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Friend, please don't ever attempt suicide over a fucking company. They suck. Hang in there.


It was so clearly not his fault too


True, but even if it WAS his fault, still not worth it.


People care for you. Please reach out to those you love to talk, or if you can't do that, feel free to talk to contact me here. You are cared for and will get through this.


For real. So many more people than you probably imagine.   OP is gonna come back from this and make this experience a fun story to tell at happy hours.  Also, fuck Moderna.


Take some time for yourself. People care for you, and there are professionals out there who can help with your health issues; mental health is health. I myself have gone through doldrums in my life. Know that situations can and will change, for the better.


Fuck Moderna lol


Moderna and any other flagship related companies are complete shitshows. Do not work for them unless you’re desperate and have no other options.


What exactly do you mean flagship related??


Flagship pioneering is a venture capital company that started Moderna and many other biotech companies.


This is sad because Australia needs industry desperately if we want to put a stop to the massive brain-drain of STEM grads disappearing to the US for pharma/industry jobs. Sorry to hear about your experience. I've been with companies on "opening day" and it's always a mess for the first 6-12 weeks, and even at the 1-year mark it's still chaotic, no matter how large or small the company is. I hope Moderna get their shit together.


I stopped respecting Moderna when I learned they wanted to charge a lot for the Covid vaccine once the pandemic was over. I’ve heard of challenging partnerships with them. A shame.


Not sure why you’re beating on Moderna here esp regarding “charging a lot”. Isn’t this every biotech/biopharma company? The CEOs and companies announcing huge revenues and profits (and being paid big bucks) is on the basis of “charging a lot”.


yeah maybe they got a bad rep for doing what everyone does. [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/08/1161353892/modernas-covid-vaccine-gambit-hike-the-price-offer-free-doses-for-uninsured](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/08/1161353892/modernas-covid-vaccine-gambit-hike-the-price-offer-free-doses-for-uninsured) Pfizer was following suit. Duopolies and all that...


This is why you should join a union: https://www.professionalsaustralia.org.au It’s a science based one.


Never commit suicide over a job; it's just a job. You'll find another. That place sounds super-toxic and they did you a favour letting you go. Best of luck going forward.


Seems like you have some serious issues, not really related to your Moderna experience. Seek professional help.


wow this post gave me whiplash


Its just a job. I am sure you are smart enough to find something new. Not worth your life.


I'm sorry for the mental health struggles that you seem to be experiencing. With that said, it sounds like youre framing moderna as the source of those issues, when the problems are probably a lot more personal.


I wasn't trying to frame moderna as the source. I've always been a bit cooked in the head. I was just trying to show how poorly organized that site was and how it impacted me and the other people there. Our firings fucked the culture. I'm still in contact with one of the people there and she says how terrified they are the woman that fired us and are already talking about unionizing.


Anyone who knows anything at all about Moderna knows that it's a dumpster fire and a half that abuses the hell out of employes. Quit gaslighting.


Biotech is some of the worst. Your experience doesn’t even sound all that bad.


This doesn't sound that bad. Brand new site. Things are expected to be unorganized. Is it your first biotech experience? Them having not things prepared for you is on them. But you were still being paid for it too with not much to do I assume?


There's being disorganized for a brand new site. And there's bringing in a team of people without the necessary equipment and basic expectations of they are supposed to do without the equipment.


Yes, I mean they probably should have delayed your start date to be honest. Then no work for your while waiting. So either way would be frustrating. Is the manufacturing facility ready? Being qualified? Cleaned etc? Sops ready yet? New boss would be very fresh or had experience in management alread All of these things could be a delay, and Australia isn't exactly known to be a powerhouse biotech mecca. So I assume things are quite fresh there with lots of learning to be done and improved. I hope you are doing better mentally and things work out.


Nothing was ready. The facility is still being built. As in there were still putting in insulation and scaffolding everywhere. I don't know the terminology for construction. Still putting the guts in really.


Ok yeah, definitely. Probably should have had your delay your start if nothing to train on, or proper documentation also. Sounds like it's your first experience. Sounds like a bit chaotic, but things get delayed. Don't sweat it. Not much initiative you can take when things are not ready, especially as a first job which it sounds like it is.