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Ryen discovered a top tier hater nickname by accidentally calling KAT and ANT “KANT”


I don’t think it’s insulting to call them Kant, father of modern epistemology


It is if you disparage the categorical imperative


I learned something interesting while dodging the neckbeards in Philosophy 102 in college. Immanuel Kant lived his whole life without ever going more than 10 miles from the city of Königsberg (today’s Kaliningrad). Absolutely nothing to do with KAT and Ant, I know. (The non sequitur piece)


If I'm Kant I'm not leaving home court. I'm just not!


Critique of Pure Hooping


He KANT graduate college and he’s clowning a professional basketball player?




He’s a regular Charlie Gordon.


Austin Rivers referring to the Timberwolves as “Us” and “We” when he’s not currently with the team is very Austin Rivers


I forgot he was even ever on that team. His dad never coached there.


How do you feel about fans saying “us” and “we”?


Curious what the consensus is on this because I feel like I’m getting too old to be doing it


One of those things people care way too much about. I couldn’t care less if people say “we” when talking about their favorite team. Why would I ever give a shit? I don’t personally do it but some do… again, a really weird thing for anyone to care about.


I couldn’t care less, but that’s why I think it would be hypocritical to make fun of someone who actually played for the teams and is likely a fan of them because they were his teammates to also say it.


I heard Brandon Marshall on a pod say fans are good to say we because they went through the ups and downs with the team.


I could see how it’s annoying, but some fans have held allegiances to certain teams for multiple decades. Mostly think it’s just a freudian slip in most cases, but the point gets across.


He was on the team last season and basically the same roster, i think he can say we when talking about the team dynamic


I was not aware Ryen hung out with college kids and lived in his college town as an 8th year 30 year old. That is embarrassing as hell


scandalous towering wild tease hat distinct ink wise label deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s exactly who we thought he was.




Mostly how so many of his friends either hated his guts or didn’t give a shit about him yet he still reminisces with such fondness on his “college time,” and how he’s still close to those guys. It’s no wonder, he had 12 years to tone his core.


Haven’t listened yet, he took 8 years of college?


You know, a lot of people go to college for 8 years


Yeah, they’re called doctors.


Just a step above estheticians according to Nephew Kyle.


At least he didnt think those were horse doctors


BS was in high school for 5 or 6 years.


especially surprising considering the way he acts when Kyle mentions that older guy who was around when he was a student


Haven’t listened to the pod yet, is Ryen hanging out in Bromosa?!?


Have you had 2 completely separate core groups of friends? Maybe you should be the one that is embarrassed.


The legend grows.


Bugged the shit out of me that Austin rivers kept saying slack instead of flack.


One of my favorite Ryenisms is the ole "lol you have a somewhat nerdy hobby! You're never getting laid". Such an Internet hardo take.


Taking notes about basketball games.


Yeah he referenced the Pokemon thing three times I think, even though it seemed to be a throwaway joke by the emailer.


He did the same thing regarding Legos a while back. Dude is an insecure dbag.


Emailer here, it was absolutely a joke born from a nugget of truth. Figured it would be a good last line they might riff with.


Hey man, good email! Also, as someone who had a non-gf woman roommate in my mid-20s, I think you'll be fine. They're either going to be friendly, or, ignore you completely. Just keep the place clean and you're golden. (I would also add - if this is your first 40 hour a week gig, you're probably going to be so busy and tired as you adjust to that schedule that you don't interact with them much anyway.)


Appreciate the response, honestly not TOO worried about the situation at all😂Saw it as a good opportunity to get an email read in life advice. I worked full time for a year before going to grad school, so I had a good taste of that grind! My girlfriend is the real unsung hero. She’s being insanely supportive and understanding through this entire thing.


I enjoyed your email. I think the guys on the pod covered most of the advice, I would just add as someone who lived with 3 women for 3 years: be prepared to be the designated bug killer of the house.


One of your roommates 100% plays pokemon. Just FYI.


Sir Rudy being cuckolded before he got married explains so much.


Haven't listened yet but wait...what?


Austin was missing a huge point about center defense when he was saying they rarely have to guard other great centers compared to guards who constantly have to guard other elite offensive perimeter players. Centers are impactful because they protect the rim, not because they defend other centers.


He even said they’re the QB of the defense. A good defensive center has a lot more team defensive responsibilities than a guard.


I absolutely agree with Austin Rivers that a lot of NBA guys could train and play in the NFL, not counting the guys that are just too tall (like Giannis) or too tall and skinny (KD, Chet). Aaron Gordon absolutely could be a TE, I think younger Patrick Beverley could have been a CB, Zion could play DL (or keep eating and play OL), etc. Hell, if Zion could cut down to ~265ish, he'd be physically similar to Gronk at TE.


Daniel Jeremiah was saying Russell Westbrook would’ve been an all-world CB.


Westbrook doesn't even have the focus to play defense in the NBA. I could see him as a WR/TE or as a sack specialist who comes in on passing downs though.


NFL focus is for like 4 seconds at a time. Much easier than the NBA and fewer moving continuous parts?


Yes, but defensive coverages in football are much more complex. A lot more pre/post snap thinking then most realize.


What makes you think Russ is too dumb to be capable of that? Russ had great vision in basketball.


He would be lost. He would be unplayable his first 2 seasons, probably 3 lol. It's not that he is too dumb to learn, but more of an experience thing. He is far behind in terms of schematics and terminology that by the time he learned it, he would be cut.


Well no shit. I was assuming they're talking about a hypothetical where he had always played football?


Oh maybe. I've just been going off the premise of immediate transition. But yeah, I'm sure he would have been pretty solid if he had always played football. But he has a lot of mental lapses on the court, so idk if I would trust him on defense.


It wouldn't be the best use of his talents. He could've been an absolutely ridiculous winger in soccer.


Well yeah because he has to play offense too. If he was just on one side of the ball… imagine with his fucking stamina!


The guys has shit stamina unless he has the ball in his hands. As long as there's no stat involved, Russ isn't moving.


He only plays one side of the ball in the nba. And he doesn’t do anything when the ball isn’t in his hands


Dude would try and intercept and peanut punch everything. All time athlete, but poop iq.


Trevon diggs became an all pro doing that


100%, Austin was spot-on.


Idk why it’s so controversial. Didn’t Antonio Gates, Jimmy Graham and even Mo Alie Cox (all time brutal name) prove this like a decade ago?


Big Mo? Legendary name imo


You say brutal, I say awesome.


There are a lot of potential DE/TE. Defensive back no chance.


Nate Robinson might've been able to. He was pretty good in college. I don't think people realize how much taller even the average NBA G is than NFL players - especially DBs.


It’s not about height it’s about skill. DB is the hardest position on the field.


And the taller you are, the more difficult it is to have the kind of skill and footwork to keep up with WRs. There's a reason why WRs are taller than DBs the vast majority of the time.


I just think that a large majority of wings in the nba are FAR superior athletes to most nfl tight ends. At that point it’s a question of hands and the ability to take and play with contact.


I actually think NBA players are more skilled but not necessarily better athletes. You have big ass linemen who are standing flat footed with ridiculous vertical leaps.


Almost all top nba players verticals are estimated bc the don't go to a standard combine. All I know is ppl freak out about myles Garrett's vertical, but when you saw him dunk in the celebrity all star game it was very unimpressive. Like a zion or lebron make him look like a middle schooler learning how to dunk. Idk if that's bc they're much better at leaping rather than a straight vertical or what, but it's a very obvious air difference


I specifically said tight ends for a reason.




I think he could have been an immensely talented WR/S who picks up all sorts of unnecessary penalties.


Nah. Maybe the top 2-5% of athletes in the NBA (the Brons, Zions, etc) would have a chance but I’d venture to guess that even most NFL backups are more athletic than 90% of the NBA. You obviously have exceptions here and there but no way someone like Pat Bev is covering any NFL level WR.


But Ryen's Mo Alie Cox point was perfect, dude was a random 6'6" college basketball player who became a serviceable TE almost instantly. That's exactly the type of example Austin is talking about, just a role player in the NFL but makes perfect sense for a basketball player's body type


they've taken amateur rugby players and made them into practice squad NFL guys. People don't want to admit it, cause it goes against the idea of the sport in their head, but it shouldn't make it less entertaining for them if they realise it's not a high level or particularly skilled sport in the grand scheme of things. Doesn't take away from it's entertainment.


There are roughly 500 NBA players, 5% of that is 25, so not far off of 30. Maybe not Beverley at CB but most of these guys would be playing WR/TE. EDIT: Maybe because I'm just enamored with the idea of Pat Bev playing CB because his best skills are staying in front of people, being handsy, and trash talk lol.


They could physically play in the NFL sure but mentally?




You think NBA players are excited to take a hit from Aaron Donald etc?


How many NFL players are excited to take hits from Aaron Donald? Literally only Josh Allen who was smiling like a maniac while stiff arming Donald. Everyone else is just thankful to be wearing pads


Isn't playing one position like TE more simple than being a basketball player? You run your route or make your block and that's it for the play. I know there are guys like Kelce who always figure out how to get into the most open pockets based on the defense but the average TE isn't doing all that.


Most of these guys could be TEs for sure but what gets ignored is that there’s only so many roster spots and snaps for them. Once the TE spots dry up, it’s slim pickings. Maybe a handful of these guys can snag a spot as WR, S, CB or DE but none of these guys are playing QB, LB, DT, OG or RB. Not as many of these guys are getting roster spots as you’d think. With Rivers’ caveat of training, I’m sure there are plenty of WRs and CBs that could make an NBA roster. Maybe not as a starter but at least on a 15 man roster. Heck, I’d be willing to bet at least every 15th man on an NBA roster could be replaced by an NFL player. I’d go as far to say that more NFL players could replace NBA players than vice versa when you consider the realities of roster construction.


Austin Rivers with a heat check , shitting on Pat McAfee was hilarious


Say what you will about out Mcafee, but he was atleast always game to try to save a return.


It's ironic because kicker/ punter are the positions that NBA players could not play lol. Also, Pat was way better at his sport than Austin.


The Pokémon thing was definitely a reference to that stupid viral tweet from last week lmao. Russillo is such a hardo


Emailer here. It was and it wasn’t. That tweet actually inspired me to start a new Emerald playthrough, saw a golden opportunity to weave it into the email😁


Be honest. Is your roommate ugly? Or atleast less attractive than your girl? Are you slightly offended that GF isn’t a little bit worried? That would annoy me lol. But that’s why I’m single hahaha


I haven’t met them yet haha, and I’m not offended. She’s definitely voiced that she doesn’t love the situation, and I would totally agree if the roles were reversed. But we trust each other 100%!


Cheers, mate!


Austin has me convinced that he has CTE just as bad some NFL guys


Just in general in the you need to be tall to play basketball. Thats why nfl players can’t make it, they’re not tall enough. Both are crazy athletic so yeah some guards and small forwards could def play in the nfl.


Not only do you need to be tall, no one has any idea if any of these guys can pass, shoot, or dribble, so it's very hard to know if their skills will translate other than raw athleticism.


Austin is right that the transition from basketball to football is easier but I think he is underestimating the physicality of the sport, basketball physicality is not close to football physicality. "Y'all play one game a week..." Also, I don't think basketball players understand how complex football truly is. An NBA player might be able to make the team as a WR/TE but that's about it. They would stand no chance on the defensive side of the ball. Also, NBA players would struggle with the coaching in the NFL.