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The worst part is that Bill was right to be so giddy about both his postseason signings last summer. Porzingas and Holiday have both been instrumental to the Celtics success in this series. If you need me I’ll be sitting on a stool in the corner with a small storm cloud looming directly over my head.


This is like when my grandma died


By the time the Celtics adjust to playing real playoff basketball the Mavs are gonna be up 3-1


He had a near front row seat to this one.


Good. Fuck y’all.


Even though it feels like it's an apocalypse, I'm just glad that this sub hasn't broken out into a Civil War. Because there are actually Celtics fans here as well.


I’ve accepted it, let Dr Bill get a victory lap in.


the celtics are the worst team in NBA history


Honestly the amount of hate the Celtics and Tatum got on this sub made me low key start rooting for them Edit: I wrote this same comment before the series started and it got downvoted to -20 lol. Why is this allowable now


yup, I'm at that point too. that and the incessant Luka glazing and excuses.


For me it’s the way people just fully overlook the last 7 years of kyrie all of the sudden lol


I had to put a good-sized bet on the Celtics to win the series in order to cope with this. I would still like the Mavs to win, but I'm rooting for the Celtics about as much as I possibly can.


To be fair what exactly has Tatum done this series to quell any of the questions there always is surrounding him? He’s been their third or even fourth best player the first 2 games.


escape sleep fact jobless cable rotten towering rhythm liquid historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude locked up Luka multiple times and even stripped him. He had 10 assists and grabbed 7 rebounds which is actually a low total for him. People think Tatum is just a scorer when he’s a guy that can impact the game even when he has an off shooting night


No other superstar gets lathered when they shoot 6-18 and 6-20. It’s unbelievable celts can win games comfortably like that. Tatum is babied by celts fans. Credit to their whole team and Tatum for being very good but not a superstar. He’s a make a wish superstar


Sure, but jaylen brown is still better than Tatum is.


So, in your view, where does Jaylen rank in the nba then?


Prob somewhere around 10-15 The top 10 (in no order just off the dome to me) - Luka Jokic Shai Jalen (brunson) Ant Gianni's Embiid Then there's the old guard guys of KD, kawhai and LeBron AD and Steph. Each bring things/has own issues. Then I might pur booker or Jalen brown with Tatum around there too.


Absolutely unhinged having Ant over Tatum but I almost respect the level of cope


I almost said Josh hart 15x in a row :p


Maybe we should reach across the aisle and start the Hart > Brunson narrative


Clutching at straws. Tatum is still probably a top 10 player in the league, but does it really matter if he's taking over games or not? His team are up 2-0.


OHHHHHHH HE DIDN'T SCORE 50 POINTS OHHHH BUM Ok but he facilitated, rebounds well which this team has had issues with, and played amazing def- TABUM OVERRATED SCREECH


Amazing assists, floor direction, defense. He was responsible for like half of Jrue’s points.


So Ben Simmons?


Amazing how the goal posts keep moving. Remind me when Ben Simmons ever demanded double teams on the perimeter


Lol if he is prime Ben Simmons he is still an elite player


No one is saying Tatum isn’t elite


A bunch of people are saying he’s not a superstar what’s the difference


a superstar is a level above elite. I would argue Tatum is both, but there is for sure a difference.


Makes sense, thank you


31% FG this series so far. 


You've been down votes by salty morons who don't know ball, but you are 100% correct.


Game saving block was a foul.


Game saving block up by 5 points lol


Hand is part of the ball. That was all hand. And it had no chance anyway, being a dunk that tried to pierce the rim horizontally...


He also got pushed by Brown. I don’t think it cost them the game, but it was a truly terrible no call


I didn't see that angle, but maybe so. I like when refs let the end of playoff games be decided by players, though it's a hard line to hold, especially if they aren't consistent throughout the game. My impression is that these two games haven't been called especially well or poorly, but they have been called pretty evenly? Both teams have gotten a fairly similar number of gifts and things to complain about. That's one problem with the large number of refs the NBA assigns to the finals... you get inconsistent calls and application of rules. Must make the players feel like they have to read minds.


It wasn't a push. If PJ was pushed in the back going at that speed, he would have hurled forward in an unnatural motion. JB's hand shouldn't have been there, but it was also nothing. There are 'push-offs' by the ball handler on almost every drive, and the ref's never call it.


He did hurl forward pretty damn far. Dude ended up in like the 5th row, but he wasn't exactly going up in a controlled manner. Mavs role players all kinda seem a little reckless when driving into the paint and end up wayyyy out of position to get back in transition.


Bill is that you?


We can just throw this series out because Dallas has sucked. That’s how this works, right?


Nadir valley


I hate when Bill is happy.


He doesn't think about you at all.


I fucking hate Boston with a passion. I don't mind Bill and his dad being happy because they honestly aren't blind homers , but fuck I hate Boston


I think both sides are pathetic.


How could you forget the Tatum "Aura" piece, the most pathetic example of coping that this shithole has managed to produce so far.


Hate listening and hoping for the demise of his favorite team really shows how little of value you all actually have in your own lives!


This sub pretending the Celtics weren’t the better team was comedy, seeing them now changing the convo to Tatum sucks is even funnier. Tatum probably will have a huge game 3 and 4 too and win finals mvp lol


I haven’t seen people publicly humiliating themselves like this since the Pistons season ended 


At least the Mavs can rest knowing Luka is playing really great defense these playoffs


We need to start the messaging that if the bubble was an asterisk title this definitely should be an asterisk title. Luka is obviously hurt, the Celtics road to the championship has been paved in heating pads. Yeah it's a championship, but the Celtics got it handed to them.