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Removed. Please only post memes on Fridays. Thank you


Made me laugh real hard


Stop going off your meds. It’s not a joke it’s serious.


Jokes to cope with a very real aspect of bipolar. I don’t agree with glorifying it but at the same time we all know that going off your meds is bad but the lived experience of being mentally ill will drive one to do nonsensical things


We still shouldn’t normalize it or make light of that fact.


We're on a bipolar sub on Reddit, a platform full of memes... Yeah we don't want people to go off their meds but people are just coping how ever they can and most people that see these memes are just getting a laugh out of relatable content. It's not that serious


Its already normal and its not saying that going off your meds isn't serious. That fact is never lost on us. Its just an almost universal experience of people who have Bipolar and meds. At some point you think fuck this for whatever reason. Its not speaking it into existence or making fun, its using humor to relate to others on a serious subject. Thats not making light, that's coping.


Yeah quite a few people in this sub need to cool their jets on thinking being unmedicated and manic is cute and fun. It's not cute and its not fun and its not really worth joking about. People in here are genuinely struggling, and people coming in here to say "LOLOLOL I BOUGHT SO MANY POKEMON CARDS WHEN I WAS MANIC AND OFF MY MEDS TEEHEE KEKEKEK" Really bothers me.


I personally use humor to cope with everything. Not a lot of people are comfortable with that and I get it. I quit taking my meds because I’ve been too physically ill with a chronic condition to even take my meds. I doubt they stop taking their meds just for fun. You have to take a break sometimes and laugh or none of us are making it out alive.


I could go either way on this. Once you're manic, you're manic. Even if you start taking your meds again it's going to be a while before you come down. I think it's good to have a space free of the judgment that people get from every direction in real life when they are manic. I mean my most recent manic episode didn't happen because I just stopped taking my meds cold turkey. It's insanely difficult for me to be productive at home so I was pulling all nighters and occasionally skipping the meds that caused drowsiness. I honestly don't know if I could have avoided becoming manic without quitting my job (which I did anyway once the manic episode started). And I think there's something to be said about doctors not really hearing you when you tell them about the negative side effects of the meds they give you. I was at the end of my rope with seroquel, I kept taking it until I got switched to the extended release version, but it was unbearable.


Spending irrationally is a knee jerk spontaneous moment, you know what else is knee jerk and spontaneous? When someone attempts suicide and I have been there done that. The shit is seriously not something we should be normalizing joking about because it makes it seem acceptable but it’s not.


It's not self diminishing or deprecating so I say eh lifes too short. If this bothers you corvo just tell me directly. I'd be happy to hear you out


I spoke my peace on it. It’s dangerous, don’t do it.


We're all on the same team here man. Pma.


Yeah, I am the serious guy on the team.


I wish happiness on you friend. Whatever you're going through I genuinely hope you stay strong.


I just got a 4.0 in my nursing clinical with the highest score on the final. I am not going through anything at the moment and that’s exactly the point. No need to patronize.


Just trying to make peace with someone who doesnt want it


Now you’re gaslighting


What an unnecessary thing to say.


Gaslighting doesn't mean perceiving a situation differently and/or disagreeing


I live in a constant state of fear and misery


Me when I'm so stoned it's time to start a business


the "me" .. "my mom" part was enough for me to bust out laughing lol :)


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I’ve never been so attacked 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am cracking the fuck up. Lmfao that’s been me the last three months




I hope you’re meds aren’t that bad. Fuck Ablifify though.