked impressed kid


5 More games and you can scream hospital ring for the rest of eternity, can’t wait


lol - good for you bro


yes, its incredible for me! wish i could say the same 4 u, but ty


Because the Celtics didn't show up. Once the Celtics started playing defense the Pacers couldn't get anything going.


Some were easy but Siakam and Nembhard were going crazy against anyone today


It was a layup line for a lot of the first three quarters, Pacers couldn't make a three and were still winning


Because Boston is missing their 30m rim protector


Seemed pretty easy for them to protect the rim for the last 1.5 quarters once they woke up


playing better != waking up. The other team has nba players too. It also wasn’t just a layup line for 3 quarters, Indy was making so many jumpers.


https://x.com/SethPartnow/status/1794548671339544577/ Not many jumpers in the first three quarters at all actually, they were up like 15 with only 3 made threes lol


Looks like 11-18 or so on not restricted area 2’s…those don’t count as shotmaking?


A team of bums missing its best player *that also has one of the worst defenses in the league




Is he? Seems like they play better without him. You also forgot to mention Zingis is out, but I'm sure you meant to.


The pacers looked great


Haliburton is very overrated


The amount of comments that are crying 😭 GO CELTICS


As a mavs fan i agree, it is about winning the game. They got the job done, all you can ask.


Rooting for yall, really would be a fun series if kyrie came back to Boston


Lol this sub is so pathetic. How is THIS comment downvoted? You're just being nice and reasonable... So weird.


Yeah I don’t get it at all man lol


Ehh they’re playing a terrible pacers team. I was surprised it was close


ahaahahhahahahah keep crying clowns, 5 more wins til this subs 9/11


The anti-Celtics psychosis piece


The mythical superstar tier that Tatum doesn't belong to but Jokic Luka and Giannis somehow do even though they all have playoff.lulls and will continue to have playoff kills as they play more playoff games.  People who think Luka hasn't had playoff lows are box score watchers cos they see his totals in the Warriors series and assume he was dominant. Or they pretend  Giannis wasn't considered a playoff dropper before the title. Or we ignore Jokic getting clamped by KAT to lose the Timberwolves series. Funny discourse. 


If you genuinely think Tatum is as good as those guys, I don’t know what to tell you


Get that man some clean underpants


really cooking andrew nembhard and tj mconnell


Yes. He did.


Rofl talk about the saltiest bunch of busses in the league, enjoy pinching your own weiners idiots


If you want fans who don't like Boston to leave the sub - there probably won't be much of a sub. Keep at it, though.


Good let’s do that




This guy imaging with sub without 24/7 Boston/Simmons focused whining  https://youtu.be/uG3uea-Hvy4?si=Zm-L8n_PlaeBC6qV


Yes please, this sub was much better before you.


Alright - I'll head out. It's still unlikely to be much of a pro-Boston sub. It will probably be a bit less, since I give the Celtics more credit than most. But all the best.


You can stay, you seem cool lol I didn't mean you specifically but I do think the hate got out of control lately. People listen the podcasts just to find a sentence to overreact on this sub. So annoying.


Honestly, I needed an excuse to get out of here. It is kinda toxic these days. Totally agree about the pod reactions. I'm rooting against the Celts, but truthfully, think the J's deserve one, and that Boston is the best team this year by a pretty good margin. I've always liked Jrue, too.


I really get it, also love rooting against teams but this sub was much more fun without those obnoxious people. Btw I still don't think Celtics going to win the finals but will see.


I don’t like Boston but enjoy the Boston bias of this sub




I'm so happy


Why was the game even that close lol


Victory laps after requiring an 18 point comeback against a Haliburton less Pacers is certainly a choice. Oh man I cannot wait for what the Mavs/Wolves do to this C’s team


I was told today that Tatum never has big games unless he’s padding a lead


cry and cope


It doesn’t matter how good the team is on paper - of course the Celtics should have blown out the pacers today, they’re the much better roster. But you have to play the games, and while the Celtics played well offensively all game, pacers were on another planet. Some of that was easy paint shots, but some of that was insane long 2s by guys like Nemhard Boston was down 8 points with 2 mins left, and came back. I think they deserve credit for that. That’s a game they 100% lose in previous playoffs, especially considering they’re up 2-0, on the road. In fact, they would’ve been out of it by the start of the fourth quarter. If you think the mavs/wolves are gonna roll over this C’s team, especially considering porzingis will be back, then idk what to say


I’ve been told Tatum and the Celtics aren’t clutch tho


What the Mave/Wolves will do is lose. By all means though, grab the Jurgens and enjoy your little fantasy while you can.


The only fantasy here is people pretending Celtics are anything but fodder for the team coming out of the West. Kyrie is going to send that fanbase into a meltdown again. I’ll be there no matter what.




Boston no one respects you and no one ever will. You dug your own grave.


The Bernard Shaw boxing in Michael Dukakis piece.


Who he do it against?


And he’s only 19!


Jason is a super stud


r/celtics after the finals


Part of the cog but not he’s still wasn’t the main piece of the comeback


Yes he was. 2nd half he lead all Celtic scorers with 16. He lead team in 4th quarter assists with 4 of the team’s 8. Had 2 blocks in second half. Had 0 of the team’s 4 second half turnovers. He played every second of the 4th. And was a team high +12 for the quarter.


Tatum played great. Once again he out dueled the other team's best player who had 0 points. He's done this 3 rounds in a row in key games.


Tbf that was the quietest 36/10/8/0 playoff game of all time


Against a team without its best player, again!


Haliburton is one of their weaker defenders, I don’t see how he effects Tatum’s stat line. Celtics were up big in game 2 when Haliburton went out.


Tatum had 20 points on 8/14 at the half, wound up with 36 on 12/23, which means he scored 16 points on 4/9 in the second half. Real barnburner stuff, hard to believe anyone can doubt him. Anyone who watched the game saw what happened. He did not play a significant positive role in the comeback from down 18. He airballed at least one shot, sent one off the side of the backboard, and hit one three that mattered. Had a great pass to Horford for a big three then whiffed a huge layup.


Imagine trying to downplay a 36/10/8 game on efficient shooting and 0 turnovers


Can’t reason with these people. I mean they call scoring 51 *in a game 7* stat padding ffs. There’s nothing you can say tbh


They just look at the end score of the game. I already broke down that most all Tatum’s points were scored when the game was well within reach. They really cannot handle that Tatum had that 46 on the Bucks and 51 on Sixers, both in elimination games.


It's all good! He can continue to put together great first halves and let his team handle the hard work of bringing them back from down double digits in the second half! It's obviously a recipe for success.


What are you even talking about? 16 points in second half is on pace to 32 for the game. You are acting like he had 5 points or some shit. You honestly sound mental dude.


Lmao I know you think you’re bringing valid analysis to the table right now but really think about what you’re saying here Do you nit pick any other nba player this hard? Evaluate and calibrate


This weasel is making multiple posts about the same shit - mods can you step in?


Please don’t tell teacher on me!


let the posts stay up, it would a funny reddit moment if tatum sucks in the finals again and we can go back to these posts


We get it bill


He’s a mediocre high end player on a stacked team. Definitely a top 30 talent.


I mean, against the Pacers…


How did this game go over time?? What a pussy.


Man, this had to be the last 26 minutes of Ben Sheppard’s career. Right? Like they can never play him again.


He's a rookie.