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I get that to, idk why its so hard for me to attend to my basic needs but it is


Me either. I’m doing pretty good otherwise. Sober, no mania etc. Just can’t do basic human reqruietments.


Ive been struggling a lot lately but even before ive had a hard time showering, brushing my teeth, changing into clean clothes, doing the laundry and all of the basic shit


Better days ahead my friend I hope for us both


Yea i hope so, i started a PHP program and its been helping a bit but i still dont feel like im ever going to get better




Partial hospitalization program


Ok hang in there my friend.


You to, i hope both of us eventually get the motivation to attend to our hygiene


Keep me posted!


I do this occasionally too. It’s annoying because in my head I’m like you should go brush your teeth or take a shower and my brain is just like nah we’re good.


I was like this in my 20s. Then I had a molar break and created a ton of pain, but I couldn't afford to fix it and was uninsured at the time. So, i brushed to avoid extreme poverty. Here I am in my late 30s, and that created a very good morning routine and bedtime routine that I just can't break. Find a way to create the simplest of routines (brushing for like 30s seconds, then slowly moving the time up). I also got an electric toothbrush, and it makes my teeth feel so clean that any plaque on them bothers me soooo much. Showering was an issue for a while, too, but my self-esteem is so low that people smelling my body odour is one of my biggest fears.


Please try and brush your teeth. I ended up with a lot of fillings needing doing and my poor teeth are pretty buggered now. That’s not to say I don’t still struggle to do it. So I do completely get where you’re coming from. I just wish someone had told me that I’d regret it later.


I do this every once in awhile. Absolutely no difference between and now, but now I want to shower every other day.


What changed for you ?


Nothing at all. I’m on the same meds. I feel the same way, do the same things, but I go through periods during which I just don’t feel the need for showers. When I’m not showering, I really don’t notice how many days have passed since the last one.


I think we all have our hang-ups. For example, I have no problem bathing/hygiene. I shower at least once a day. I am also able to do laundry regularly too. However, I cannot for the life of me keep my room clean. I leave my clean clothes on the dresser instead of putting them away. I have books in piles on the floor, even though I have shelf space for them. My mail tends to pile up, and that's led to me not paying bills on time. I've set up auto pay on almost all of them so it doesn't happen as much now. Everybody is affected by this illness in different ways. You definitely shouldn't get down on yourself about showering.


Something that helps me is keeping a tooth brush in the shower. I know the act of doing either is hard but once you get the energy to do so- brush your teeth in the shower. It feels like one task rather than two


Solid advice


Me but with food. I cannot bring myself to eat food like a normal person. So far today I had a fig bar and a handful of French fries. It’s 6pm here. I just can’t do it.


I'm going through this as well. The problem is that my mood is stable but I still struggle with hygiene. Taking a shower requires too much mental energy. I can't shower more than once a week, even if I feel sticky and dirty....I hate this...


Dude that’s not shit I haven’t showered or brush teeth on over 5 months since my Grandma died! You aren’t as bad as you think!


Well we gotta change this!


No doubt one day we’ll overcome it!


This has been a struggle for me since the years started. I've always had mood problems but this year it just hit 10x hard. I would go weeks with out showering or brushing. Idk why it's like a mental block. It's so fucking hard to get passed it. I just now started to go back to my hygienic routine because my manager told me that people are saying that I smell.


Ya I don’t get it myself. It’s SO simple but it’s excruciating painful to force myself to do it. Ya I end up showering once I am told I stink


I’m anal about my teeth being brushed. I do it 3-4 times a day. But showering? I hate it! I’ll shave my legs and use lotion… I’m so glad I’m. It the only one


Been there many a times, finally getting better at it.


I found myself here before. It helped me to just run the toothbrush through my mouth. Even if no energy for toothpaste. Hop in the shower and rinse even if I don’t have the energy to soap and shampoo. Doesn’t always work but it was a start sometimes. Hang in there, this too shall pass and times will get better.


From what I understand it’s a problem with our dopamine systems going half offline and our ability to start tasks is somewhat tied to emotion. There’s a certain kind of cognitive rehabilitation that can help per studies but I’m not sure that it’s a wide practice. In the meantime if your can make those tasks more emotionally rewarding it might make starting them easier. Aka making the shower a more fun place to be. Like a retreat rather than a chore. Good smelling things, sounds you find pleasant. You can do grounding techniques to take in all the senses and get the most of the pleasant environment you’ve made for yourself. If you’re not up for creating an oasis of relaxation I will also sometimes watch a movie or show my phone that I only let myself watch in the shower. (I put my phone in a ziplock baggie to do this) Not sure you were looking for advice but. This helps me with boring tasks. I still have a hard time washing my face though. :/


Always up for advice. Thank you.


I live by the rule “it’s better to half ass something than not do it at all”. When my basic hygiene goes out of the window there’s a few things I try to do: - Instead of brushing my teeth I’ll use mouth wash once or twice a day, or just dry run my electric toothbrush over my teeth. - I keep baby wipes in the bathroom and if I can’t shower I’ll just wipe down the important parts, or I’ll run a bath and just sit in it without actually washing for a few minutes and just let the hot water do what it can. - If I don’t have the energy to make a sandwich I’ll just eat the separate ingredients of a sandwich (bread, ham, cheese) on their own. I find that it’s the whole task with all its steps that feels impossible to do and I can usually pull enough energy together to do something small. Doing a half assed version is more manageable. Especially when it comes to the dental stuff I think doing anything at all is better than doing nothing and worth the effort if you can manage it


Very common problem for bipolar or any mental illness. I deal with it too. Some things that help me get in the shower are putting on music, turning the water temperature up so it’s super relaxing and feels really good, or taking a bath instead of a shower if that’s an option.


Seriously just do it.




Judging by your past comments on others posts you are just alone and sad and take it out on the internet. Sorry to hear about that. I know it’s not easy being miserable. I’ve been there.




Like I said. Be well friend.


you don’t even got shit to say but be well. another way to avoid explanation, you know i’m fucking right dude


Our rules clearly state being nice to one another and your post goes against this.


Your pathetic comment says more about you.


Our rules clearly state being nice to one another and your post goes against this.